update 202305 – all update done 2023 May

update update blog 202305


Pityriasidae: Bornean Bristlehead | 婆罗洲 棘毛伯劳 | liewwk Nature [update 20230518]

update 202305

– It had been lucky day, while driving we saw a beautiful Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher and decided to make a stop. I hard some weird call, but everyone seem interested on the flycatcher as we already seen the Bristlehead. But one of the guest just spot it and they are low and nearby. Bingo ! The lucky just continue, the car opposite us told us there are many elephant on the road !!!, we just stop looking at the Bristlehead and drive for the Elephant and we did see ~12 of them and this is 2nd sight for the Borneo pygmy elephant


– 非常幸运的一天,还以为只是坐车到目的地后就休息。希望在路程可以看些普普通通的鸟就过了这么一天。可是,在半路中我看到了中南寿带。就停了下来,客人们都看到高高兴兴的。可是我听到奇怪的声音,我说可能是棘头鵙。可是他们都没什么兴趣,因为大家都看过了。可是在找寿带间,其中一位客人尽然看到了好几只棘头鵙就在不高/远处。就让我拍下来了。可是我们的运气还是很好,对头车。让我们知道前方尽然有象!我们二话不说立刻前往,也第二次看到婆羅洲侏儒象

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Bucerotidae series: Hornbill | 犀鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-2 [update 20230430]

update 202305

– a place normally just heard and not easy to meet this bird but we saw it twice in 1 day. and this is close and stay long for us has good view.

– 这里时常都听到这鸟叫,就是看不到。可是这团客人超好运,一天2次

202305, Sabah, Malaysia


Muscicapidae series: Shama | 鹟科 : 鹊鸲 | liewwk Nature – 4 [20230529]

update 202305

– even see this bird is not excited as in last 1 hour, we just saw Helmeted Hornbill close follow by Bornean Clouded Leopard

– 客人见到这鸟,一点都不兴奋了。因为在这鸟前,客人在一个小时内看到盔犀鸟,婆罗洲云豹.

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230529]

update 202305

– this lovely bird always accompany me when I looking for some special targets for guests. As usual, think one of most easy place to see this bird is Sabah.

– 这鸟每次当我找目标鸟时,它总是在附近叫不停。在沙巴这鸟应该很容易看到。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature [update 20230528]

update 202305

– this time cannot locate the day roosting, so look for it night time and stand high up.

– 没找到早上的。晚上它又站高高。气死人

202305, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230528]

update 202305

– my favorite bird and this make another favorite picture for me as it look at me for ~1s just like the way it stand and sing.

– 最喜欢鸟种之一,这也是我最喜欢照片之一。这样看我很可爱。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Estrildidae series: Munia, parrotfinch | 梅花雀科: 文鸟,鹦雀 | liewwk Nature – 8 [update 20230527]

update 202305

– just another good decision to make, we change ours original plan to looking for this beautiful bird and it did show quite well for all of us. Still one of most beautiful bird of Malaysia

– 我们赌了一把,换了原本路线。到这找找这鸟。尽然真的看到,还要蛮久。马来西亚最漂亮鸟之一吧。

202305, Selangor, Malaysia


Caprimulgidae series : Nightjar | 夜鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 5 [update 20230527]

update 202305

– a lucky group have a close and low view of this bird before dusk. lovely loud call nightjar

– 幸运的客人,尽然遇上这鸟飞低还要没到夕阳时间就飞来飞去。

202305, Selangor, Malaysia


Leiothrichidae series: Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科: 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20230525]

update 202305

– while we walking for general birding after long wait for the partridge. All of sudden this bird calling from far, we toward the direction and this bird just stand ~10feet from us .. what a lucky day after Malayan Whistling-Thrush, Bamboo Woodpecker, Malayan Hawk-Cuckoo, Mountain Scops Owl and many good birds today.

– 等了一个小时的鹧鸪。终于可以普通看鸟。非常幸运,除了这鸟外。也拿下黄嘴角鸮, 棕腹鹰鹃,竹啄木鸟 等好鸟

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20230522]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230522]

update 202305

– previous both Whitehead’s Trio, we ticked it pretty simple. This one bit tricky where we saw it fly and perch (1-2 persons saw it but no good view). And one evening, I decided to make a bet to wait this bird at either location we normally found it. It is lucky picked, saw the bird stay for more than 20 minutes for good view, pictures and videos





Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230521]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230521]


update 202305

– one of my favorite bird of Malaysia, I heard Blue-headed Pitta, Striped Wren-Babbler & this bird calling and while I am hiding and waiting for Blue-headed Pitta to show. This bird suddenly appear as this, shooting 500mm at almost no crop.

