Birds of Lenggor+Panti, Johor | Lenggor, 柔佛 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 8 [update 20240814]

Birds of Lenggor nearby forest, Johor

1. Crested Jayshrike, 冠鸦, 馬來冠鴉, Platylophus galericulatus, カンムリカケス, BURUNG-MENJERIT

2. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis, シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

3. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA

4. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, 绒背纹胸鹛, 絨背紋胸鶥, Macronus ptilosus, ミノゲチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERBULU PONG-PONG

5. Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 红腰穗鹛, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN BESAR BIASA

6. Buff-necked Woodpecker, 黄颈斑啄木鸟, 黃頸斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tukki, カレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU LEHER KUNING

7. Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕头绿鸠, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau

8. Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker, 赤胸锯齿啄花鸟, 赤胸鋸齒啄花鳥, Prionochilus thoracicus, ベニムネハナドリモドキ, SEPAH-PUTERI BELAKANG KUNING



1. Crested Jayshrike, 冠鸦, 馬來冠鴉, Platylophus galericulatus, カンムリカケス, BURUNG-MENJERIT

update 202406

– another special trip to this “South” of Peninsular Malaysia but this time we actually target only Malaysian Rail-Babbler and Cinnamon-rumped Trogon. Day1 , we already have this bird again with better view and photo and the Rail-Babbler give a good view but …

– an active bird that everyone seem special look for this bird family

– 又一个特别安排摄鸟行,为了白眉长颈鸫+橙腰咬鹃. 可是我们一道,这一只这么稀有+特别的鸟就出来迎客。我们也很快拿下,可是白眉长颈鸫虽然出来蛮久。。。可是。。。。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



– a uncommon special bird family, a very black and active bird to be seen. It is not easy almost whole Malaysia except some South part of Malaysia

– we keep heard and miss this special bird for a long tour but it is so easy at the end of the extension.

– 蛮不普通的其中一种鸟种。非常害羞,活跃。几乎都不容易见到,除了在西马南部

– 19天观鸟团,就见到它飞来飞去。非常不容易,就在加长部分非常容易就见到了。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

2. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis, シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

update 202407

– another success “Rail-Babbler” target tour, after got ours main target. We start do casual birding, got this bird calling in the morning and managed to spent some good time with this bird (even my camera having some issue force me using MF)

– 另一个“白眉长颈鸫”目标团。在第二天把那鸟拿下后。我们就随便看看鸟,在一个早上。在听到他叫时,很快就拿下。虽然我的相机有些问题被逼用手动对焦(这鸟可是跳的非常快的)

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– 2nd trip to this special location for special targets. This beautiful, rare bird some how not the main target we here for. But we normally heard and seen them well so never waste we spend some time to have good look of this bird. But for this trip, it is a target so we spend one special early morning for this and not bad for the outcome and some birds come close

– a very active bird and black-rufous overall normally move in pair

– 这个雨第2次到这特别的鸟点找很特别的鸟种。这么一只漂亮稀有的鸟也不不是目标鸟。可是这一次,朋友们是要这鸟的。所以我们用其中一个早上找这鸟。还好,给我们拍够够。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– a boring evening … not really as main target no sight at all. But very lucky to have this bird give us good show for about 5 minutes. active and rare bird
– 很活跃+害羞的鸟。下午到达立刻找目标,可是目标完全没声,没影。还好这一只这么难的的鸟出来让我们看够够。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia
3. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA


update 202408

– within 24 hours, we got this bird again with much better view this time. All have perfect view of the shy is really fun to see this bird walk slow infront of us.

