Mustelidae series | 鼬科 | liewwk Nature -1 [update 20250310]


1. Yellow-throated marten, 黄喉貂, Martes flavigula



1. Yellow-throated marten, 黄喉貂, Martes flavigula

A fairly common medium-sized mammal, not too difficult to encounter in the forest, but usually too shy for a photo. However, this time, an adult and a young one gave us a nice view before continuing on their way.


202503, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia




Scopidae series | 锤头鹳科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20250213]

What a magnificent stork! It was a truly stunning sight to behold.



1. Hamerkop, 锤头鹳, 錘頭鸛, Scopus umbretta, シュモクドリ




1. Hamerkop, 锤头鹳, 錘頭鸛, Scopus umbretta, シュモクドリ

A squat, brown, ibis-like bird with a bushy-crested “hammer-head”; often found near wetlands or rivers. In flight, it has distinctively deep wingbeats and may occasionally soar very high, when the long neck separates it from raptors. It struts about in wetlands foraging for frogs, fish, and insects. It needs nearby large trees for building its giant (1.5-m-across) stick nest. Calls include a high-pitched “nyip” in flight and a distinctive, rollicking call ending in a purring rattle “kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik kyik-keeek-kreeeeek”. [ebird]

一种矮胖的棕色鸟类,外形像鹮,头顶有一丛浓密的羽冠,像“锤头”;经常在湿地或河流附近发现。飞行时,它有独特的、强有力的振翅,偶尔也会翱翔到很高的高度,这时它细长的脖子使其与猛禽区分开来。它在湿地中昂首阔步,觅食青蛙、鱼类和昆虫。它需要附近的大树来建造其巨大的(直径1.5米)树枝巢。叫声包括飞行时发出高亢的“nyip”声,以及一种独特的、欢快的叫声,最后以咕噜声结束:“kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik kyik-keeek-kreeeeek”。

update 202502

This bird is generally brown and has a peculiarly shaped head. It’s quite strangely featured, yet surprisingly common, found in both urban and forested environments.


Kruger National Park, South Africa


Phalacrocoracidae series | 鸬鹚科 | liewwk Nature -1 [update 20250205]


1. Bank Cormorant, 岸鸬鹚, 堤鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax neglectus, ハナグロウ


1. Bank Cormorant, 岸鸬鹚, 堤鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax neglectus, ハナグロウ

A medium-to-large-sized, stocky, marine cormorant that is a specialist in kelp forests of the Benguela Current, where it is scarce resident. Similar to Cape Cormorant but slightly larger and thicker-necked. Adults have a black (not orange) throat patch and honey-brown (not blue) eyes, giving them a plain-looking face. If seen well, the head is flattish with an indistinct crest that more often manifests as a bulbous forehead. In flight, it is difficult to tell from the abundant Cape Cormorant unless the characteristic white back–most prevalent in the breeding season (but absent in some individuals)–is seen. Immatures are duller but retain the adult’s characteristic shape. Best seen at roosts. [Ebird]


update 202502

We only spotted this bird in Cape Town. It appears completely black, though from certain angles, the “white rump” can be seen. It’s a unique species and surprisingly easy to find, but only in that one location.


202501, Cape Town, South Africa





Sagittariidae series | 蛇鹫科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20250205]



1. Secretarybird, 蛇鹫, 蛇鷲, Sagittarius serpentarius, ヘビクイワシ


1. Secretarybird, 蛇鹫, 蛇鷲, Sagittarius serpentarius, ヘビクイワシ

A distinctive, tall, long-legged, crane-like raptor with unique quill-like plumes on its head and bright-red facial skin. In flight, the dark edge to the hind wing, diamond-shaped tail, and long spatulate tail feathers make it unmistakable. It prefers open rangeland and savanna, where it strides about hunting for reptiles, small mammals, and insects, which it bludgeons with its powerful legs. [Ebird]


update 202502

A remarkable bird that resembles a crane or stork with long legs but has more of a raptor-like appearance. It’s one of my main targets—I’ve had a few sightings but haven’t captured great photos yet. However, I’m sure I’ll dedicate more time to this bird on my future trips to Africa.


