Sturnidae series: Starling, Myna | 椋鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 11-3 [update 20240211]

another collection that I missed out, some are common, some songbird escape

1. Daurian Starling, 北椋鸟, 北椋鳥, Agropsar sturninus, シベリアムクドリ, PERLING UBUN UNGU

2. Common Hill Myna, 鹩哥, 鷯哥, Gracula religiosa, キュウカンチョウ, TIUNG-EMAS BIASA

3. Asian Glossy Starling, 亚洲辉椋鸟, 亞洲輝椋鳥, Aplonis panayensis, ミドリカラスモドキ, PERLING-KILAT ASIA

4. Rosy Starling, 粉红椋鸟, 粉紅椋鳥, Pastor roseus, バライロムクドリ, PERLING JAMBU

5. Black-collared Starling, 黑领椋鸟, 黑領椋鳥, Gracupica nigricollis, クビワムクドリ, PERLING LEHER HITAM

6. Asian Pied Starling, 斑椋鸟, 斑椋鳥, Gracupica contra, ホオジロムクドリ,PERLING TELINGA PUTIH

7. Common Myna, 家八哥, Acridotheres tristis, インドハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU RUMAH

8. Jungle Myna, 丛林八哥, 叢林八哥, Acridotheres fuscus, モリハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH BARAT

9. Javan Myna, 爪哇八哥, Acridotheres javanicus, ジャワハッカ, Tiong Jambul Jawa

10. Great Myna, 林八哥, Acridotheres grandis, オオハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH INDOCHINA

11. Crested Myna, 八哥, Acridotheres cristatellus, ハッカチョウ, TIUNG JAMBUL EMAS


101. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ

102. White-necked Myna, 白颈鹊椋鸟, 白頸鵲椋鳥, Streptocitta albicollis, カササギムクドリ

103. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali


101. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ

A glossy-black starling with a rounded crest and prominent pale markings on cheeks and breast sides. Juvenile dark brown with a pale underside. Inhabits canopy of forest, forest edge, and nearby degraded areas within lowlands and foothills, typically in pairs or small groups. Distinguished from Short-tailed and Asian Glossy Starlings by large-headed appearance (due to crest) and conspicuous pale patches in plumage. Calls include a clear, metallic, piercing “tzew” and “tzip” as well as “zowee” notes; also gives quiet buzzy warbles. [EBird]


– 几乎全黑.脸颊和胸前有白。蛮可爱的鸟。可是通常都站高高的。


update 202310

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202305

– always seen bird but always high up without any reasonable view or picture. finally this bird decided to stand low for us.

– 通常站的高高的。每次都是肚皮版。这次终于让我们看的好好的,加上照片

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
102. White-necked Myna, 白颈鹊椋鸟, 白頸鵲椋鳥, Streptocitta albicollis, カササギムクドリ

An unmistakable long-tailed, black-and-white myna. Black except for broad white breast band and collar. South Sulawesi form has a pale-tipped bill; in north, bill is entirely dark. Juveniles less glossy and shorter-tailed than adults. Found in pairs or small groups in canopy of forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills. Often perches out on prominent dead branches. Restricted to Sulawesi, satellite islands, and Togian Islands. Gives a variety of odd calls, including high-pitched piercing “keer,” soft low-pitched “kyop,” and other whistles and metallic notes. (ebird)


update 202306

– a rather common endemic, but normally high up at canopy. a lucky moment it stand quite low for us this time. (few occasions)

– 蛮普通的苏拉威西特有种。可是总是站高高,这次也幸运见到几次都蛮低。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


103. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali

An eye-catching white starling with black tips to the tail and wings, bare blue facial skin, and long plumes that hang down the nape. Juvenile is shorter-crested than adult, with yellow wash. Found in small groups in open forest, where it spends time in the trees and foraging on the ground. Avoids dense forest. Restricted to northwest Bali. Differs from Black-winged Starling in having the black on the wings confined to tips, and in showing blue facial skin. Song is an untidy jumble of scratchy, chattering notes and whistles. [Ebird]

