Malaysia only have one, and this is can be found near urban, 2nd forest, from low land to submontane
1. Golden-bellied Gerygone, 黄胸噪刺莺, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA
1. Golden-bellied Gerygone,黄胸噪刺莺, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA
– very small and beautiful songbird
– active near mangrove, forest edge
– 唱歌非常好听的小鸟。通常在红树林或森林周边。
update 202412
A tiny bird with a beautiful song, it’s often challenging to capture a good photo due to its small size. However, this time, it came down close enough for us to get a clear shot.

update 202305
– after few days raining, last day having a very hot day instead. last minute decided to change to Pulau Indah. Din;t see much as middle of the day just too hot. But few good birds for photo.
– 下了几天的雨,这团的最后一天竟然很热。最后一分钟换了行程到美丽岛。还是没什么鸟,可能是中午太热了。可是还是有些不错的鸟让我拍拍。

update 202204
– a beautiful morning with this lovely song bird
– 这鸟一早就跳下来唱歌

update 202203
– a pretty common tiny bird with beautiful song
– 蛮普通,还很会唱歌的小鸟。

update 202201
– a lovely tiny bird with lovely song
– 很会唱歌的小鸟。

update 202103
– another lucky moment with this lovely active small bird while my morning walk


More pictures from Flickr : Acanthizidae series : Gerygone | 刺嘴莺科 | liewwk Nature
More Youtube video : Acanthizidae series : Gerygone | 刺嘴莺科 | liewwk Nature
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