Charadriidae series: Plover | 鸻科 | liewwk Nature 6-1 [update 20231222]

The bird family Charadriidae includes the ploversdotterels, and lapwings, about 64 to 66 species in all.


1.White-faced Plover, 环颈鸻,環頸鴴,Charadrius dealbatus, シロチドリ, RAPANG PANTAI CINA

2. Lesser Sand-Plover, 蒙古沙鸻,蒙古沙鴴, Charadrius mongolus, メダイチドリ,RAPANG-SISIR KECIL

3. Little Ringed Plover, 金眶鸻, 金眶鴴, Charadrius dubius, コチドリ, Rapang Gelang Kecil

4. Greater Sand-Plover, 铁嘴沙鸻, 鐵嘴沙鴴, Charadrius leschenaultii, オオメダイチドリ, RAPANG-SISIR BESAR

5. Pacific Golden-Plover, 金鸻, 金鴴, Pluvialis fulva, ムナグロ, KERINYUT BIASA

6. Black-bellied Plover, 灰鸻, 灰鴴, Pluvialis squatarola, ダイゼン, KERINYUT KELABU


51. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ


1.White-faced Plover, 环颈鸻,環頸鴴,Charadrius dealbatus, シロチドリ, RAPANG PANTAI CINA

– depend on checklist, this may sub-species of Kentish Plover if not split as full species

– Very pale upperparts, paler edges to coverts. Short breast patches. Pale legs (Thanks Dave Bakewell for the summary difference)

– it mixes with all Lesser, Greater Sand Plover but not that difficult to spot it as a very pale color

update 2020 Oct

– Selangor, Malaysia

– only one individual found this trip. trip before seem another individual found which look slight different bird

2. Lesser Sand-Plover, 蒙古沙鸻,蒙古沙鴴, Charadrius mongolus, メダイチドリ,RAPANG-SISIR KECIL

– one of the most common and move in big group wader (winter visitor)

– sometimes can be very confused with Greater

– various plumage can be seen

update 202109

– one of the most common waders found here when migratory season (North).

– one of the bird still showing some post breeding plumage.

– 马来西亚蛮普通的候鸟(北)

– 其中一只还在非繁殖羽。

202109, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202104

– continue to have more change plumage of this lovely and common winter visitor 

– lucky to have 2 birds bath together

– 这个月是马来西亚看候鸟转繁殖羽的最好时候。这最普通的其中一种,还是很漂亮的。还要2只一起冲凉。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia


– it is almost time to go back home, the plumage change to breeding plumage

– looking at the forehead and chest orange bar which different from Greater breeding plumage. Lesser tend to have no white forehead and bigger breast band

– 开始换繁殖羽。又是时候回家了。与铁嘴沙鸻也有相似点。可是头部美白,胸的橙较多/大。

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

update 202010

202010, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Little Ringed Plover, 金眶鸻, 金眶鴴, Charadrius dubius, コチドリ, Rapang Gelang Kecil

– a bird with a yellow eye ring

– normally single or small flock

– found near a paddy field

update 202011

– very interesting feeding way

4. Greater Sand-Plover, 铁嘴沙鸻, 鐵嘴沙鴴, Charadrius leschenaultii, オオメダイチドリ, RAPANG-SISIR BESAR

– long and pale yellow leg

– leg is forward the center of the Body

– bill shape (refer to this good reference by Dave Bakewell)

by Dave Bakewell

update 202103

– just before they heading north back home for breeding, the breeding plumage show off

– 往北回家前。羽毛换上了繁殖羽。

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011

5. Pacific Golden-Plover, 金鸻, 金鴴, Pluvialis fulva, ムナグロ, KERINYUT BIASA

– another common winter visitor (North), is non-breeding plumage

– slow hunter, which standing most of the time and walk slow

update 202012

202012, Pantai Kelanang, Selangor, Malaysia
6. Black-bellied Plover, 灰鸻, 灰鴴, Pluvialis squatarola, ダイゼン, KERINYUT KELABU

– medium size, short, stout bill
– not that common at Peninsular Malaysia West-coast


update 202111

– finally a sight at Selangor coastal

202111, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202101

202012, Parit Jawa, Johor, Malaysia


51. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

Small, pale plover with broken black collar, sandy upperparts, grayish legs, and rather fine black bill. Breeding plumage has black mask and black tabs at sides of breast (not a complete band). Nonbreeding plumages have black replaced by brown. Mainly coastal, on sandy beaches, dry mudflats, and at salt ponds, usually near water; also locally inland. Migrants will join with flocks of other shorebirds. [Ebird]

环颈鸻是鸻形目鸻科鸻属鸟类,又名白领鸻。 [5-6]成鸟夏羽上体为柔和的沙褐色,下体纯白色;额至眉纹白色,额基和头顶前部黑色;头顶、枕和后颈沙褐色略泛栗色;眼先至耳覆羽有—横带状黑色贯眼纹;翼褐色,覆羽具白缘,飞羽黑褐色具大白斑;尾褐色,带黑色亚端斑和白色端斑;虹膜黑褐色,眼圈暗黄色不显著;喙黑色;脚褐色至暗橙黄色。成鸟冬羽似夏羽,但额基、贯眼纹、颈侧等黑色区域转为褐色,头顶不泛栗红色调。幼鸟羽色似成鸟冬羽,且上体具有浅色羽缘。 [7

环颈鸻分布于欧洲、亚洲、非洲和大洋洲等地, [8

]在中国从内蒙古、新疆到西藏均可见。 [9]栖息于开阔平原至低山丘陵的湖泊、沼泽、草地和农田等地,或滨海的滩涂、河口、盐田等处。单独或成对活动,迁徙和越冬期集大群。常在沙地上快速行走觅食。吃蠕虫、甲壳类和软体类等水生无脊椎动物。繁殖期在5-8月,窝卵数通常4枚,孵化期23-25天。

update 202312

– a bird that not really so common at Malaysia and so far I only saw it here non-breeding plumage. Finally I see breeding plumage at such close range and very good focal range (800mm +1.4 = 1120mm .. also use on R7 .. ===1792mm)

– 在马来西亚蛮不普通的水鸟,还有通常远远的见他。这次在台湾,很近距离看他,还要用上800mm+1.4 (R3 = 1120mm , R7 = 1792mm)

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan

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