长冠八哥(学名:Leucopsar rothschildi):是一种大型椋鸟,体长约25厘米,雌雄相似,外形俊朗,羽冠发达,眼睛四周和面部裸出,裸露部分为蓝色,全身羽毛纯白色,尾部和翼端的边缘呈黑色,脚灰色。全身白色,具较长冠羽,羽冠不像一些羽冠发达的鸟类复杂多变,却十分有特点,有丝带状的羽冠简洁随意飘洒。1910年由英国鸟类学家沃尔特·罗斯柴尔德(Walter Rothschild)命名。 [1]
update 202401
– a very special and beautiful endemic for Bali, wont wrong as long as you see medium size and white bird .. think only near Bali National Park area
– 非常特别的巴厘岛特有种,白
2016, West Bali, Indonesia





1. Daurian Starling, 北椋鸟, 北椋鳥, Agropsar sturninus, シベリアムクドリ, PERLING UBUN UNGU

– winter visitor (North) that normally moving in a group

– very colorful back if at correct lighting

update 202012

202012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2. Common Hill Myna, 鹩哥, 鷯哥, Gracula religiosa, キュウカンチョウ, TIUNG-EMAS BIASA

– lovely beautiful songbird, many people like to keep this as a pet bird

– always obvious shying yellow and stand high up a myna

update 202104

– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures

– a very good songbird normally stand up to canopy with very loud and lovely sounds

*more testing sharing later

– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。

Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202101

3. Asian Glossy Starling, 亚洲辉椋鸟, 亞洲輝椋鳥, Aplonis panayensis, ミドリカラスモドキ, PERLING-KILAT ASIA

– very common urban birds, normally moving in a big group

– male glossy green-black, juvenile streaky breast and gray 

update 202101

202012, Parit Jawa, Johor, Malaysia
4. Rosy Starling, 粉红椋鸟, 粉紅椋鳥, Pastor roseus, バライロムクドリ, PERLING JAMBU

– rare winter visitor (North)

– pink color with gray

update 202101

5. Black-collared Starling, 黑领椋鸟, 黑領椋鳥, Gracupica nigricollis, クビワムクドリ, PERLING LEHER HITAM

– escape/release pet bird and not native for Malaysia

update 202101

6. Asian Pied Starling, 斑椋鸟, 斑椋鳥, Gracupica contra, ホオジロムクドリ,PERLING TELINGA PUTIH

– escape/release pet bird and not native for Malaysia

update 202101

7. Common Myna, 家八哥, Acridotheres tristis, インドハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU RUMAH

– common urban area, near the forest edge

– getting less due to Javan Myna number increase

update 202402

– a quick out for continue the CANON R5 with CANON RF200800mm, can see the advantage of high megapixel when the lighting is good. But most of my situation is extreme low light … so it is very subjective …

– this picture is ~75% crop, can see the details

– 佳能 R5, RF200800 是非常有争议,我们可以讲它们是非常好的拍鸟神器也可以讲是不适合。R5 高像素,在马来西亚雨林。用起来非常吃力,感应ISO 通常都非常高 8000以上。RF200800 光圈很小,造成2个好的器材。可能在我们不够光的热带雨林造成争议。 可是,在价格方面绝对是非常好的拍鸟神器。

– 看看这鸟的细节。。这照片大概75%crop .. 细节还是很恐怖。


update 202101

8. Jungle Myna, 丛林八哥, 叢林八哥, Acridotheres fuscus, モリハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH BARAT

– one of the most dangerous species for Malaysia where after Javan Myna been introduced

– sometimes confuse with Javan myna with more gray and bill

– found forest edge and urban area

– bill below (back) got the blue mark

update 202101

202101, Malim Nawar, Perak, Malaysia
9. Javan Myna, 爪哇八哥, Acridotheres javanicus, ジャワハッカ, Tiong Jambul Jawa

– introduced species affected almost whole Peninsular Malaysia Myna population (reduce)

update 202101

10. Great Myna, 林八哥, Acridotheres grandis, オオハッカ, GEMBALA-KERBAU SAWAH INDOCHINA

– an introduced myna but not as good as Javan Myna

– only found some urban garden

update 202106

– a long lockdown since May, I am stucked near my housing area. This bird come to my window everyday try to search for my cat daily. I also finally found it when my daily simple walking/jogging/birding, they are doing well here minimum 5 birds found.