– a shy bird always difficult to spot and walk almost close to ground only

– 在24小时内看到这鸟2次。第二次,竟然比第一次更好。非常高兴在我们面前,慢慢的走像模特儿一样。真的很美。

– 一只非常害羞的鸟,通常都在地面山慢慢的走的。幸运啊

202408, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– another special target birds tour (5th this year for Rail-Babbler), this time with big group.. little bit challenge to get 1st target .. Malaysian Rail-babbler … but today morning, managed to heard it and wait a while before locate it calling. Happen for 2-3 minutes .. everyone see it from limited angle 🙁  but relieve …

– 今年的第5次特别目标-白眉长颈鸫。这次,蛮压力(太多人了)。以为没什么机会看到,可是一大早听到他叫。没等很久就看到它在远处叫。还叫了2-3分钟。大家都拿下。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202407

– it is a long plan request from “friend”, a bird family need Rail-Babbler… last for him and another Jay-shrike for better view .. and we make this happen within 2 days while we actually plan it for 5 days … day1 arrive afternoon nothing much but still got Finsch’s Bulbul & Scarlet-breasted Flowerpeckeras new birds and with many woodpeckers with good view … follow by lunch and a quite bored afternoon … but still able to have good view of Crested Jayshrike and ~10m close Rail-babbler without any sight …Day2 morning nothing much even with some good view but no Rail-babbler close heard .. raining afternoon after lunch even still rain.. as Bill seem worry we missed the bird just decided walk into forest with raining gear … not far after we walk I heard “to to to” real close and ask every one backward … YES me and Bill saw the bird circling and walk across the trail but Karen & Miki missed … hmmmmmm .. so we decided go to a slight open space to wit for the bird…. not that long the bird came into view and making “balloon” call show for us more than 2 minutes .. smile for everyone …

– 去年有位朋友的介绍下,他们要求“我”带他们(其中一位)看完最后一只鸟科类。。。他已80岁希望可以看完。。加上某种原因,我决定帮这个忙。等了一年,终于到了。。。很快第一天我们到中午时分,没什么特别可是。都拿下芬氏冠鹎(新鸟种)加蛮多啄木鸟(很低)。。吃完饭后,虽然拿下不少鸟。加上冠鸦(之前他只看到一秒,其他人的新鸟种)。

第二天,早上虽然也不少鸟。可是目标鸟几乎没声音。吃饭时Bill 开始担心,虽然下雨他特别忧心。我也决定还是到森林等。到时还是小雨,决定进去走走。大家带着雨伞,雨衣进去。没很远,大家在看什么什么鹎时。我听到”它“叫了。。。很近。就叫大家后退。。。。没2分钟就看到它在步道旁走了2圈。还过了步道,可是2位朋友没看到 。。。hmmmmmm..我们早到附近一个空荡的第在哪等待。。也没很久“它”尽然上小树桩上脚了好几分钟。天啊。当然大家都笑了。我帮了一位老人完了他的心愿。(他来了这8-9次)

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202407

– a good month to start to have good view of this special bird, total 4 good view of this birds 2024 June. And twice we special come to this special location for 2 special birds family. Both trips got the bird on day1/2, hope it stay for next few visits.

– a birds came close to us and make special “balloon call” style.

– 这个月是个好开始看这一只鸟。2024 6 月。我总共看到这鸟4次(西马中部,南部)。2次特别鸟观鸟团到这,在2天内看到这鸟。希望接下来都可以把这2只鸟拿下。

– 非常幸运在近距离看到它叫吧蓝喉涨起来。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202406

– finally finish a long tour, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo & extension to South P Malaysia. We had this very special target bird twice all of us saw the bird well and long. We had this bird walking across the trail after 2-3 hours search through the forest.

– a mystery bird that can be very shy or sometime just appear in-front of you and walk slowly.

– 终于完成很长的观鸟团。西马中部,婆罗洲,西马南部。真的很累。这只非常特别的鸟是大家主要目标鸟之一。我看到2次,第一次8/10个人都看的很好在石头上转圈。第二次(只有4个人)慢慢走过好几次。

– 这鸟较神秘,有时怎么都看不到,有时就在我们面前几米走来走去。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia
4. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, 绒背纹胸鹛, 絨背紋胸鶥, Macronus ptilosus, ミノゲチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERBULU PONG-PONG

update 202406

– a very active bird that always making call attract ours attention either Peninsular Malaysia & Borneo lowland.

– lucky moment to have both standing and making call for us to take photo

– 非常活跃+漂亮的鸟。很容易听到这鸟在低海拔森林叫声。

– 这一次,非常幸运。2只站一起唱起歌让我们拍拍。

202406, Panti, Johor, Malaysia
5. Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 红腰穗鹛, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN BESAR BIASA

update 202406

– this place, I always call it “babbler heaven”. as usual while we actually trying to get White-necked Babbler pictures. This bird just came down to see us.

