First Full frame Zoom 800mm – RF200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM – Low Light concern [update 20231231]

Low light … is always happen Rainforest here … think most the people consider this lens will have same thoughts

1. price – OK .. cheaper better la …

2. 800mm zoom at 2kg .. Good focal length + weight

3. F9 at 800mm !!!! what F9 !!! so dark how !

4. Image quality how ? …. all manufacturers lens dont think any still be complaint about sharpness .. but I really hope we know sharpness and clarity

5. Non L .. weather seal HOW !

6. Non L .. AF how !!!


let’s me share my experience over last 2 weeks fully use at cold weather, light rain (7C-15C) at Taiwan and raining, muddy .. dark environment at West Sumatra

1. price – OK .. cheaper better la …

Nothing to complaint for the price .. RRP RM9499


2. 800mm zoom at 2kg .. Good focal length + weight

Long is good but it have to come with some compensation … longer focal length mean more shutter speed require —> higher ISO

so please do not complain why why why last time 150600 or 200600 or any 500mm I can shoot 1/100 but now cannot get sharp picture ..

2KG is good for me to handle almost whole day with tripod or without tripod .. but may not for all  … so go have a try … for me the “length” is the complaint it is clumsy to carry around !!!! but it is 200-800mm what are you expect ? 10cm !!!


3. F9 at 800mm !!!! what F9 !!! so dark how !

Yes .. it is dark .. so have to accept high ISO or stable tripod+head require

for actual field experience

HANDHELD .. with R3 … I am good with 1/160s with >50% success hit rate

Travel tripod and Gitzo 2-Way Fluid Head GHF2W … with R3 … I am good with 1/30 with >50% success hit rate


so what’s our worry !!!!

F9 Handheld … even 1/160 normally in Rainforest most of the time I am shooting ISO6400-16000 !!!! so be ready

F9 Travel Tripod and Fluidhead … even 1/30 normally in Rainforest most of the time I am shooting ISO1600-8000 !!!!

*** so those shooting with R7 .. be ready to have even higher ISO as you need faster shutter speed for both “longer focal Length” + “high megapixel”


4. Image quality how ? …. all manufacturers lens dont think any still be complaint about sharpness .. but I really hope we know sharpness and clarity

so far, I dont have any complaint can view the full jpeg here

First Full frame Zoom 800mm – RF200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM – real field test .. (continue updating 20231221)


5. Non L .. weather seal HOW !

it work well for last 2 week, nothing happen so far even shooting under the rain and walking in the Rainforest heavy rain (power off)

*** need to update fogging concern .. experience few times when I am shooting at humid and cold (~10C) the front-external got fog for 2-3 occasions …


6. Non L .. AF how !!!

Non L .. cheaper la … AF definate fast and acceptable … Animal detection and eye focus work well if exposure is set correctly

But it is definite slower than RF100500, RF400mmF2.8 + TC, RF600mmF4 with tc




Sumatra Bird Photography | 苏门答腊 : 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 21 [update 20241217]

not a first visit but after so many years .. this is a new collection for Sumatra birding

1. Sumatran Trogon, 苏门答腊咬鹃, 蘇門答臘藍尾咬鵑, Apalharpactes mackloti, スマトラキヌバネドリ (Sumatra Endemic)

2. Graceful Pitta, 黑冠八色鸫, 黑冠八色鳥, Erythropitta venusta, スマトラヤイロチョウ (Sumatra Endemic)

3. Spot-necked Babbler, 斑颈穗鹛, 斑頸穗鶥, Stachyris strialata, エリボシモリチメドリ

4. Sumatran Ground-Cuckoo, 苏门答腊地鹃, 蘇門答臘綠嘴地鵑, Carpococcyx viridis, スマトラハシリカッコウ (Sumatra Endemic)

5. Schneider’s Pitta, 施氏八色鸫, 許尼氏八色鳥, Hydrornis schneideri, キタスマトラヤイロチョウ (Sumatra Endemic)

6. Mountain Scops-Owl, 黄嘴角鸮, 黃嘴角鴞, Otus spilocephalus, タイワンコノハズク

7. Bronze-tailed Peacock-Pheasant, 铜尾孔雀雉, 銅尾孔雀雉, Polyplectron chalcurum, アオオビコクジャク (Sumatra Endemic)

8. Sunda Forktail, 姬燕尾, 姬燕尾, Enicurus velatus, ヒメエンビシキチョウ

9. Sumatran Bulbul, 苏门答腊短脚鹎, 蘇門答臘短腳鵯, Ixos sumatranus (Sumatra Endemic)

10. Pink-headed Fruit-Dove, 粉红颈果鸠, 粉紅頸果鳩, Ptilinopus porphyreus, ベニガシラヒメアオバト

11. Sumatran Frogmouth, 苍头蟆口鸱, 苍头蟆口鸱, Batrachostomus poliolophus, スマトラガマグチヨタカ (Sumatra Endemic)

12. Rajah Scops-Owl, 拉氏角鸮, 蘇門答臘角鴞, Otus brookii, ラジャーオオコノハズク

13. Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler, 苏门答腊鹪鹛, 鏽胸鷦鶥, Gypsophila rufipectus, スマトラサザイチメドリ (Sumatra Endemic)

14. Sumatran Treepie, 马来树鹊, 蘇門答臘樹鵲, Dendrocitta occipitalis, シラガオナガ (Sumatra Endemic)

15. Red-billed Partridge, 红嘴山鹧鸪, 紅嘴山鷓鴣, Arborophila rubrirostris, アカハシミヤマテッケイ, Puyuh-gonggong sumatera (Sumatra Endemic)

16. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API, Burung Takor Api

17. Long-tailed shrike, 棕背伯劳, 棕背伯勞, Lanius schach, タカサゴモズ, TIRJUP EKOR PANJANG ASIA

18. Golden Babbler, 金头穗鹛, 金頭穗鶥, Cyanoderma chrysaeum, キガシラモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL EMAS

19. Marbled Wren-Babbler, 石纹鹪鹛, 石紋鷦鶥, Turdinus marmoratus, ウロコサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BUKIT

20. Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler, 纹胸鹪鹛, 紋胸鷦鶥, Napothera epilepidota, コサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU KENING PANJANG

21. Salvadori’s Pheasant, 黑尾鹇, 黑尾鷴, Lophura inornata, クロウチワキジ, Sempidan Sumatera




1. Sumatran Trogon, 苏门答腊咬鹃, 蘇門答臘藍尾咬鵑, Apalharpactes mackloti, スマトラキヌバネドリ

– very brightly colors Trogon and very similar to Javan Trogon.. it is so many colors put on this Sumatra endemic

– 颜色非常鲜艳,与爪哇岛的非常像是。苏门答腊特有种。

update 202411

– On the last day of the trip, the bird came incredibly close and low, but the heavy mist made it difficult to capture a clear shot. I attempted to photograph it in flight and managed to get a few shots, though the image quality suffered due to the mist and low light conditions.


202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



– One of the primary reasons to visit Sumatra Island in Indonesia is to witness this incredible endemic species. I must say, you’ll be amazed by the breathtaking beauty of this bird when viewed through binoculars or a camera lens.

– Like other Trogons, it feeds incredibly quickly, finishing its meal in mere seconds.

– 前往印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛的主要原因之一就是欣赏这里令人惊叹的这一只特有物种。我必须说,当你通过双筒望远镜或相机镜头观察这只鸟时,它的美丽会让你叹为观止。


202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


– One of the primary reasons to visit Sumatra Island in Indonesia is to witness this incredible endemic species. I must say, you’ll be amazed by the breathtaking beauty of this bird when viewed through binoculars or a camera lens.

– During our 6-day photography trip, we encountered this bird multiple times. On the final evening, despite the misty weather, we were fortunate to see it flying around to feed. It was the perfect chance to capture some shots of it in flight (BIF). The new Canon R1 made photographing BIF much easier, even in the challenging jungle environment.

– 前往印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛的主要原因之一就是欣赏这里令人惊叹的这一只特有物种。我必须说,当你通过双筒望远镜或相机镜头观察这只鸟时,它的美丽会让你叹为观止。


202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


It’s an incredibly striking bird, with colors that might seem mismatched but come together beautifully in a single species. Truly stunning, and it’s fairly common in Sumatra’s sub-montane and montane regions.