– 封城2个月后,我只有在家小区内走走。这不很普通的“放生鸟“每天都会到我家看看我的猫,叫几声。把猫惹火。

202106, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

update 202101

202012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
11. Crested Myna, 八哥, Acridotheres cristatellus, ハッカチョウ, TIUNG JAMBUL EMAS

– introduced species, and now not that many found except Penang island easier

update 202101

202001, Botanical Garden, Penang, Malaysia

More pictures from Flickr: Sturnidae series: Starling, Myna | 椋鸟科 | liewwk Nature

Daurian Starling, 北椋鸟, 北椋鳥, Agropsar sturninus, シベリアムクドリ, PERLING UBUN UNGU


More videos: Sturnidae series: Starling, Myna | 椋鸟科 | liewwk Nature



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Locustellidae series : Warbler | 蝗鶯科 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20230907]

as other warblers, active bird

1. Pallas’s Grasshopper-Warbler, 靴篱莺, 靴籬鶯, Iduna caligata, ヒメウタイムシクイ, CEKUP-TIKUS BERJALUR BIASA

2. Striated Grassbird, 沼泽大尾莺, 沼澤大尾鶯, Megalurus palustris, Megalurus palustris, CEKUP EKOR-BESAR BIASA, オニセッカ



1. Pallas’s Grasshopper-Warbler, 靴篱莺, 靴籬鶯, Iduna caligata, ヒメウタイムシクイ, CEKUP-TIKUS BERJALUR BIASA

– a small warbler mostly at ground level

– making a lot of different call as another warbler

– found near grassland and paddy field

update 202105

– a “brown” warbler, most activities on the ground and low glass
– glad to see it again before it heads home.

– 在回家前見到它。
– 通常都在地上活動。

202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011

202011, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia


2. Striated Grassbird, 沼泽大尾莺, 沼澤大尾鶯, Megalurus palustris, Megalurus palustris, CEKUP EKOR-BESAR BIASA, オニセッカ

– a special bird found at Borneo near open area, not difficult to spot along any road near open grassland and Palm Oil plantation ..

update 202309

– a day at KK town, drive around with casual birders. Manage to have this bird and some munia near grass field.

– 在哥打京那巴鲁的一天,与几位看什么鸟都高兴的鸟图案。到了这块稻田+空地看到这鸟与其他文鸟。

202308, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

More pictures from Flickr : Locustellidae series : Warbler | 蝗鶯科 | liewwk Nature


More Youtube video : Locustellidae series : Warbler | 蝗鶯科 | liewwk Nature


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Jacanidae series: Jacana | 水雉科 | liewwk Nature – 2

Malaysia only have 2 Jacana

1. Pheasant-tailed Jacana, 水雉, Hydrophasianus chirurgus, レンカク, BURUNG-TERATAI EKOR PANJANG

2. Bronze-winged Jacana, 铜翅水雉, 銅翅水雉, Metopidius indicus, アジアレンカク, BURUNG-TERATAI KENING PUTIH


1. Pheasant-tailed Jacana, 水雉, Hydrophasianus chirurgus, レンカク, BURUNG-TERATAI EKOR PANJANG

– a not so common winter visitor from North at Center of Peninsular Malaysia

– brown-back, white-underpart, yellow neck patch

– non-breeding plumage without long-tailed

– 马来西亚西马稀有候鸟。

– 非繁殖羽。短尾。

update 202107

– after months of lockdown at stay at home. The situation still look in bad shape

– 封城~2个月后。闷到了极点。

update 202103

– another found of 2 birds here

– 尽然在这发现2只稀有过冬鸟。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011

– a juvi bird, with reddish head-crown

2. Bronze-winged Jacana, 铜翅水雉, 銅翅水雉, Metopidius indicus, アジアレンカク, BURUNG-TERATAI KENING PUTIH

– a wader forages on lilies and other floating aquatic vegetation, the long feet spreading out its weight and preventing sinking

– the color change under different lighting condition

– it use to be found only Northeast (Perlis) of Peninsular Malaysia but recently also found a pair breeding at slight south (Penang)

– 铜翅水雉(学名:Metopidius indicus)雉鸻科铜翅水雉属的一种物种,是小型涉禽,体长28-31厘米。头颈、下体黑色,具金属色辉。从眼到颈有白色纵纹,背、内侧初级一飞羽橄榄铜绿色,尾下覆羽栗色。跗蹠的前后均有盾状鳞,趾、爪均甚长,后爪特别长。栖息于热带开阔的田坝区,单个或成对在沼泽湿地中活动觅食。捕食昆虫、蜗牛、小鱼和水生植物。配偶为一雌多雄制,雌鸟常常拥有很多个雄鸟。雄鸟的领域性极强,常常为保卫领域而彼此争斗。7-8月产卵,巢用杂草铺垫而成,每窝产卵4枚。
– 之前, 只有在马来西亚半岛的最北部。可是,在槟城最近也飞来2只。
202110, Batu Kawan, Penang, Malaysia

More pictures from Flickr : 


More Videos : Jacanidae series : Jacana | 水雉科 | liewwk Nature


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Charadriidae series: Plover | 鸻科 | liewwk Nature 6-1 [update 20231222]

The bird family Charadriidae includes the ploversdotterels, and lapwings, about 64 to 66 species in all.


