while I first see this bee .. I was amaze how fast it flying around, it is like impossible see what’s the fly or bee flying so fast with blue “thing” so I use few hours sit there and wait .. and trying to observe what’s the “object” flying around
Finally, I managed to “pause” and capture my very 1st “blue bee”
and few weeks later while I do my usual night MACRO, I found the Blue bee sleeping !!!!!!
since then, I love to see this bee sleep … and start love to find it as … it never move after sleep … it use it tooth clamp on the any stick, no matter how u shake, move it around. It will never woke us easily
This Bee , it is almost impossible to shoot day time where it fly real fast … you need a lot of patient to shoot it …. and it is good to capture while it sleep , it never move even we move it around, flash it …
and I even able to shoot 10x

since then I never stop shooting it … even I have >100 pictures how this bee sleeping … even I brought some of my close friend to this spots to find it and shoot it for many times …

I have some video show how this bee woke up and flew off just within seconds ….
Your post made me smile, just figured out this night that I saw this bee this afternoon for the first time…but then on Mallorca, I was still searching around on the internet and somehow arrived at your site…so now I know that ‘my’ bee was probably starting to sleep 😉
A photo will follow soon on my site, but now it’s bedtime for me!