– another special trip to this “South” of Peninsular Malaysia but this time we actually target only Malaysian Rail-Babbler and Cinnamon-rumped Trogon. Day1 , we already have this bird again with better view and photo and the Rail-Babbler give a good view but …
– an active bird that everyone seem special look for this bird family
– another success “Rail-Babbler” target tour, after got ours main target. We start do casual birding, got this bird calling in the morning and managed to spent some good time with this bird (even my camera having some issue force me using MF)
– 2nd trip to this special location for special targets. This beautiful, rare bird some how not the main target we here for. But we normally heard and seen them well so never waste we spend some time to have good look of this bird. But for this trip, it is a target so we spend one special early morning for this and not bad for the outcome and some birds come close
– a very active bird and black-rufous overall normally move in pair
– a boring evening … not really as main target no sight at all. But very lucky to have this bird give us good show for about 5 minutes. active and rare bird
– 很活跃+害羞的鸟。下午到达立刻找目标,可是目标完全没声,没影。还好这一只这么难的的鸟出来让我们看够够。
– within 24 hours, we got this bird again with much better view this time. All have perfect view of the shy bird..it is really fun to see this bird walk slow infront of us.
– a shy bird always difficult to spot and walk almost close to ground only
– another special target birds tour (5th this year for Rail-Babbler), this time with big group.. little bit challenge to get 1st target .. Malaysian Rail-babbler … but today morning, managed to heard it and wait a while before locate it calling. Happen for 2-3 minutes .. everyone see it from limited angle 🙁 but relieve …
– it is a long plan request from “friend”, a bird family need Rail-Babbler… last for him and another Jay-shrike for better view .. and we make this happen within 2 days while we actually plan it for 5 days … day1 arrive afternoon nothing much but still got Finsch’s Bulbul & Scarlet-breasted Flowerpeckeras new birds and with many woodpeckers with good view … follow by lunch and a quite bored afternoon … but still able to have good view of Crested Jayshrike and ~10m close Rail-babbler without any sight …Day2 morning nothing much even with some good view but no Rail-babbler close heard .. raining afternoon after lunch even still rain.. as Bill seem worry we missed the bird just decided walk into forest with raining gear … not far after we walk I heard “to to to” real close and ask every one backward … YES me and Bill saw the bird circling and walk across the trail but Karen & Miki missed … hmmmmmm .. so we decided go to a slight open space to wit for the bird…. not that long the bird came into view and making “balloon” call show for us more than 2 minutes .. smile for everyone …
– a good month to start to have good view of this special bird, total 4 good view of this birds 2024 June. And twice we special come to this special location for 2 special birds family. Both trips got the bird on day1/2, hope it stay for next few visits.
– a birds came close to us and make special “balloon call” style.
– finally finish a long tour, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo & extension to South P Malaysia. We had this very special target bird twice all of us saw the bird well and long. We had this bird walking across the trail after 2-3 hours search through the forest.
– a mystery bird that can be very shy or sometime just appear in-front of you and walk slowly.
– a very active bird that always making call attract ours attention either Peninsular Malaysia & Borneo lowland.
– lucky moment to have both standing and making call for us to take photo
– 非常活跃+漂亮的鸟。很容易听到这鸟在低海拔森林叫声。
– 这一次,非常幸运。2只站一起唱起歌让我们拍拍。
202406, Panti, Johor, Malaysia
5. Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 红腰穗鹛, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN BESAR BIASA
update 202406
– this place, I always call it “babbler heaven”. as usual while we actually trying to get White-necked Babbler pictures. This bird just came down to see us.
– active, and lovely babbler with very loud call normally heard in lowland forest
– a bird that pretty common but I always trying to look for one last few months after I know it is lifer for my friend. finally this bird appear together with another woodpecker (think also lifer for him) but he choose this so we looking for this brown, white necked small woodpecker.
– our first morning here and no main target sight, but one of the good bird we have … this lovely green pigeon.stay high up but it is really good to see them.
after long wait, I finally have some time with this amazing world number one 100-300 mm zoon F2.8 lens
here is some of my real field “feel” and real field “test result”
my real test with CANON R3, CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 with RF 2x tc
2. Sultan Tit, 冕雀, Melanochlora sultanea, サルタンガラ, SESERAI SULTAN
– a simple test with this active bird, the AF seem quite good even it is slower than RF100-300 with 1.4x, RF400mm F2.8 with 1.4x but it is good enough to photograph small and active bird like this
– it is an old picture, another not a good memory to have .. too many pressure to cause the chick fledged too earlier …. it still not really able to fly, fall into the river few times and safe back … can’t do much beside wish them good luck
2. Great Iora, 大绿雀鹎, 大綠雀鵯, Aegithina lafresnayei, オオヒメコノハドリ, KUNYIT-KECIL SAYAP HITAM
update 202404
– still clearing hdd and this moment remind me my best time spent with my buddies .. hope I have time to go out with them more. Very lucky to see the adult keep feeding the young
– 还在清理2022的旧照片。这照片是鱼一帮朋友无忧无虑的看鸟看到,幼鸟在等成鸟来喂。朋友等等我。
202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Yellow-crowned Barbet, 黄顶拟鴷, 黃頂擬鴷, Psilopogon henricii, キンカブリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM BIASA
update 202406
– a common heard but seldom seen Barbet, it is most attractive Barbet but sure a beautiful bird to photograph
– new month, new group… another great parent all the way come here with their children for Birding – hobby (the kid just 12 years old) .. a hit and miss morning but in the end of the session, we managed to have this not so common and beautiful Hornbill as last bird of the day.
– a very good start of the tour, 2nd bird after Falconet. the beautiful woodpecker make everyone excited to see more woodpecker from Malaysia. #WoodpeckersofMalaysia
– honor to try out the new CANON R5mii, most of us really wish firmware upgrade for R5marki for better AF features. but we know while the markii launch mean the hope will fall on the new R5markii. Yes, the AF improve dramatically, it have AF function like R3, R7, R6markii with add on of new feature too.
– this bird fly quite low and any direction, I track it quite well too
what I like
i. animal detect, eye detection now included for single point, 5 points, any zone and also full area
ii. add on new focus area which disable all animal detect !!! it back to old AF method “point AF” .. very useful for condition for the camera difficult to detect the animal !!!
iii. the animal detect simply awesome, it pick up the animal so fast even at complex environment.. hope I can share more soon
iv. tracking is good too, even it is nothing compare to new R1 .. and may R3 (may be so use to the R3, feel the R3 pick up faster and track more “sticky”)
v. the .5s continuous pre-shoot is a real good feature !!! for wildlife .. I dont have many chance test this but it should be one of the best feature !!! all other brands may also follow this soon 😀
Just another moment captured with this beautiful yet shy bird. I’m accustomed to situations where people alter the environment—making it brighter and more open—just for the sake of photos, which can affect the bird’s natural behavior. However, that doesn’t diminish my happiness, especially with my birding buddy back in action after finally deciding to get his 400mm F2.8 following a slowdown in birding. Exciting times ahead, as I have more personal birding trips coming up soon!
– it is a tough day, been assign with a 1.5 days (actually just one day for Rail-babbler as main target). After meet Hermina & Shannon, they really keen to see the Rail-babbler… so we make a early move and have a long coffee stop before we go into forest due to some early morning rain. Immediate arrive the area, after got 1 frogmouth calling, and sight the Banded Woodpecker. I heard the Rail-babbler calling, immediate trying to track it down and we spit the bird less than 10 minutes … ring my buddy and hope he is happy man now ..
– a very common lowland forest, mangrove, sub-montane woodpecker. Overall rufous which difficult to miss this bird.
– it is a special out to test the R1, may be I am already start use the “Pre-capture” long ago .. (those Olympus old time, Panasonic etc) for me to captured this kind of “trap focus” “jumping” picture is very easy … now Canon finally come with proper Pre-capture and improve it with … “continous Pre-capture” ..mean it is almost every half-press is a pre capture .. as long as control well the buffer… I hope I can find a better way to share to all of this about this “Best feature” to have for Wildlife Photography
9. Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼, Microhierax fringillarius,モモグロヒメハヤブサ, RAJAWALI-BELALANG MELAYU
update 202411
– The only species in Peninsular Malaysia which also one of the world’s smallest raptors, often seen perched high, watching for prey.