South Africa







Numididae series | 珍珠鸡科 | liewwk Nature [update 20250204]


1. Southern Crested Guineafowl, 南冠珠鸡, 南冠珠雞, Guttera edouardi



1. Southern Crested Guineafowl, 南冠珠鸡, 南冠珠雞, Guttera edouardi

A large-bodied, small-headed, black gamebird perfectly lined with rows of hundreds of bluish-white spots. It has a ridiculous-looking plumed “toupee” above the naked face, which features an ivory-colored bill and a blood-red eye. The facial skin color varies geographically, and can be mostly blue-gray with small patches of red and white, or predominantly blue-gray with a large white patch on the back of the neck. A broad band around the base of the neck is unspotted black. It prefers forest and thickets, where it forages on the ground for berries, seeds, and other plant matter. The similar Helmeted Guineafowl differs by its lack of feathered crest and its having a bone-like casque on top of the head instead. The alarm call is a series of rattling, agitated notes that speed up and slow down; similar to the call of Helmeted Guineafowl, but with a tinnier quality. [Ebird]

南非冠珠鸡(Guttera edouardi),曾经是东非冠珠鸡的亚种,2014年设为独立物种。体长46-56厘米,翼展75-100厘米,体重721-1573克。有一个独特的黑色的顶部,卷曲的羽毛形成的羽冠,其形状根据亚种而不同,头部和颈部裸露的皮肤呈灰蓝色,眼周和额头和喉咙有大片红色斑点。全身羽毛为纯黑色,上面布有密集的白色斑点。虹膜红色,鸟喙粉色,腿爪灰色。
update 202502

As we were nearing our hotel on a cloudy day, a large group of birds suddenly appeared by the roadside. Wow, what a stunning sight!


St Lucia, South Africa





Phoenicopteridae series | 红鹳科 | liewwk Nature -1 [update 20250120]

Typically refers to a flamingo, which we remember as a bird with a long neck, reddish hue, and slow, graceful movements.


1. Greater Flamingo, 大红鹳, 大紅鸛, Phoenicopterus roseus, ヨーロッパフラミンゴ



1. Greater Flamingo, 大红鹳, 大紅鸛, Phoenicopterus roseus, ヨーロッパフラミンゴ


update 20250120

The flamingo was the final bird of our 18-day South Africa bird photography trip. During the morning session, we struggled with either facing the wrong direction or dealing with distance challenges. However, just before heading back, a few of them flew gracefully toward us in perfect light, as if bidding us farewell. We ended the trip with over 356 bird species, 20+ mammals, and several reptiles captured in photographs. It was an incredible journey filled with fun, great company, delicious food, and valuable lessons in patience (especially when waiting for meals).


202501, Cape Town, South Africa




Musophagidae series | 蕉鹃科 | liewwk Nature 2 [update 20250206]

a very lovely bird family active, move between tree.

1. Livingstone’s Turaco, 利氏蕉鹃, 綠頭冠蕉鵑, Tauraco livingstonii, リビングストンエボシドリ

2. Purple-crested Turaco, 紫冠蕉鹃, 紫冠蕉鵑, Gallirex porphyreolophus, ズグロエボシドリ



1. Livingstone’s Turaco, 利氏蕉鹃, 綠頭冠蕉鵑, Tauraco livingstonii, リビングストンエボシドリ


update 202501

The overall green coloration, accompanied by a low crest and blue body, is a key target for our group. In the first few days, it seemed fairly common, as its calls and presence could be heard and seen by everyone. However, capturing a photograph proved to be quite challenging—much like our Malkoha, it kept moving between the trees and bushes. Fortunately, just before the heavy rain, we were lucky enough to find one that stayed still for a while, allowing us to capture it.


202501, South Africa


2. Purple-crested Turaco, 紫冠蕉鹃, 紫冠蕉鵑, Gallirex porphyreolophus, ズグロエボシドリ

A bulky, iridescent bird clad in deep purple, blue, green, and olive washed with pink. It clambers acrobatically through riverine woodland and savanna thickets. In flight it explodes from the canopy with distinctive deep red panels in the wings. It produces a distinctive croaking “khoh-khoh-khoh-khoh….” that gets progressively louder before suddenly stopping. The similar Ross’s Turaco differs from Purple-crested Turaco by being darker overall and having a red crest and yellow face. [Ebird]



update 202502

This is our first Turaco sighting, but it stayed hidden in the bushes for a while. After some waiting, the bird suddenly took flight. Luckily, I had the R1 ready—capturing the moment almost instantly as it happened in a split second.

这是我们第一次看到蕉鹃,但它一直藏在灌木丛中。等待一段时间后,鸟儿突然起飞。幸运的是,我的 R1 已经准备好,几乎瞬间就捕捉到了这转瞬即逝的画面。

202501 South Africa


update 202501

It’s a stunning bird, and each of the three species we encountered on our tour instantly caught our attention. Even during lunch and shopping, the moment someone shouted “Turaco,” everyone scrambled to grab their cameras again. However, it’s not an easy bird to photograph—it moves through the bushes much like our Malkoha. Among the three species we captured, this one is the most common and, in my opinion, the most beautiful.