Returning to the Center-East for a bird photography group, we were fortunate to spot this bird on the very first morning. A stunning male appeared, displaying a vibrant array of colors on its back.

– 这是一种非常引人注目的鸟,颜色看起来似乎不太协调,但却完美地融合在一只鸟身上。非常惊艳,而且在苏门答腊的中海拔和高海拔相当常见。


202411, Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 20240113

– just another beautiful bird that we saw it before heavy rain. It was under the shade very dark. Bird color cannot been seen, push the ISO10000 at F9 shutter speed still 1/30s …

– 另一张很美的苏门答腊特有种,这鸟在雨前+林里被发现。颜色都看不到了。可是站的很低,唯有提到感光ISO10000.速度也只有1/30秒。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 20231225

– it is going to end the Sumatra Birding tour here, it is enjoyable we only hit into rain end of the tour which is amazing. My 2023 end with the memorize trip here. But overall is wet, muddy and few places of landslides. As we just concentrate on west-center, we mostly at Sub-montane or Montane birding. I am mostly using CANON RF200800 and CANON R3 for rainforest environment. It is challenging with such long focal length with small aperture (will share more experience later regard the lens)

– this bird seem quite common any where here, we seen and heard almost any where even night roosting at montane area. Such a beautiful bird and hope to see the Java version soon (which I missed 16 years ago)

– 苏门答腊观鸟团就这样结束了。我的2023 也写上一个美好的结局。虽然,时雨季可是我们除了最后一天最后一刻才下了一点雨。虽然,几乎每个地方都湿湿的。这次我们在西-中部,全程在800-2100米。我也几乎都用上佳能 RF200800 为了测试在雨林的好与坏(迟点再分享这只长焦段+小光圈)

– 这次算看这鸟最多的吧,几乎哪都看到他。连夜观也看到。这鸟真的很漂亮也希望有机会到爪哇,看看那只爪哇的。(16年前错过后)

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



– another Christmas spend with my best guest, buddy .. this time choose have special target tour to Sumatra. After whole day travel, we arrived first birding accommodation from 4am – 4pm .. 1+ hour flight and ~7hours drive day morning, we decided to change ours original plan for Ground Cuckoo, but I didn’t see one and only heard twice for almost whole day in a very lovely forest.

– this bird flying in-front of us while we waiting ours target and having ours hot tea session. What a beauty, still remember ~18 years ago I missed my Java trogon … and today see this very look a-like endemic of Sumatra ..

– 另一个圣诞节与我的好朋友+客人在森林里度过。这次我们选了苏门答腊。经过12小时。。车+飞机(1+小时)+车(7++小时)我们到住宿时已过了4点下午休息后,我们决定换我们行程先去找找地鹃。可是,一整天在森林都没看到还只听到2声。


20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.800


2. Graceful Pitta, 黑冠八色鸫, 黑冠八色鳥, Erythropitta venusta, スマトラヤイロチョウ

a very similar to Borneo Black-headed Pitta and Garnet pitta call and similar look. But it is an endemic to Sumatra island

– 与婆罗洲的黑头八色鸫,西马的榴红八色鸫非常像。叫声也很像。

update 202411

– this year seem not much luck on this bird, not that many sighting compare to last year and each sight very short time for picture opportunity. Luckily that still managed to have few click before it disappear.

– 今年似乎没有那么幸运,这种鸟的目击次数比去年少,而且每次出现的时间都很短,拍照的机会非常有限。幸运的是,在它消失之前,我还是拍到了几张照片。

202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 202401

– while we looking for the Ground-cuckoo, that area actually plenty of this Pitta. We saw one just 3-5feet from us stand there and cannot take any picture and this bird same just came to us and look at us .. beautiful moment even not a good picture compare to previous feeding station picture but it is a different satisfaction to find one wild..

– 我们在找地鹃时,那个点蛮多这鸟的。我们最近的一只竟然跳到我们3-5尺前看着我们,对焦都不行。这一只在第2天我们也在找地鹃时,他自己跳出来看我们。野拍的,我们会比较记住那一这么美好的一刻。

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.



update 202312

– saw this bird yesterday while waiting ours target, the bird stand 5 feed at us looking at us and definitely not able to focus to have a picture. Today, go to the “easy side” but 2 landslides happen car cannot drive through, we birding and walk ~8km to reach. While we cooking coffee, the bird calling and came…

– 昨天在等鸟时,见到这鸟。可是竟然站离我们~5尺,绝对没机会对焦。今天就打算去“喂食点”看看。可是竟然遇到2个地方塌方,我们就选择走走看鸟+去这个点。走了8公里,在等水泡咖啡。鸟就到了。拿下咯

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


3. Spot-necked Babbler, 斑颈穗鹛, 斑頸穗鶥, Stachyris strialata, エリボシモリチメドリ

– active and moving within bushes and making various sharp, loud call

– 移动快在丛里,叫的蛮好听+响亮。

update 202312

– arrived the famous Tapan road, stop the first location as saw the whistling-thrush on the road and not long heard a not so familiar call and soon Dwi say it is a babbler and make some small effort to have it in view and not so open photo due to very lowlight. In the noon time very soon we have another chance to photograph it ..

– 到达鸟点(其实不是什么鸟点,就是条64公里的森林边的路)我们第一停下来,因为看到苏门答腊啸鸫。附近就听到我不很熟悉的声音,很快的Dwi 讲是鹛。也不容易的看到,当然也不好拍。。动作快+暗。在中午回程中,还好给个机会在听到。这次就好好拿下。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



4. Sumatran Ground-Cuckoo, 苏门答腊地鹃, 蘇門答臘綠嘴地鵑, Carpococcyx viridis, スマトラハシリカッコウ

– a very beautiful Ground-Cuckoo and it is as beautiful as the Bornean Ground-Cuckoo. it is shy, move fast on ground

– 非常漂亮的地鹃,就如婆罗洲地鹃一样的美。通常害羞+在地上快速走动

update 202412

Before I get busy again, I’d like to share an unforgettable moment from our photography trip to Sumatra. On Day 1, one of our members faced a “viewfinder” issue with the Canon R5 Mark II. While everything in the viewfinder appeared blurry, the AF points were still visible, and remarkably, every captured image was perfectly focused on the right subject—especially the bird’s eyes!

Shooting without a clear view through the viewfinder is no easy task, yet it’s incredible how this member managed to capture all the key targets with perfect bird-eye focus, relying entirely on the camera’s animal eye detection system. This even included the rare and stunning ground cuckoo.

在我再次忙碌之前,想分享我们苏门答腊摄影之旅中一个难忘的时刻。第一天,我们的一位队员的佳能 R5 Mark II 遇到了“取景器”问题。尽管取景器中的画面完全是模糊的,但自动对焦点仍然可见,令人惊讶的是,所有拍摄的照片都完美地对焦在目标上——尤其是鸟的眼睛!


202411, Danau Kaco, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 202411

– Last year, after searching for this beautiful bird for two days with another group, we were rewarded with an incredible view. From that experience, we learned that waiting patiently wasn’t enough—we needed to act quickly. Determined, we formed another group to return a year later. This time, on the first day, we only heard the bird but couldn’t catch a glimpse of it. However, on the second day, our efforts paid off with an amazing sighting of this rare and stunning endemic species of Sumatra. Happy  for the group!


– 去年,我们与另一个团队一起寻找这只美丽的鸟儿,经过两天的努力,终于得到了一个令人难以置信的观赏机会。从那次经历中,我们明白了,光是耐心等待是不够的——我们需要果断行动。于是,我们决定组织另一个团队,一年后再次前往。这次,第一天我们只能听到鸟鸣,却没能看到它。然而,在第二天,我们的努力终于得到了回报,成功观赏到了这只罕见而美丽的苏门答腊特有鸟种。为团队感到开心!