– While testing the new Canon R1’s Pre-continuous Shooting and AF performance, I captured one of many frames. I’ll share more from the full sequence in the near future.
normally at low land jungle/forest but it stands high up … and come by more than 1 …
update 202402
– few juvi bird feeding by the adult and managed to see this young bird just stay there but think capture by David Tseu not me .. he poison with the CANON RF200800 😀 ..
– depend on the checklist this split from Banded Kingfisher (if split it is Borneo endemic)
update 202404
– another good bird seen while waiting for target bird, this bird just came not that high and making some call .. beautiful male bird
– 沙巴另一只低海拔的主要目标鸟。在等其他鸟,这鸟飞在我们附近不高。
202403, Sepilok, Sabah
update 202402
– while we waiting for ours target, a pair of this special Borneo endemic came really low while the target also came close to us… make everyone of us so busy to look for 3 of them 。。 this such a beautiful girl
– it is so hot here, the weather look same like previous Chinese New Year… hot .. hot .. hot .. I am just like this cute little fellow want to shower and shower
– 有如之前华人新年一样,非常热。就热热。。。我就如这小可爱,要冲凉啊。
202402, Sepilok, Sabah
6. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird, 紫喉蓝肩花蜜鸟, 紫喉藍肩花蜜鳥, Leptocoma brasiliana, アンハッセルトタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BELACAN BIASA
– one of the most beautiful Sunbird of Malaysia, it wont be wrong if you see reddish+purple
– 马来西亚最漂亮花蜜鸟之一吧。远远看红+紫。
update 202402
– quite hot and humid afternoon, heard the bird call… and very soon saw it stand at top of the tree. lovely and beautiful bird as usual
– 蛮闷热的一个中午。听到鸟叫,很快就找到。站在树顶上,漂亮吧
202402, Sepilok, Sabah
7. Sabah Partridge, 沙巴山鹧鸪, 沙巴山鷓鴣, Tropicoperdix graydoni, クリチャミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-BUKIT SABAH
– also call Sabah Partridge, the look slightly different on the chest & head.
– behavior, environment very similar
– comparative common or more sighting compare to the Arborophila Charlton
update 202402
– after got the Bornean Bristlehead, this bird soon come and make loud call for us .. really beautiful and loud call
9. Bornean Bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞, 棘头鵙, Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, TIUNG-BATU KEPALA MERAH
– very special lowland Borneo endemic.
– overall black under and back. on top Red-Yellow-orange
– won’t miss the call as very weird calling
– male without red flanks where the female has
– 非常特別的婆羅洲特有種。
– 下半身都黑。頭頸部,紅-橙黃。
– 叫聲很特別。吵,有像狗叫。
update 202410
– one of bird that not so rare but just need luck to be see one. Lucky guests have very good view even may not good chance to have good picture this round …
– just another close encounter of this bird, sometime just need some luck for this wonderful looking bird.
– 另一次的近距离拍摄这鸟。
202405, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202404
– a wonderful group and trip, even begin with little bit problem where Indonesia Mount Ruang eruption cause us reach Borneo with little be delay .. and group decided travel to Kuala Lumpur than direct to Sabah.
– we start ours day with Spotted Wood Owl and Dusky eagle owl .. follow with many good birds and today we had one of the highly wanted target .. 7 birds show up after 1 day search and day 2 early morning gave us very good picture opportunity
– a very Asian Brown like bird, but upper chest seem have brown streak
update 202403
– not my first time seeing this bird here, but few occasion and this time we saw it carry nesting material went into a canopy tree.. but not able to have record picture
It’s a noisy bird, but I always enjoy seeing it. It gives us great opportunities for photography, even though it’s just a plain black bird and not particularly striking. Its unique actions—like calling while moving its head up and down—make for special photo moments.
During a brief visit to RDC, we were scanning for birds to photograph when this one approached, making a noisy call. Suddenly, it flew toward us. Without hesitation, I pressed the shutter. Despite the low light in the forest and the high ISO, it still tracked well.
– another bird that use to be not so common at RDC but recently it become almost cannot miss bird .. a black bird that look similar to Peninsular Malaysia species but here without the white patch on wing
– another very close encounter of the lovely woodpecker, the story behind is the bird only have certain angle to have better view but it is always good to tolerate to have every got chance to have a good picture or view
– same bird since last month stay same area. It stay so long for us .. not best angle but still can see how beautiful is the Trogon. a Lovely male, follow by Diard’s trogon stand just ~20m away … lucky day for Trogon ..
– a “purple” head trogon than wont be missed, and pretty common bird to be seen at Sepilok, Sandakan.
– 有如其名,紫顶。在山打根RDC蛮普通的。
202403, Sepilok, Sabah
15. Green Broadbill, 绿阔嘴鸟, 小綠闊嘴鳥, Calyptomena viridis, ミドリヒロハシ, Burung Selawit
update 202405
– it is my first time heard and see this bird in RDC .. may be I am not lucky ? but it is rare for myself .. it is so happy for everyone after we have few very good view like this.
While waiting for our main target, a few birds came close, giving us great photo opportunities. Among them was this lovely small cuckoo, which approached us to within 5–10 feet of the ground. It was a pleasure to see it up close, especially as it called loudly.
– a big “black” woodpecker which you wont go wrong with the ID here in Malaysia. It is not that rare but common at RDC, Sepilok, Sabah. Walk around very good chance to have very good view of this beautiful woodpecker.
– lucky group to have this bird stay for more than 20 minutes for us to take almost every angle of this bird
update 202405
– another casual birding behind the resort as already got all the targets .. but not bad got few good speciess include this beautiful woodpecker with close view
– a quite common “brown” woodpecker with “white” mark on neck
– 几乎所有目标都拿下了。就到酒店后面轻松拍拍,尽然遇上好几只鸟很近的让我们拍照。
202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
22. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, 绒额䴓, 絨額䴓, Sitta frontalis, ビロウドゴジュウカラ, PEPATUK BIASA
update 202406
– a bird that normally active, moving fast and high on tree trunk… as usual this is fast and active … but we saw it just ~5-7 feet from use .. a great view of this bird ..
It is a common bird but often overlooked, as it can sometimes be mistaken for other species and tends to stay near the canopy.
202412, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202406
– it is flowering season, so many tree with flowers at RDC. Birds come feed near flower, nectar, insects etc .. included this not so common bird also come feed on the nectar.
– 在西必洛雨林公园,很多书都结花。很多鸟都为了花蜜,昆虫都飞的很近很低。
202406, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
25. Buff-rumped Woodpecker, 黄腰斑啄木鸟, 黃腰斑啄木鳥,Meiglyptes tristis, ヒメカレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU BIASA
update 202407
– a small woodpecker overall “brown” with stripe front. sometime it is confuse with Buff-necked which is slight bigger with “white-neck” spot make it easier to different
update 202407
– a raining afternoon, almost lost full half day but before we call it a day. Got few birds gave us some good view include this Borneo endemic. a pair stay low and long for us.
– 几乎整个下午都下雨,看是没什么机会。我还是叫大家到有花的地方等雨停,还好好几只不错的鸟出现。包括这只婆罗洲特有种。
202407, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah
27. Rufous-collared Kingfisher, 栗领翡翠, 栗領翡翠, Actenoides concretus, アオヒゲショウビン, PEKAKA-RIMBA MELAYU
update 202407
– a bird that use to quite easy at Sabah but getting tough to have good view .. may be I am losing luck to see ti good at Sabah. But a lucky group of people see it close and good with front, side and back view.
– a forest Kingfisher that normally stay not that high from ground.
