we will be start brining in accessories for various big lenses
1. lenses coat (protective)
2. rain coat

3. wildlifes photography hide tent
4. various model video head from Manfrotto, Sachtler

4.1 short lock leg for Sachtler

5. accessories for the video head ..
Telephoto lenses accessories : Shake Reduce system
5.1 to lock the len with body to reduce further shake

6. shoulder support (含肩墊)
– to provide comfortable to carry heavy setup ….

stay with us or email us for any request or question
7. long quick release plate range from 23cm, 38cm and 50cm for
Manfrotto 516 design, 501, 502 design

501, 502, 516 etc …
8. bean bag ONLY

9. Swarovski binoculars

MORE INFO pls refer HERE
10. Cartoni HD Focus
– a alternate fluid head handling tele focus lenses well as shown in video under link below
My Gear – Cartoni HD Focus (Fluid head for Bird Photography)
11. Lenscoat neoprene cover, raincoat
– refer here for more info and oreder
Lenscoat @Malaysia

12. Birding/Wildlife Camo Hide
more details can look at here
update 2013 Feb 25
1. Manfrotto video head 701, 502, 516 etc with accessories
2. single man hide tent
3. lenses protect for 300mm, 400mm, 500mm, 600mm, 800mm
4. Sachtler video head (contact us for advice)
4.1 short lock leg for Sachtler
5. raincoat for various long lenses
6. shoulder support (含肩墊)
8. Bean Beg
9. Swarovski binoculars
10. Minox products pls refer http://www.minox.com/index.php?id=jagdoptik&L=2
11. Cartoni HD Focus Fluid head
12. Gitzo Professional Tripods (update 2014 May 21)
more info for Gitzo Available from liewwk Online
EMAIL for more info and price liewwk76@gmail.com
more demo as below
Telephoto lenses accessories : Shake Reduce system
or purchase through here
Hi Liew,
what is the price for below item?
1. Lens Protect for Nikkor AFS-500mm II ?
5.1 long lens support for Wimberly Gimbal ?
6. Shoulder support ?
Hi Jh, have shoulder support only .. the other 2 items not available ..
recently i m using beike gimbal for my 400mm f5.6 (canon) attached to 7D
Looking for accessories long quick release plate range
so i request the costing for the item above.
tq sir with regards
the long plate is for manfrotto 501/502/516 compatible use only
Dear Sir,
Is there a 28cm long quick release plate specifically for the Manfrotto 504HD and how much including postage to Hong Kong?
Hi Herrick CHow, do you need 23cm or 38cm .. it is no 28cm
u may email me liewwk76@gmail.com for more info