Burhinidae series | 石鸻科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240109]

another new family


51. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ




51. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

– a very cute wader, big and thick beak. walking slow at open area

– 非常可爱,嘴大+厚

update 20240109

– another family we very hope to have good view, this bird give us very good view while we had ours heavy rain in Yala National Park

– 我们非常希望看的其中一种鸟,很幸运这鸟让我们看的很好。虽然当时下大雨。

202312, Yala NP