28. Maroon Woodpecker, 小栗啄木鸟, 小栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus rubiginosus, エビチャゲラ, BELATUK-PUNGGUR MERAH
update 202408
– a common heard woodpecker but seldom good chance to be photograph. lovely yellow beak, mid size woodpecker. This bird make a surprise for us, fly infornt of ~5-10feet for us
– 在马来西亚(东马,西马)都很常听到而拍不到的鸟。这鸟很乖啊,飞过来5-10尺前让我们拍拍。
202408, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah
29. Fiery Minivet, 火红山椒鸟, 火紅山椒鳥, Pericrocotus igneus, コベニサンショウクイ, BURUNG-MATAHARI KECIL BIASA
update 202408
– another close encounter of this lovely minivet and female just too close to us.
– 又一次幸运的这么近的看到这么漂亮的鸟。
202408, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah
30. Large-tailed Nightjar, 长尾夜鹰, 長尾夜鷹, Caprimulgus macrurus, オビロヨタカ, TUKANG BIASA
update 202409
– it is a lucky sight, day roost of this common night bird just near the restaurant. It stay quiet and doesn’t move at all.
– 马来西亚蛮普通的夜鸟。多么不可思议,这鸟在我们餐厅旁休息。动都不动。
202404, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah
31. Raffles’s Malkoha, 棕胸地鹃, 棕胸地鵑, Rhinortha chlorophaea, クリイロバンケンモドキ, CENUK KERAK
update 202410
– one of most easier and common Malkoha in this region. Male predominantly bright rufous-brown with darker tail, female has gray head and chest.
– a lucky moment, to see this bird flying toward us and with the new CANON R5mii.. just too easier to capture this bird flying toward us
– 在马来西亚,这算事最普通的地鹃。雄鸟,头是棕色。木鸟灰白色。
– 我们算事幸运的遇上这鸟飞向我们,在佳能R5markii的对焦+追焦功能。很容易吧这一刻拿下。
202410, Sepilok, Sabah, Malaysia
32. Stork-billed Kingfisher, 鹳嘴翡翠, 鸛嘴翡翠, Pelargopsis capensis, コウハシショウビン, PEKAKA-EMAS BIASA
update 202410
– a big yellow and “big beak” Kingfisher, it does look slight different from Peninsular Malaysia/Thailand/India
– 3 years ago, I am testing R3 at Kuala Selangor with this bird flying and managed to have good result. Now, finally the high megapixel R5markii finally also come with good focusing system. The bird dive into pond without any notice and without any fish it flying back to nearby perch. I didnt prepare for any dive shots but managed to get the bird focus almost immediate I point my camera to the bird.
– Brownish olive above with a yellow belly, faint yellow crescents around the eye, and faint speckling on the crown
– A fairly common bird that simply requires a bit of patience to photograph, as it will eventually come to the flowers.
– 上体呈褐橄榄色,腹部黄色,眼周有淡黄色弯月纹,头顶有淡淡的斑点。
– 一种相当常见的鸟,只需稍加耐心等待拍摄,它最终会来到花丛中。
202410, Sepilok, Sabah, Malaysia
34. Blue-headed Pitta, 蓝头八色鸫, 藍頭八色鶇, Hydrornis baudii, ズアオヤイロチョウ, Burung Pacat Kepala Biru
update 202503
It’s a great way to start the month with two sightings of this stunning Borneo endemic Pitta. It wasn’t far, but I stuck with my 500mm lens, avoiding getting closer to disturb it before others had their chance to capture it. Such incredible colors!
35. Orange-backed Woodpecker, 橙背啄木鸟, 橙背啄木鳥,Reinwardtipicus validus, アカハラコガネゲラ, BELATUK DADA MERAH
update 202503
It’s a hectic day—I’m traveling from Borneo back to Kuala Lumpur, and within six hours, I have to catch a flight to Indonesia for another exciting trip. Unfortunately, my own mistake made the schedule quite chaotic.
Despite that, it was an incredible photography tour with great luck spotting woodpeckers. One of them even came down close and low, giving us a perfect opportunity for some great shots.
– it is fun to have 800mm zoom ? I used this new CANON RF200-800mm for months and again the 800mm is really useful sometime while this bird just ~10m from us and I use 800mm zoom to get almost same view like this
– another bird that I rarely photograph beside feeding spot… this as usual a bird capture at feeding spot. It is tame as usual come together with another lovely Kingfisher
– another common bird but beautiful.. one of the “brown” woodpecker among many colorful woodpecker of Malaysia
– 马来西亚的啄木鸟都很多颜色的,就好几种比较闷。包括这一只,可是还是漂亮的。也蛮普通。
202404, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
4. Gray-and-buff Woodpecker, 灰黄啄木鸟, 灰黃啄木鳥,Hemicircus concretus, カンムリコゲラ, BELATUK-DAUN DAHI MERAH
update 202406
– a short break after long tours, friend ask to join their lifers looking North… but end up we spend 21 hours road travel+birding. This bird came so close and low while after long quiet time for us.
– small and active woodpecker, male with red crown, female no.. this seem Juvenile which have “orange” crown.
– just finish my fist long tour (19days) which sight 366++ (ebird).. many good memory for sure … and this common bird make us spent so much time to have a clear view and even the Bornean Bristlehead above us… no one want to have a look at it … all of suddenly these 2 birds pop up and making some displaying, dancing for us …
– a very active and normally not easy to have full open view
– lowland bird that can found both 2nd forest and primary forest
– very beautiful calling
– small Wren-babbler with white breasted and normally move in pair
update 202503
It is a stunning and energetic bird that is almost impossible to miss in Danum Valley. However, this time, it posed a real challenge to photograph as it approached us but mostly stayed on the ground. Still, everyone had a great view of it.
– a difficult to miss bird in Danum Valley, it will come even from far and normally just stand quite still not far from us. A lovely Wren-babbler
– 丹浓谷非常普通也很少会错过的鸟。非常漂亮
202409, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202408
– almost never miss bird from Danum Valley, very first few bird for the morning. It just stand there for us ..but still dark .. ISO 10000
– 丹浓谷几乎不会错过的鸟。在第一个早上,这鸟一大早就跳出来让我们看个够。
202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202407
– a bird that never miss and bore to see and photograph again and again. This time, it just appear just ~100m from the lodge. very active to be calling non stop
– this bird seem not easy at any where, but Danum Valley, BRL seem very easy .. I almost never miss this bird even for picture … but not this time, day1…day2 we tried very hard even went into trail but this bird seem very quick show and gone no one seem have good view except me 🙁 …but this bird just sudden appear at main road after we got the Finsch’s Bulbul … it just stand there and sing+dance for us
– this bird can be found easily near Lodge area but we seldom stay.. most of ours activities walk from the lodge but this time we got this bird easily just ~200-400m away on ground (~5cm from ground) … it pick the fruit for feeding ?
4. Chestnut-rumped Babbler, 红腰穗鹛, 紅腰穗鶥, Stachyris maculata, コシアカモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN BESAR BIASA
update 202403
– another active bird that getting difficult to seen and photograph compare many years ago. But this time, this bird seem very good to come close but still moving fast
– another chance to photograph and see this bird.. this bird is not easy at most of the location except Danum Valley which is seem quite easier. Even after all people have a good look I still have chance to take a picture of this shy and active song bird
– another bird that we keep looking walk so far to look for one but this nearby to ours’ lodge area just one standing and calling attract ours attention
– not much activities near road side of BRL, really hope to go into trail more actions
– 为了这一只特有种,走上走下都没找到。第二天就在我们的饭店100米内站着等我们。
– 在大路上几乎鸟不多,很奇怪。可是太多人又不好走林道。
202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202403
– a very tame and easy female this time, it just keep following us until we got the male after ~30-40minutes first saw this bird
– very large bird, which 150-170cm (included tail)
– female with white throat
– not easy to see
– another beautiful bird from Malaysia … it is a bird, call weird and beautiful
update 202408
– it is like a every trip bird for 2024, the current Bird families tour. Not that expected to see this but we sight this twice at 2 different location and this one with such a close and good view .. a lucky trip here ..
– it is another great trip, we saw this bird 2 times from Fraser Hill and Danum Valley. While we having ours afternoon walk, this bird just flew in and after we managed to have some good view of the male (didn’t found where the female perch) … the male decide to leave than we saw the female 😀
– another bird quite common at Danum Valley and not else where, and this time meet this bird at Canopy bridge and it show weird reaction shaking its head ..
