Musophagidae series | 蕉鹃科 | liewwk Nature 1 [update 20250112]

a very lovely bird family active, move between tree.

1. Livingstone’s Turaco, 利氏蕉鹃, 綠頭冠蕉鵑, Tauraco livingstonii, リビングストンエボシドリ



1. Livingstone’s Turaco, 利氏蕉鹃, 綠頭冠蕉鵑, Tauraco livingstonii, リビングストンエボシドリ


update 202501

The overall green coloration, accompanied by a low crest and blue body, is a key target for our group. In the first few days, it seemed fairly common, as its calls and presence could be heard and seen by everyone. However, capturing a photograph proved to be quite challenging—much like our Malkoha, it kept moving between the trees and bushes. Fortunately, just before the heavy rain, we were lucky enough to find one that stayed still for a while, allowing us to capture it.


202501, South Africa




