Birds of Lenggor, Johor | Lenggor, 柔佛 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20240616]

Birds of Lenggor nearby forest, Johor

1. Crested Jayshrike, 冠鸦, 馬來冠鴉, Platylophus galericulatus, カンムリカケス, BURUNG-MENJERIT

2. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis,シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

3. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA



1. Crested Jayshrike, 冠鸦, 馬來冠鴉, Platylophus galericulatus, カンムリカケス, BURUNG-MENJERIT

update 202406

– a uncommon special bird family, a very black and active bird to be seen. It is not easy almost whole Malaysia except some South part of Malaysia

– we keep heard and miss this special bird for a long tour but it is so easy at the end of the extension.

– 蛮不普通的其中一种鸟种。非常害羞,活跃。几乎都不容易见到,除了在西马南部

– 19天观鸟团,就见到它飞来飞去。非常不容易,就在加长部分非常容易就见到了。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

2. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis,シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

update 202406
– a boring evening … not really as main target no sight at all. But very lucky to have this bird give us good show for about 5 minutes. active and rare bird
– 很活跃+害羞的鸟。下午到达立刻找目标,可是目标完全没声,没影。还好这一只这么难的的鸟出来让我们看够够。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia
3. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA

update 202406

– finally finish a long tour, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo & extension to South P Malaysia. We had this very special target bird twice all of us saw the bird well and long. We had this bird walking across the trail after 2-3 hours search through the forest.

– a mystery bird that can be very shy or sometime just appear in-front of you and walk slowly.

– 终于完成很长的观鸟团。西马中部,婆罗洲,西马南部。真的很累。这只非常特别的鸟是大家主要目标鸟之一。我看到2次,第一次8/10个人都看的很好在石头上转圈。第二次(只有4个人)慢慢走过好几次。

– 这鸟较神秘,有时怎么都看不到,有时就在我们面前几米走来走去。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia