For the first time, I skip going for North for autumn … as this special Papua-West Papua Bird Photography tour ..
here is a list of birds
1. Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, 十二线极乐鸟, 十二線極樂鳥, Seleucidis melanoleucus, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat
2. King Bird-of-paradise, 王极乐鸟, 王天堂鳥, Cicinnurus regius, ヒヨクドリ, Cendrawasih Raja
3. Lesser Bird-of-paradise, 小极乐鸟, 小天堂鳥, Paradisaea minor, コフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Kecil
4. Pale-billed Sicklebill, 淡嘴镰嘴风鸟, 白嘴鐮嘴天堂鳥, Drepanornis bruijnii, シロカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit paruh-putih
5. Western Parotia, 阿法六线风鸟, 阿法六線風鳥, Parotia sefilata, カンザシフウチョウ, Parotia Arfak
6. Red Bird-of-paradise, 红极乐鸟, 紅極樂鳥, Paradisaea rubra, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat
7. Magnificent Bird-of-paradise,丽色极乐鸟, 麗色極樂鳥, Cicinnurus magnificus, キンミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Belah-rotan
8. Magnificent Riflebird, 丽色掩鼻风鸟, 麗色掩鼻風鳥, Ptiloris magnificus, オオウロコフウチョウ, Toowa Cemerlang
9. Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise, 威氏丽色风鸟, 威氏麗色風鳥, Cicinnurus respublica, アカミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Botak
10. Black Sicklebill, 黑镰嘴风鸟, 黑色鐮嘴天堂鳥, Epimachus fastosus, オナガカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit kurikuri
Other birds
1. Yellow-billed Kingfisher, 黄嘴翡翠, 黃嘴翡翠, Syma torotoro, キバシショウビン, Cekakak Torotoro
2. Papuan Frogmouth, 巴布亚蟆口鸱, 巴布亞蟆口鴟, Podargus papuensis, パプアガマグチヨタカ, Paruh-kodok papua
3. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, 葵花鹦鹉, 葵花鸚鵡, Cacatua galerita, キバタン, Kakatua Koki
4. Sulawesi Pitta, 苏拉威西八色鸫, 蘇拉威西八色鶇, Erythropitta celebensis, スラウェシヤイロチョウ
5. Feline Owlet-nightjar, 大裸鼻鸱, 大裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles insignis, オオズクヨタカ, Atoku besar
6. Frilled Monarch, 饰颈皱鹟, 飾頸皺鶲, Arses telescopthalmus, エリマキヒタキ, Kehicap Biku-biku
7. Hook-billed Kingfisher,钩嘴翠鸟, 鉤嘴翠鳥, Melidora macrorrhina, カギハシショウビン, Raja-udang paruh-kait
8. Vogelkop Bowerbird, 褐色园丁鸟, 褐色園丁鳥, Amblyornis inornata, チャイロニワシドリ, Namdur Polos
9. Common Paradise-Kingfisher, 普通仙翡翠, 普通仙翡翠, Tanysiptera galatea, ラケットカワセミ, Cekakak-pita biasa
10. Beautiful Fruit-Dove, 深红顶果鸠, 深紅頂果鳩,Ptilinopus pulchellus, ノドジロヒメアオバト, Walik Elok
11. Shining Flycatcher, 辉阔嘴鹟, 華麗闊嘴鶲, Myiagra alecto, テリヒラハシ, Sikatan Kilap
12. Lesser Frigatebird, 白斑军舰鸟, 白班軍艦鳥, Fregata ariel, コグンカンドリ, Cikalang Kecil
13. Golden Monarch, 金王鹟, 黑黃王鶲, Carterornis chrysomela, キイロカササギビタキ, Kehicap Emas
Is a long journey from Malaysia – Sulawesi – Jayapura (~26 hours without a bed, too much coffee and waiting) …for the day1 when we arrive, we give Magnificent Riflebird a try but failed to have any photo .. but the bird was well seen above our “hide”
Day2 – Nimbokrang
We start our drive, walk ~430am, 15 min drive and ~20min walk … the first Bird-of-paradise is waiting for us .. before we walk into our “hide”. The bird keeps calling, trying to attract female … but seem it is not attractive enough. only one female comes close and fast. The male trying to “show off” with some action but the female flew off just immediate it trying to show his “dance”
I am mostly recording video, so this picture I share is a Jpeg extract from Canon Digital Photo Professional software …
1. Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, 十二线极乐鸟, 十二線極樂鳥, Seleucidis melanoleucus, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat
– one of the most easier, walk not that far and the birds just there without any waiting
– first Bird-of-Paradise of the trip and amazing beautiful
update 202105
– let’s share some old pictures and video
– this was 2019 Oct, our West Papua Bird Photography trip first Birds-of-Paradise and one of the most easier.
– special of this bird is the tails
– 還有蠻長的封城。看看一些久照片與攝頻,懷念。
– 我們2019,西巴布亞的第一隻極樂鳥。也是最容易的一隻。走不遠,不用等,站很久。


