Another mammal collection.
1. Whitehead’s Pygmy Squirrel, 怀氏矮松鼠, 懷氏矮松鼠, Exilisciurus whiteheadi
2. Bornean Black-banded Squirrel, 婆罗洲黑纹松鼠, 婆羅洲黑紋松鼠, Callosciurus orestes ***
3. Bornean Pygmy Squirrel, 婆罗洲侏儒松鼠, 婆羅洲侏儒松鼠, Exilisciurus exilis ***
4. Mountain Red-bellied Squirrel, 赤腹松鼠, 赤腹松鼠, Callosciurus erythraeus
5. Prevost’s squirrel, 普氏松鼠, Callosciurus prevostii
6. Cream-coloured giant squirrel, 斑臀巨松鼠, Ratufa affinis
7. Plantain squirrel, 大蕉松鼠, Callosciurus notatus
8. Jentink’s squirrel, Sundasciurus jentinki, 婆罗松鼠, 婆羅松鼠
9. Red giant flying squirrel, 棕鼯鼠, 大鼯鼠, Petaurista petaurista
10. Temminck’s Flying Squirrel, Petinomys setosus
11. Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel, Petaurista elegans
12. Thomas’s flying squirrel, 托氏飞鼠, 托氏飛鼠, Aeromys thomasi
*** the Chinese name is not official but it is like a direct translation from English common name
Other’s Mammal collections as below
Primates series | 灵长类 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20230923]
Borneo pygmy elephant, 婆羅洲侏儒象 | liewwk Nature [update 20240505]
1. Whitehead’s Pygmy Squirrel, 怀氏矮松鼠, 懷氏矮松鼠, Exilisciurus whiteheadi
– locally common, montane Borneo endemic
– small and overall brown with white ear tufts
– 婆羅洲高山特有種。
– 小,棕色,白耳毛。
update 202405
– another cute fellow everyone looking at, it is small, fast and cute.
– Borneo endemic found from low to mid range at montane of Borneo
– 婆罗洲另一只高山特有种。
– 非常可爱,小,动作快。

update 202101
2. Bornean Black-banded Squirrel, 婆罗洲黑纹松鼠, 婆羅洲黑紋松鼠, Callosciurus orestes ***
*** the Chinese name is not official but it is like a direct translation from English common name
– common North-East montane Borneo endemic
– very look-alike Plaintain Squirrel except it is a Grey belly but not red
3. Bornean Pygmy Squirrel, 婆罗洲侏儒松鼠, 婆羅洲侏儒松鼠, Exilisciurus exilis
– Overall olive-brown, very small ~20gram
– lowland Borneo endemic
– mostly active feed at eye level
update 202101
4. Mountain Red-bellied Squirrel, 赤腹松鼠, 赤腹松鼠, Callosciurus erythraeus
– montane species also named Pallas’s squirrel
– a medium-sized tree squirrel, overall olive-brown and underpart red. Slight different form the Plantain squirrel which is lowland species and with an extra Black buff stripe on the flank
– Fraser Hill, Cameron Highland, Genting Highland Pahang, Malaysia
update 202101

5. Prevost’s squirrel, 普氏松鼠, Callosciurus prevostii
– moderate size tree squirrel
– many different sub-species across Malaysia and Sumatra based on slightly different colors
– overall black upper part
update 202101

6. Cream-coloured giant squirrel, 斑臀巨松鼠, Ratufa affinis
– large tree squirrel found primary forest or “good” secondary forest
– few different sub-species across SEA
– overall cream and tri-colors
7. Plantain squirrel, 大蕉松鼠, Callosciurus notatus
– medium size, chestnut belly, and a black and white stripe on the side
– common at mangrove, urban garden, forest
– found South Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok Borneo island & Singapore
8. Jentink’s squirrel, Sundasciurus jentinki, 婆罗松鼠, 婆羅松鼠
– montane Borneo endemic
– white eye-ring, white patch near nose and eye
update 202101

9. Red giant flying squirrel, 棕鼯鼠, 大鼯鼠, Petaurista petaurista
– common at lowland forest (RDC, DANUM etc)
– 在低海拔森林,蛮普通。
update 202409
– a wonderful special extension for some mammals, we sight Thomas’s Flying Squirrel flying in day time at Danum Valley, follow by Black flying squirrel flying close toward us (yes just ~10m from us like hitting us … plus this common Red giant flying squirrel flying in close distance while ours dusk drive .. wow wow wow
– 非常幸运在哺乳特别加长版,我们见到3中飞鼠在我们面前飞。都在非常近距离的飞啊。。。这一只还在这么漂亮的夕阳光线下飞。幸运啊

update 20221014
– very lucky morning to have this flying toward us so close in the morning
– 第一次见它在早上(天已亮飞到我们面前)

10. Temminck’s Flying Squirrel, Petinomys setosus
update 202403
– a very small flying squirrel found near Danum Valley, BRL
– lucky moment to see it feeding so long but not able to capture other angle
– 在丹浓谷看到这小家伙。可惜没看到他飞+其他角度

11. Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel, Petaurista elegans
– a not so big “red” with white spot
update 202403
– a very lucky night with some owl and this lovely flying squirrel feeding on tree for long …
– 非常幸运的一个晚上,见到鸮后还加上这只小可爱在哪吃果子。

12. Thomas’s flying squirrel, 托氏飞鼠, 托氏飛鼠, Aeromys thomasi
Thomas’s Flying Squirrel is endemic to Borneo where it inhabits tall forest, both primary and secondary, in the lowlands and in mid-montane areas at elevations of up to 1600 metres.
Its fur is reddish-brown to dark brown, with no markings to speak of : it is this plain appearance which distinguishes it from other large flying squirrels, such as the Red Giant Flying Squirrel and Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel, both of which typically have black fur on some part of the body (e.g. face, feet, tip of the tail etc.).
In common with most other flying squirrels it is exclusively nocturnal. Its diet includes forest fruits, but little else is known of its ecology.
Within Borneo, this species has been documented in parts of Sabah (including Mount Kinabalu), Sarawak, Brunei and west and east Kalimantan. It appears to be absent in the southeast of the island. []
update 202412
After witnessing the spectacular gliding display of the Red Giant Flying Squirrel, we encountered this Thomas’s Flying Squirrel up close—just about 10 feet away. It was calmly feeding on a small tree, completely unbothered by our presence.

More pictures from Flickr: Sciuridae series: Squirrel | 松鼠科 | liewwk Nature
More Videos: Sciuridae series: Squirrel | 松鼠科 | liewwk Nature
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