1.White-faced Plover, 环颈鸻,環頸鴴,Charadrius dealbatus, シロチドリ, RAPANG PANTAI CINA

2. Lesser Sand-Plover, 蒙古沙鸻,蒙古沙鴴, Charadrius mongolus, メダイチドリ,RAPANG-SISIR KECIL

3. Little Ringed Plover, 金眶鸻, 金眶鴴, Charadrius dubius, コチドリ, Rapang Gelang Kecil

4. Greater Sand-Plover, 铁嘴沙鸻, 鐵嘴沙鴴, Charadrius leschenaultii, オオメダイチドリ, RAPANG-SISIR BESAR

5. Pacific Golden-Plover, 金鸻, 金鴴, Pluvialis fulva, ムナグロ, KERINYUT BIASA

6. Black-bellied Plover, 灰鸻, 灰鴴, Pluvialis squatarola, ダイゼン, KERINYUT KELABU


51. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ


1.White-faced Plover, 环颈鸻,環頸鴴,Charadrius dealbatus, シロチドリ, RAPANG PANTAI CINA

– depend on checklist, this may sub-species of Kentish Plover if not split as full species

– Very pale upperparts, paler edges to coverts. Short breast patches. Pale legs (Thanks Dave Bakewell for the summary difference)

– it mixes with all Lesser, Greater Sand Plover but not that difficult to spot it as a very pale color

update 2020 Oct

– Selangor, Malaysia

– only one individual found this trip. trip before seem another individual found which look slight different bird

2. Lesser Sand-Plover, 蒙古沙鸻,蒙古沙鴴, Charadrius mongolus, メダイチドリ,RAPANG-SISIR KECIL

– one of the most common and move in big group wader (winter visitor)

– sometimes can be very confused with Greater

– various plumage can be seen

update 202109

– one of the most common waders found here when migratory season (North).

– one of the bird still showing some post breeding plumage.

– 马来西亚蛮普通的候鸟(北)

– 其中一只还在非繁殖羽。

202109, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202104

– continue to have more change plumage of this lovely and common winter visitor 

– lucky to have 2 birds bath together

– 这个月是马来西亚看候鸟转繁殖羽的最好时候。这最普通的其中一种,还是很漂亮的。还要2只一起冲凉。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia


– it is almost time to go back home, the plumage change to breeding plumage

– looking at the forehead and chest orange bar which different from Greater breeding plumage. Lesser tend to have no white forehead and bigger breast band

– 开始换繁殖羽。又是时候回家了。与铁嘴沙鸻也有相似点。可是头部美白,胸的橙较多/大。

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

update 202010

202010, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Little Ringed Plover, 金眶鸻, 金眶鴴, Charadrius dubius, コチドリ, Rapang Gelang Kecil

– a bird with a yellow eye ring

– normally single or small flock

– found near a paddy field

update 202011

– very interesting feeding way

4. Greater Sand-Plover, 铁嘴沙鸻, 鐵嘴沙鴴, Charadrius leschenaultii, オオメダイチドリ, RAPANG-SISIR BESAR

– long and pale yellow leg

– leg is forward the center of the Body

– bill shape (refer to this good reference by Dave Bakewell)

by Dave Bakewell

update 202103

– just before they heading north back home for breeding, the breeding plumage show off

– 往北回家前。羽毛换上了繁殖羽。

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011

5. Pacific Golden-Plover, 金鸻, 金鴴, Pluvialis fulva, ムナグロ, KERINYUT BIASA

– another common winter visitor (North), is non-breeding plumage

– slow hunter, which standing most of the time and walk slow

update 202012

202012, Pantai Kelanang, Selangor, Malaysia
6. Black-bellied Plover, 灰鸻, 灰鴴, Pluvialis squatarola, ダイゼン, KERINYUT KELABU

