– shy and not difficult to be found at most the islands near Sabah
update 202404
– a casual relax short break with only camera and myself .. managed to have few good birds and enjoy my cold drink with beautiful beach view. Lucky to have few birds included this use to be shy bird and came out feeding without worry about me.
– a special almost represent Sulawesi as almost any where you can see symbol
A massive black-and-white megapode with a rose-pink breast and a diagnostic prominent knob on the nape. Found in lowland and hill forest, in areas near beaches or areas with volcanic sands in which they lay their eggs. Immatures show a blacker head with a white throat and a tufted crest. Occurs in pairs that forage on the ground and roost in trees by night. Often best seen at known egg-laying sites, either during laying sessions, or roosting in trees nearby. Generally silent, but occasionally gives a loud, bubbling “waow.” [Ebird]
update 202310
– another main target for a short Photography tour, not really a difficult bird to be seen but it stay far from the hide and very alert with sounds. But there are few individual come to the ranger area which gave some close pictures.
One of the reasons to own 8k video most probably is to crop the video like this one to get more clarity (but I didn’t reduce it to 4k just want to show 8k video and zoom in)
let’s have a look at 4k and tell me how’s this video looks like? very good? good? normal?
I am glad to be given a chance to be tried on the Fujifilm XF70-300mmF4-5.6 R LM OIS WR. Even though we don’t have that many opportunities to do more tests on this setup because of the Covid-19 lockdown.
for quick sharing from Fujifilm XF70-300mmF4-5.6 R LM OIS WR Liew WK – Lens Stories
For birding Photography, we always concern about on few camera and lens specifications
1. Image Quality
– how sharp and how’s the ISO performance
– with Teleconverter Image quality
2. Autofocus performance
– how fast the autofocus, how accurate autofocus, and how good is the tracking capability
3. Weather-resistant, Weight and Size
– no one can deny bigger lens (longer and bigger aperture) will give you better image quality but we need to know how much we can tolerate with Image quality drop with the size and weight reduce.
– most of the bird photography here (Tropical rainforest – Malaysia) involves a lot of tracking, walking, hiking so it is not really a good choice to carry heavy equipment to long hours to do bird photography here.
Some Extra Features
4. Minimum Focus Distance
– most of the Bird photographers also a nature lover who may also capture many other creatures (butterfly, snake, etc
– minimum focus distance of 0.83 which give magnification 0.33
5. Image stabilization
– I can’t comment much as not really do a lot of testing on this but some of the dark conditions where I shoot ~600mm at 1/10-1/30s also give a very good success rate but for my comfort. 1/100 is a base shutter speed to get a very high success rate for myself.
I also captured some videos handheld
Very low light condition
ISO1600, F8.0, 1/30
1. Image Quality
– with previous testing on the Fujifilm equipments
do provide good quality of image quality with good Autofocus performance (for both still together with Fujifilm X-T4
For this small lens that provides 107mm to 457mm (35mm equivalent), it is just
Ø75mm x 132.5mm(Wide) Ø75mm x 205.5mm(Telephoto)
and this lens compatible with both 1.4x and 2.0x Teleconverter (TC) which may give you
149.8mm to 639.8mm
214mm to 914mm
(35mm equivalent)
but for everyone know the use of TC most probably lower the Image quality and autofocus performance.
here is some pictures sample I captured 3-4 days before Covid=19 MCO 2.0 lockdown..
[click the pictures for the original size]
NORMAL condition
update 202103
– another good moment with this active bird
– 非常活躍的鳥。他在看我在做什麼。
update 202102
– very active bird that keeps moving nonstop
– same location last month where I meet the handsome male but I met only 2 beautiful female now
– 非常活躍的鳥,總是動不停。
– 上個月,同個地方遇上雄鳥。今天遇上了2只母鳥。
– lucky to have this while we looking for our target bird close
– another close encounter
Long-tailed Parakeet, 长尾鹦鹉, 長尾鸚鵡, Psittacula longicauda, オナガダルマインコ, BAYAN MELAYU
Lowlight Condition
update 202102
- very lowlight condition,
- misty
Cloudy, Raining ConditionQuality with 2x TC
2. Autofocus performance
– as previous testing share, the X-T4 AF performance FAST, accurate and tracking is good too.
– I won’t share any single point AF here as all others above are using AFS or single focus but here I am sharing what I am concern about continuous focus for both lock focus & tracking capability
– Both above Loglight Condition sharing pictures were captured in very low light condition and AF is still fast and accurate for AFS
All pictures below captured with AFC – continuous focus and Zone (almost full screen). [I let the camera and lens decide to lock the object and track without any additional setting change]
i. Terns
– many of them flying far and near with moderate speed but in any direction under the hot sun
– most of the focus can lock fast and continuous tracking the bird by the next 1-2 s as the tern fly out from the frame
– it is almost no fail to lock focus when the birds flying with blue/white sky and sea background which has enough contrast
– it is getting difficult to lock focus when a bird flies into the frame where the background is green
ii. Owl
– this owl all of a sudden fly out from the small palm oil plantation- the focus lock fast but the tracking miss 50% intermittent as it is flying toward me fast and close (some of the focus frame lock on the wing but not the head).*** the tracking may able to improve by some AF setting. as the focus locking is fast enough to focus again after miss out of focus within 1-2s flying toward me series
– This is a special case where this hornbill standing on a building wall. So make use of the continuous focus & tracking mode. Even the bird is near the tracking work since the bird begins flying until it missing into a tree.