2. King Bird-of-paradise, 王极乐鸟, 王天堂鳥, Cicinnurus regius, ヒヨクドリ, Cendrawasih Raja
BoP #2 which is my target #1 for this tour, was just about 20min walking after Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, but this is so much smaller, higher & active makes only a very limited angle to get the full view. I am lucky to have this just ~5min wait.

3. Lesser Bird-of-paradise, 小极乐鸟, 小天堂鳥, Paradisaea minor, コフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Kecil
– The only BoP we didn’t see much and dancing .. just hear most of the time … the location we wait seem not the really correct location for “dancing” … but it did flying across and let us record
– 在非常高的樹上叫不停,就見到它們飛來飛去。幸運都停了一會。
4. Pale-billed Sicklebill, 淡嘴镰嘴风鸟, 白嘴鐮嘴天堂鳥, Drepanornis bruijnii, シロカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit paruh-putih
– another not so obvious Bird-of-Paradise got from Irian Jaya.
– this is so far away, and somehow it still belongs to BoP .. we got it record ..
– 鳥不是特別出色,還要在遠遠的。
– 攝於伊里安查亚
After 5 days of “enjoy”, reasonable food, easy walk (flat), air-cond room, not far from airport and bird spots .. we finally move to 2nd destination Arfak Mountain..
After got the information before, we get ready with some extra food … sleeping beg, insect repellent, etc .. just before we going into a “no Phone” (only a particular spot can get a phone signal which is a bit distance from our “homestay”. After ~2 hours of offroad travel, we arrive at our homestay a little bit late and with rain .. so we call this a day and enjoy our cold stay
Here, we need to split into a few groups to decide on different BoP hide due to limited “hole” for photography …
Day1 at Arfak Mountain
5. Western Parotia, 阿法六线风鸟, 阿法六線風鳥, Parotia sefilata, カンザシフウチョウ, Parotia Arfak
– lucky to have this amazing, lovely bird for bird #1 .. we walk a very steep hike ~45-60 degree uphill for ~500m … we saw the bird-eating, calling for the whole morning but just not dancing … at ~9 am, we almost give up … the female came to the dancing group, followed by the male than the moment begin …
update 202105
– a big overall blackbird, with a colorful throat depends on the angle and also have a Blue eye
– the male famous with ballerina dance displaying to attract female
– 非常特别的天堂鸟。大,黑,喉会变黄绿。为吸引母鸟会跳草裙舞

update 2020 Jul

so amazing to see it dancing ..
update 2020 Jan 16
a close look at the Juv
6. Red Bird-of-paradise, 红极乐鸟, 紅極樂鳥, Paradisaea rubra, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat
actually, this is the last BoP of the tour but I really like it so much when I process the pictures …. can’t wait to share this great moment with you all. Endemic, common but somehow I really like this
update 202102
update 202011
update 2020 May

update 2020 Jan 23
one of my favor photo .. when this Red BoP decide make noise face to face to me
7. Magnificent Bird-of-paradise,丽色极乐鸟, 麗色極樂鳥, Cicinnurus magnificus, キンミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Belah-rotan
– another BoP that really amazes us, it keeps cleaning the “dancing” ground and displaying (dancing) to attract a female. make a lot of photo opportunity
– 唯一不冷場的鳥,從早上到中午。下午都一直清理它的舞場,叫不停。
update 2020 June 18