– 我的最喜爱马来西亚鸟之一。在寻找大蓝八色鸫,突然蓝头八色鸫,纹鹪鹛与这鸟一起叫起来。当然,我躲起来等 蓝头八色鸫(客人还没看到)。可是这鸟竟然突然出现在~5尺内。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230521]

Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature 4-1 [update 20230521]

update 202305

– A tiny, little bit boring endemic. As usual, soon we arrive. Bird come close and few of them. This time we tried noon time seem same active.

– 小,还要有点闷的特有种。如常到了鸟很快到来,这次没等到下午。这次中午时分也很活跃。


Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-1 [20230520]

update 202305

– a very lucky to have dancing ground, we monitor this bird clearing the dancing ground, calling with distance follow by slight close but the bird just ignore us. this bird will be at same spot for calling his mate. But we even heard it ~7-8pm after dark 🙁 .. hope it found it’s mate soon.

– photo taken with ~100mm and without hide.

– 非常幸运找到他跳舞的场地,我们在哪,从远到近的静静的看这鸟清理场地,叫的很大声。可是很奇怪,天黑了还在叫。希望他早点找到他的啊爱人。

– 只用了100mm 焦段。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230520]

Falconidae series: Falconet, Falcon | 隼科 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20230521]

– after missed the Crimson-Headed partridge at common spot (after wait of ~1 hour), decided to continue to KNP and found this lovely tiny raptor. only with 500mm so it is a bit heavy crop but love to see it doing good and with lovely butterfly

– 在普通的红头林鹧鸪点等了~1个小时,鸟没出现。我们直上神山,幸运的我们尽然看到这鸟捉了蝴蝶去喂小孩。因为没准备好,只用了500 焦段。裁截了蛮多的。

202305, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia


Wild Cats 野猫 | liewwk Nature [update 20230519]

update 202305

– a very lucky moment with this cat 3:57pm at Danum Valley BRL just at the road side. It stay for long for good view, pictures, and video.

– it is just amazing animal to be seen, so beautiful

– 非常可爱,漂亮的野猫。在沙巴,丹绒谷尽然在中午路上见到它。非常幸运的一次婆罗洲之行。

202305, BRL, Sabah, Malaysia


Nectariniidae series: Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科: 捕蛛鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10 [update 20230520]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230520]


update 202305

– very early morning on 2nd day, we arrived and heard the call immediate it show less than 5minutes of waiting with very good view. Still one of best looking bird in KNP

– 第2天一早,我们到达后不到5分钟就看到了。运气爆表。还是觉得神山最好看的鸟之一。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230510]

Pityriasidae: Bornean Bristlehead | 婆罗洲 棘毛伯劳 | liewwk Nature [update 20230518]

update 202305

– a Borneo trip without Birstlehead, it going to be tough. We were worry so much but what a good view for everyone 2 times and low and near !!! lucky, as no one actually ask when we going to see the bird. everyone patient and with patient and luck we seen this one and immediate after with Pygmy Elephant !

– 婆罗洲行没看到这鸟,会觉得很对不起客人。这次非常幸运的客人,看了2次都很低+久。第2次还要拍了这鸟后立刻看到象!幸运+耐心。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Phasianidae Series: Partridge | 雉科: 鹧鸪 | liewwk Nature 8-2 [update 20230513]


update 202305

– a noisy and lovely Partridge, with the name of Sabah Partridge ** . We got it at Sabah and as usual this bird come to say “hi” to me again over the years same location.

– found and seen 2 birds at 2 locations. lucky group

– 非常吵的鹧鸪。它有了新名“沙巴鹧鸪”(应该只有沙巴特有)。这次沙巴观鸟行,幸运的2个点都见到它。在同一个点,这鸟已在这好几年。每次都蛮乖的。

202305, Sandakan, Malaysia


Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230510]


Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230510]

update 202305

– we normal look for this bird dusk/dawn with almost no light situation.  A very lucky moment while we walking, got this bird came out for very close for picture (not this) but love this while it standing

– 一直像僵尸一样的鸟,总是在没什么光线的时候出现。这次非常幸运在非常有光线时候出现还在5-10米左右出现。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230506]

Accipitridae series: Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 24-2 [update 20230509]

update 202305

– misty day after rain whole night. reach to next destination, saw this raptor sit on fence and allow us take some pictures before flew away.

– definite my best 5 of 202305

– 很大雾的一天。在到达下个鸟点前,尽然见到这么稀有的鹰。还让我们下车看够够才飞走。

– 这一定是我2023 5月最喜欢照片之一。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230508]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230506]

update 202305

– a very confuse feeling each time see this bird, happy+tired. Been told, this bird missing for days (after abandoned the nest). But after “walking session” we still managed to have this bird close for good view and pictures.