– active, and lovely babbler with very loud call normally heard in lowland forest

– 这个鸟点,我通常都叫他“鹛科天堂”。真的很多鹛都可以容易看到。当我们在拍白耳穗鹛。这一只鸟也参予。

– 非常活跃,叫的非常大声的鸟。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

6. Buff-necked Woodpecker, 黄颈斑啄木鸟, 黃頸斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tukki, カレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU LEHER KUNING

update 202406

– a bird that pretty common but I always trying to look for one last few months after I know it is lifer for my friend. finally this bird appear together with another woodpecker (think also lifer for him) but he choose this so we looking for this brown, white necked small woodpecker.

– 蛮普通的啄木鸟,可是我还是很努力找这鸟因为朋友新鸟种。这次,尽然2只啄木鸟(其实4种)在一个地方出现。可是朋友坚持要这一只,我们就专注这一只,小,黄斑,白颈。可是就一只母鸟

202406, Panti, Johor, Malaysia

7. Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕头绿鸠, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau

update 202407

– our first morning here and no main target sight, but one of the good bird we have … this lovely green pigeon.stay high up but it is really good to see them.

– 我们的第一个早上,目标鸟没叫可是看到这鸟也是够兴奋。虽然不是客人新鸟种。

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

8. Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker, 赤胸锯齿啄花鸟, 赤胸鋸齒啄花鳥, Prionochilus thoracicus, ベニムネハナドリモドキ, SEPAH-PUTERI BELAKANG KUNING

update 202408

– one of the most beautiful and rare flowerpecker of Malaysia. But it seem quite common at this part of Malaysia Lenggor-Arong-Panti area.

– Lucky group to have 2 sights of this lovely Flowerpecker

– 马来西亚最美+稀有的啄花鸟。在西马南部,几乎不难看到。虽然见过好几次,可是总是没办法拍到照片。

– 这一组人,好幸运尽然看到2次。还拍到。幸运啊

202408, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia





Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+4 [update 20241231]

Slowly divide it from Pellorneidae-Timaliidae

1. Golden Babbler, 金头穗鹛, 金頭穗鶥, Cyanoderma chrysaeum, キガシラモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL EMAS

2. Chestnut-winged Babbler (Chestnut-winged),  红翅穗鹛, 紅翅穗鶥, Cyanoderma erythropterum, erythropterum Group, アオメモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL KELIP

3. Chestnut-winged Babbler (Gray-hooded), 红翅穗鹛, 紅翅穗鶥, Cyanoderma erythropterum bicolor/rufum, アオメモリチメドリ (bicolor/rufum), KEKICAU-KECIL KELIP

4. Rufous-fronted Babbler, 红额穗鹛, 紅額穗鶥, Stachyridopsis rufifrons, ノドフズアカチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL API SELATAN

5. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, 纹胸巨鹛, 紋胸巨鶥, Macronus gularis, ムナフムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR BIASA

6. Black-throated Babbler, 黑喉穗鹛, 黑喉穗鶥, Stachyris nigricollis, ノドグロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN RANTAI PUTIH

7. Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 红腰穗鹛, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN BESAR BIASA

8. Gray-throated Babbler, 黑头穗鹛, 黑頭穗鶥, Stachyris nigriceps, ハイノドモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN RENGKUNG KELABU

10. Gray-headed Babbler, 灰头穗鹛, 灰頭穗鶥, Stachyris poliocephala, ハイガシラモリチメド, KEKICAU-KANTAN KEPALA KELABU

11. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis,シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

12. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, 纹胸巨鹛, 紋胸巨鶥, Macronus gularis, ムナフムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR BIASA

13. Bold-striped Tit-Babbler, 宽纹胸巨鹛, 寬紋胸巨鶥, Mixornis bornensis,シマムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR TIMUR

14. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, 绒背纹胸鹛, 絨背紋胸鶥, Macronus ptilosus, ミノゲチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERBULU PONG-PONG

