small birds, mostly active birds
1. Chestnut-crested Yuhina, 栗冠凤鹛, 栗冠鳳鶥, Yuhina everetti, ボルネオクリミミチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJAMBUL BORNEO
2. Mountain Black-eye, 绿绣眼鸟, 綠黑繡眼, Chlorocharis emiliae, メグロメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA GUNUNG BORNEO
3. Hume’s White-eye, 休氏绣眼鸟, 休氏繡眼鳥, Zosterops auriventer, KELICAP-KACAMATA RIMBA MELAYU
4. Pygmy White-eye, 侏绣眼鸟, 侏繡眼, Oculocincta squamifrons, コビトメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA BURIK KERDIL
5. Black-capped White-eye, 黑冠绣眼鸟, 黑頂繡眼, Zosterops atricapilla, ズグロメジロ, Kacamata Topi-hitam
51. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam
101. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ
51. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam
52. Yellow-spectacled White-eye, 黄眶绣眼鸟, 黄眶绣眼鸟, Heleia wallacei, ウォーレスメジロ, Kacamata Wallacea
1. Chestnut-crested Yuhina, 栗冠凤鹛, 栗冠鳳鶥, Yuhina everetti, ボルネオクリミミチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJAMBUL BORNEO
– common endemic
update 202306
– a active bird came to ground to feed on moths
– 非常活跃的鸟,到地上来吃飞蛾。


Mountain Black-eye, 绿绣眼鸟, 綠黑繡眼, Chlorocharis emiliae, メグロメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA GUNUNG BORNEO
– another Borneo montane endemic – bigger than other white-eyes
– with a black eye mask
update 202408
– a heavy rain morning, make us lost direction just birding with umbrella and raincoat. Lucky to have this bird so close at eye-level. beautiful Borneo endemic
– 一个下雨的早上,没办法带上雨伞一样的找鸟。还好这漂亮的特有种站的这么近。

update 202306
– surprise for last trip, it was so tough to meet one of this common bird, even we had many sights again last day of the long tour. But this bird gave us very good view and picture opportunity
– Borneo montane Endemic
– 婆罗洲高山特有种,蛮普通。
– 最后一团,这鸟尽然让我们走了好几公里。比什么“Whitehead” 都难。还好见到时,让我们看的很好也拍下照片。

update 202101
– a casual trip with Mohit
– Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia 201907
3. Hume’s White-eye, 休氏绣眼鸟, 休氏繡眼鳥, Zosterops auriventer, KELICAP-KACAMATA RIMBA MELAYU
– previously belong to Everett’s White-eye.
– almost cannot differentiate with another similar white-eye Swinhoe’s (Oriental). but easier distinct from the environment. Where Hume’s normally found near forest instead of mangrove.
– 之前叫埃氏绣眼鸟。被分出来。
– 几乎与中华绣眼鸟一样。环境不一样。休氏绣眼鸟在森林,中华绣眼鸟在红树林。
update 202105

4. Pygmy White-eye, 侏绣眼鸟, 侏繡眼, Oculocincta squamifrons, コビトメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA BURIK KERDIL
– very tiny active bird, note gray-brown upperparts, yellow-washed underparts, pale gray face, pale eyes, and white-speckled “scaly” forehead.
– 非常活跃与小的婆罗洲特有种。全是几乎白灰,身下带黄。
update 202411
– a very tiny small pale Borneo endemic, which normally moving in group
– a special endemic for the group, which told them very small bird and not very attractive but they say want have a try .. bingo .. got it quite low for us take picture
– 一直很小+淡色的婆罗洲特有种。通常群体活动。
– 在摄影团里头,有老师要多点鸟种。我讲了好几轮,小+没颜色。可是大家还是兴趣的拍。还好,下来蛮低的。

update 202406
– a tiny, quite plain overall Borneo endemic. normally moving in flock
– 很小,不怎么出色的婆罗洲特有种。通常群体活动

update 202309
– another close encounter of this small tiny bird. and saw it eating some cherry …
– 又一次很近的拍到这小小鸟。还会吃小果子。

update 202308
– a not so “pygmy” pygmy White-eye, it came to me so close .. 5 feet ~~~ can’t even focus when start ..a real cute tiny Borneo endemic
– 不很小的“侏”,这小小鸟竟然。跑到我这大概5尺,连对焦也对不上。非常可爱的婆罗洲特有种。

update 202305
– A tiny, little bit boring endemic. As usual, soon we arrive. Bird come close and few of them. This time we tried noon time seem same active.
– 小,还要有点闷的特有种。如常到了鸟很快到来,这次没等到下午。这次中午时分也很活跃。


5. Black-capped White-eye, 黑冠绣眼鸟, 黑頂繡眼, Zosterops atricapilla, ズグロメジロ, Kacamata Topi-hitam
– common Borneo montane white eye with obvious black forehead and lores
update 202408
– a raining morning, everyone got wet, but it still do not stop everyone continue look for their target .. this bird came close and give us very good view
– 下了一整天雨,也停不了大家看鸟的心情。(可是我很冷啊)。这鸟虽然普通,很少站这么近+平视角。

51. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam
– Sulawesi Endemic.
– white eye-ring, a black forehead. White chest-bellied
– 苏拉威西特有种。
– 白眼圈,前头部黑。白胸-腹
update 202105

52. Yellow-spectacled White-eye, 黄眶绣眼鸟, 黄眶绣眼鸟, Heleia wallacei, ウォーレスメジロ, Kacamata Wallacea
– very special white-eye and active bird
– 蛮特别绣眼鸟,非常活跃
update 202403
– one of the small and active bird that spend ours 1-2 hour for this bird
– 非常活跃的鸟,我们都用了好几个小时拍下记录。

101. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ
a montane common endemic, normally moving in flock feeding together make a lot sound
update 20240105
– so many good pictures opportunity, December in Taiwan but I am there not just for Photography … lets plan 2024 ? 2025 ? Autumn color with birds .. 😀
– this endemic normally moving in group and active making soft call
– 这特有种通常群体活动,蛮普通。叫的很小声。
– 台湾12月很多红叶,应该可以拍些好照片。。2024,2025再去?

update 20231218
– the only species that I saw 2 day in the row at DaXueShan, lovely and moving fast as other Yuhina.
– the RF200800 does not failed me to fast lock focus and track the bird even I missed quite a lot due to low light (low shutter speed while moving the lens direction fast) but as long as the bird stand still for a second or more most of the continuous series I had more than 70% keeper.
– 算是大雪山普鸟。2天在这都看到蛮多次,与其他凤鹛一样。动人姿势,动作快。
– 佳能 RF200800 与其他RF镜头一样,只要你捉到窍门。动作快,慢都很容易对焦上+追焦。这鸟之遥站上1秒左右,我的连环排(15fps).都有70-80%照片是对焦到眼部的。

More pictures from Flickr: Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature
More videos: Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature
– a montane Borneo Endemic
Video Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 – 视频 | liewwk Nature 46 [20240827]
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liewwk Nature Youtube collection
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