– medium size, short, stout bill
– not that common at Peninsular Malaysia West-coast


update 202111

– finally a sight at Selangor coastal

202111, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202101

202012, Parit Jawa, Johor, Malaysia


51. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

Small, pale plover with broken black collar, sandy upperparts, grayish legs, and rather fine black bill. Breeding plumage has black mask and black tabs at sides of breast (not a complete band). Nonbreeding plumages have black replaced by brown. Mainly coastal, on sandy beaches, dry mudflats, and at salt ponds, usually near water; also locally inland. Migrants will join with flocks of other shorebirds. [Ebird]

环颈鸻是鸻形目鸻科鸻属鸟类,又名白领鸻。 [5-6]成鸟夏羽上体为柔和的沙褐色,下体纯白色;额至眉纹白色,额基和头顶前部黑色;头顶、枕和后颈沙褐色略泛栗色;眼先至耳覆羽有—横带状黑色贯眼纹;翼褐色,覆羽具白缘,飞羽黑褐色具大白斑;尾褐色,带黑色亚端斑和白色端斑;虹膜黑褐色,眼圈暗黄色不显著;喙黑色;脚褐色至暗橙黄色。成鸟冬羽似夏羽,但额基、贯眼纹、颈侧等黑色区域转为褐色,头顶不泛栗红色调。幼鸟羽色似成鸟冬羽,且上体具有浅色羽缘。 [7

环颈鸻分布于欧洲、亚洲、非洲和大洋洲等地, [8

]在中国从内蒙古、新疆到西藏均可见。 [9]栖息于开阔平原至低山丘陵的湖泊、沼泽、草地和农田等地,或滨海的滩涂、河口、盐田等处。单独或成对活动,迁徙和越冬期集大群。常在沙地上快速行走觅食。吃蠕虫、甲壳类和软体类等水生无脊椎动物。繁殖期在5-8月,窝卵数通常4枚,孵化期23-25天。

update 202312

– a bird that not really so common at Malaysia and so far I only saw it here non-breeding plumage. Finally I see breeding plumage at such close range and very good focal range (800mm +1.4 = 1120mm .. also use on R7 .. ===1792mm)

– 在马来西亚蛮不普通的水鸟,还有通常远远的见他。这次在台湾,很近距离看他,还要用上800mm+1.4 (R3 = 1120mm , R7 = 1792mm)

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan

More pictures from Flickr: Charadriidae series | 鸻科 | liewwk Nature

More Youtube video : Charadriidae series | 鸻科 | liewwk Nature

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Panasonic G9 + CANON EF500mm F4 + Viltrox EF-M1 : TEST1

I am Canon user for long, and recently I have my Panasonic setup slowly build up. I like my L lens and my G9 ….


one day, someone told me . I actually can use all my L lens on my M4/3 G9 . Due to busy work schedule, I dont have time to look into it until last week. I finally have time purchase one online and test it last 2 days … I did very quick test more testing would like to do

so I started with m2 adapter which give me

1. 1.4 crop (mean 500mm Canon F4 IS2, I got ~710mm and biggest aperture F2.8)

2. one stop bigger aperture

3. lost len Image stabiliser

4. AFC hunting, AFH is not working at all

5. either TC (CANON, PANASONIC) is not working (but tested on Olympus camera, it is working but very slow AF)

6. AF speed almost same like my G9 + LEICA 200mm F2.8 (almost not noticeable different)

previous test

Panasonic G9 + CANON EF500mm F4 + Viltrox EF-M2II : TEST1

Panasonic G9 + CANON EF500mm F4 + Viltrox EF-M2II : TEST2 High Resolution



After months testing the m2 adapter, I decided get m1 adapter for test and so far I tested 2 outing … here are the finding

1. 2x crop (mean 500mm Canon F4 IS2, I got 1000mm)

2. same biggest aperture (1000mm F4)