– the male with bright red

– 每次见这鸟的心情都是“兴奋+疲累”。再拍到这鸟前,很多人都没见到这鸟。以为会错过,可是还是幸运的拍下。

– 雄鸟可是红色的。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Falconidae series: Falconet, Falcon | 隼科 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20230506]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230506]

update 202305

– it is surprise to see it at this elevation again and this time not that high up at canopy, but backlit with quite a lot of shadow and highlight recovery.

– very cute bird as usual. look like a Panda

– 第二次在这么高海拔见到它还要站的不是太高。。可是背光太厉害,后期用了点时间。

– 非常可爱的小熊猫。

202305, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia


Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-3 [update 20230506]

update 202305

– after back from Sulawesi-Halmahera, really missed all the pigeons, dove songs. Here Malaysia do not have so many of them. This species is one of my favorite. This male stand there for long, need patient to see its’ small movement.

– 从苏拉威西+哈马黑拉岛回来后,很想念那的鸠叫(很多种类)都会叫不停。马来西亚没很多鸠,可是这是我最喜欢的一种。

202304, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-1 [20230501]

update 202304

– another visit to the famous BPP site, many of friends waiting long or missed this bird. make us worry and decided to have 2 days try. today after breakfast heading to the “hide” and got in ~8am. surprise we only wait 2.5 hour which is a joke with friend day before we make appointment with the bird at 1030am !!! and it appear 10:32am. stand there and feed for quite long.

– and today a bit weird behavior which keep making calls

– 又到这个美丽的孔雀雉点。我们几个月以来,蛮多朋友都等很久或没看到这鸟。昨天,几位鸟友也等到4pm.鸟才出来一会。我们也很担心,可是今天他尽然在10:32am就出现了。(昨天我们还开玩笑,不怕。我们约了鸟10:30am).太幸运了。

– 今天也蛮特别的,很少会听到它一直叫的。叫了一个早上

202305, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230501]

57. Bornean Peacock-Pheasant, 加里曼丹孔雀雉, 婆羅洲孔雀雉, Polyplectron schleiermacheri, ボルネオエボシコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN BORNEO

update 202304

– another visit to the famous BPP site, many of friends waiting long or missed this bird. make us worry and decided to have 2 days try. today after breakfast heading to the “hide” and got in ~8am. surprise we only wait 2.5 hour which is a joke with friend day before we make appointment with the bird at 1030am !!! and it appear 10:32am. stand there and feed for quite long.

– and today a bit weird behavior which keep making calls

– 又到这个美丽的孔雀雉点。我们几个月以来,蛮多朋友都等很久或没看到这鸟。昨天,几位鸟友也等到4pm.鸟才出来一会。我们也很担心,可是今天他尽然在10:32am就出现了。(昨天我们还开玩笑,不怕。我们约了鸟10:30am).太幸运了。

– 今天也蛮特别的,很少会听到它一直叫的。叫了一个早上

202305, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202212

– finally completed another Borneo special task. But not really a good trip as almost everyday raining. Bird activity as expected still low. But this main target show well without long wait and come close.

– what a nature beauty. For me bird is far beautiful than human.

– 2022 最后一次婆罗洲特别鸟团。不是太理想,每天都很大雨。鸟况如预期,还是很不好。可是这主要的鸟还是没让我们失望。没太久来很近。

– 自然的美,与其他的美很不一样。给我选,鸟美大于人美。

202212, Telupid, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202207

– even not a lifer for me, but see it near and stay is a totally different feeling. This bird is so beautiful when lighting hit at the right position of the body.

– 虽然见过这鸟,可是近距离+停留(之前见到的都是在跑的),这鸟真的很漂亮。

202207, Sabah, Malaysia
– an adult female walk together with a juvi bird lovely 2 birds– 幸运的拍到雌成鸟带着亚成鸟

202207, Sabah, Malaysia

– a very rare Borneo endemic and it is recently found outside from Borneo-Indonesia (Balikpapan) after such a long missing period it is recently confirm found 2016

– please to have chance to photograph this rare and beautiful bird

– 非常稀有的婆罗洲特有种。再2016 前,很多人还以为这鸟一在婆罗洲北部绝种。在一群森林研究工作人员拍到照片后终于肯定了,这鸟没在婆罗洲北部(马来西亚)绝种。


202207, Sabah, Malaysia
58. Bulwer’s Pheasant, 鳞背鹇, 鱗背鷴, Lophura bulweri, オジロウチワキジ, PEGAR PIAL PANJANG

– a lovely and beautiful pheasant with beautiful white tail.

– 非常漂亮与害羞的鹇,走动时白色尾巴摇摆。非常漂亮

202210, Sabah, Malaysia