15. Large Scimitar-Babbler, 长嘴钩嘴鹛, 長嘴鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus hypoleucos, オオマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BESAR

16. Sunda Scimitar-Babbler, 巽他钩嘴鹛, 巽他鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus bornensis, セアカマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BERCELAK MELAYU



51. Sulawesi Babbler, 苏拉雅鹛, 林雅鶥, Pellorneum celebense, セレベスムジチメドリ

52. Spot-necked Babbler, 斑颈穗鹛, 斑頸穗鶥, Stachyris strialata, エリボシモリチメドリ




150. Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler, 楔嘴鹩鹛, 紋胸楔嘴鷯鶥, Stachyris roberti, チャイロキリハシチメドリ

151. Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler, 剑嘴鹛, 細嘴鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus superciliaris, ハシナガチメドリ


1. Golden Babbler, 金头穗鹛, 金頭穗鶥, Cyanoderma chrysaeum, キガシラモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL EMAS

– quite active bird at Fraser Hill

– Fraser Hill, Cameron Highland

update 202411

This active, tiny bird features a dark-streaked crown, a small black mask, and a vibrant golden-yellow body.

After a successful first day, with nearly all our targets achieved, we ventured farther from the birding photography hide in search of more species. About 2 kilometers into the hike, as we decided to turn back, three of these birds appeared, feeding right in front of us and providing a perfect photo opportunity.



202411, Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 202106

– a active “golden-yellow” babbler, normally moving with bird wave

– 体长10~11厘米,是一种黄色小鸟。头顶金黄色有黑色纵纹,眼先黑色,在头、颊和耳羽金黄色的衬托下亦甚醒目。上体橄榄黄色,下体亮黄色,腹和两胁沾绿。
 – 非常活跃的金黄小鸟。通常在鸟浪中活动。
201504, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202012

Golden Babbler, 金頭穗鶥, Cyanoderma chrysaeum, キガシラモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba Emas

2. Chestnut-winged Babbler (Chestnut-winged),  红翅穗鹛, 紅翅穗鶥, Cyanoderma erythropterum, erythropterum Group, アオメモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL KELIP

– active and common both Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia having different

– common most the lowland forest

– Kuala Tahan, KRAU Merapok, Danum Valley, RDC, Tabin etc


Peninsular Malaysia. with Chestnut head



Chestnut-winged Babbler, 紅翅穗鶥, Cyanoderma erythropterum, アオメモリチメドリ, Rimba Merbah Sampah

3. Chestnut-winged Babbler (Gray-hooded), 红翅穗鹛, 紅翅穗鶥, Cyanoderma erythropterum bicolor/rufum, アオメモリチメドリ (bicolor/rufum), KEKICAU-KECIL KELIP

– head is full Gray without rufous-crown

Borneo – Without the Chestnut head


4. Rufous-fronted Babbler, 红额穗鹛, 紅額穗鶥, Stachyridopsis rufifrons, ノドフズアカチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL API SELATAN

– as other Babblers, active and good singer

– not that common

– not too common at Pen Malaysia, but Borneo slightly more common

– Trusmadi, Danum Valley, Fraser Hill etc

update 202307

– a bird that not so common in most of the places but here Danum Valley few locations. It is always there for years. but still an active bird to be photograph.

– 在多数地方都不很普篇,在丹浓好几个点。过去7-8年来都非常容易见到拍到。可是还是非常活跃的鸟。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

– captured this while the 201906 visits to Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia.

– this bird seems to enjoy insect attracted by the “light”

– an active bird that not that common in Peninsular Malaysia. but common in Borneo

– 婆羅洲蠻普通的鳥。可是在西馬不很普通。

201906, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


trip to

Borneo Bird Photography Outing at Borneo Jungle Girl camp …



5. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, 纹胸巨鹛, 紋胸巨鶥, Macronus gularis, ムナフムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR BIASA

– very common lowland and submontane

– Bukit Tinggi, KRAU, Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, etc

Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, 紋胸鶥, Mixornis gularis,ムナフムシクイチメドリ, Burung Rimba Berjalur

6. Black-throated Babbler, 黑喉穗鹛, 黑喉穗鶥, Stachyris nigricollis, ノドグロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN RANTAI PUTIH


update 202209

– an active bird which is slightly different from usual babbler which normal brownish.

