1. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar
51. White-bellied Cuckooshrike, 白腹鹃鵙, 巴布亞鵑鵙, Coracina papuensis
1. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar
update 202402
– another great experience it came low and close for moth just like ~15 years ago Jelai Hotel ? such a beauty when have close view
– 有如回到~15年前,“Jelai”酒店时代。鸟下来很低吃飞蛾。近距离看,这鸟也很美。


51. White-bellied Cuckooshrike, 白腹鹃鵙, 巴布亞鵑鵙, Coracina papuensis
Medium-sized slender bird, pale gray above, white below, with a small dark bridge between the bill and eye (lores) and faint partial white eyering. Immature lacks distinct mask of Black-faced Cuckooshrike. Dark morph shows large but variable black bib and breast, mottled or barred at the edges. Inhabits eucalypt forest and other woodlands in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Call a high-pitched, two-note squeak. [Ebird]

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