Both the new Canon R1 and R5 Mark II cameras bring a host of innovative features, although their core specifications haven’t changed significantly. Among these updates, I believe the Pre-continuous Shooting function will revolutionize wildlife photography—and potentially sports photography as well.
Pre-capture functionality has already been available in cameras like the Canon R7 and R6 Mark II for some time. This feature allows photographers to half-press the shutter to focus and start recording, then fully press the shutter to save all pre-recorded images to the memory card.
What sets the Canon R1 and R5 Mark II apart is their ability to keep the pre-capture function continuously active as long as the shutter is half-pressed for focusing and fully pressed for recording, provided the buffer hasn’t reached its limit. This makes it easy to refocus on a new subject or stay locked onto the same subject for additional pre-capture sequences.
For example, the R1’s buffer can handle up to 200 shots before slowing down. In pre-capture mode, it initially records 20 frames, and over approximately two seconds, it can capture additional sequences, such as 20 + 40 + 40 frames. Unlike other cameras, the R1 and R5 Mark II transition seamlessly between pre-captures without any delay, offering unmatched efficiency and flexibility for capturing fleeting moments.
全新的佳能R1和R5 Mark II相机引入了众多创新功能,尽管它们的核心规格并未发生显著变化。其中,我认为“预连续拍摄”功能将彻底改变野生动物摄影的风格,也可能对体育摄影产生深远影响。
类似的预拍摄功能在佳能R7和R6 Mark II等相机上已存在一段时间。这项功能允许摄影师通过半按快门进行对焦并开始记录,而全按快门则会将所有预录的图像保存到存储卡中。
佳能R1和R5 Mark II的独特之处在于,只要快门半按保持对焦、全按记录,并且缓冲区未达到极限,预拍摄功能即可持续运行。这使得用户可以轻松重新对焦于新的主体或保持对原主体的连续预拍摄。
例如,R1的缓冲区支持最多200张照片的连拍。在预拍模式下,它最初记录20帧,然后在大约2秒内捕捉额外的序列,例如20 + 40 + 40帧。与其他相机不同,R1和R5 Mark II可以在预拍摄之间无缝衔接,没有任何延迟,为捕捉转瞬即逝的精彩瞬间提供了前所未有的效率和灵活性。
Let’s share some samples as we normally do.
Once Pre-continuous Shooting is enabled, a “pre” indicator appears in the top-left corner of the screen whenever you half-press the shutter button, confirming that pre-recording is active. After taking a shot, you can immediately half-press the shutter again to restart pre-recording or continue shooting as needed.
Below are some sample images captured with the Pre-continuous Shooting feature. These can be enjoyed as standalone photos or combined and converted into a video sequence.
Update 202411
– Another common woodpecker in Malaysia, resembling the Greater Flameback but smaller in size with dark eyes.
– Another moment captured using the CANON R1’s Continuous Pre-record feature.
– 在马来西亚的另一种常见啄木鸟,外形与大金背啄木鸟相似,但体型较小,眼睛呈深色。
– 使用 CANON R1 的连续预录功能捕捉到的另一个瞬间。

– One of the most common woodpeckers in Malaysia, this species can be found in a variety of environments—lowlands, mangroves, sub-montane forests, and even urban areas. Its overall rufous coloration makes it hard to miss.
– While testing the Canon R1’s “Continuous Pre-recording” feature, the bird was perched as usual. I half-pressed the shutter to activate Pre-recording, and only fully pressed it when the bird took off from the branch. Every frame of the action was captured in full RAW and saved to my card.
– 这是马来西亚最常见的啄木鸟之一,分布于低地、红树林、亚山地森林,甚至城市等各种环境。它整体呈赤褐色,非常显眼,不容易错过。
– 在测试佳能 R1 的“连续预录”功能时,这只鸟像往常一样站在树枝上。我半按快门开启预录功能,直到鸟从树枝起飞时才完全按下快门。整个动作的每一帧都被完整记录为 RAW 格式并存储在卡中

4. Half-press the shutter before the active warbler makes any movement. When the bird takes off, fully press the shutter to capture everything that occurred 0.5 seconds prior. Immediately after pre-recording, the camera will seamlessly track the bird in real-time.
sample frame

1. Half-press the shutter before the small raptor shows any movement. When the bird takes off, fully press the shutter to capture everything leading up to that critical moment. At the same time, you’ll see the camera seamlessly tracking the bird in real-time.
2. Half-press the shutter before any movement from the Owl. When the Owl takes off, fully press the shutter, and everything leading up to that “flash moment” will be recorded onto the card. And you’ll also see the camera immediately tracking the bird in real-time.
3. Half-press the shutter before any movement from the kingfisher. When the kingfisher dives down, fully press the shutter, and everything leading up to that “flash moment” will be saved to the card. You’ll also see the camera instantly tracking the bird in real-time.