– the moment happens just ~2s, while I am shooting 7fps. and the focus just miss 2 frame
iv. Swift
– it is very difficult to capture swift picture due to normally they are flying fast, all different direction
– success rate is not very high due to the flying speed very fast and accelerates in any direction for feeding. But the camera and lens still able to lock the focus as long as my position is at the right position.
3. Weather-resistant, Weight and Size
– due to the APS-C sensor size the lens design in a smaller size compared to an equivalent 35mm equivalent lens (100-400mm)
– the lens with X-T4 which is 607g (including battery and SD memory card)
– 1.4x TC
with such focal length 107mm to 457mm or (107mm to 457mm)x1.4 or x2)
look at the size
4. Minimum Focus Distance
– this lens can take a photo at a minimum focus distance of 0.83 which give magnification 0.33 think this is also good for some butterfly, big object macro
5. Image stabilization
– testing mostly dark environment for either still or video (all handheld)
update 202103
– another beautiful winter visitor flycatcher of Malaysia
– another Fujifilm new XF70-300 test and this also another #handheldvideo
– I am shooting this video handheld
– 馬來西亞漂亮的過冬姬鶲 – 另一富士 XF70-300 的測試。 – 手持拍的視頻。
update 202102
– another handheld video captured with X-T4 and XF70300
– a medium-sized tree squirrel, overall olive-brown and underpart red. Slight different form the Plantain squirrel which is lowland species and with an extra Black buff stripe on the flank
– Fraser Hill, Cameron Highland, Genting Highland Pahang, Malaysia
9. Red giant flying squirrel, 棕鼯鼠, 大鼯鼠, Petaurista petaurista
– common at lowland forest (RDC, DANUM etc)
– 在低海拔森林,蛮普通。
update 202409
– a wonderful special extension for some mammals, we sight Thomas’s Flying Squirrel flying in day time at Danum Valley, follow by Black flying squirrel flying close toward us (yes just ~10m from us like hitting us … plus this common Red giant flying squirrel flying in close distance while ours dusk drive .. wow wow wow
Thomas’s Flying Squirrel is endemic to Borneo where it inhabits tall forest, both primary and secondary, in the lowlands and in mid-montane areas at elevations of up to 1600 metres.
Its fur is reddish-brown to dark brown, with no markings to speak of : it is this plain appearance which distinguishes it from other large flying squirrels, such as the Red Giant Flying Squirrel and Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel, both of which typically have black fur on some part of the body (e.g. face, feet, tip of the tail etc.).
In common with most other flying squirrels it is exclusively nocturnal. Its diet includes forest fruits, but little else is known of its ecology.
Within Borneo, this species has been documented in parts of Sabah (including Mount Kinabalu), Sarawak, Brunei and west and east Kalimantan. It appears to be absent in the southeast of the island. [https://www.ecologyasia.com/verts/mammals/thomas%27s-flying-squirrel.htm]
After witnessing the spectacular gliding display of the Red Giant Flying Squirrel, we encountered this Thomas’s Flying Squirrel up close—just about 10 feet away. It was calmly feeding on a small tree, completely unbothered by our presence.
– Adobe Camera RAW 12.4, same recovery and other parameters for the same test
*** I found the Dynamic Range setting not just affect JPEG output, but also affects the data inside the RAW files. So testing also included DR100 (off), DR200 (suppose reserve highlight exposure 1 stop) & DR400 (suppose reserve highlight exposure 2 stop)
But check out the RAW files recovery result below !!! it is some magic that happens !!!
1. Highlight Recovery Test
1A. Highlight Recovery Test: Dynamic Range setting
– make sure of in Camera setting to protect Highlight details
Even with the direct JPEG output, the highlight details have been protected (DR200 1 stop and DR400 2 stops). But let’s have a look at the RAW file recovery
1B. Highlight Recovery Test: RAW files recovery
Test1: Highlight recovery from RAW files
– ISO1000, F5.6, 1/15 – this makes the picture +4 (4 stops overexpose)
– Adobe Camera Raw recovery. [Highlight -100%, Exposure -3.00]
Test1Bi. Highlight recovery, DR100 (DR off)
– All setting same as mentioned above
– DR100
– LEFT: Direct JPEG from Camera
RIGHT: recovery setting as above and save as JPEG
Test1Bii. Highlight recovery, DR200
– All setting same as mentioned above
– DR200
– LEFT: Direct JPEG from Camera
RIGHT: recovery setting as above and save as JPEG
Test1Bii. Highlight recovery, DR400
– All setting same as mentioned above
– DR400
– LEFT: Direct JPEG from Camera
RIGHT: recovery setting as above and save as JPEG
Here’s come the magic of the RAW file and the Dynamic Range settings !!!!