– 另一只在丹绒谷蛮普通的鸟(在其他地方蛮难找的)。这次还在高桥处看到他的特别摇头动作。
202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
9. White-crowned Forktail, 白冠燕尾, 白额燕尾, Enicurus leschenaulti, frontalis, エンビシキチョウ, CEGAR RAYA BIASA
update 202408
– a very shy bird to have good view and photo, it normally found near small stream or wet ground near “water area”. a lowland species
– 非常害羞的鸟,通常见到。没办法拍好。通常在小溪边可以找到它。
202407, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202403
– it is a bird that always avoid me, I didn’t got many chance to take photo of this common but shy bird. But this month within same tour, I got both Borneo-Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia-Pahang version … and surprise they are tame and allow us approach them ~10m
– it is a lucky night, after got the Barred Eagle Owl… this bird just stand there for us .. another good picture to show the different between indranee Group (Peninsular Malaysia) & leptogrammica Group (Borneo)
– it is one of the beautiful non black-and-white forktail here .. beautiful and shy as usual .. not that difficult to see it near the stream.
– 马来西亚蛮漂亮的燕尾,也是唯一不是黑+白的。蛮害羞,在溪边蛮容易看到的。
202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
13. Cream-eyed Bulbul, 白眼鹎, Pycnonotus pseudosimplex, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BORNEO
update 202408
– after tired to search for Bornean Wren-babblers .. everyone saw it but not a very good view ::( .. decide to walk up to canopy for some relax birding and this bird stand in-front of us .. sometime it is easy to miss as a brown bird
– 在看到加里曼丹地鹛后,大家都筋疲力尽了。就上了树上不到简单看鸟,这一只好鸟竟然就站前面。
202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202404
– another species getting difficult to sight, may be we overlooked the “brown bird” .. pale white eye which very Cream-vented Bulbul look alike but absent from Borneo
Another unforgettable moment with this rare, incredibly shy, and active Borneo endemic. It’s hard to believe it stayed in front of us, slowly moving, for quite a while—just about 10 feet away. Truly a remarkable memory to cherish for 2024.
– so far, this bird just too difficult to capture video, saw them display before but inside dark area and deep in bush or else moving fast and calling .. finally one of the moment I want to share .. how this bird making this song and hope one day capture how it making the call .
– another good moment with this bird, it is difficult to while this bird love to moving near ground and very active. Some of us just see the bird jumping around … but after lunch I decide to check out again. Very lucky to have this bird just ~10 feet from me ..
– never want to missed this bird while I am in Borneo, one of my top 3 birds to be seen and photograph. It happen to my last bird of long main tour. Good view for all, record picture for this super active bird.
– a must see bird at Danum Valley, one of favorite. It is always active and good to have good view.
– 婆罗洲我最喜欢鸟之一。每次到丹浓谷,我都非常期待看到他。他的活跃,叫声是多么的吸引人。
202403, Danum Valley, Sabah
15. Great Argus, 大眼斑雉, 大眼斑雉, Argusianus argus, セイラン, KUANG-RAYA BIASA
update 202409
– another revisit of the dancing ground, the bird still there calling the mate .. sad no one see interest on him … this time with the CANON RF200-800mm. Trying to walk slight close to have closer shot .. can see some ticks on the face .. and remember my buddy say it is ugly bird ! what a beauty
– we have ours main targets ticked, so we look for any other target … we walk real slow in the morning until the first spot and the bird not there .. continue walking and reach 2nd location … we just walk into the trail for nothing to hope but when we got close it calling loud and when we reach the bird seem shy .. than we decided to walk further … and wait .. not that long they bird sudden appear and displaying for us !!!! wow wow
– a post make us think, why me and my best buddy (i think he think the same now) always got something unexpected. It is boring to know the result while you going for … buddy hope everything is fine for you … I really miss ours time, you make me strong, you make me ignore gossip …
– one of the best moment 2024, it is a relax birding day after we had all 3 main targets of the Families DONE. When we arrive the dancing ground, the bird seem shy and walk to a side .. and we decided to move further to monitor the bird and get some pictures. Nothing to expect, all of sudden it start displaying (dancing) … Immediate got the “one of the best moment of 2024” .. (still like a dream
– a big bird .. real big and shy if not found the “dancing ground” which always heard but not seen. But Danum Valley still one of best place to see it and photograph it .. one of few good view of this bird
– active and common Borneo endemic in certain places like Sabah RDC, Danum Valley BRL
– for the group this is the only bird that keep seeing again and again in very close distance.
– 在婆罗洲, 西必洛,丹浓谷保护区 都不难拍到这鸟。
– 在上一团,这可是见最多的婆罗洲特有种。还要是特别近距离的。
202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
17. Bornean Bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞, 棘头鵙, Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, TIUNG-BATU KEPALA MERAH
update 202412
Another great moment 2024—after missing this bird at RDC, we were fortunate to encounter it up close and low on our way to Danum Valley. It made quite a lot of noise, even while feeding on insects.
– finally back from a stress tour, leading 10 (2 cannot make it ) for 3 special monotypic families, we spend 2.5 days for this.. Everyone seem tired but still patient for the process of waiting and looking (thanks for the trust) finally we have very good view of this Borneo endemic for ~2-3 minutes low … lucky group also managed to record 200+ birds (only lowland forest and some amazing species)
– we had some hard time to have this main target at RDC due to just very short stop over. Everyone seem stress while we arrive Danum Valley with heavy rain … but lucky with rain slow down and we stop a quick birding .. and not that long, we have good view of the bird ! with some flying action too (may be due to raining)
– as usual with morning walk to look for more missing “brown birds”, all of sudden saw Brown+Yellow bird and very soon heard the call .. I ask everyone to have a good view of this not so common brown bird
20. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥,Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU
update 202406
– a tiny woodpecker always excited to see them actively moving and drum loud for such a small bird.
– a place quite common to see them, Danum Valley not that difficult to photograph too
– 一只每次客人看到都很惊讶的一只小小啄木鸟。跳动快,啄木声很大。。。就这么小不点。
– 在马来西亚低海拔森林,不难见到。在沙巴丹浓谷,更是容易见到,拍到。
202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
21. Blue-headed Pitta, 蓝头八色鸫, 藍頭八色鶇, Hydrornis baudii, ズアオヤイロチョウ, Burung Pacat Kepala Biru
update 202409
– another bird always to look for when we are at Borneo. This month, we saw it few times at Danum Valley and Tabin. Amazing colors on this particular bird.
– it is always good reason to visit Danum Valley for this wonderful Pitta, this bird can be either very challenge or very easy to see especially the right time and place. (plan for right time, the bird can be like this one just give up show infront of 10 of us and stay for photo)
– when the time come, right season make this so much easier ..compare to last few months. The bird just come and check and I am just ~10 feet from him. I think this is one of the Pitta I really enjoy to see its’ behavior than waiting for hours in spot … so much fun to see ~5 birds just 2 km in the trail .. 3 of them gave me good chance to have photographs
22. Oriental Bay-Owl, 栗鸮, 栗鴞,Phodilus badius, ニセメンフクロウ, PUNGGUK-API BIASA
update 202407
– I do not have much luck on this special looking and cute owl … but last tour, I had 2 different locations which included this sight at Danum Valley and 3 of them standing surrounding me and making very soft call
– last morning at Danum, walk little slower as waiting more light to go into trail for more species but this bird just come out from bush and walk infront of us and Spread your wings
– a lovely “song bird” make a very lovely song almost just like Sooty-capped babbler .. moving in flock and fast
– 一只非常会唱歌的鸟,有时会与也非常厉害的纯色树鹛相似。通常群体活动。
202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
26. Sabah Partridge, 沙巴山鹧鸪, 沙巴山鷓鴣, Tropicoperdix graydoni, クリチャミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-BUKIT SABAH
update 202408
– this bird seem not really easy to have picture in Danum, but it is a lucky day.. the bird just stand there for so long .. but it is under the dark area .. ISO16000 used 🙁
27. Green Broadbill, 绿阔嘴鸟, 小綠闊嘴鳥, Calyptomena viridis, ミドリヒロハシ, Burung Selawit
update 202409
– still remember a lucky day with 2nd encounter of Bornean Bristlehead. Someone also had the Bornean Wren-Babbler .. I shut Green Broadbill close .. real close .. she just stand ~5-10 feet away trying to grab the nesting material ..