202411, Danau Kaco, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 202403

– give some motivation for my friend … jiayou

– 朋友看到这鸟照片中毒。来多一张,加油

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.


update 202401

– no one can explain how excited we were when we got this super good view of this bird after 2 full morning waiting and this beautiful bird give us amazing view at the “not common” spot

– 很难讲诉我们当时的心情,等了2天后。这鸟在“鸟点”外出现。真的太美,兴奋。

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.


update 202312

– one of ours Sumatra birding main target

– we spend 1 morning at “promising spot” but bird no show, and spend next morning again but just heard it 2 times. But luckily we make decision to walk around and finally with the Dwi sharing the behavior of the bird… manage to have good view and picture.

– 这次苏门答腊鸟行主要目标之一。我们用了一个早上在所谓的“点”没等到什么,加上另一个早上也只是听了鸟叫2声。过了2个早上,我们都在谈下次几时再来时听到鸟叫。我梦们就决定走去找鸟,不等了。还好在走不久后,就没个人看的高高兴兴+拍到照片

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.

5. Schneider’s Pitta, 施氏八色鸫, 許尼氏八色鳥, Hydrornis schneideri, キタスマトラヤイロチョウ

– a large and rare Pitta with overall blue and brown for male, large beak

update 202411

– One of our main targets for this trip, but it didn’t show up at the “feeding spot.” After waiting at two locations, it suddenly appeared not far away. Everyone quickly grabbed their gear, and although it remained tame, it never came to the feeding spot. Still, we were thrilled to see the female, especially since we missed it last year—though this year, we missed the male!

– 这是我们此行的主要目标之一,但它似乎没有出现在“喂食点”。在两个地点等待后,它突然出现在不远处。大家立刻拿起装备,虽然它依然很驯服,但并没有来到喂食点。不过,我们还是很高兴看到了雌鸟,尤其是去年错过了它——不过今年却错过了雄鸟!

Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 202312

– a target bird, we found one while ours night birding after we got ours Rajah Scops-Owl. Happy to found one, before we heading to “feeding spot”. But we only have 2 chance which happen before enough light for better quality of picture.

– Any how it is 20th Pitta for guest…

– Am using new CANON RF200800 which is small aperture lens. But with a travel tripod assist, I managed to have most the picture hit on at ~1/10-1/30

– 主要目标之一,我们在找猫头鹰时找到一只睡觉的。之后我们也到“喂食点”看这鸟与其他的。这鸟只是在一早没光前出来。

– 主要还是用佳能最新 RF200800, 光圈很小(为了轻便),可是有小脚架的帮忙。我主要还是拍到1/10-1/30照片。

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia


6. Mountain Scops-Owl, 黄嘴角鸮, 黃嘴角鴞, Otus spilocephalus, タイワンコノハズク

– small owl normally found new montane area. normally shy to be seen

– 小的猫头鹰,通常在高山上。马来西亚非常不容易见到。


– a very special moment when we looking for frogmouth and Nightjar. this owl just fly infront of us and looking at us

– 如常,我们晚上出去找蟆口鸱+夜鹰时。这马来西亚非常不容易见到的鸟。竟然飞到我们面前。看着我们。 好高兴

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia


7. Bronze-tailed Peacock-Pheasant, 铜尾孔雀雉, 銅尾孔雀雉, Polyplectron chalcurum, アオオビコクジャク

as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and look at the body feather pattern, this Peacock-Pheasant simply beautiful

update 202312

– as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and not easy to have a good view in the wild. This pair of Sumatra endemic, will show up at one of the feeding station but this male will chase any bird that come close make us only saw the main target Schneider’s Pitta (2 times before light, 1 time night)

– 雨其他孔雀稚一样, 漂亮,害羞。都不容易看到。在施氏八色鸫“喂食”点,有一双回来。很漂亮可是可惜他们在,都会赶其他鸟。所以我们一个早上都没看到其他鸟来。(他们出现后)

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia



8. Sunda Forktail, 姬燕尾, 姬燕尾, Enicurus velatus, ヒメエンビシキチョウ

– as other forktail, a small and very shy bird. But it is a beautiful one with rufous head instead ovarall black-and-white.

– 与其他燕尾一样,都是很怕人。也很不一样,大部分燕尾都是黑+白

update 202312

– while we walking on the trail for Ground Cuckoo, this bird always infront us but keep a distance. We didn’t spent too much time for it as rushing for the main target

– 当我们赶去看地鹃的时候,这鸟一只就在我们前面。可是我们没太理会这鸟。大家心情都在地鹃哪了。

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.



9. Sumatran Bulbul, 苏门答腊短脚鹎, 蘇門答臘短腳鵯, Ixos sumatranus

– a very streaky bulbul and overall very gray.

– overall bulbul, leafbird and most of the colorful birds, songbirds are very low density at west Sumatra

– 一只非常有条纹的鹎,整体呈灰色。

– 在苏门答腊,鹎,叶鹎,鸠都几乎很难看到。

update 202401

– the famous Tapan road had few landslides so we mostly walking at the road (~15-20km) but overall Bulbul, leafbirds, dove almost not heard or visible … but this endemic came down to feed berry while we have good view of ~12 Blue Nuthatch.

– 在塔版路,好几个地方塌方。我只有步行(15-20公里)可是还是非常少鹎,叶鹎,鸠的声音+踪影。这一只特有种,突然飞下来吃小果实。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


10. Pink-headed Fruit-Dove, 粉红颈果鸠, 粉紅頸果鳩, Ptilinopus porphyreus, ベニガシラヒメアオバト

– such a beautiful fruit-dove with pink head which cannot go wrong

update 202401

– always wanted to see this bird, and so excited to found it at Sumatra while we actually looking at Sunda Owlet which just ~10m from this bird

– 一直以来都非常需要看这鸟,也没特别期望在苏门答腊看到(太多人捉鸟)。当我们找到它时,是多么的兴奋。

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia



11. Sumatran Frogmouth, 苍头蟆口鸱, 苍头蟆口鸱, Batrachostomus poliolophus, スマトラガマグチヨタカ

– as other frogmouth it should be nocturnal and always good to meet one in day time look cute.

– 蟆口鸱是夜行鸟,早上见到他绝对是兴奋的一克

update 20240108

– one of ours main target, but missed the night and morning version on day1. But got it on day 2 for both night and day version. It really look like Bornean Frogmouth with “short” tailed

– 我们主要目标鸟之一。可是我们在这鸟点,尽然晚上+早上都没看到。可是在第2天晚上+早上版都拍到。可爱

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia


12. Rajah Scops-Owl, 拉氏角鸮, 蘇門答臘角鴞, Otus brookii, ラジャーオオコノハズク

a owl we always heard and wanted to see in Borneo, even it can be different sub-species or species (in future) but It is much easier here .. a small owl like other small and active in dark

– 这鸟是我们在婆罗洲非常希望拍到的鸟。几乎不可能看到。虽然应该是不一样亚种。在这非常容易,虽然也有一定的难度。小,不容易辨别方向。

update 20240114

– even it is high chance to find it’s roosting bird, but we always like to find the bird in night. Ours’ first morning, have a good try and the bird didn’t make any sound… I am amaze how I found it (haha, by the thermal camera.. found it once very near and 2nd time quite a distance)

– 虽然在这,当地导游都会找到早上版的。可是我与我的客人都是喜欢自己找找(不喜欢等人家找到叫你去看)。第一个早上,我们就去找找。到森林后,没很久就找到了。(很不可思议的找到,它没叫!。。不啦我是有热量仪相机找到啦)

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia



13. Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler, 苏门答腊鹪鹛, 鏽胸鷦鶥, Gypsophila rufipectus, スマトラサザイチメドリ

– as other Wren-Babbler this one same moving really fast and active surprise it is not very shy. Moving in pair and bush fast

– 与其他鹪鹛一样动作非常快,草丛中跳来跳去,可是好像不是很害羞。


update 202401

– almost not possible to get the picture of this endemic bird with bird watcher … but lucky or not so lucky the main target is no show … while we waiting, I personal looking for this bird and lucky to have this better moment for photo and I actually got 3 in 1 frame.

– 几乎不大可能在短时间拍到这特有种鸟,非常活跃,跳非常快。可是运气好(还是不好?)我们主要目标没出现,只好在这等待。让我有一点时间去拍拍这鸟。鹪鹛啊,我最爱的鸟种。

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia

14. Sumatran Treepie, 马来树鹊, 蘇門答臘樹鵲, Dendrocitta occipitalis, シラガオナガ

– very common along the Tapan road, but just no luck to have better photo opportunity. Typical treepie call and big-long bird

update 202411

A long brown bird with a metallic-sounding call.

