Gruidae series | 鹤科 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20250121]

no crane in Malaysia , so everytime we birding at North. Crane sure our first target to be seen ..

1. Black-necked Crane, 黑颈鹤, 黑頸鶴, Grus nigricollis, オグロヅル

2. Gray Crowned-Crane, 灰冕鹤, 灰冠鶴, Balearica regulorum, ホオジロカンムリヅル



1. Black-necked Crane, 黑颈鹤, 黑頸鶴, Grus nigricollis, オグロヅル

– not a lifer , saw it at Qinghai 2016 but without any long len ..

finally see it clear and photograph well this time at Shangri-la


2. Gray Crowned-Crane, 灰冕鹤, 灰冠鶴, Balearica regulorum, ホオジロカンムリヅル


update 202501

This bird is incredibly beautiful, and while we may have seen it before in a zoo or bird park, spotting it in the wild and capturing its photo brings an entirely different level of excitement. Though it’s considered a common species, we only managed to see it 3-4 times during our 18 days of birding in South Africa.


202501 Sani Pass, South Africa


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