1. Reddish Scops-Owl, 棕角鸮, 棕角鴞, Otus rufescens, アカチャコノハズク, JAMPUK MERAH
update 202402
– this bird do not make any vocal when we were at Taman Negara, but come to here it call non stop and after boring for 1 hour. This bird just sudden appear .. cute and persistent call owl in the forest
2. Bold-striped Tit-Babbler, 宽纹胸巨鹛, 寬紋胸巨鶥, Mixornis bornensis, シマムシクイチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJALUR TIMUR
update 202503
It is a very common lowland bird in Borneo, known for being quite noisy. However, it is not easy to photograph due to its highly active nature.
202502, Kinabatangan River, Sabah
update 202403
– another active bird, but this was quite easy for us to have good view and good picture too … happy
– 另一只不停的鸟。可是这次,这鸟非常乖,没几分钟就让我们看好好。拍好好
202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
3. Wrinkled Hornbill, 皱盔犀鸟, 皺盔犀鳥,Aceros corrugatus, ズグロサイチョウ, ENGGANG BERKEDUT MELAYU
update 202406
– one of the most lucky group, this bird stay long and flying around for of of the best pictures opportunity.
– for me one of the most beautiful Hornbill of Malaysia
– 算2024最幸运的一组。这么漂亮的鸟站蛮近,久还要飞来飞去。让我们拍够够。
– 这可算我们最漂亮的犀鸟之一。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– one of the most beautiful Hornbill of Malaysia for me, it is not that common but not really easy to miss at Kinabatangan river.
– lucky group to have this pair feeding so low and long for use capture so many good photo of it.
– 对我而言,这是马来西亚秀美犀鸟之一。不容易见到,可是在沙巴京河很少会错过。
– 这一组摄鸟人,非常幸运。竟然见到他们这么低的吃东西,还要非常久。
202404, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
– it is wonderful month for this hornbill, got so many good low angle pictures over last 3 trip there .. amazing and lovely Hornbill.
– 非常神奇,这两个月来。都拍到这鸟非常低,几乎没再这么低。这犀鸟算时最美犀鸟之一吧。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– for the last 2 trips to Kinabatangan River, it is so weird that the number Wrinkled Hornbill that I sight more than Rhinoceros Hornbill..
– what a close encounter of this beautiful honrbill, just ~10 feet away ..
– 这么近的看这鸟真的很不一样,真的很美。这次我们只站他的10尺左右。
– 最后2次(1个月内)到京河真的很不一样。尽然遇上皱盔犀鸟比马来犀鸟多。好像很怪。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202403
– as usual most of the guests arrive here is looking for this not so common Hornbill of Malaysia in other location. But it is pretty common in Kinabatangan River
– 有如其他鸟人,到京河。都想看看这犀鸟,这犀鸟其实在其他点很不容易见到。
202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
4. Buffy Fish Owl, 马来渔鸮,馬來漁鴞, Ketupa ketupu, マレーウオミミズク, TUMBUK-KETAMPI BIASA
– medium size bird
– Large orange-brown owl with prominent “horns” and bright yellow eyes (ebird)
– common found near ponds, stream, and river
update 202405
– this is my 2nd time saw this owl catch a fish in the day time, just in-front of us. The bird with one eye injured but how it can catch prey in day time instead ?
– 这是我第二次见到这猫头鹰在光天化日下捉鱼。虽然他的一只眼受伤了,可是他还是活了很多年。
202404, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 2024003
– another good night outing, we had >8 Buffy Fish Owl in 1.5 hours. Very common owl that normally live near river, lake ..
– 一个1.5小时的夜观,见到不少于8只马来鱼鸮。这鸟蛮普通的,在河边,湖边都不难见到。
202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
5. Common Kingfisher, 普通翠鸟, 普通翠鳥, Alcedo atthis, カワセミ, RAJAUDANG CICIT
update 202403
– this bird seem pretty common at Kinabatangan River .. not less than 20 birds over 2.5 days there
– 今年没什么候鸟,可是这一种却还好。2.5天看到不下20只吧
202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
6. Oriental Darter, 黑腹蛇鹈, 黑腹蛇鵜, Anhinga melanogaster, アジアヘビウ, KOSA-ULAR ASIA
update 202403
– very common bird Kinabatangan River, come at the right place can get close to the bird as close as 10 feet … they are not shy at all
– not really like 2023, miss and hit this bird on 2024… but it gave us a long, close view last week .. it is ~15m from us for more than 30s full open view.
– wonderful moment while looking for this bird so long open on tree calling non stop .. it is total excitement to get one in the wild ..
– 没几个人感受到我们的兴奋,这么害羞的鸟站哪叫很久。在野拍的到这么一只鸟是多么兴奋。
9. Straw-headed Bulbul, 黄冠鹎, 黃冠鵯, Pycnonotus zeylanicus, キガシラヒヨドリ, BARAU-BARAU RAYA
update 202502
I was thrilled to spot this bird just five feet away from us and couldn’t help but shout, “Straw-headed!” We were incredibly lucky that it stayed long enough for us to enjoy a great view and capture some photos. A truly fortunate sighting after so many years!
– it is a critical endanger and rare bird, getting difficult to sight one since 5 years ago.. but this year seem good year sight it Johor, Sukau (multiple times), Danum Valley & Taman Negara.
– it is boring morning without much activities, before we heading back for breakfast. Saw a bulbul shape bird flying across and YES .. it just stand not that high and far from us ..
– it is a hot afternoon while we trying to find a Black-and-Red Broadbill nest which gone after the water level is over the nest. But all of sudden I saw these 2 birds just stand infront of us … wow wow .. it was so close for us to get some shot compare to normal high up at the canopy
– while we are on ours boat cruise, a pair of lovely “brown with white neck” woodpecker stay low and long for everyone have good view. Lovely male with red malar stripe
– 我们京河在船上舒服的观鸟时,这鸟站的很低很久。雄鸟脸颊带红。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
12. Green Imperial-Pigeon, 绿皇鸠, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, PERGAM DAUN BIASA
update 202407
– a fairy common bird found at Sabah, Borneo. especially at Kinabatangan River. Big, light-pale front and green back
– every year, I having some special request .. this time a full 10 days for only flying Tropical birds … especially big one or may be main targets all Hornbills of Borneo. We are lucky with this beautiful Rhinoceros Hornbill.
– a special trip, which photograph any bird on flight. lucky to have this bird for twice over days. and it fly close toward use to have almost no fit into a frame.
– 特别的“飞行” 团。幸运的看到这么一只难的鸟2次,还飞来近距离。
202409, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
16. Oriental Bay-Owl, 栗鸮, 栗鴞,Phodilus badius, ニセメンフクロウ, PUNGGUK-API BIASA
one of the most common can found , near garden, 2nd forest and primary forest .. just always hear but not seen
update 202410
– a lovely owl, always give a cute look, overall white
– while we walking into forest .. heard the Bay owls calling to each other .. keep looking .. ohh. it is just in-front of us .. but standing not that low this time ..
It’s time to sort through some 2024 photos before archiving them. Here’s another common hornbill of Malaysia, typically seen moving in groups. I’m really impressed with the R3—it rarely lets me down when capturing what I want. Even this shot, taken in a dark area with a background change, turned out great!
– after failed to get main target of the trip, spent few hours in KNP and seem few groups looking for this Trogon. We just casual looking for anything.. all of sudden a Juvi fly and perch in-front of me and calling all the people I know and everyone smile .. few moment the juvi seem still stand close to either adult male or female ..this is one good moment where papa with daughter .. remind me and JieXi
– new workflow with new DXO pure Raw, seem faster than my previous workflow but the picture seem look flat …
It’s a fantastic morning! We started with Whitehead’s Trogon, a Spiderhunter, and a Squirrel, along with many other endemics. The Trogon gave us a great view, bringing smiles to our faces.