3. lost len Image stabiliser

4. AFC hunting, AFH is not working at all

5. TC (CANON) is working but very slow AF and aperture maintain at F1.0 so exposure can be problem

6. AF speed almost same like my G9 + LEICA 200mm F2.8 (almost not noticeable different) or even faster than m2 adapter





if you want see better quality refer

Green Broadbill,綠闊嘴鳥



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Charadriidae series: Lapwing | 鸻科: 麦鸡属 | liewwk Nature – 2

a slow-moving and colorful bird

1. Red-wattled Lapwing, 肉垂麦鸡, 肉垂麥雞, Vanellus indicus, インドトサカゲリ, CERIWIT DUIT-DUIT

2. Gray-headed Lapwing, 灰头麦鸡, 灰頭麥雞, Vanellus cinereus, ケリ, CERIWIT KEPALA KELABU


1. Red-wattled Lapwing, 肉垂麦鸡, 肉垂麥雞, Vanellus indicus, インドトサカゲリ, CERIWIT DUIT-DUIT



update 202204

– a good moment with SONY A1, it is another monster of focus for BIF

– a very common medium size bird normally found near grassland, urban garden etc

索尼A1 是拍飞鸟的恐怖机之一

– 蛮普通的。栖息地通常在湿地、水塘、水渠,沼泽等,有时也远离水域,如农田、旱草地和高原地区。食蝗虫、蛙类、小型无脊椎动物、植物种子等。

202204, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia


2. Gray-headed Lapwing, 灰头麦鸡, 灰頭麥雞, Vanellus cinereus, ケリ, CERIWIT KEPALA KELABU

a quite common winter visitor (North), normally found near paddy field and wet grassland etc

update 202012


More pictures from Flickr: Charadriidae series: Lapwing | 鸻科: 麦鸡属 | liewwk Nature

Red-wattled Lapwing, 肉垂麦鸡, 肉垂麥雞, Vanellus indicus, インドトサカゲリ, CERIWIT DUIT-DUIT

More Videos: Charadriidae series: Lapwing | 鸻科: 麦鸡属 | liewwk Nature



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Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20240220]

Ciconiidae series, big birds, long neck

1. Painted Stork, 彩鹳, 彩鸛, Mycteria leucocephala,インドトキコウ, UPIH SAWAH

2. Asian Openbill, 钳嘴鹳, 鉗嘴鸛, Anastomus oscitans,スキハシコウ, UPIH-SIPUT ASIA

3. Lesser Adjutant, 秃鹳, 禿鸛, Leptoptilos javanicus, コハゲコウ, BURUNG-BOTAK KECIL

4. Storm’s Stork, 黄脸鹳, 黃臉鸛, Ciconia stormi, スンダエンビコウ, UPIH RIMBA

5. Milky Stork, 白鹮鹳, 灰鸛, Mycteria cinerea, シロトキコウ, UPIH BAKAU

6. Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白頸鸛, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ, UPIH LEHER PUTIH

– Malaysia, Sri Lanka


1. Painted Stork, 彩鹳, 彩鸛, Mycteria leucocephala,インドトキコウ, UPIH SAWAH

– use to be vagrant here but now in certain location is very common and believe introduced or escapee

Painted Stork, 彩鸛, Mycteria leucocephala, インドトキコウ, UPIH SAWAH


2. Asian Openbill, 钳嘴鹳, 鉗嘴鸛, Anastomus oscitans,スキハシコウ, UPIH-SIPUT ASIA

– pretty common nowadays near paddy field, mangrove etc

update 202012


Asian Openbill, 鉗嘴鸛, Anastomus oscitans, スキハシコウ, Burung Botak Asia




3. Lesser Adjutant, 秃鹳, 禿鸛, Leptoptilos javanicus, コハゲコウ, BURUNG-BOTAK KECIL

– use to endanger and only limit to a few locations here. But recently become quite common at many locations

update 202211

– a quick trip to Sg Rampai, this bird seem doing very well there.

– 极危的蛮丑的鸟。可是还是蛮多的。

202211, Sg Rampai, Melaka, Malaysia


202010, Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia



4. Storm’s Stork, 黄脸鹳, 黃臉鸛, Ciconia stormi, スンダエンビコウ, UPIH RIMBA

– a rare and Endangered species
– Borneo Tabin and Kinabatangan river are 2 places easier to see this bird

– 珍稀瀕危物種
– 婆羅洲塔賓與京河是比較見到這鳥的鳥點。

update 202402

– a Photography trip at here, lucky us to have this bird stay low and long with weird hairstyle even quite a lot of rain…

– 摄影团,虽然很多雨。可是都拍到主要目标,包括这一只还要站蛮低+久。还给个新发型让我们拍。

Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202309

– always star bird to be seen here

– it is not “black” bird, look at the under wing

– 京河明星鸟,不难见到。其实它不是全黑的。看看。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202102