– many years ago when I first encounter this, my good friend told me skip this as too common (at Taman Negara)and I think it is not after so many years

– 非常活跃的穗鹛,与其他鹛有点不一样。通常都很淡颜色。

202209, Kelantan, Malaysia


– active bird, seldom see in Borneo

– Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, KRAU, Poring etc

Black-throated Babbler, 黑喉穗鶥, Stachyris nigricollis, ノドグロモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba Bertam

7. Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 红腰穗鹛, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN BESAR BIASA

– very active bird

– common across Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia lowland forests

update 202406

– this place, I always call it “babbler heaven”. as usual while we actually trying to get White-necked Babbler pictures. This bird just came down to see us.

– active, and lovely babbler with very loud call normally heard in lowland forest

– 这个鸟点,我通常都叫他“鹛科天堂”。真的很多鹛都可以容易看到。当我们在拍白耳穗鹛。这一只鸟也参予。

– 非常活跃,叫的非常大声的鸟。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202403

– another active bird that getting difficult to seen and photograph compare many years ago. But this time, this bird seem very good to come close but still moving fast

– 这鸟之前还是蛮好拍的。可是最近几年,这鸟越来越难。可是这次这鸟尽然下来很低。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba Rembah Besar


8. Gray-throated Babbler, 黑头穗鹛, 黑頭穗鶥, Stachyris nigriceps, ハイノドモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN RENGKUNG KELABU

– common at montane

– Kinabalu National Park, Fraser Hill, Genting Highland etc

Gray-throated Babbler, 黑頭穗鶥, Stachyris nigriceps, ハイノドモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba Leher Kelabu

9. Gray-headed Babbler, 灰头穗鹛, 灰頭穗鶥, Stachyris poliocephala, ハイガシラモリチメド, KEKICAU-KANTAN KEPALA KELABU

– not common lowland species

– Kuala Tahan, KRAU, Danum Valley, Tabin etc

update 202404

– a bird that we not always been sight, but surprise this time just saw it not far from the town !!! but still a active bird to be photograph

– 一只不常见到的鸟。可是这次竟然在人住的地方拍到这只非常活跃的。

202404, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia



Gray-headed Babbler, 灰頭穗鶥, Stachyris poliocephala, ハイガシラモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba Kepala Kelabu

11. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis,シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

– very rare species

– many different calls and songs

update 202407

– another success “Rail-Babbler” target tour, after got ours main target. We start do casual birding, got this bird calling in the morning and managed to spent some good time with this bird (even my camera having some issue force me using MF)

– 另一个“白眉长颈鸫”目标团。在第二天把那鸟拿下后。我们就随便看看鸟,在一个早上。在听到他叫时,很快就拿下。虽然我的相机有些问题被逼用手动对焦(这鸟可是跳的非常快的)

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– 2nd trip to this special location for special targets. This beautiful, rare bird some how not the main target we here for. But we normally heard and seen them well so never waste we spend some time to have good look of this bird. But for this trip, it is a target so we spend one special early morning for this and not bad for the outcome and some birds come close

– a very active bird and black-rufous overall normally move in pair

– 这个雨第2次到这特别的鸟点找很特别的鸟种。这么一只漂亮稀有的鸟也不不是目标鸟。可是这一次,朋友们是要这鸟的。所以我们用其中一个早上找这鸟。还好,给我们拍够够。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



– a boring evening … not really as main target no sight at all. But very lucky to have this bird give us good show for about 5 minutes. active and rare bird
– 很活跃+害羞的鸟。下午到达立刻找目标,可是目标完全没声,没影。还好这一只这么难的的鸟出来让我们看够够。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202311

– a special target tour for Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, but 3 lowland forest we tried just too quiet. Just one Scarlet-rumped Trogon sighted and not other Trogon even make single call over 5 days.

