Birds of Thailand | 泰国之观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240110]

liewwk Nature Birds of Thailand picture collection

1. Blue Pitta, 蓝八色鸫, 藍八色鶇, Hydrornis cyaneus, ルリヤイロチョウ

2. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU

3. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ

4. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ

5. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ

6. Spot-breasted Parrotbill, 点胸鸦雀, 點胸鴉雀, Paradoxornis guttaticollis, ミミグロダルマエナガ

7. Giant Nuthatch, 巨䴓, 巨鳾, Sitta magna, オニゴジュウカラ


1. Blue Pitta, 蓝八色鸫, 藍八色鶇, Hydrornis cyaneus, ルリヤイロチョウ

– one of the most beautiful pitta

– male overall blue with yellow-orange head. female with light green but only on tail and rumped.

– 蓝八色鸫雄鸟的体羽与雌鸟相似,头部较为艳丽,前额的嘴基至后枕部的中央冠纹为黑色,额部较狭,头顶部宽阔,冠纹两侧为赭灰色,渲染金黄色,色调由前向后逐渐变浓,头顶后部至颈部全为金红色;眼先、眼圈下部和耳区的上部均为黑色,形成宽阔的眼后黑纹伸达颈侧。颏部、喉为白色,喉侧黑色羽缘粗著,形成显著的黑色髭纹,并杂有细小的白色点斑,下喉部纯白

Blue pitta, 藍八色鶇,Hydrornis cyaneus




2. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU

– a rare species for Peninsular Malaysia, only special on Northern- overall grayish and black throat

– 共有13个亚种。是小型鸟类,体长14-16厘米。背栗红色具黑色纵纹,两侧具皮黄色纵纹;颏、喉和上胸黑色,脸颊白色,其余下体白色,翅上具白色带斑。雄鸟与树麻雀的区别在顶冠及尾上覆羽灰色,耳无黑色斑块,且喉及上胸的黑色较多。雌鸟色淡,具浅色眉纹。较山麻雀雌鸟色彩淡,翼斑不如黑顶麻雀的雌鸟明显,且尾无叉,胸色较淡。

update 202105

201701, Khaoyai National Park, Thailand


3. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ

– limestone special, it is like other’s Wren-babbler. active and overall brown, with rufous cheek, chest

– 鹪鹛属小型鸟类,体长17-19厘米。上体灰橄榄褐色具黑色鳞状斑,具一条缀有黑点的灰白色眉纹。颏,喉和上胸白色具暗色纵纹,尤以胸部纵纹较密集,其余下体黑橄榄褐色。虹膜红褐色,上嘴深角褐色,下嘴灰铅色,脚灰褐色。

update 202105

201701, Saraburi, Thailand


4. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ

– a very active bird but so colorful.

– 非常活跃与漂亮的鸟。

update 202309

– so fast almost one year pass, this bird very active and we tried multiple locations.

– 这么快,去年我们泰国行已大概一年了。今年我们会到印尼。这鸟非常活跃,找了好几只才拍到。

202212, ChiangMai, Thailand


5. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ

– very lovely, colorful and common sunbird at Northern Thailand area near montane area.

– 很漂亮,颜色丰富,活跃的太阳鸟。

update 202311

– one of the bird attract us to spend some time for better picture but it is really moving fast.

– 吸引我们拍的一只鸟,非常活跃。

202212, Chiang Mai, Thailand


6. Spot-breasted Parrotbill, 点胸鸦雀, 點胸鴉雀, Paradoxornis guttaticollis, ミミグロダルマエナガ

a very active bird that keep moving around, not a easy bird to photograph


update 202401

– it was a quite open place the bird calling and jumping around to allow everyone has good view and photo took some time

– 蛮开发的点,这鸟几乎都跳来跳去也叫不停。可是要让每个人看到拍到,蛮不容易的

202212, Chiang Mai, Thailand


7. Giant Nuthatch, 巨䴓, 巨鳾, Sitta magna, オニゴジュウカラ

– a quite big size for Nuthatch, overall grey-blue and long beak. Like other Nuthatch, very active moving bird

– 蛮大的䴓,灰+蓝的鸟,长嘴。与其他䴓一样,非常活跃的鸟

update 202401
– ours last year bird Photography trip, very misty day and found this bird moving fast .. lovely bird to be photograph
– 我们上一年的泰国鸟摄行,记得非常大雾。可是我们还是把它拿下。

20221212, Doi Ang, North Thailand





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