8. Magnificent Riflebird, 丽色掩鼻风鸟, 麗色掩鼻風鳥, Ptiloris magnificus, オオウロコフウチョウ, Toowa Cemerlang
– one of the amazing Bird of Paradise
– too bad missed the displaying but when it making a call just amazing so loud in the forest
update 202012
9. Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise, 威氏丽色风鸟, 威氏麗色風鳥, Cicinnurus respublica, アカミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Botak
– one of the easiest and beautiful Bird-of-Paradise
– every morning, it will come to “dance” ground clearing and calling the female – this is a moment after an hour clearing, no female is approaching so it is resting and preening nearby
– 一隻蠻普通+漂亮的風鳥,天堂鳥。
– 每天它都會到這清理,呼叫。希望母鳥的到來。
update 202105
– one of the most seen, photograph BoP, but still like this bird very much. the body contains so much color and the chest “green” can changing depend on lighting and angle to “purple”
– 應該是天堂鳥,被拍到最多的一種。可是還是我們最喜歡的一種。他的身上充滿色彩。胸上的青,還會轉紫。(角度,光線)

10. Black Sicklebill, 黑镰嘴风鸟, 黑色鐮嘴天堂鳥, Epimachus fastosus, オナガカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit kurikuri
– a very special BoP but somehow we missed the male which big difference from the female.
– female is big and overall brown with a curvy bill
– 很普通的天堂鳥。公鳥是很長的鳥。
– 母鳥,棕色+彎嘴。
update 202105

Besides BoP, other birds very lovely too
1. Yellow-billed Kingfisher, 黄嘴翡翠, 黃嘴翡翠, Syma torotoro, キバシショウビン, Cekakak Torotoro
a small tree Kingfisher, make a lot of noise while we waiting for our BoP.
update 202105
– a small, cute yellowish with blue back kingfisher, like stand near the canopy
– 小,黄-蓝背的可爱翠鸟

My other Kingfisher collection
Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-7 [update 20240221]
2. Papuan Frogmouth, 巴布亚蟆口鸱, 巴布亞蟆口鴟, Podargus papuensis, パプアガマグチヨタカ, Paruh-kodok papua
Frogmouth is one of my favorite bird family .. and I like to see them at night .. this frogmouth is huge !!! average 53cm !!!! We do not really look for it but on the way to our BoP saw it on the wire, road site so I decided to walk down shoot it with handheld .. yes handheld 😀 to reduce time waste …
蟆口鴟是我最喜歡的鳥種之一。這鳥很大,真的很大見到它時。我也嚇到,~53公分 !!!在去拍紅極樂鳥路中,我們停了一會把他拿下。我可是手持拍的。
Malaysia Frogmouth series
Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature 6-2 [update 20240305]
3. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, 葵花鹦鹉, 葵花鸚鵡, Cacatua galerita, キバタン, Kakatua Koki
– Big size, common and not easy to miss but difficult to have a good picture as always perch high up
– 蠻普通的,大型。不容易錯過。可是總是站高高。
4. Sulawesi Pitta,苏拉威西八色鸫, 蘇拉威西八色鶇, Erythropitta celebensis, スラウェシヤイロチョウ
– We expand our last day back to Malaysia from Makassar for this Pitta and Black-Headed Kingfisher
– as usual lovely and beautiful Red-Bellied Pitta .. now split as Sulawesi Pitta which is endemic to Sulawesi island
– 這是特別在回程的特別安排。我們的回程到了蘇拉威西南部。
– 紅腹八色鶇分出來的其中一種。
5. Feline Owlet-nightjar, 大裸鼻鸱, 大裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles insignis, オオズクヨタカ, Atoku besar
– one of the main target bird family for the trip
– what a bird when we first see this bird
– 我麼團的主要目標鳥種。見到時多麼的興奮。
update 2020 Sept