St Lucia, South Africa





Viduidae series | 维达鸟科 | liewwk Nature -2 [20250125]

Most people are familiar with the nest parasitism – or brood parasitism – that is shown by our cuckoos, such as the Jacobin cuckoo and Diederik Cuckoos, where the birds lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species. These other species, the hosts, then feed and rear the young as if they were their own offspring. There are two other groups of birds in our area that are also brood-parasites, the family Viduidae (indigobirds, whydahs, and cuckoo-finch) and the family Indicatoridae (honeyguides). In this article we will focus on the Viduidae, a family that is well represented in the Hoedspruit area including three species each of indigobirds and whydahs.

The Viduidae comprises small, finch-like perching birds birds that are native to Africa. All species in this family are dimorphic, which means that there are significant differences between males and females. In the indigobirds, males have predominantly black or indigo colours in their plumage, while in whydahs breeding males have have long and sometimes ornate tails. In the cuckofinch, males are bright yellow with a black bill in the breeding season. Females of all species are brownish, do not have long tails, are much better camouflaged than the breeding males. Males lose their breeding plumage outside the breeding season, and become much more like females in appearance.

维达鸟科(学名:Viduidae) 有1属19种。生活于热带草原和疏林中,喜结群活动。主食果实、种子和嫩芽,也吃昆虫和蠕虫。不筑巢,是巢寄生者寄主相对稳定,主要是梅花雀科的鸟类,幼鸟由寄主喂养长大。因常发现于贝宁的维达镇,故得名。维达鸟虽为小鸟,但长尾所占鸟体的比例绝对是鸟中之最,这种鸟其貌不扬,尾羽却难得一见,雄鸟主要呈黑色,4根中尾羽极长,以尾羽冠压雀类之首,也是非洲著名的鸟种之一,主要分布于非洲热带


1. Pin-tailed Whydah, 针尾维达雀, 針尾維達雀, Vidua macroura, テンニンチョウ

2. Shaft-tailed Whydah, 箭尾維達雀, 箭尾维达雀, Vidua regia, ミカドスズメ


1. Pin-tailed Whydah, 针尾维达雀, 針尾維達雀, Vidua macroura, テンニンチョウ

update 202501

While busy recovering some accidentally deleted pictures, I wanted to share part of a full series capturing this beautiful long-tailed bird’s display and mating behavior. I really enjoy watching how this bird performs—it sometimes flies vertically, resembling a stick in motion.


202501 Mkuze Game Reserve, South Africa



CANON R1, CANON RF100500mm, 1.4x South Africa update 202501 Finally, I’m back from my South Africa tour! One of the most fascinating “common” birds we encountered was the Pin-tailed Whydah. While it’s not a rare species, its long tail and unique flying style captured our attention more than any other bird. This particular moment happened while we were in the car—yes, shooting handheld through the window! After taking hundreds of photos of the male flying, displaying, and mating, I decided to switch to video. Although I recorded in 4K 60p, I slowed down the second half to highlight the incredible beauty of its dance. 终于从南非之旅回来了!旅途中看到的最迷人的“常见”鸟类之一就是针尾维达雀。虽然它并不罕见,但它那长长的尾巴和独特的飞行姿态比其他任何鸟类都更吸引我们的目光。这段拍摄是在车里完成的——是的,手持相机透过车窗拍摄!拍了几百张照片,记录下雄鸟飞行、炫耀和交配的瞬间后,我决定拍摄视频。虽然我用4K 60帧录制,但在后半部分慢放,展现它舞蹈的惊人美感。



A male bird with a very long tail, black-and-white plumage, and a striking red beak is hard to miss. While the local guide claimed it was common, we didn’t spot many during our first seven days. However, we were fortunate to see one performing a display for a female, which thrilled everyone. Capturing the moment from the car was quite challenging, but it was an unforgettable experience.


202501, South Africa


2. Shaft-tailed Whydah, 箭尾維達雀, 箭尾维达雀, Vidua regia, ミカドスズメ

A small whydah with a reddish-orange bill and legs. The breeding male has buffy-orange underparts and neck, a dark cap, and 17-centimeter-long black tail feathers. The female and non-breeding male have streaky upperparts and pale buffy underparts. Breeding males hold territories in dry thorn scrub, but form flocks with other seedeaters after breeding. The species imitates the song of the Violet-eared Waxbill, which it parasitizes. Differs from the similar Pin-tailed Whydah by Shaft-tailed Whydah’s duller pink bill and streakier head in female and non-breeding male plumages, and black-and-buff plumage of the breeding male. [EBird]


update 202501

What a beautiful little bird with its unique four racket-shaped tail feathers! Unfortunately, I couldn’t manage to capture any great shots of it this time. It’s definitely on my photography bucket list if I get the chance to visit Africa again. Despite the whole day of rain, we were lucky enough to witness some wonderful moments of it in flight.