– This bird was calling in the afternoon where we park ours’ car. I heard from far, no long the bird gave us good view and photography

– 原本6 天的橙腰咬鹃团,可是这个季节鸟真的没什么活动。去了3个较好机会的森林都很安静。几乎都没什么鸟叫。

– 在其中一天,这鸟在我们停车点叫。我大喊了一下,跑去看这鸟。没很久,就看到拍到。对我来讲还是不错,可是客人来是要橙腰咬鹃啊

202311, Johor, Malaysia



update 202307

– a active bird that many birder like to have a clear view. This bird quietly stand behind us with call. Found it after heard it but not long and it keep moving. But still managed to have some photos before it keep distance from us.

– 非常活跃的鸟。很不容易看到的鸟。3天在这个点,这次听到了可是还是没出现。可是突然听到它很近。尽然站在我们后面。可是没很久还是跳来跳去。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202105

– rare, shy, and good songbird. overall brown back upperpart, black-throat, white spot, thin white-browed

– 稀有,害羞,很会唱歌的鸟。棕色,黑喉,白点在颈,白眉。

201707, Johor, Malaysia

update 2020 Jul

White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis, シラボシモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba

– rare

– Panti, Kuala Tahan, Merapok etc

White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis, シラボシモリチメドリ, Burung Rimba Rembang

11. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, 纹胸巨鹛, 紋胸巨鶥, Macronus gularis, ムナフムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR BIASA

– very common lowland and submontane

– Bukit Tinggi, KRAU, Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, etc

Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, 紋胸鶥, Mixornis gularis,ムナフムシクイチメドリ, Burung Rimba Berjalur

13. Bold-striped Tit-Babbler, 宽纹胸巨鹛, 寬紋胸巨鶥, Mixornis bornensis,シマムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR TIMUR

– recent split from pin-striped

– RDC, Danum Valley, Kinabatangan river

update 202403

– another active bird, but this was quite easy for us to have good view and good picture too … happy

– 另一只不停的鸟。可是这次,这鸟非常乖,没几分钟就让我们看好好。拍好好

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



Bold-striped Tit-Babbler, 寬紋胸巨鶥, Mixornis bornensis, シマムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR TIMUR


14. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, 绒背纹胸鹛, 絨背紋胸鶥, Macronus ptilosus, ミノゲチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERBULU PONG-PONG

– very active babbler and colorful

– when calling the throat will show blue

update 202412

Another highlight of 2024—witnessing the bird showcase its fluffy and stunning display. With just two weeks left in the year, here’s to an even better 2025 ahead for all of us! Still, two more tours to wrap up the year—let’s enjoy the journey!


202409 Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


update 202409

– few days of good rest, spend half day with buddies.. each time here also having some good moment … and today morning manged to have a quick moment for this bird .. finally how’s the name come from

– 终于休息了好几天。最后一天,陪了朋友半天。到这森美兰的森林,每次来几乎都有一些惊喜。今天一早,见到这么一刻,终于知道它的“名”时怎么来的。

Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia



update 202406

– a very active bird that always making call attract ours attention either Peninsular Malaysia & Borneo lowland.

– lucky moment to have both standing and making call for us to take photo

– 非常活跃+漂亮的鸟。很容易听到这鸟在低海拔森林叫声。

– 这一次,非常幸运。2只站一起唱起歌让我们拍拍。

202406, Panti, Johor, Malaysia



update 202403

– just finish my fist long tour (19days) which sight 366++ (ebird).. many good memory for sure … and this common bird make us spent so much time to have a clear view and even the Bornean Bristlehead above us… no one want to have a look at it … all of suddenly these 2 birds pop up and making some displaying, dancing for us …

– a very active and normally not easy to have full open view

– 刚完成19天观鸟团,看到366种鸟(Ebird) (拍到~190种吧。。不是纪录照)太多甜酸。。。包括这一只非常普通的鸟,就用了好几天都没办法看好。。。在这一幕前一天,婆罗洲棘头鵙在头上都没人愿意找(我们看2次了)。几乎都放弃时,在我们碰碰运气找大蓝八色鸫前。它们在我们面前跳起舞来。。。。大家都笑啦。虽然普通。。。。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia




15. Large Scimitar-Babbler, 长嘴钩嘴鹛,長嘴鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus hypoleucos, オオマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BESAR

– very active, shy montane bird here

update 202008



16. Sunda Scimitar-Babbler, 巽他钩嘴鹛, 巽他鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus bornensis, セアカマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BERCELAK MELAYU

– more common across lowland, sub-montane, and even above 1200m asl ..