– after failed to get main target of the trip, spent few hours in KNP and seem few groups looking for this Trogon. We just casual looking for anything.. all of sudden a Juvi fly and perch in-front of me and calling all the people I know and everyone smile .. few moment the juvi seem still stand close to either adult male or female ..this is one good moment where papa with daughter .. remind me and JieXi
– new workflow with new DXO pure Raw, seem faster than my previous workflow but the picture seem look flat …
– it is beautiful, and really sometime because too many sight or view make many think this is not as beautiful as other. But see by yourself, it is sure a beauty from Borneo
– we already got this Trogon in the morning with satisfy picture. But Amy asked, can we see the Trogon again … and I just replied it can be any where while we driving … she shout “Trogon” .. haha better view
– another bird that we seldom missed since pandemic “covid” (previously seem more shy). This bird just pop up when we trying to locate the partridge. Cute, small and fast
– “side effect” of the CANON RF200800, this bird small, fast and always in lowlight .. end up ISO20000 needed
– as usual very fast moving and tiny bird.but now with the AI camera CANON R7. so much easier with the animal eye detect. almost like point the lens to the bird and press shutter
– Peninsular Malaysia only White-crowned at lowland without Bornean
update 202502
The weather shortened our trip to KNP, but we were lucky to spot most of the endemics with great views. For example, this shy forktail was just about 10 meters away and stayed for a while, giving us a perfect pose!
– this was captured during heavy rain, it is just how amaze the bird still active in such heavy rain.. we almost cannot see the bird but the camera still able to find the bird and lock focus .. it is a wet bird and photographer moment
– a bird use to easy to get a good photo but it become more patient needed for better picture .. and this picture like the bird : “are you looking for me ? ”
– it getting difficult to sight this Borneo Endemic again, use to be so easy just walking in the morning should see 1-2 of them but recent trip to KNP make few challenge search before had it. We walking to search last 4 targets and thick mist without any big hope but this guy just came and not far for everyone good view. Lucky …(also happy for a small Photographer able to capture this not so easy photograph bird in such a close distance)
– another Borneo endemic easier to see but difficult to be photograph but recently getting much easier compare old time. a bird active in dusk and dawn ..
– another long plan and excited Borneo Photography with Taiwan group and thanks for the trusted continue book for 2025 … very dramatic tour, cannot arrived to Kota Kinabalu on time due to Volcano eruption at Sulawesi North but finally arrived but 2 days late. But we still catch up most of the plan and got many good birds such as Dusky Eagle Owl day roost, 3 Whitehead’s, Fruit-hunter, Bristlehead, Helmeted Hornbill and etc ..
– we were lucky on this, we got Everett’s Thrush, Whitehead’s Broadbill, Bornean Green-Magpie and follow by this super close and low Fruit-hunter … and still like a dream everything happen within an hour.It came low and chase away many other bird and stay long.
It was a fortunate 1.5 days with such a limited birding window. We managed to spot and photograph Whitehead’s trio. Though it’s somewhat an environmental shot, it’s still great to see the bird again.
– a special Borneo endemic, this year seem not that difficult for this very beautiful bird
– 婆罗洲特有种蛮多人喜爱的一只。今年几乎不难遇上
202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– it is a not so rare but not so easy bird to be seen, but for last months.. the favorite flower (Wightia borneensis) it become patient can make it possible .. just wait …. the bird will be coming … But today, it make different the bird decided come nearer tree and came down for us .. amazing lucky moment even didn’t get any picture while it is at lowest view .. but it is good and close to have this view
11. Sunda Owlet, 巽它鸺鹠, 巽它鵂鶹, Taenioptynx sylvaticum, ヒメフクロウ, PUNGGUK-KECIL GELANG SELATAN
update 202410
– a small owl making constant call which sometime can be very miss-leading direction. another bird that recently split from Collared Owlet
– in the right season, it can be any where but when it is not active .. no sound at all and can be stay at same place just non move.
– 非常小的鸮,通常一直叫不停。它的叫声,有时非常非常难找到它的方向。
– 在不对的季节,他可以完全不叫。
202406, KNP, Sabah
update 202405
– a lucky trip to KNP, saw this bird yesterday with some reasonable photo. Today saw it mating and than stay low and quite long for us (even it is misty)
– only Montane of Borneo, and it may split as separate endemic species . a shy bird
update 202405
– another good bird to be seen open and stay for may be <2 seconds for everyone .. lovely female, active, shy and making loud long call almost any where in KNP recently. (last month not even single bird making call)
Not sure what happened—there’s been so much rain, and this season, the birds don’t seem very active at all. But luckily, this morning, we got our three targets in the same location, including this lovely broadbill, though it was perched high and remained quiet.
14. Temminck’s sunbird, 特氏太阳鸟, 特氏太陽鳥, Aethopyga temminckii, ミヤマタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MERAH EKOR API
update 202408
– it is not first time but good chance to record this moment a sunbird feed on small insect. It is keep few times to got the spider on mouth.
– 不是第一次看到太阳鸟吃昆虫。可是这次终于记录到他吃蜘蛛,可是他也不容易试了好几次才捉到。
202408, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– a pretty common bird found Kinabalu National Park, which cannot be wrong active making continuous noisy call and “red”
– 在神山非常普通的鸟。很少会错,红+吵的小小东西就是它了。
202404, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
15. Black-sided Flowerpecker, 黑胁啄花鸟, 黑脅啄花鳥,Dicaeum monticolum, ボルネオノドアカハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI GUNUNG BORNEO
update 202407
– it is always co-operative for us, this time even lower and closer for us. While we busy to get good view of the Bornean Treepie. This bird just perch few feet from us and lets everyone has good view
– after long, again using R5 for this long trip, hope I change my view on this camera.
– 通常都很合作的鸟,今天竟然站离我们几尺而已。没个人都看的很好。
– 好几年没再认真用佳能R5,这次会在婆罗洲用上。希望会对它有点改观。
202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– it is a raining day, this common montane endemic just stand there for so long for us .. lovely Borneo endemic
– 在下雨天,这婆罗洲特有种。很乖的站很久让我们拍够够。
202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
16. Mountain Tailorbird, 金头缝叶莺, 山縫葉鶯, Phyllergates cucullatus, PERENJAK-GUNUNG BIASA
– very active bird that named after Tailorbird but not actually a Scotocercidae
– bright yellow overall and rufous crown
– 非常活跃的鸟,被名为缝叶莺。可是属于树莺科。
update 202406
– very lucky day to have this bird come so close and long keep singing in-front of us.
– very tiny active bird, note gray-brown upperparts, yellow-washed underparts, pale gray face, pale eyes, and white-speckled “scaly” forehead.
– 非常活跃与小的婆罗洲特有种。全是几乎白灰,身下带黄。
update 202411
– a very tiny small pale Borneo endemic, which normally moving in group
– a special endemic for the group, which told them very small bird and not very attractive but they say want have a try .. bingo .. got it quite low for us take picture
– a recent split, it is a Borneo highland endemic. a common bird making a lot of noise while moving in group or pair.
– 最近才被分出来的婆罗洲高山特有种。蛮普通,通常群体活动。
202406, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
19. Island Thrush, 岛鸫, 白頭鶇, Turdus poliocephalus, ハイガシラツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA GUNUNG TIMUR
update 202407
– a bird that never though to be sight and photograph before I make some plan to hike up to Laban Rata for missing 2 birds of Malaysia. But today while we looking for missing 3 birds .. Azmil message me he sight the Island Thrush.. without any wait we move to the place .. we try to locate but seem missing while I heard Fruit-hunter calling and trying to locate it but seem still bit a distance to see this bird… Hugo call us … Thrush … and bingo make my Malaysia lifer. (683)
– it is not really shy, it just moving around even many people walking around .. beautiful bird …
– 这是一只我完全没想过的马来西亚鸟(在我安排爬上去神山的路上)。今天但我们在神山寻找3只还没看到的鸟时。朋友Azmil 让我知道这鸟出现,没等我们立刻到了那个鸟点。找了10-20分钟是没找到,我听到食果鸫叫,找了很久还是蛮远没办法看到。在远方,Hugo向我们招手。这就拿下我的马来西亚新鸟种。(683)
– 这鸟很不怕人。
– another favorite bird of mine, active and beautiful Borneo endemic. But for last few months, seem difficult to have some photo of this bird. Lucky morning to have this small flock moving along the road side.