A relatively common Sumatran endemic, but slightly shy when approached for photographs. We were very fortunate to spot it resting and preening while searching for another target.



202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 202401

– saw so many of this bird but just dint get a chance to have good photo

– 蛮普通的见不停,可是每一次近点的。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


15. Red-billed Partridge, 红嘴山鹧鸪, 紅嘴山鷓鴣, Arborophila rubrirostris, アカハシミヤマテッケイ, Puyuh-gonggong sumatera

a very beautiful dark, highland partridge, saw it move it pair

update 202401

– another bird suppose to hope come to feeding station but not, but we managed to heard and found the bird. Again this is another reason setup customize button for my R3 which can shoot in complex environment (just like this) point the focus points (I using 5 point) on to any part of the bird and eye will be lock focus ..very useful and suitable for people like shooting wildbird in move

– 我们以为可以在喂食点看到,可是等了一个早上都没声音。我们没等,在上山路中听到也蛮容易找到(有神器嘛)。还有这是个好教材,我的CANON R3, 为了快速拍到懂得鸟通常都是开全福/中部区域对焦(鸟眼)可是在这种情况是应该很难找到的(有时也可以)。可是我选了其中一个钮,放了5点对焦(鸟眼)。通常找不到后,我很快用这个对焦钮碰鸟的任何一个部位。立刻就可以找到鸟眼了。。真的很好用!

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia


16. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API, Burung Takor Api

update 202411

This is one of the most common birds at Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia, but its beauty never fails to captivate me. I never tire of seeing or photographing it, even when we’re in Sumatra, Indonesia. My buddy and I were hiking to find other targets, with no much luck—only hearing calls without seeing anything. Then, this bird appeared, coming down low to feed, offering us a perfect opportunity.


Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 202409

– will be Sumatra again soon, this bird common at Fraser Hill and not that rare at Tapan road.

– 多几个星期就会到回苏门答腊,这鸟在马来西亚蛮普通。在哪Tapan 路夜蛮普通的。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


17. Long-tailed shrike, 棕背伯劳, 棕背伯勞, Lanius schach, タカサゴモズ, TIRJUP EKOR PANJANG ASIA

update 202411

A very common bird often found near urban areas, frequently making loud calls nearby.

It’s our first bird sighting in Sumatra before we begin our long day at Mount Kerinchi. It stood right by the roadside as we walked up.


– 在我们开始漫长一天之前,这是在苏门答腊看到的第一只鸟。当我们向上行走时,它就站在路边。

202411, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia

18. Golden Babbler, 金头穗鹛, 金頭穗鶥, Cyanoderma chrysaeum, キガシラモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KECIL EMAS

update 202411

This active, tiny bird features a dark-streaked crown, a small black mask, and a vibrant golden-yellow body.

After a successful first day, with nearly all our targets achieved, we ventured farther from the birding photography hide in search of more species. About 2 kilometers into the hike, as we decided to turn back, three of these birds appeared, feeding right in front of us and providing a perfect photo opportunity.



202411, Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia


19. Marbled Wren-Babbler, 石纹鹪鹛, 石紋鷦鶥, Turdinus marmoratus, ウロコサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BUKIT

update 202411

A large Wren-babbler that is highly vocal, active, and shy. It is one of the most thrilling birds to spot and photograph.

Another fortunate morning! After successfully spotting one of the main target Pittas, this bird, as always, actively looked for other interesting birds near the hotel.


– 又是一个幸运的早晨!在成功发现其中一个主要目标八色鸫后,这只鸟一如既往地在酒店附近积极寻找其他有趣的鸟类。

202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


20. Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler, 纹胸鹪鹛, 紋胸鷦鶥, Napothera epilepidota, コサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU KENING PANJANG

update 202412

always one of my favorite bird to be seen or photograph. This is one I seldom meet at Malaysia but it is pretty common at Sumatra, Indonesia


202411, Danau Kaco, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 202411

– A tiny and very shy bird that is difficult to get a good view of or photograph. Based on my sightings across Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra, both Sumatra and Borneo offer slightly better chances of seeing this bird clearly. However, Sumatra seems to be the best place for capturing good photos. Without a doubt, the bird stayed long enough for me—even allowing me to record a video!

– 一只体型小且非常害羞的鸟,很难清晰观察或拍摄。根据我在马来西亚半岛、婆罗洲和苏门答腊的观察记录,婆罗洲和苏门答腊的鸟更容易清晰看到。然而,苏门答腊似乎是拍摄好照片的最佳地点。毫无疑问,这只鸟停留了足够长的时间让我拍摄,甚至还让我录了视频!



It’s one of those tiny, mysterious birds that appears briefly and disappears just as quickly. Rare and shy, it’s often challenging to get a clear view. I photographed this bird in Sumatra last year, and this year, with the Photography group, we put in extra effort for a better shot. Finally, we were rewarded with some truly amazing moments with this elusive bird…


202411, Danau Kaco, Sumatra, Indonesia


21. Salvadori’s Pheasant, 黑尾鹇, 黑尾鷴, Lophura inornata, クロウチワキジ, Sempidan Sumatera

Chunky pheasant endemic to Sumatra’s highlands and foothills. Male is dark iridescent blue, while the female is warm brown with a dark tail. Both sexes have short tails, bright red patches of bare facial skin, and pale bills with a faint hook. Forages quietly on the forest floor, typically singly, sometimes in pairs. Generally fairly quiet; deep “bwoop” contact calls sometimes given, and males give a wing-whirring display that can be audible at close range. [Ebird]


update 202411

– One of the most striking pheasants, we missed the chance to photograph it last year. This year, however, the female appeared at a feeding spot around noon and lingered for a long time, showing no signs of leaving.

– 这是外形蛮美的雉类之一,去年我们错过了拍摄的机会。今年,雌鸟在中午时分出现在一个觅食点,并停留了很长时间,似乎一点都不想离开。

202411, Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia







Regulidae series | 戴菊科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20231221]

another new family


1. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ




1. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ

– a very fast moving tiny bird with very soft call bird, it is so difficult to have a open picture .. but with the current new mirrorless animal detect and tracking. It is some how quite easy to have some picture even at complicated environment like this

– 非常小+快的小鸟。叫的很小声。也喜欢在丛里跳来跳去。现在无反的动物+动物眼的 AI ,被不大可能做成比较容易。只要一有机会,我都有办法拿下它。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan





Aegithalidae series : Tit | 山雀科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20231220]

New one .. start with this cute bird that I actually photograph may be 17 years ago

1. Black-throated Tit, 红头长尾山雀, 紅頭山雀, Aegithalos concinnus, ズアカエナガ



1. Black-throated Tit, 红头长尾山雀, 紅頭山雀, Aegithalos concinnus, ズアカエナガ

– a very cute active bird that moving in flocks and with other birds as well

– overall orange with black on face

– 非常可爱,通常群体活动。橙+黑脸

update 20231220

– I am walking suddenly saw a flocks of birds and I know must be good chance to see this cute bird again.. 15-16 years ago managed to photograph this bird and I say I will back again aas those time using 30/40d with 100400 EF but version1. Finally managed to have few keeper as it moving real fast and high

– 走走,突然遇上鸟浪。我知道应该会遇上这鸟。15/16年前见到这鸟就喜欢,可是没拍好因为用的太差器材(还要总是跳很快+高高)

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan










Taiwan Bird Photography | 台湾: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 12 [update 20240413]

had been birding at Taiwan 2005-2007 but it was way too long ago, recently a casual trip to Taiwan.. plan some time for Birding and let’s start Birds of Taiwan here


1. Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ (endemic)

2. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ (endemic)

3. Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ (endemic)

4. Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシギ

5. Black-throated Tit, 红头长尾山雀, 紅頭山雀, Aegithalos concinnus, ズアカエナガ

6. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ (endemic)

7. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ (endemic)

8. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

9. Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

10. Eurasian Nutcracker, 星鸦, 星鴉, Nucifraga caryocatactes, ホシガラス

11. White-eared Sibia, 白耳奇鹛, 白耳奇鹛, Heterophasia auricularis, ミミジロチメドリ

12. Taiwan Whistling-Thrush, 台湾紫啸鸫, 台灣紫嘯鶇, Myophonus insularis, ルリチョウ

13. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ



1. Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ

Secretive, handsome endemic pheasant of Taiwan’s mountains. Male slaty blue from nape to flanks, with contrasting white upper back, brown mantle, and dark gray wings; female mostly rich brown with pale markings above. Both sexes have red facial skin, more extensive in male. Forages quietly in pairs in the forest understory, occasionally along forest edge on trails or roads. Both sexes give subtle clucking calls and a high-pitched squeaky alarm call. Male has white in tail and back, unlike Mikado Pheasant; female distinguished by richer plumage tones, broader tail, pale bill, reddish legs, and unmarked underparts. [Ebird]

update 202312

– finish my Taiwan trip last 10days ago and now finish Sumatra, 2023 going to end… a busy year and another busy year coming… what’s everyone plan ?

