Sturnidae series: Starling, Myna | 椋鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 11-3 [update 20240211]

another collection that I missed out, some are common, some songbird escape

1. Daurian Starling, 北椋鸟, 北椋鳥, Agropsar sturninus, シベリアムクドリ, PERLING UBUN UNGU

2. Common Hill Myna, 鹩哥, 鷯哥, Gracula religiosa, キュウカンチョウ, TIUNG-EMAS BIASA

3. Asian Glossy Starling, 亚洲辉椋鸟, 亞洲輝椋鳥, Aplonis panayensis, ミドリカラスモドキ, PERLING-KILAT ASIA

4. Rosy Starling, 粉红椋鸟, 粉紅椋鳥, Pastor roseus, バライロムクドリ, PERLING JAMBU

5. Black-collared Starling, 黑领椋鸟, 黑領椋鳥, Gracupica nigricollis, クビワムクドリ, PERLING LEHER HITAM

6. Asian Pied Starling, 斑椋鸟, 斑椋鳥, Gracupica contra, ホオジロムクドリ,PERLING TELINGA PUTIH

7. Common Myna, 家八哥, Acridotheres tristis, インドハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU RUMAH

8. Jungle Myna, 丛林八哥, 叢林八哥, Acridotheres fuscus, モリハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH BARAT

9. Javan Myna, 爪哇八哥, Acridotheres javanicus, ジャワハッカ, Tiong Jambul Jawa

10. Great Myna, 林八哥, Acridotheres grandis, オオハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH INDOCHINA

11. Crested Myna, 八哥, Acridotheres cristatellus, ハッカチョウ, TIUNG JAMBUL EMAS


101. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ

102. White-necked Myna, 白颈鹊椋鸟, 白頸鵲椋鳥, Streptocitta albicollis, カササギムクドリ

103. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali


101. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ

A glossy-black starling with a rounded crest and prominent pale markings on cheeks and breast sides. Juvenile dark brown with a pale underside. Inhabits canopy of forest, forest edge, and nearby degraded areas within lowlands and foothills, typically in pairs or small groups. Distinguished from Short-tailed and Asian Glossy Starlings by large-headed appearance (due to crest) and conspicuous pale patches in plumage. Calls include a clear, metallic, piercing “tzew” and “tzip” as well as “zowee” notes; also gives quiet buzzy warbles. [EBird]


– 几乎全黑.脸颊和胸前有白。蛮可爱的鸟。可是通常都站高高的。


update 202310

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202305

– always seen bird but always high up without any reasonable view or picture. finally this bird decided to stand low for us.

– 通常站的高高的。每次都是肚皮版。这次终于让我们看的好好的,加上照片

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
102. White-necked Myna, 白颈鹊椋鸟, 白頸鵲椋鳥, Streptocitta albicollis, カササギムクドリ

An unmistakable long-tailed, black-and-white myna. Black except for broad white breast band and collar. South Sulawesi form has a pale-tipped bill; in north, bill is entirely dark. Juveniles less glossy and shorter-tailed than adults. Found in pairs or small groups in canopy of forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills. Often perches out on prominent dead branches. Restricted to Sulawesi, satellite islands, and Togian Islands. Gives a variety of odd calls, including high-pitched piercing “keer,” soft low-pitched “kyop,” and other whistles and metallic notes. (ebird)


update 202306

– a rather common endemic, but normally high up at canopy. a lucky moment it stand quite low for us this time. (few occasions)

– 蛮普通的苏拉威西特有种。可是总是站高高,这次也幸运见到几次都蛮低。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


103. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali

An eye-catching white starling with black tips to the tail and wings, bare blue facial skin, and long plumes that hang down the nape. Juvenile is shorter-crested than adult, with yellow wash. Found in small groups in open forest, where it spends time in the trees and foraging on the ground. Avoids dense forest. Restricted to northwest Bali. Differs from Black-winged Starling in having the black on the wings confined to tips, and in showing blue facial skin. Song is an untidy jumble of scratchy, chattering notes and whistles. [Ebird]

长冠八哥(学名:Leucopsar rothschildi):是一种大型椋鸟,体长约25厘米,雌雄相似,外形俊朗,羽冠发达,眼睛四周和面部裸出,裸露部分为蓝色,全身羽毛纯白色,尾部和翼端的边缘呈黑色,脚灰色。全身白色,具较长冠羽,羽冠不像一些羽冠发达的鸟类复杂多变,却十分有特点,有丝带状的羽冠简洁随意飘洒。1910年由英国鸟类学家沃尔特·罗斯柴尔德(Walter Rothschild)命名。 [1]
update 202401
– a very special and beautiful endemic for Bali, wont wrong as long as you see medium size and white bird .. think only near Bali National Park area
– 非常特别的巴厘岛特有种,白
2016, West Bali, Indonesia