– Look at the right face of the toy & background paper beg
– the DR400 not just protect highlight data in JPEG but in the RAW file, preserve more than what we expect (3 stops + 100% hight recovery)
2. Shadow Recovery Test
– 5 stops underexpose
– ISO800, F5.6, 1/8000
– DR100, 200, 400
– below are JPEG direct output from Camera
Test2A. Shadow recovery
Test1: Highlight recovery from RAW files
– ISO800, F5.6, 1/8000
– this makes the picture -5 (5 stops underexpose)
– Adobe Camera Raw recovery. [Exposure +5.00]
As the discussion of Dynamic Range is to protect Highlight data of the pictures. But I still go ahead with my test with DR100, 200 & 400
Test2Ai. Shadow recovery, DR100
Test2Ai. Shadow recovery, DR200
Test2Ai. Shadow recovery, DR400
For the 5 stops Shadow recovery, most of the details of the focused object still intact.
But when we turn on the Dynamic Range (DR200 & 400) gives an impact on the RAW files. Something really weird where DR400 actually give negative impact which produces more color noise and purple tint when exposure recovery
So we need 2 settings for Highlight & Shadow recovery
1. Highlight recovery: Highly recommend Turn on DR400
2. Shadow recovery: Highly recommended Turn of DR which is DR100
101. Purple-winged Roller, 紫翅佛法僧, Coracias temminckii,セレベスブッポウソウ, Tiong-lampu sulawesi
– a very beautiful bird, just like Malaysia Indochinese Roller but this with less vibrant colors and a “purple” wing-tail. Sulawesi endemic.
– 非常漂亮的佛法僧,非常害羞。蘇拉威西特有種。
update 202102
51. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ
A brightly colored bird with various shades of blue on the wings, tails, and belly that are often more prominent in flight. Note the longitudinal white streaks on the throat and breast. Indochinese Roller has a purple-blue breast, a darker olive back, and is generally darker blue. Generally silent, but more vocal in breeding season with harsh calls. Prefers open areas, including agricultural landscapes, sitting on exposed perches including electric wires, occasionally pumping its tail slowly. Practically a resident roller with some movements in the western parts of its range. 【Ebird]
update 20231218
– wonderful moment to get close and stay long for us, it is so colorful
– 非常漂亮的鸟,与马来西亚的种不一样。这只很乖站了很久也蛮近的
201. European Roller, 蓝胸佛法僧, 藍胸佛法僧, Coracias garrulus, ニシブッポウソウ
update 20501
In South Africa’s western region, this season is perfect for birdwatching as many common species are abundant. It’s been an enjoyable time spotting various targets, with the bonus of encountering a few truly stunning birds along the way.
1. Greater Painted-Snipe, 彩鹬, 彩鷸, Rostratula benghalensis, タマシギ, MERAGI BIASA
– very beautiful bird
– abnormal breeding behavior where the male will taking care after lay egg
– very shy bird
update 202105
– casual lazy birding, driving around. but not a bad morning at all, found this pair of the lovely couple.
– male and female are also beautiful. the one focus is female
Charming tiny bird, brightly-colored but difficult to see as it forages quietly in dense undergrowth. Olive-yellow above and dark gray below, with a dark line through the eye and a bright yellowish crown. The very similar Gray-bellied Tesia has a paler belly, a distinct yellowish eyebrow, and a darker greenish crown. Slaty-bellied breeds in foothill and montane forest and winters at lower elevations. Frequents dark damp areas, often near streams or fern beds. Song is a series of high thin whistles followed by a jumble of warbled notes, longer and more complex than Gray-bellied Tesia’s similar song. Gives sharp chirping call notes, as well as loud rattles. [Ebird]
This tiny bird moves swiftly through the bushes, making it incredible that we managed to spot it.
It’s a bird everyone on this trip has been eager to photograph. Yesterday, only Amy and I were lucky enough to capture it, while others could only catch a glimpse without getting any photos. However, luck was on our side today! Two different Tesias came close to us within just 15 minutes, giving everyone the chance they had been hoping for. Tonight, we can all sleep soundly, content with the experience.
This is a fairly common bird in the area, but it moves too quickly to capture good shots. It often hides in dark and damp spots, making it a wonderfully active but elusive subject.
– another bird that we seldom missed since pandemic “covid” (previously seem more shy). This bird just pop up when we trying to locate the partridge. Cute, small and fast
– “side effect” of the CANON RF200800, this bird small, fast and always in lowlight .. end up ISO20000 needed
– as usual very fast moving and tiny bird.but now with the AI camera CANON R7. so much easier with the animal eye detect. almost like point the lens to the bird and press shutter