5. Milky Stork, 白鹮鹳, 灰鸛, Mycteria cinerea, シロトキコウ, UPIH BAKAU

– big size, sometimes confuse with Painted Stork

– believe either escape from Zoo or from Sumatra

– 有人相信,鸟是从鸟园飞出来或是苏门答腊风飞过来的。

update 202105

201601, Kuala Gula, Perak, Malaysia


6. Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白頸鸛, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ, UPIH LEHER PUTIH

– A dark-brown stork with green-bronze iridescence on the wings and breast. It has a distinctive white ruffled neck, a white tail, and a dark salmon-tipped bill. Resident and migrant. Individuals and small groups forage in rivers, shallow wetland margins, urban grassy areas, and flooded grasslands for insects and small vertebrates. May gather in groups of several hundred when conditions are suitable. (EBird)

– 属鹳形目鹳科鹳属,又叫绒颈鹳、主教鹳(源于早期神职人员大都穿戴黑色搭配白色的法衣)。广泛分布于热带,如亚洲从印度到印尼,非洲和除澳大利亚和新西兰在内的太平洋诸岛。

update 202201

– while I am keeping my eye to flying pacific swift and saw this big bird flying high

– 当我在测试R6拍飞的燕子时,看到这较大的鸟飞的很高。

202201, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105

– what a surprise when going through my hardisk (202104) when I was there for some waders. I still remember why the Lesser Adjutant flying so high up and actually it is not Adjutant.

– 非常惊讶,在清理影碟照片时。发现这稀有候鸟。当时,我还在想为什么小秃鹳飞的这么高。

202104, Kapar, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202401

– when we first saw it, we ask the van to stop … and make the right decision. It is best view after this for the next 7-8 days

– 我们在这第一次见到时,叫我们的车立刻停下。幸好停下来,接下来几天都较远。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




More pictures from Flickr: Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature

Painted Stork, 彩鸛

More videos: Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature




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Mountain Peacock-Pheasant making territory call …

just a sharing Peninsula Malaysia endemic make territory call

previous posts

Let’s Dance | Mountain Peacock-Pheasant | liewwk

Peninsular Malaysia Endemic Birds | 马来西亚半岛 特有种鸟

Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-4 [20240130]

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Wild Cats 野猫 | liewwk Nature [update 20230522]

Collection wild cats


1. Sunda Leopard Cat, 巽它豹猫, Prionailurus javanensis

2. Bornean clouded leopard, 婆罗洲云豹, Neofelis diardi borneensis



1. Sunda Leopard Cat, 巽它豹猫, Prionailurus javanensis

Found this cute and little cat on 2 night drive at recent Borneo Birding tour, lets share this video before I check out the pictures of the other drive



2. Bornean clouded leopard, 婆罗洲云豹, Neofelis diardi borneensis

– a rare wild cat, largest wild cat in Borneo

– 婆罗洲云豹是马来云豹的2个亚种之一。是婆罗洲岛最大的食肉动物,大小与小型美洲狮相当,头体长61-106厘米、尾长55-91厘米;体重16-23千克。外形以及体表的花纹都与亚洲其他地方地方云豹相似,只是体表的斑纹的色彩要暗很多,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说,居猫科动物之首。据科学家对比后发现,基于外部形态的对比,科学家发现婆罗洲云豹皮毛颜色要比大陆云豹更深更暗,身上的云状斑纹比大陆云豹小些,并出现了双背脊线。而大陆云豹的云状斑纹较大(其中尼泊尔云豹斑块最大),但在斑纹内斑点较少,毛色比婆罗洲云豹更加亮丽,双背脊线不连贯。

update 202305

– another lucky shot of the ~1minute, where the cat turn around moving to bushs. It is such a beautiful animal

– 2023 最幸运的1分钟。这云豹走去草丛前的一刻。

202305, BRL, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– a very lucky moment with this cat 3:57pm at Danum Valley BRL just at the road side. It stay for long for good view, pictures, and video.

– it is just amazing animal to be seen, so beautiful

– 非常可爱,漂亮的野猫。在沙巴,丹绒谷尽然在中午路上见到它。非常幸运的一次婆罗洲之行。

202305, BRL, Sabah, Malaysia


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2020 lifer 1 : Grey-sided thrush

Very good start of 2020, managed to have Malaysia lifer …. and managed to have picture, video etc

Grey-sided thrush, Malaysia first record ….



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