1. Daurian Starling, 北椋鸟, 北椋鳥, Agropsar sturninus, シベリアムクドリ, PERLING UBUN UNGU

– winter visitor (North) that normally moving in a group

– very colorful back if at correct lighting

update 202012

202012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2. Common Hill Myna, 鹩哥, 鷯哥, Gracula religiosa, キュウカンチョウ, TIUNG-EMAS BIASA

– lovely beautiful songbird, many people like to keep this as a pet bird

– always obvious shying yellow and stand high up a myna

update 202104

– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures

– a very good songbird normally stand up to canopy with very loud and lovely sounds

*more testing sharing later

– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。

Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202101

3. Asian Glossy Starling, 亚洲辉椋鸟, 亞洲輝椋鳥, Aplonis panayensis, ミドリカラスモドキ, PERLING-KILAT ASIA

– very common urban birds, normally moving in a big group

– male glossy green-black, juvenile streaky breast and gray 

update 202101

202012, Parit Jawa, Johor, Malaysia
4. Rosy Starling, 粉红椋鸟, 粉紅椋鳥, Pastor roseus, バライロムクドリ, PERLING JAMBU

– rare winter visitor (North)

– pink color with gray

update 202101

5. Black-collared Starling, 黑领椋鸟, 黑領椋鳥, Gracupica nigricollis, クビワムクドリ, PERLING LEHER HITAM

– escape/release pet bird and not native for Malaysia

update 202101

6. Asian Pied Starling, 斑椋鸟, 斑椋鳥, Gracupica contra, ホオジロムクドリ,PERLING TELINGA PUTIH

– escape/release pet bird and not native for Malaysia

update 202101

7. Common Myna, 家八哥, Acridotheres tristis, インドハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU RUMAH

– common urban area, near the forest edge

– getting less due to Javan Myna number increase

update 202402

– a quick out for continue the CANON R5 with CANON RF200800mm, can see the advantage of high megapixel when the lighting is good. But most of my situation is extreme low light … so it is very subjective …

– this picture is ~75% crop, can see the details

– 佳能 R5, RF200800 是非常有争议,我们可以讲它们是非常好的拍鸟神器也可以讲是不适合。R5 高像素,在马来西亚雨林。用起来非常吃力,感应ISO 通常都非常高 8000以上。RF200800 光圈很小,造成2个好的器材。可能在我们不够光的热带雨林造成争议。 可是,在价格方面绝对是非常好的拍鸟神器。

– 看看这鸟的细节。。这照片大概75%crop .. 细节还是很恐怖。


update 202101

8. Jungle Myna, 丛林八哥, 叢林八哥, Acridotheres fuscus, モリハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH BARAT

– one of the most dangerous species for Malaysia where after Javan Myna been introduced

– sometimes confuse with Javan myna with more gray and bill

– found forest edge and urban area

– bill below (back) got the blue mark

update 202101

202101, Malim Nawar, Perak, Malaysia
9. Javan Myna, 爪哇八哥, Acridotheres javanicus, ジャワハッカ, Tiong Jambul Jawa

– introduced species affected almost whole Peninsular Malaysia Myna population (reduce)

update 202101

10. Great Myna, 林八哥, Acridotheres grandis, オオハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH INDOCHINA

– an introduced myna but not as good as Javan Myna

– only found some urban garden

update 202106

– a long lockdown since May, I am stucked near my housing area. This bird come to my window everyday try to search for my cat daily. I also finally found it when my daily simple walking/jogging/birding, they are doing well here minimum 5 birds found.

– 封城2个月后,我只有在家小区内走走。这不很普通的“放生鸟“每天都会到我家看看我的猫,叫几声。把猫惹火。

202106, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

update 202101

202012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
11. Crested Myna, 八哥, Acridotheres cristatellus, ハッカチョウ, TIUNG JAMBUL EMAS

– introduced species, and now not that many found except Penang island easier

update 202101

202001, Botanical Garden, Penang, Malaysia

More pictures from Flickr: Sturnidae series: Starling, Myna | 椋鸟科 | liewwk Nature

Daurian Starling, 北椋鸟, 北椋鳥, Agropsar sturninus, シベリアムクドリ, PERLING UBUN UNGU


More videos: Sturnidae series: Starling, Myna | 椋鸟科 | liewwk Nature



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