– I had the same Pheasant 16years +- ago but I remember it was either 30/40d 100400 and misty, dark … so I don’t even remember I had keep the photo or not. But finally this time I got opportunity to see it for longer time, better weather … hope see it again future

– 台湾回来后, 再来了苏门答腊。也结束了。2023很忙,蛮忙的2024 也要到来了。大家都有什么打算?

– 我在16+-年前就拍过这鸟,可是当时相机(30/40D)加上雾+暗。照片有没有留下也是一个问号。今年终于再见到他,拍下不错照片。希望还有机会看这么漂亮的鸟

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


– a casual trip to Taiwan, spend some of the time for birding and while going down from DaxueShan (大雪山), stop by ~17 years ago spot and update by local birder the bird can be found there but not very promising due to no feeding allow policy apply. But I am just walk up and down birding at the famous 23.5k got some birds and meet up Kuan-Chieh Hung (Taiwan Bird guide) with guests. After some chit chat session, one of the guesst say .. come come come .. which not really at casual location. 1 male and 3 female relaxing for more than 5 minutes

– female see very beautiful with so much body pattern

– 这次到台湾不是主要为鸟。可是还是利用有的时间,机会看看,拍拍鸟。在大雪山回程时,停在17年前(朋友带过我们到这,他也让我知道。这鸟还在,就不是很活跃因为台湾不允许喂食。所以鸟也不常来了)

在这遇上fb 朋友 (红冠),他可是台湾鸟导。与他在哪谈了一会,突然他的客人。叫我们“过来,过来。。“。过去看到这漂亮的特有种。1雄3雌在哪活动了好几分钟。

– 雌鸟很少很漂亮。这鸟很不一样,母鸟真的很美。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan
202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


2. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ

a montane common endemic, normally moving in flock feeding together make a lot sound


update 20240105

– so many good pictures opportunity, December in Taiwan but I am there not just for Photography … lets plan 2024 ? 2025 ? Autumn color with birds .. 😀

– this endemic normally moving in group and active making soft call

– 这特有种通常群体活动,蛮普通。叫的很小声。

– 台湾12月很多红叶,应该可以拍些好照片。。2024,2025再去?

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

update 20231218

– the only species that I saw 2 day in the row at DaXueShan, lovely and moving fast as other Yuhina.

– the RF200800 does not failed me to fast lock focus and track the bird even I missed quite a lot due to low light (low shutter speed while moving the lens direction fast) but as long as the bird stand still for a second or more most of the continuous series I had more than 70% keeper.

– 算是大雪山普鸟。2天在这都看到蛮多次,与其他凤鹛一样。动人姿势,动作快。

– 佳能 RF200800 与其他RF镜头一样,只要你捉到窍门。动作快,慢都很容易对焦上+追焦。这鸟之遥站上1秒左右,我的连环排(15fps).都有70-80%照片是对焦到眼部的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



3. Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ

typical Robin alike, with fiery orange shoulder and collar, white-browed, pretty common at Daxueshan, saw few birds and tame


update 20231218

– while I am spending time to look for the Pheasant, this bird keep entertain me.. even at ours’ accommodation area, 1 pair seem very tame and flying around

– 在等帝稚的2-3小时,这鸟很乖地陪我。在我们在大雪山住宿点附近也有一对蛮乖的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



4. Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシギ

Critically endangered, highly distinctive stint with spatulate bill tip that can be difficult to spot at a distance when held in profile. A coastal mudflat specialist, it stays close to wet and muddy areas near or in water, unlike Red-necked Stint, which often feeds in much drier areas. Breeding adults have a rusty head that resembles that of Red-necked, but the head tends to be darker and the rusty color extends farther down the breast. Nonbreeding adults and juveniles lack the rusty head, have prominent fine stripes on the crown, dark ear patch, and are overall paler than Red-necked. Flight call a soft “prreee.” [Ebird]

勺嘴鹬是鸻形目鹬科勺嘴鹬属鸟类, [20]又叫匙嘴滨鹬、匙嘴鹬、琵嘴鹬、篦鹬。 [21]腿短;头圆;喙短而前端呈勺状。眉纹白色;虹膜褐色;喙黑色;脚黑色; [22]上身主要为黑色,有皮黄色至淡赤褐色的羽缘;下体白色。繁殖期成鸟头、颈及胸均为红棕色并带暗褐色纵纹,非繁殖期成鸟淡褐灰色及覆羽具有白色羽缘。

update 202404

– lucky day, while ours trip there… friend told us, everyone is at a mud beach for this bird and may be I can try my luck… so I try my luck in one morning .. and bingo less than 10 minutes wait the bird came really close for very good view, picture and video
– 蛮幸运的台湾行,当我们到新竹区。朋友让我知道,这明星鸟就在我的酒店不远处。所以我就用个早上试试运气。当我到了,很快就见到这鸟可是蛮远。等了10分钟左右。这鸟居然飞来很近。






update 20231219

– after some official stuff and follow by family trip, spent morning session at the “螃蟹步道“. just 30minutes spent, when I arrived I managed to see it far away which 80-120m… and I managed to captured and quite happy with it .. than continue with other birds that come real close.. not long 2 birds spot by local birders and I rush there and managed to have quite good series picture for this rare bird.. managed to have this star bird get close and with my lucky CANON RF200-800 (now I name it as Lucky 28) …

– it really feed non stop keep moving …

– 其实这次台湾行算事陪家人。谢谢让我早上看看,拍拍鸟。虽然时间短,可是还是蛮幸运。这次到新竹,听到好朋友让我知道 (Long Sheng Yeou) 好几个鸟点,让我有机会拍一些我喜欢的鸭子+这只这么稀有,特别的鸟。虽然早上我只有30+分钟,可是一到达,我就遥远看到+拍到他(大概80-120米)。可是,我也蛮开心了然后就去看看其他鸟。没很久,2只飞来很近。我就很幸运的拍下了一系列照片。

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan

5. Black-throated Tit, 红头长尾山雀, 紅頭山雀, Aegithalos concinnus, ズアカエナガ

– a very cute active bird that moving in flocks and with other birds as well

– overall orange with black on face

– 非常可爱,通常群体活动。橙+黑脸

update 20231220

– I am walking suddenly saw a flocks of birds and I know must be good chance to see this cute bird again.. 15-16 years ago managed to photograph this bird and I say I will back again aas those time using 30/40d with 100400 EF but version1. Finally managed to have few keeper as it moving real fast and high

– 走走,突然遇上鸟浪。我知道应该会遇上这鸟。15/16年前见到这鸟就喜欢,可是没拍好因为用的太差器材(还要总是跳很快+高高)

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

6. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ

– as other Laughingthrush moving in group, making noise, white-whiskered

update 202312

– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan

– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


7. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ

– a very fast moving tiny bird with very soft call bird, it is so difficult to have a open picture .. but with the current new mirrorless animal detect and tracking. It is some how quite easy to have some picture even at complicated environment like this

– 非常小+快的小鸟。叫的很小声。也喜欢在丛里跳来跳去。现在无反的动物+动物眼的 AI ,被不大可能做成比较容易。只要一有机会,我都有办法拿下它。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



8. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

Small, pale plover with broken black collar, sandy upperparts, grayish legs, and rather fine black bill. Breeding plumage has black mask and black tabs at sides of breast (not a complete band). Nonbreeding plumages have black replaced by brown. Mainly coastal, on sandy beaches, dry mudflats, and at salt ponds, usually near water; also locally inland. Migrants will join with flocks of other shorebirds. [Ebird]

环颈鸻是鸻形目鸻科鸻属鸟类,又名白领鸻。 [5-6]成鸟夏羽上体为柔和的沙褐色,下体纯白色;额至眉纹白色,额基和头顶前部黑色;头顶、枕和后颈沙褐色略泛栗色;眼先至耳覆羽有—横带状黑色贯眼纹;翼褐色,覆羽具白缘,飞羽黑褐色具大白斑;尾褐色,带黑色亚端斑和白色端斑;虹膜黑褐色,眼圈暗黄色不显著;喙黑色;脚褐色至暗橙黄色。成鸟冬羽似夏羽,但额基、贯眼纹、颈侧等黑色区域转为褐色,头顶不泛栗红色调。幼鸟羽色似成鸟冬羽,且上体具有浅色羽缘。 [7

环颈鸻分布于欧洲、亚洲、非洲和大洋洲等地, [8

]在中国从内蒙古、新疆到西藏均可见。 [9]栖息于开阔平原至低山丘陵的湖泊、沼泽、草地和农田等地,或滨海的滩涂、河口、盐田等处。单独或成对活动,迁徙和越冬期集大群。常在沙地上快速行走觅食。吃蠕虫、甲壳类和软体类等水生无脊椎动物。繁殖期在5-8月,窝卵数通常4枚,孵化期23-25天。

update 202312

– a bird that not really so common at Malaysia and so far I only saw it here non-breeding plumage. Finally I see breeding plumage at such close range and very good focal range (800mm +1.4 = 1120mm .. also use on R7 .. ===1792mm)

– 在马来西亚蛮不普通的水鸟,还有通常远远的见他。这次在台湾,很近距离看他,还要用上800mm+1.4 (R3 = 1120mm , R7 = 1792mm)

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan


9. Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

update 20231224

– I still remember years ago, when we had one visit Malaysia.. drove 2 hours… sit in the hide before light … the bird stand 200-500m away .. and here (Taiwan) so easy and so many … and now I shooting with 1792mm (R7 with 1.6 crop, 800mm + 1.4x tc).. the plumage also look good .. check out the CANON RF200800 update for actual size JPEG

很多年以前,马来西亚来了一只。我们驾车2+小时,还要一大早在帐篷里等。再➕鸟在200-500米远。到了台湾,多么多,容易+进(也没很近,可是我用1792mm… CANON R7 – 1.6 , RF2008000 – 800mm – 1.4x)

202312, Taiwan



10. Eurasian Nutcracker, 星鸦, 星鴉, Nucifraga caryocatactes, ホシガラス

– a large bird making crow like sound, when it feeding sound like woodpecker drumming

– 蛮大只,叫的像鸦。17-18年前,我也拍过这鸟。很普通也不怕人,他在吃东西时像啄木鸟一样,啄木声。

update 20240106

– I am checking whats bird in the bird wave, this bird sudden fly down and feed infront of me just 10 feet away. when view close it look beautiful instead

– 我在鸟浪,这鸟突然飞在我前方大概10尺。在吃地上“果”.近距离看还是蛮美的。远看真的像有点白的乌鸦。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



11. White-eared Sibia, 白耳奇鹛, 白耳奇鹛, Heterophasia auricularis, ミミジロチメドリ

– a pretty common bird but didn’t see it low my last visit at DaxueShang. As named it come with white “white mask”

update 20240112

– remember years back visit at Daxueshang this bird seem common but last visit is not very easy to meet one and this one came quite low for photo

– 上一次来,记得还蛮普通。这次去,没见很多次。还好最后一个小时,这鸟下来让我拍好好。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


12. Taiwan Whistling-Thrush, 台湾紫啸鸫, 台灣紫嘯鶇, Myophonus insularis, ルリチョウ

like other whistling-Thrush, stay near water (pond), dark area and active normally dusk and dawn.


update 202401

– very first bird at Daxueshan, arrive accomodation late. Walk out for the checking and saw this bird just feeding near a small pond

– 大雪山第一只鸟,到达时一要天暗。见到一只黑黑的东西在池塘边活动。

202311, DaXueShan, Taiwan



13. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ

very lovely and common bird found urban, parks. moving in group

update 202401

– found them near urban area and parks, moving low to feed the fruit

– 蛮漂亮的,也很普通。在人住的地方,公园等都可以看到。

20231221, Taipei, Taiwan






First Full frame Zoom 800mm – RF200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM – real field test .. (continue updating 20250128)

Finally, very first 800mm Full frame zoom lens available on my hand and very soon delivery to end user …

just a some of my thoughts before my first impression of the lens.

Part1 – F7.1 – F.63 Know what (20231214)

Part2 – Physical different (20231214)

Part3 – field test Full Size Jpeg sharing (20240113)

– add on R7+RF200800 (20240103)

– add on R7+1.4x+RF200800 (20231224)

– Sumatra Graceful Pitta

Part4 – real field test experience AF accuracy, handling (need more time to gather more information here) (20231221)

Part5 – 800mm !!! (update 20231222)


update 202501

I’ve decided to stop using this lens—not because it’s not a good lens, but because it doesn’t fit my needs. When I’m working as a guide, I need a lightweight, fast setup with excellent image stabilization. On photography tours, I prefer to bring my 400mm f/2.8. This 200-800mm falls somewhere in between these two setups.

After three months of heavy use, it’s been sitting in my dry box because its size and weight are similar to my 400mm f/2.8, and it’s significantly larger than the RF 100-500mm. I’ve decided it’s better to let someone else make use of it and simplify my gear options, especially before going on long tours. Sometimes I spend too much time deciding what to bring.

Here’s a photo from a recent tour where I used this lens handheld with the R1. Click to view it in full resolution!

我决定不再使用这个镜头——并不是因为它不好,而是因为它不符合我的需求。当我作为向导工作时,我需要一个轻便、快速且具有出色图像稳定性的设备。在摄影旅行中,我更喜欢带上我的400mm f/2.8镜头。而这个200-800mm镜头介于这两种设备之间。

经过三个月的频繁使用后,它一直躺在我的干燥箱里,因为它的尺寸和重量与我的400mm f/2.8相似,而且比RF 100-500mm大得多。我决定让其他人来使用它,并简化我的装备选择,尤其是在长途旅行之前。有时候我花了太多时间来决定带什么。









Part5 – 800mm !!!

– birder always want longer reach most of the situation, and now full frame first 800mm and it is compatible with 1.4x and 2x TC .. for minimum impact the image quality I am using 1.4x on both R3 (1120mm) & R7 (1792mm)。click on the picture for full size jpeg

– 鸟人,通常都希望我们游长点的镜头。因为鸟都是远远。尤其是水鸟,通常都是几百米。。佳能200-800 让我们可以2公斤800mm 还让我们可以用上 1.4x and 2x tc . R3 (全副)我们可以已1120mm .. R7 (1.6) 拍摄焦段1792mm..。。。大家可以看看画质。

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan

Part4 – real field test experience AF accuracy, handling

– I am shooting Handheld for or Tripod

– AV mode with manual ISO, wide open Aperture default

– Center Zone AF, Animal Detection, Eye detection ON, occasion MF with Focus peaking. AD-On button set to “5points AF, Animal Detection, Eye detection ON” (for situation where main subject surrounding with obstacle)


update 20231221

Sample3 – Fast and small subject

– a very small, fast moving subject and prefer at bushes .. the lens and R3 get the bird detect and look for eye almost seamless .. (AF center zone, Animal detection, Eye detection)

– a very fast moving tiny bird with very soft call bird, it is so difficult to have a open picture .. but with the current new mirrorless animal detect and tracking. It is some how quite easy to have some picture even at complicated environment like this