Anyone want join me next visit ?



202501, South Africa




Pnoepygidae series | 鳞胸鹪鹛科 | liewwk Nature – 1-1 [update 20241220]

very special family, small without tail

1. Pygmy Cupwing, 小鳞胸鹪鹛, 小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla, タカサゴミソサザイ, BURUNG-RESAM KERDIL



101. Scaly-breasted Cupwing, 鳞胸鹪鹛, 大鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga albiventer, ヒメサザイチメドリ



1. Pygmy Cupwing, 小鳞胸鹪鹛, 小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla, タカサゴミソサザイ, BURUNG-RESAM KERDIL

– very small wren-babbler no tail that move very fast

– split to different family Pnoepygidae, may make another sharing

– 被分鹩鹛属

update 202409

– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is small, cute, active and lovely bird. It always moving with wing span open. But it almost invisible by naked eye.

– with the new canon Pre-continuous Shooting function, simple when see the bird stay still, half-press shutter .. and when see the wing open or move press the shutter .. than anything happen in before .5s will be record as raw into camera .. make this kind of picture simple

– 马来西亚最喜爱的鸟之一。快,可爱,活跃。他随时动的时候都会吧翅膀张开。要拍这个真的不容易。

– 可是佳能的新R5markii 预拍功能把这种情况容易的拍下。只要看到鸟站好,半按下快门键。等它动的时候,再按下快门。任何发生半秒前的都会拍下。就这么容易。

202409, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 Jun16

Pygmy Cupwing,小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla,タカサゴミソサザイ,Burung Rimba Hujan Kerdil


_T154120 2400



101. Scaly-breasted Cupwing, 鳞胸鹪鹛, 大鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga albiventer, ヒメサザイチメドリ

Adorable tiny bird that loosely resembles a minute tailless wren. Warm dark brown above with rufous overtones, and scaled below; pale-morph birds have white edgings to black “scales,” while dark-morph birds have edgings that are coffee-stain tan. Smaller Pygmy Cupwing lacks the tan spots speckling the crown and neck of Scaly-breasted. Scaly-breasted inhabits dark, damp areas in dense forest, often around boulders, streams, and ravines. Song is a jumbled series of high-pitched melodic warbles, notably more complex than the song of Pygmy Cupwing. [Ebird]


update 202412

On our last day in Baihualing, we spotted two distinctly different tiny, tailless birds. At a distance of about 10-15 meters, I initially assumed they were the same Pygmy Cupwing. However, upon reviewing the captured photos, it was clear they were different species.

Knowing their behavior of spreading their wings when moving, I enabled Continuous Pre-record mode and pressed the shutter the moment the bird moved. Got it!



202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China






Phaethontidae series | 鹲/热带鸟科 | liewwk -1 [update 20241219]

another new collection from Lombok, Indonesia 202412

1. White-tailed Tropicbird, 白尾鹲, 白尾熱帶鳥, Phaethon lepturus, シラオネッタイチョウ, Buntut-sate putih



1. White-tailed Tropicbird, 白尾鹲, 白尾熱帶鳥, Phaethon lepturus, シラオネッタイチョウ, Buntut-sate putih

A medium-sized white seabird with black marks on the wings and a yellow beak. The long white tail streamers are visible from a great distance. Nests on coastal and inland cliffs on the main islands. Often seen flying over canyons and along cliffs. At sea usually flies high above the water. Calls are loud clucks and squawks. Smaller and more graceful in flight than Red-tailed Tropicbird [Ebird]


update 202412

I just can’t help but share more of this lovely bird… under the hot sun, it’s such a beautiful sight to watch them soaring through the sky.

我忍不住再分享更多这只这么美的鸟… 在炽热的阳光下,看到它们在天空中翱翔真是太美了。

202412, Lombok, Indonesia



One of the target birds can be found here, making it an incredibly beautiful location to observe this species. The view is breathtaking, and I hope to return again. While waiting for a better sighting of the bird, I was fortunate to also spot a Dugong, Green Turtle, and Spinner Dolphins. Watching this bird gracefully soar through the air is truly mesmerizing.


202412, Lombok, Indonesia