– common Borneo montane white eye with obvious black forehead and lores
update 202408
– a raining morning, everyone got wet, but it still do not stop everyone continue look for their target .. this bird came close and give us very good view
– a heavy rain morning, make us lost direction just birding with umbrella and raincoat. Lucky to have this bird so close at eye-level. beautiful Borneo endemic
– one of the most common Borneo endemic at montane. Normally moving fast with bird flock.
– 婆罗洲非常普通的特有种。通常与其他鸟群体活动,跳的很快。
202409, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
24. Bornean Barbet, 加里曼丹拟鴷, 加里曼丹擬鴷,Megalaima eximia, ノドグロゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG GUNUNG
update 202410
– a small Borneo endemic Barbet, which normally heard but not easy to spot and due to the size. It is always difficult to photograph. Overall very bright color with blue face.
– what a lucky moment saw this bird perch low even not really close .. but still always good to see it here..
– a small size montane bird that quite normal, it is common across North Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo. A female with grey and male with black top.
– when we walking back to the vehicle, saw few small birds moving along the roadside. This female stay long after got caterpillar
– 泰国北部,西马,婆罗洲蛮普通的高山鸟。雌鸟头部灰,雄鸟头部黑。
– 当我们慢慢走回车里。见到鸟浪,这鸟站了很久也找到食物。
202410, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
26. Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, 婆罗鹰鹃, 婆羅鷹鵑, Hierococcyx bocki, クロジュウイチ, SEWAH-TEKUKUR GUNUNG
update 202502
As usual, this bird is always calling but not easy to spot. However, this time it stayed long enough for all of us to get a good view.
It was quite a stressful morning as we missed the Trogon twice, and the male Black-sided Flowerpecker didn’t show up. However, this bird flew close, giving me a chance to capture it in flight. What a beautiful sight!
– what you want is what other want ? for sure NOPE .. for the first time in Fraser with guests we not going for most of the targets but just concentrate few for photo (they are first time birding-Photography in Malaysia) .. but always patient pay off
– the moment it came so close <10feet, it is so beautiful to look it close … definite best 2024 moment …
– 还在沉迷在哪一刻,这漂亮的鸠就站在我们10尺内。很漂亮哦。这肯定是2024最美好的其中一刻。
202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202402
– we spent ours “rest hours” at “tower instead shower” reward with many good birds and pictures .. this is one of them <10 feet with such a beautiful and rare bird
2. Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼, Microhierax fringillarius,モモグロヒメハヤブサ,RAJAWALI-BELALANG MELAYU
update 202402
– it came so close, have a close view and low view for this bird just simply awesome. lovely
– 这鸟下来太低了。在这么好角度看,这鸟太漂亮了。
202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
3. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar
– common at Fraser Hill
update 202402
– another great experience it came low and close for moth just like ~15 years ago Jelai Hotel ? such a beauty when have close view
– 有如回到~15年前,“Jelai”酒店时代。鸟下来很低吃飞蛾。近距离看,这鸟也很美。
202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Mal
4. Silver-breasted Broadbill, 银胸丝冠鸟,銀胸絲冠鳥, Serilophus lunatus, ギンムネヒロハシ, HUJAN-HUJAN PERAK
update 202403
– very lucky moment while everyone just got the eye level of Trogon, this bird just not far from the Trogon. But I am not happy with some foreign photographers with us… we found the Trogon and stand at best position for the view but another group of Photographers lead by other Guide just stand infront of us when they saw us looking at the bushes … and I actually told them they blocking us .. but they just ignore us !!!!! please be polite and considerate ..
– a lucky decision to change location of birding and managed to have this cute fellow moving in big groups (~12 of them) .. and follow by main target of Helmeted Hornbill
– 突然换了决定,经过大路突然听到这鸟叫。停下后看到一群(12只左右)。。。没很久也拿下盔犀鸟
202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
5. Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, 婆罗鹰鹃, 婆羅鷹鵑, Hierococcyx bocki, クロジュウイチ, SEWAH-TEKUKUR GUNUNG
update 202402
– before we heading to lowland forest, saw it perch very low and immediate stop the car and rush everyone out to have good view but I miss the best eye-contact moment
– a forest Bee-eater, that everyone love to see it while in Malaysia. especially see in close for photo. The call make everyone remember this lovely bird.
– ours’ last bird of Fraser Hill, saw it one day before but this is close for such a good view
– 来马来西亚几乎每个人都想看的鸟。摄鸟当然也不例外,尤其近距离的看。
– 我们在福隆港最后的一只鸟。我们在一天前看到他吃甲虫,这次时近距离看到的。
202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202403
– it is almost same season for last year, this bird very active now … seem carrying food, actively eating … even common but who will say no to such a beautiful bird
– 每年都大概这季节,它都忙吃+捉吃的。虽然蛮普通可是谁会不要这鸟?
202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
7. Black-browed Barbet, 黑眉拟鴷, 黑眉擬鴷, Psilopogon oorti, ゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BIASA
update 202408
– another day with CANON new R5markii, I cannot do too many testing while working with guests. But I really trying to test the AF, AF tracking my best with the option I have. This picture show how the camera can quickly found the bird even with not much contrast .. it found the eye immediate I point the camera to the bird.
– it is not really that normal to see Barbet feed on insect, it feed 2 (a big cicada before this) and not far it is fruiting tree.. it is always good to see this bird close and eye level
– 在福隆港虽然很普通的鸟,应该也没什么见过这鸟吃“肉” 吧。见到它吃第二只。在近距离就有果树啊。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
8. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬鴷, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API
update 202403
– another not so common for a Barbet feed on insect but not bring back to feed young. As usual this beautiful Barbet attract all ours attention …
– 这拟鴷还是这么美丽,可是还是蛮不寻常。他们吃昆虫而不是果子,通常在喂小孩时会带回去喂。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
9. Collared Owlet, 领鸺鹠, 領鵂鶹, Glaucidium brodiei, ヒメフクロウ, PUNGGUK-KECIL GELANG
update 202411
– After returning from Sumatra, Indonesia, some of us extended our trip by two days to Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia. As anticipated, the rainy season brought limited activity. However, this tiny owl made our day by perching very low, just about 10 feet away—our first sighting of it!
– a very special Photography tour, which parent come with a kid (12 years old) for birds Photography. I told them the behavior of this bird and we were lucky patient wait to have it came really low and close.
– it is a good fruiting tree, gave us very good view (eye level) of few good birds. Included this lovely colorful Barbet
– 这果树真的很好,好几只好鸟都是平视角。包括这只非常漂亮的鸟。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
11. Brown Wood-Owl, 褐林鸮, 褐林鴞, Strix leptogrammica, オオフクロウ, CARIK-KAFAN COKLAT BIASA
update 202403
– this is one of the common Fraser bird, getting difficult .. due to some reason ? or behavior change ? 6-8 years ago, it is so easy to get a good view of this bird… but now most of them shy and standing high up .. for reason ?
– I am lucky 2024, 2 trips got this bird with good view for more than 10 minutes
– 在6-8年前,福隆港是很普通的鸟。可是为什么这几年连看都难看到?什么理由?
– 2024 非常幸运,已2团都看的不错。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
12. Red-headed Trogon, 红头咬鹃, 紅頭咬鵑, Harpactes erythrocephalus, ズアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BIASA
update 202403
– this pair of Trogon is so tame come so close and while I having 800mm on hand .. zoom all the way to get closest look and the “lady” give us a look back view…
– 这一对咬鹃是多么的乖,这么巧800mm就来个大头照。还要这美女来个“回眸一笑“
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
– it is a pretty bird, the male overall red look an amazing under right lighting …
– 这鸟虽然普通,可是在真确光线下很漂亮啊。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
13. Streaked Wren-Babbler, 短尾鹪鹛, 短尾鷦鶥, Turdinus brevicaudatus, ノドフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BIASA
update 202410
– a very active Wren-Babbler as other Wren-Babbler. Very good in details if photograph close.