– very active bird with lovely call

update 202407

– I do not have many luck on this bird, many times meet this bird close wihtout camera. finally today it came very low while we waiting for Orange-Breasted Trogon.

– an active moving fast and around bird with curve beak.

– 我与这鸟没什么缘分。经常看到,可是就没相机。但我们在等橙胸咬鹃,这鸟自己找上门。

202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202208

– very active bird to be seen or photograph. This one good to come down feeding moth. Lucky low encounter

– 通常都在高高,动作快

202207, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia





51. Sulawesi Babbler, 苏拉雅鹛, 林雅鶥, Pellorneum celebense, セレベスムジチメドリ

– a boring looking but active and noisy as Abbott’s babbler

update 202310

– very early morning, while you walking in the park. this bird making a lot of noise and actively moving . This picture capture in very dark condition

– 一大早,这鸟通常都在园里叫跳不停。非常暗

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Malaysia

52. Spot-necked Babbler, 斑颈穗鹛, 斑頸穗鶥, Stachyris strialata, エリボシモリチメドリ

– active and moving within bushes and making various sharp, loud call

– 移动快在丛里,叫的蛮好听+响亮。

update 202312

– arrived the famous Tapan road, stop the first location as saw the whistling-thrush on the road and not long heard a not so familiar call and soon Dwi say it is a babbler and make some small effort to have it in view and not so open photo due to very lowlight. In the noon time very soon we have another chance to photograph it ..

– 到达鸟点(其实不是什么鸟点,就是条64公里的森林边的路)我们第一停下来,因为看到苏门答腊啸鸫。附近就听到我不很熟悉的声音,很快的Dwi 讲是鹛。也不容易的看到,当然也不好拍。。动作快+暗。在中午回程中,还好给个机会在听到。这次就好好拿下。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



150. Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler, 楔嘴鹩鹛, 紋胸楔嘴鷯鶥, Stachyris roberti, チャイロキリハシチメドリ

A gregarious babbler with a dark back and underparts spangled with scaly silver markings. At first glance, may resemble a cupwing, but this babbler is much larger and longer-tailed, and does not stick as closely to the ground as cupwings do. Often moves deep in dense shrubbery, but will occasionally forage in the middle layers of the forest as well, scaling trees and creeping along branches. [Ebird]

One of the stunning babblers has such flat body feather details that it almost resembles a drawing.



update 202412

An 8-day journey to Yunnan, particularly to this bird photography paradise, is almost at its end. As expected, capturing great photos of many species was as simple as sitting and waiting. However, a bit of luck was still needed. According to local, the number of bird species visiting has decreased, and with more hides available, the birds may now spread out instead of gathering in the usual spots. Regardless, we thoroughly enjoyed our authentic photography experience here.

Although the trip isn’t over yet, this moment stands out as one of my favorites. The bird was incredibly active, appearing for just a split second with an almost surreal “flat” look to its body—like a 2D drawing. But with patience, it rewarded us with some fantastic views as the day drew to a close.



202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China


151. Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler, 剑嘴鹛, 細嘴鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus superciliaris, ハシナガチメドリ

Possibly the species to which the moniker of “scimitar-babbler” attaches most fittingly, as this inhabitant of high-altitude evergreen forests has a bill shaped like a curved sword. Predominantly orange-brown, with a gray head and jagged white eyebrow. Easily identified, even if seen only in silhouette; no other babbler in its range has such a long, sharply curved bill. Moves through the lower levels of the forest in large, noisy flocks. [ebird]


update 202412

This bird has an oddly thin and curved beak, giving it a truly unique appearance. Though active, it’s not hard to spot here. At many bird hides, it readily comes out to grab food before retreating, making it relatively easy to see and photograph.


202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China





More pictures from Flickr: Timaliidae series: Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature

... chestnut-rumped babbler,红腰穗鹛 ...


More Videos: Timaliidae series: Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature


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