update 2020 April 22

6. Frilled Monarch, 饰颈皱鹟, 飾頸皺鶲, Arses telescopthalmus, エリマキヒタキ, Kehicap Biku-biku
– One of the most beautiful Monarch seen so far …this male just lovely with a blue eye-ring.
– male Blue-white and female is orange-rufous
– 非常特別與漂亮的王鶲
update 202102 – when I first saw the female, I was like wow this Monarch is just gorgeous. then we spent quite some time getting the male into the frame too. – as other Monarch, active and noisy bird – 當我們見到母鳥時真的不能相信這麼漂亮的王鶲 – 讓後我們都決定用一點時間把公鳥拍下。 #
7. Hook-billed Kingfisher,钩嘴翠鸟, 鉤嘴翠鳥, Melidora macrorrhina, カギハシショウビン, Raja-udang paruh-kait
– heard this bird calling many places but just too shy to show
– obvious bill shape
– 很多點都能聽到它叫。就是很難見到。
8. Vogelkop Bowerbird, 褐色园丁鸟, 褐色園丁鳥, Amblyornis inornata, チャイロニワシドリ, Namdur Polos
– one of the amazing birds, how this bird behaves… we spend our rest time to monitor this bird for 2 evenings.. it just amazing collect and put the same color “rubbish” to decorate the house.
– while we hiking for other birding sites, I actually notice some colorful rubbish been hide in some hole …think the bird knows how to keep the “rubbish” in another location if it is not required.
– 蠻大,沒什麼顏色的鳥。
– 非常特別的鳥,會把不一樣的”垃圾“。顏色分類。真的很厲害。
update 202105
9. Common Paradise-Kingfisher, 普通仙翡翠, 普通仙翡翠, Tanysiptera galatea, ラケットカワセミ, Cekakak-pita biasa
– Blue-white, red bill & long-tailed
– this bird is common especially at Raja Ampat, but it just too active and shy ..
– 印尼拉賈安帕群島蠻普通的鳥,可是很害羞。不容易拍照片。

10. Beautiful Fruit-Dove, 深红顶果鸠, 深紅頂果鳩, Ptilinopus pulchellus, ノドジロヒメアオバト, Walik Elok
– as the name state, it is a very beautiful dove
– pink crown, green black-white breast- orange-yellow belly
– 非常漂亮的果鳩
– 粉紅頭冠,灰白臉與胸,綠背。
– 非常害羞。

11. Shining Flycatcher, 辉阔嘴鹟, 華麗闊嘴鶲, Myiagra alecto, テリヒラハシ, Sikatan Kilap
– very beautiful birds especially male and female both have their attractions
– male full dark blue and female dark blue head, white underpart and rufous upper
– interesting to see their mouth, shinning yellow
很美麗的鳥。公鳥與母鳥都有不一樣的美。 公鳥-暗藍。母鳥-暗藍頭部,白胸,棕背。它們叫的的時候,可以見到它們的嘴裡可是光亮的嘴。
update 202102 - this bird very active and beautiful for both male and female - captured our stay at our hotel at Raja Ampat#
12. Lesser Frigatebird, 白斑军舰鸟, 白班軍艦鳥, Fregata ariel, コグンカンドリ, Cikalang Kecil
– one of the least common in this region with the Greater
– male is easier to distinct but females sometimes confuse.
– LF which refers has obviously the extended spurs which absent from Greater Frigatebird. some angles may confuse with Christmas Island Frigatebird.
update 202101 - captured this at our hotel near the beach while our stay at Raja Ampat, Indonesia - the spurs extend from the center white breast - blackhead, the white breast should be an adult female?#
13. Golden Monarch, 金王鹟, 黑黃王鶲, Carterornis chrysomela, キイロカササギビタキ, Kehicap Emas
– active and beautiful bird, overall yellow-black
– 非常活躍的鳥。黃-黑
update 202105
More pictures from Flickr: Paradisaeidae: Bird-of-Paradise | 极乐鸟科: 天堂鸟 | liewwk Nature
More pictures from Flickr: West Papua – Papua | 西巴布亚 – 巴布亚
More Videos : Paradisaeidae : Bird-of-Paradise | 极乐鸟科 : 天堂鸟 | liewwk Nature
More birds of West Papua, Indonesia
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liewwk Nature Youtube collection
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