Due to the Covid-19 lock down for Malaysia from 18-31 March 2020. I finally have time to clear my HDD …. lets do some mammals collection
1. Smooth-coated otter, 江獭
not that rare, found Malim Nawar, Kinabatangan River , Putrajaya, etc
update 202301
– a very unlucky month but for wildlife and bird still reasonable good. Saw this cute fellow and stand long for me turn my camera for some picture before running into the river.
– 不是很辛运的一个月。可是鸟/动物运还是很好。见到这么可爱家伙,还站了一会让我拍照。

update 202211
– a raining morning, nothing else beside this family entertain me well
– 一个下雨早上。没什么活动。就这几个家伙陪我。

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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me
观鸟或拍鸟团 您可联络我
Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr
Birds Collection | liewwk@liewwkphoto.com
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