1. Zebra, 斑马, 斑馬, Equus quagga
1. Zebra, 斑马, 斑馬, Equus quagga
The plains zebra occurs in six regional races, each with its own stripe pattern. All are distinct from the two other zebra species: the larger Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) of northern Kenya, and smaller mountain zebra (Equus equus) of southwest Africa.
Plains zebras are highly sociable: dominant stallions preside over harems of females and young, which may coalesce into much larger herds. especially during migration, and often associate with wildebeest and other grazers. Zebra crop grass using flexible lips and powerful incisors, and open up grassland habitat for other species.
Their pattern has long puzzled scientists: it may function as camouflage, as an insect deterrent or to dazzle pursuing predators such as lions; perhaps all three. [https://www.expertafrica.com/wildlife/zebra/africa]
update 202501
It’s common, but such an adorable creature—I never get tired of seeing it over and over again.