– lucky morning meet this pair active bird real close and stay long for us to capture many lovely photos.
– 与其他鹪鹛一样,非常活跃。很上镜的一只鸟,拍起来非常好看。
– 一个幸运的早上,遇上这一对鸟。非常的乖,跑来很近+就让我们拍到美美。
202410, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202403
CANON R3, CANON RF200-800mm
Pahang, Malaysia
– lucky to have this bird calling non stop at road side when we just arrive to check out
– another possible Trogon found Fraser Hill gap, it is not easy compare to Bukit Tinggi to have better view and picture but it still another option have this beautiful bird at Center of Peninsular Malaysia
– another bird that getting difficult to seen in Bukit Fraser, use to be pretty common but now missing from many previous spots
– 福隆港另一只越来越难见到的鸟。以前蛮多点都可以见到的。可是现在几乎都就几个点。
202404, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
22. Sultan Tit, 冕雀, Melanochlora sultanea, サルタンガラ, SESERAI SULTAN
update 202406
– a bird that Photographers never boring with, ours’ pre-CANON sharing session. We had this bird came to eye level for us but it still a active moving around to have some good photo.
– a overall Yellow-black active bird that can found lowland up to sub-montain
– 黑黄活跃的鸟,在低海拔-中海拔(~1200米)都蛮普通
– 在我们佳能活动前这鸟下来很低。让每个人拍的很好。
202406, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202404
– a quite boring day at Fraser Hill morning, but this bird came down to say hi to everyone just before rain
– it is very common bird at Peninsular Malaysia from lowland – sub-montane. beautiful song bird
– 西马,蛮普通的鸟,很会唱歌。
2024043 Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
24. Malayan Partridge, 砍氏山鹧鸪, 馬來山鷓鴣, Arborophila campbelli, スマトラミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-GUNUNG MELAYU
update 202405
– another bird that use to be so difficult but now just need patient wait… still a beautiful bird
– 福隆港另一只之前非常难见到的鸟,可是现在有耐心就好。
202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
25. Sunda Brush Cuckoo, 锈胸丛杜鹃, 銹胸叢杜鵑, Cacomantis sepulcralis, チャムネヒメカッコウ, MATINAK DADA JINGGA BIASA
update 202503
Another change since the last update: the Brush Cuckoo is now classified as the Sunda Brush Cuckoo. It is easily recognizable by its gray head and “rusty” breast, though it can sometimes be confused with the Plaintive Cuckoo.
– a bird that always heard and sometime just fly too close and hide from us to be seen or photograph.. Brush or Rusty breasted ? now it call Brush in eBird
– something happen in the group and make the whole schedule late but still trying to do some late evening birding at GAP, Fraser Hill. Not bad for short time have Green Broadbill, Brush Cuckoo, Rufous Bellied Swallow, Black Laughingthrush etc …
– a very common bird of Fraser Hill, moving in flock. Overall Grey, red eye and long tailed.
– as usual at one of the “feeding” spot at Fraser hill, this lovely and noisy birds came for food too
– 福隆港非常普通的一只鸟。通常群体活动。灰,红眼,长尾。
– 在一个“鸟点”等主要目标时,几只这蛮好不错的鸟下来蛮低的吃东西。
202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
27. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG
update 202405
– a very common overall brown little active babbler in Fraser Hill.
– it appear in most of the “bird spot”. Everyone seem attract Lesser Shortwing rather than this bird
– 福隆港很普通的一只鸟。可是还是非常活跃跳动的。
– 客人们都被短尾鸫吸引,没太大理会这鸟。
202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
28. Black Eagle, 林雕, 林鵰, Ictinaetus malaiensis, カザノワシ, HELANG HITAM ASIA
update 202405
– it is good season to see this ? sight so many times in Fraser HIll and it flew real close sometime just ~20m from us.
– a not really black overall if with lighting and big raptor which quite frequent found Fraser Hill
– 这个季节怎么这么多这个猛禽?几乎没几个小时就见到还要很低(我们都在不一样的地方)还要飞很低。
– 英文叫“黑鹰”可是在有光线下不黑的。
202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
29. Blue Nuthatch, 蓝䴓, 藍䴓, Sitta azurea, ズグロゴジュウカラ, PEPATUK GUNUNG MELAYU
update 202406
– a good season for this beautiful bird ? when we having ours Canon-Gitzo Photography sharing session, we saw this 2 days in the row and actually heard it more than twice while we have quite limited time for the birding.
– an active & beautiful bird that not that rare but just need some luck to see it.
– 非常活跃,漂亮的小鸟。不稀有,因为小活跃。也是属于群体活动(与其他鸟)遇上这鸟需要点运气。
– 在我们2天1夜佳能+捷信摄影分享营。见到2次+听到4-5次。可能季节到了?
202406, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
30. Sunda Scimitar-Babbler, 巽他钩嘴鹛, 巽他鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus bornensis, セアカマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BERCELAK MELAYU
update 202407
– I do not have many luck on this bird, many times meet this bird close wihtout camera. finally today it came very low while we waiting for Orange-Breasted Trogon.
– an active moving fast and around bird with curve beak.
– 我与这鸟没什么缘分。经常看到,可是就没相机。但我们在等橙胸咬鹃,这鸟自己找上门。
202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
31. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA
update 202407
– one of the most common birds from Fraser Hill, lovely, beautiful too
– 福隆港最普通的一种鸟之一,几乎哪都看到。可是还是很美的小鸟。
202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia
32. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕, 褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA
update 202408
– fantastic afternoon, we miss ours main target but so many good bird show up even at noon time. 4 of this big “flying fast” bird passing by few times and managed to have it .. and suddenly feel the R3 not fast enough 😀 even managed to have good few frames.
– 一个很慢的中午,目标鸟完全没声没影。可是很多很好的鸟却出来看看我们
202408, Fraser Hill 55, Pahang, Malaysia
33. Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟鴷, 金喉擬鴷, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ, TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA
update 202408
– a Barbet that not that common in Fraser Hill area, but it is show well for few days here. with the complex environment. The new CANON R5markii, full area focus found the bird almost immediate. I really like the R5markii … you ?
– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is small, cute, active and lovely bird. It always moving with wing span open. But it almost invisible by naked eye.
– with the new canon Pre-continuous Shooting function, simple when see the bird stay still, half-press shutter .. and when see the wing open or move press the shutter .. than anything happen in before .5s will be record as raw into camera .. make this kind of picture simple
– This is not a rare bird, but it is certainly one of the more challenging birds to spot in Malaysia.
– As the tour was coming to an end and we prepared to head back to town, we made a few stops for this bird. Shortly after, we were rewarded with an excellent view of a female.
– This small bird, commonly heard at Fraser’s Hill, Cameron Highlands, Sumatra’s Kerinci, and Genting Highlands, is often challenging to spot or photograph despite its frequent calls. However, at specific feeding spots, it tends to become tame and reliably appears when humans approach, displaying behavior similar to the Pygmy Cupwing. Notably, it often moves with its wings raised, making its behavior quite distinctive.
– With the new Canon R1’s Continuous Pre-recording feature, every time the bird perches, I half-press the shutter to keep it in focus. As soon as the bird moves or raises its wings, I fully press the shutter, capturing everything that occurred 0.5 seconds prior. This ensures I never miss the perfect moment.
37. Malayan Whistling-Thrush, 马来啸鸫, 馬來嘯鶇, Myophonus robinsoni, マラヤルリチョウ, TIUNG-BELACAN GUNUNG
update 202503
What a surprise to encounter this bird twice during our stay at Fraser’s Hill! Despite the short trip and bad weather, we saw it once in extremely low light and again at midday, offering a much better view.