Wild Cats 野猫 | liewwk Nature [update 20230522]

Collection wild cats


1. Sunda Leopard Cat, 巽它豹猫, Prionailurus javanensis

2. Bornean clouded leopard, 婆罗洲云豹, Neofelis diardi borneensis



1. Sunda Leopard Cat, 巽它豹猫, Prionailurus javanensis

Found this cute and little cat on 2 night drive at recent Borneo Birding tour, lets share this video before I check out the pictures of the other drive



2. Bornean clouded leopard, 婆罗洲云豹, Neofelis diardi borneensis

– a rare wild cat, largest wild cat in Borneo

– 婆罗洲云豹是马来云豹的2个亚种之一。是婆罗洲岛最大的食肉动物,大小与小型美洲狮相当,头体长61-106厘米、尾长55-91厘米;体重16-23千克。外形以及体表的花纹都与亚洲其他地方地方云豹相似,只是体表的斑纹的色彩要暗很多,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说,居猫科动物之首。据科学家对比后发现,基于外部形态的对比,科学家发现婆罗洲云豹皮毛颜色要比大陆云豹更深更暗,身上的云状斑纹比大陆云豹小些,并出现了双背脊线。而大陆云豹的云状斑纹较大(其中尼泊尔云豹斑块最大),但在斑纹内斑点较少,毛色比婆罗洲云豹更加亮丽,双背脊线不连贯。

update 202305

– another lucky shot of the ~1minute, where the cat turn around moving to bushs. It is such a beautiful animal

– 2023 最幸运的1分钟。这云豹走去草丛前的一刻。

202305, BRL, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– a very lucky moment with this cat 3:57pm at Danum Valley BRL just at the road side. It stay for long for good view, pictures, and video.

– it is just amazing animal to be seen, so beautiful

– 非常可爱,漂亮的野猫。在沙巴,丹绒谷尽然在中午路上见到它。非常幸运的一次婆罗洲之行。

202305, BRL, Sabah, Malaysia

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