New mammals collection which will combine Peninsular Malaysia & Borneo
1. Red Leaf monkey, 栗紅葉猴, 栗红叶猴, Presbytis rubicunda
2. Siamang, 合趾猿, Symphalangus syndactylus, フクロテナガザル
3. Bornean Orangutan, 婆罗洲猩猩, 婆羅洲猩猩, Pongo pygmaeus
4. Western Tarsia, 跗猴, Cephalopachus bancanus
5. Sunda Slow Loris, 巽他间蜂猴, 巽他懶猴, Nycticebus coucang
6. Proboscis monkeys, 长鼻猴, 长鼻猴, Nasalis larvatus
7. Long-tailed Macaque, 长尾猕猴, 长尾猕猴, Macaca fascicularis
8. Southern pig-tailed macaque, 豚尾猴, 豚尾猕猴, Macaca nemestrina
9. Dusky leaf monkey, 郁乌叶猴, 鬱烏葉猴, Trachypithecus obscurus
10. White-thighed surili, 白腿叶猴, 白腿葉猴, Presbytis siamensis
11. White-handed Gibbon, 白掌长臂猿, 白掌長臂猿, Hylobates lar
12. Silvery lutung, 银色乌叶猴, 銀色烏葉猴, Trachypithecus cristatus
13. BORNEAN GIBBON, 婆罗洲长臂猿, 婆羅洲長臂猿, Hylobates funereus
1. Red Leaf monkey, 栗紅葉猴, 栗红叶猴, Presbytis rubicunda
– also call maroon langur, maroon leaf monkey, Borneo endemic.. lucky to have rare white morph
update 202309
– after 11 years of first visit with you, and after you left… my first time here again … not really a good visit every step I move remind us .. same accommodation, lake, jungle trail … river …
– 11年前我与他初次到这,你离开后第一次到回这。到这我的心这的很不好受,每一步都想起我们当时在这。

2. Siamang, 合趾猿, Symphalangus syndactylus, フクロテナガザル
– a noisy big and mainly black, normally moving in a group
– common at Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill, even lowland forest
– overall black and when calling the throat to grow (gray)
– a quite common primate, always hear their loud call in the morning
update 202101 #

3. Bornean Orangutan, 婆罗洲猩猩, 婆羅洲猩猩, Pongo pygmaeus
update 202205
– one of the main target for this trip, not really have good view of any adult but this give good open view for us
– 这次婆罗洲行主要目标,只有这只给我们看,其他都很害羞。
update 202207
– a disadvantage having long prime lens, when this big size mammal come close, but still lucky to have the cute face expression.
– 这家伙来的太近。只有长定焦只有拍一些不一样的。还好,他满脸都是可爱的表情。


update 2021 Lucky moment to see this young orangutan close and eating "rambutan" (a local fruit). 幸運的這麼近的見到小婆羅洲猩猩吃野生紅毛丹。 #
Orangutans, 人猿
update 202101 an adult wild Orang Utan come close to Lobby at BRL Danum Valley![]()
4. Western Tarsia, 跗猴, Cephalopachus bancanus
– a big eye, bear-like and with long-tailed
– very cute
– 大眼睛,有点像熊,长尾巴
update 202106

5. Sunda Slow Loris, 巽他间蜂猴, 巽他懶猴, Nycticebus coucang
– bear-like, move really slow and active at the night
– 有点像熊,动作很慢。
6. Proboscis monkeys, 长鼻猴, 长鼻猴, Nasalis larvatus
– a special Borneo endemic
– tame, mostly light brown. Male with a big nose
– 婆罗洲特有种。
– 通常很乖,容易接近。
– 雄带有大鼻子。
7. Long-tailed Macaque, 长尾猕猴, 长尾猕猴, Macaca fascicularis
– very common “monkey” at Malaysia and Borneo
– 马来西亚与婆罗洲很普通的猴
8. Southern pig-tailed macaque, 豚尾猴, 豚尾猕猴, Macaca nemestrina
– another common “monkey” Malaysia and Borneo. bigger than Long-tailed, normally small group and aggressive. Short or “pig” tail
– 很普通的猴。短尾(猪尾),较少群活动。
9. Dusky leaf monkey, 郁乌叶猴, 鬱烏葉猴
– a black-gray leaf monkey which normally found hill area
– a white eye-ring make it distinct
– 体重5-9千克,头体长42-61厘米。尾长50-85厘米,眼睛又圆又大,眼周有一圈白色,就像是戴了一副白框眼镜,亦称“眼镜叶猴”。体色灰黑色,腹部稍浅,尾部深灰色,比体色稍浅,尾巴的根部是白色的,冠毛棕色直立,脸部灰色。唇周和眼周内侧有明显的白色斑。
10. White-thighed surili, 白腿叶猴, 白腿葉猴, Presbytis siamensis
– a not so common hill, overall black-gray and white chest, side face
– 不很普通的猴,通常在山边。全黑灰白。胸-肚白。脸黑,脸边白。
11. White-handed Gibbon, 白掌长臂猿, 白掌長臂猿, Hylobates lar
– a rare, sight this small group at Panti, Johor
– face with white outer and “white-hand”
– 体长为50-76厘米,体重4.2-6.8千克。手、足白色或淡白色,故称白掌长臂猿。背毛长11-15厘米。两性均有暗、淡两种色型。不同亚种之间色泽有所变化。此外自眉的边缘经面颊到下颌有一圈白毛形成的圆环,把脸部勾勒得十分醒目。

12. Silvery lutung, 银色乌叶猴, 銀色烏葉猴, Trachypithecus cristatus
– overall black with silver on edge
– normally found near mangrove, river side
– 黑银,通常在红树林。
update 202309
– a special target tour, heavy rain before we go out for river cruise. When rain stop, we went out and got many good sight and finally got the Wrinkled Hornbill. When we trying for other, saw this weird looking Silvery Lutung.
– 特别目标鸟团,来到京河时。下了大雨,等了一会看到红毛猩猩后。就出去了。没很久也看到第一只目标-皱盔犀鸟。然后,尽然遇见这一只“很特别的叶猴

update 202208
– special date Aug 25-26. My special one always .. she
– 特别的日子,我的宝贝永远都是我的宝贝。


13. BORNEAN GIBBON, 婆罗洲长臂猿, 婆羅洲長臂猿, Hylobates funereus
– a not so common seen Primate. Normally will heard in most of the lowland forest in Sabah.
– 通常都在沙巴低海拔的森林听到它的叫声。非常不容易见到。
update 202309
– a special trip to Tawau for specific Photography target, but the bird does not show up last evening, so morning we decided to have casual birding and for me this guy show up is better than any other. it move fast but I manage to got few shots of the beautiful primate.
– 专到斗湖为了拍一只鸟,可是没出现。我们觉得走走后才再寻找目标。可是一大早,这家伙在我们腹肌叫的很大声。也跳来跳去很快。


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