The smallest in size of Asian elephant subspecies, the pygmy elephants of Borneo are baby-faced with oversized ears, plump bellies and tails so long they sometimes drag on the ground as they walk. They are also more gentle-natured than their Asian elephant counterparts.
Some may consider this a a Endemic mammals species …
update 202405
– a “cute” single elephant found on today, amazing feeling while we plan for what option to see one but one just appear infront of us.
– 非常幸运的客人,客人还在讲如何办法可以看看这一只小可爱。尽然我们去看鸟时就遇上。还游泳过河。

update 202402
– wonderful visit even, quite a bit rain but meet up 2 group of Borneo Big in 2 days make everyone smile …
– 虽然很多雨,可是2天内见2群婆羅洲侏儒象。应该没什么投诉吧。
update 202309
– lucky and very lucky moment meet single elephant after heavy rain and got wet. it feed alone and slowly on the river bank – 非常非常幸运遇上单只象在河边吃东西。慢慢的吃
update 202307
– another good moment to see this “big creature” just arrive and got the new, it is nearby straight to nearby for some good birding than follow by main target for all.
– 又再次看到这“大家伙”。每次都很兴奋看它。到达这时,知道象在附近。就到附近看看鸟再等这家伙,没等很久就每个人都看到他了。

update 202305
– lucky group see This “big” mammal for 2 times single trip to Borneo
– good to see few of them feeding on roadside in the morning.
– 婆罗洲“大”。尽然好运到看到2次。
– 还要看到早上,非常幸运啊。

update 202206
– lucky morning to have 23 cute elephant playing on river bank, river than swimming across the river. wonderful morning with guests
– captured these with Fujifilm XH2-S and XF 150-600mm handheld on the boat
– 非常幸运的早上,遇上23只婆羅洲侏儒象如何越河。真的是人生最幸运的一刻。看它们在玩水,游过河。
– 摄于富士XH2-S , 150-600mm
update 202205
– a lucky morning where we witness a group 23 Borneo pygmy elephant cross the river and how the young swim over really a best moment in lifetime
– 非常幸运的早上,遇上23只婆羅洲侏儒象如何越河。真的是人生最幸运的一刻。

update 2020 March 29
both Danum Valley and Kinabatangan River also good to be sight this
Otter series | 獭 | liewwk Nature
Due to the Covid-19 lock down for Malaysia from 18-31 March 2020. I finally have time to clear my HDD …. lets do some mammals collection
1. Smooth-coated otter, 江獭
not that rare, found Malim Nawar, Kinabatangan River , Putrajaya, etc
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