– 非常小+快的小鸟。叫的很小声。也喜欢在丛里跳来跳去。现在无反的动物+动物眼的 AI ,被不大可能做成比较容易。只要一有机会,我都有办法拿下它。

– 非常快+小+喜欢活动与树丛间。佳能R3+RF200800 只要鸟出现,都很快找到小鸟+鸟眼。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


Sample2 – Continuous AF Tracking flying subject

a very simple test on a raptor flying on very windy harbor at Taiwan.Setting


– ISO3200, F9, 1/2500, 800mm

– Animal Detect, Eye detectio, Tracking On

– point the view finder to the subject, half press the shutter button allow it lock the focus and from the view finder can see the focus tracking just continuous track the subject.. than follow by continuous press the shutter button

– we can see how good is the CANON system while the Background change do not affect the tracking at ll




here sample 1

*** it is not easy to shoot small subjects under close range 800mm, either good practice, shoot shorter focal length. So far this length lock focus fast when from near focus point to further focus point.  ****so important to always try to shoot nearer focus subject before point toward the main subject for the long focal length (500-800mm especially this lens at 800mm)

– Fast moving subject, seldom sit still for more than 1 second

– moving within bushes

*** 拍摄小+快的目标再加上长焦段。是很不容易的事,我们必须有很好的练习(很快准确对向目标)还有在无反时代,其实大家都有一个通病。对焦点在前向后很容易可是要从后方回前都会有某程度的慢或完全不对焦。(其实最快的方法还是,每次对焦前都先对焦目标前的目标)尤其是500-800mm 是很不容易的。这只“变焦”800 也不例外。可是,习惯无反的”通病“就很容易不上这个不足。

– 动作快,几乎很少停多余1秒

– 在树丛里跳来跳去。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan
202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan







Field Test Full Size Jpeg Sharing

Now here is some pictures sharing with exif (click the picture for Full Size Jpeg, It is either

i. NNR – No noise Reduction, straight save JPEG from Adobe Camera Raw

ii. NRTopaz – Noise Reduction with Topaz

iii. NRPs – Noise Reduction with ACR

(no sharpen, no extra edit … )


Sample 11 with CANON R6m2 with RF200800 – high ISO8000 (after Topaz Denoise

Blue-headed Pitta, 蓝头八色鸫, 藍頭八色鶇, Hydrornis baudii, ズアオヤイロチョウ, Burung Pacat Kepala Biru

– CANON R6m2, CANON RF200800

– ISO8000, F9, 742mm, ISO8000

202402, Tawau Hill, Sabah, Malaysia


Sample 10 with CANON R3 with RF200800 – high ISO10000

Sumatran Trogon, 苏门答腊咬鹃, 蘇門答臘藍尾咬鵑, Apalharpactes mackloti, スマトラキヌバネドリ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO10000, F9, 707mm, 1/30s

ISO10000, 1/30, 707mm
Original JPEG
ISO10000, 1/30, 707mm
Noise Reduction – Adobe Photoshop ACR AI + Topaz


Sample 9 with CANON R7with RF200800

Blue-winged pitta, 马来八色鸫, 馬來八色鶇, Pitta moluccensis,  ミナミヤイロチョウ, BURUNG-PACAT SAYAP BIRU

– CANON R7, CANON RF200800

– ISO6400, F8, 538mm, 1/50

update 20240103

– 2024 official day1 working, it is faithful start … we arrive the “feeding spot” but without put any “food” the bird just stand there waiting so are we shoot at feeding bird ?  … but it is real challenge having long focal length + high megapixel camera … CANON R7 + CANON RF200800. I am shooting ISO6400, F8, 538mm, 1/50

– 2024第一天带客人,还算很不错。到达一个喂食点,这八色鸫就在那等。我们也没喂啊,这算喂食吗! 哈哈。

– 在马来西亚雨林,早上真的很不容易拍。高像素+长焦段。佳能R7, RF200800. CANON R7 + CANON RF200800. I am shooting ISO6400, F8, 538mm, 1/50

Original JPEG


– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto



Sample 8 with CANON R3

Graceful Pitta, 黑冠八色鸫, 黑冠八色鳥, Erythropitta venusta, スマトラヤイロチョウ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO4000, F9, 1/60

original jpeg
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto



Sample 7 (add with 1.4x tc) with CANON R7 – 1792mm

Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

– CANON R7, CANON RF200800,  1.4x TC

– ISO500, 1/1000, F13, 1120mm (x1.6)

original jpeg
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto



Sample 6 (add with 1.4x tc) with CANON R7 – 1792mm

Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

– CANON R7, CANON RF200800,  1.4x TC

– ISO640, 1/500, F13, 1120mm (x1.6)

original jpeg
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto


Sample 5 (add with 1.4x tc)

Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800, 1.4x TC

– ISO1250, 1/1250, F13, 1120mm

Original JPEG
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto


Sample 4

Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO3200, 1/320, F9

Original JPEG
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto

Sample 3

Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO4000, 1/60s, F9

Original JPEG
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto



Sample 1

– White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO1600, F9, 1/60, 800mm

Original JPEG
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto
– Noise Reduction with Adobe Camera Raw 35%



Sample 2

– Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO6400, F9, 1/800, 800mm

Original JPEG
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto
– Noise Reduction with Adobe Camera Raw 35%




F7.1 – F6.3

many keep talking the F too small for the lens, lets be fair to every brand… for current situation, we need something smaller size mean smaller aperture !!! than how small aperture you accept ? if you 90% stay inside rainforest, you know F4 is not big enough for many cases .. so anything smaller F5.6,6.3,7.1 make small different .. than why keep ask why it is F7.1 ? simple smaller size and lighter .

here is one example

ISO1000 , F6.3 , 1/100

can replace

ISO1250, F7.1, 1/100

ISO1000, F7.1, 1/80

so the ISO just 1/3 stop ! to shutter speed slower by 1/3 stops .. big different ? but this lens with 2kg come with 800mm option which is many birder “wish” .. one of my HK buddy always say “一寸長一寸強“  mean we always need longer for birding not just reduce disturb, but walk less (haha joking) the longer the focal length allow us to get bigger subject without going too close to the subject.

but many more ask why F9… so for most the manufacturer provide 600mm F6.3 to have the 800mm  we need use 1.4x teleconvertor. But than the bigger aperture will be at F9 too !!!! but than this lens before using the 1.4x tc already give us 800mm .. and it is 2kg .. all other xxx-600mm F6.3 … 2.1-2.2kg before adding tc !!!

so let’s go out birding with this lens ! stop ask why why F9 … and some ask why F7.1





Physical different

I am hopping this lens arrive 10 days ago so I can bring to Sri Lanka birding trip but it arrive just before I am leaving to Taiwan – Indonesia.

Skip the open box, the lens weight 2050kg… I cannot reduce anything more like 100500, RF400mm F2.8 or RF600mm F4 as the tripod collard seem not easy to removed, the hood also cannot be change already very light (thin and the only part of the lens look fragile).

The lens look long overall, but still manageable before zoom (extend)

– before the 100500 and 200800 extend compare to RF400mm F2.8


– after extend, overall the 200800 is really long to normal handling but when handhold still feel good before go to the field .





Sri Lanka Bird Photography | 斯里兰卡: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 26 [update 20240411]

another new update country for Birds collection

Sri Lanka a small island full with culture and nature to discover ..


1. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

2. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

3. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

4. Chestnut-backed Owlet, 栗背鸺鹠, 斯里蘭卡栗背鵂鶹, Glaucidium castanotum, クリセスズメフクロウ

5. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク

6. Indian Pitta, 印度八色鸫, 印度藍翅八色鳥, Pitta brachyura, インドヤイロチョウ

7. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

8. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

9. Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie, 斯里兰卡蓝鹊, 斯里蘭卡藍鵲, Urocissa ornata, セイロンサンジャク

10. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ

11. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

12. Serendib Scops-Owl, 斯里兰卡角鸮, 斯里蘭卡角鴞, Otus thilohoffmanni, セレンディブコノハズク

13. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

14. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

15. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

16. Brown Fish-Owl, 褐渔鸮, 褐漁鴞, Ketupa zeylonensis, ミナミシマフクロウ

17. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

18. Small Minivet, 小山椒鸟, 小山椒, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, コサンショウクイ

19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白颈鹳, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ

20. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

21. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

22. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ

23. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

24. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

25. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

26. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)


update 202312

another great experience with great birders from Taiwan, we managed to seen 197 species of birds and all 34 endemics (with pictures and some record only pictures) for 10 days



1. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

lucky to see this rare owl at day time,  after try for day2. It was after heavy rain everyone tired and wet. Everyone want to go back to Hotel for rest but local new is this owl spot some where ..we rush to the area with rain and it is there waiting for us

与我们的栗鸮很像,大点。我们非常幸运的见到这鸮,在大雨后, 我们全湿+累。都想回酒店。可是当地人打电活来讲,见到这鸟在附近。我们连忙赶去。幸运的很快就见到这鸟。

202312, Singharaja, Sri LankaSri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ, Strigiformes, Tytonidae, Phodilus, 鸮形目, 草鸮科, 栗鸮属, 鴞形目, 草鴞科, 栗鴞屬

2. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

A small, dainty bee-eater of open woodlands, farmland, and sparse human habitation. Mainly green with a bluish throat, slender black eye mask and throat band, rufous or slightly rusty crown and back of the neck, and central tail streamers. Juveniles are duller than adults and lack the long tail feathers. In flight, note the rusty underwing with a black trailing edge. Flies gracefully as it catches insects and other prey. Calls are a series of gentle liquid trills or more staccato notes. [ebird]



update 202312

– this is one of the picture describe ours’ tour many rain and few occasion very heavy but we still got all ours targets and endemic

– 这是一张形容我们这一次观鸟行。雨雨。。大雨。虽然很多雨可是我们还是看完我们的目标鸟与这里的特有种

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


3. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

– ours 2nd stop after Indian Scop-Owl, this bird seem common almost any area we birding after day1

– 我们到达之后停的第2个点,这鸟蛮普通的。接下来几天,几乎在哪都看得到

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


4. Chestnut-backed Owlet, 栗背鸺鹠, 斯里蘭卡栗背鵂鶹, Glaucidium castanotum, クリセスズメフクロウ

– small owlet like other owlet always like to be calling long at canopy and make other birds attention. But this endemic’s back of the owl simply awesome

– 与其他鸺鹠一样小小只。喜欢站高高,叫不停。可是这一只特有种背部很特别美。

update 20231211

– the bird just sit there !!! actually local make tree hole for them nesting so the area become territory of both bird… just look for them without call back or any action

– 2只乖乖怎么站这么好。其实是村里的人,做了好几个树洞给他们筑巢。只要在附近慢慢找就看到他了。好美的特有种。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


5. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク

An unmistakable, large ground bird. The unmistakable iridescent blue male spreads out its ornamental upper tail feathers when courting females. Females have a shorter tail, an iridescent green neck, and browner plumage. Found in forest, forest edge, and agricultural land. Often seen on paths or alertly feeding in the undergrowth. Can be fairly confiding especially when found close to human habitation. Its loud screaming “may-yow” calls are heard incessantly during the rainy season. [eBird]

蓝孔雀,是鸡形目雉科 [10]孔雀属中的一种鸟。 [11]蓝孔雀是鸡类中的“巨人”,雄鸟和雌鸟的羽色有差,雄鸟头上具冠羽,头、颈和胸部均为蓝色,尾羽并不长,构成尾屏的尾上覆羽可达身长的2倍,平时合拢托在身后,开屏时屏面宽约3米,高约1.5米,绚丽多彩。羽质细长,在阳光的照耀下,更显得鲜艳夺目。 [10]雌鸟相对于雄鸟来说,身形比较小, [12]羽毛是暗绿、灰色和蓝色的混合色,以灰绿色为主。

update 202312

– in Sri Lanka, the most common bird to be seen is not sparrow, crow .. but one of them is this beautiful and big bird which can found almost any where, urban, forest edge, forest etc.

– 在斯里兰卡岛上,这鸟几乎哪都看到。大+漂亮

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


6. Indian Pitta, 印度八色鸫, 印度藍翅八色鳥, Pitta brachyura, インドヤイロチョウ

A colorful stubby-tailed bird, also known as “Navrang,” translated as “nine colors.” Colors are most striking when the bird is in flight. This bird has long, strong legs and a stout bill, a buffy crown with a black stripe in the middle, a black eye-stripe, and and buffy underparts with bright red on the vent. Upperparts are green, with a blue shoulder patch. It is usually seen foraging on forest floors with thick undergrowth, catching insects in leaf litter. This bird is vocal, giving its characteristic two-noted whistle call at dusk and dawn. [Ebird]

update 202404

– it is quite common to see this pitta almost any where in center

– 在斯里兰卡中部,还是蛮普通的。





update 202312

– another common bird here, it is 99.99% bird for almost all local guide. We saw 5-6 birds just birding without looking for it.

– 另一只在斯里兰卡非常普通的鸟,我们没特别的找这鸟。可是都遇上好几只。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



7. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

Brown thrush with bold dark spots on the underparts, white spots in the wings, and black facial stripes below the eye. Occurs in pairs or singly, on or near the ground, in forest, forest edge, and gardens, mostly in the Wet Zone, but also locally in the Dry Zone. No other thrush on Sri Lanka shows distinct rows of white spots on the wings, and bold spotting below. Gives very high-pitched “sweeeee” call; song is a highly variable collection of rich, rising and falling, melodious whistles and warbles. [ebird]

update 202312

– another very common endemic, which found most of the lowland urban areas, forest edge, forest

– with very lovely call, not shy

– 斯里兰卡非常普通的特有种,几乎在很多点都看到它。还很会唱歌。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




8. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

Wild chickenlike bird. Male is burnt orange with dark streaks, cockerel-like glossy black tail, and a prominent red comb marked with yellow on the crown. Gray-brown female has white streaks and prominent barring on its wings. Terrestrial, found in pairs or small groups in forests of lowlands and highlands over much of Sri Lanka. Generally keeps to cover. Only confusion is with domestic chicken; note lack of white at tail base, and yellow marking on comb of males, and bars in wings of females in Sri Lanka Junglefowl. Song a harsh “chyok-cher-chow”. Also stuttering “kik-kik-kik-kik” notes. [Ebird]

– very beautiful and noisy bird and common almost any where too

– 非常漂亮,吵,蛮普通的鸡

update 202312

– a pretty common endemic bird, we didn’t really spend time looking for it just take picture whenever we meet it

– 非常普通的特有种鸟,我们也没特别找。看到就拍。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



9. Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie, 斯里兰卡蓝鹊, 斯里蘭卡藍鵲, Urocissa ornata, セイロンサンジャク

A large, long-tailed blue bird with a white-tipped tail, and chestnut hood and wings. Inhabits humid forest from lowlands to hills, where it often accompanies mixed canopy flocks, either singly or in small groups. There are no other large, long-tailed blue birds in its range. A noisy species. Sounds typically a series of high-pitched, piercing “clink” calls, as well as some rasping “krak” notes often given in a sequence. [Ebird]

– a really weird colors combination endemic

斯里兰卡蓝鹊(学名:Urocissa ornata)是雀形目鸦科的一种鸟类,明显特征是全身颜色为亮丽的蓝色和栗色,这区别于其他蓝鹊。是斯里兰卡的特有鸟类

update 202312

– we only saw this at Sinharaja, few of them normally moving together .. the colors bright, big bird but many would say the colors combination just weird

– 我们的10天行,只在辛哈拉加森林保护区见到。都好几只一起行动。很鲜艳,可是颜色搭配有点怪。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

10. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ

A brightly colored bird with various shades of blue on the wings, tails, and belly that are often more prominent in flight. Note the longitudinal white streaks on the throat and breast. Indochinese Roller has a purple-blue breast, a darker olive back, and is generally darker blue. Generally silent, but more vocal in breeding season with harsh calls. Prefers open areas, including agricultural landscapes, sitting on exposed perches including electric wires, occasionally pumping its tail slowly. Practically a resident roller with some movements in the western parts of its range. 【Ebird]

update 20231218

– wonderful moment to get close and stay long for us, it is so colorful

– 非常漂亮的鸟,与马来西亚的种不一样。这只很乖站了很久也蛮近的

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


11. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

a very similar flameback woodpecker but female seem very yellowish

– 与我们的金背很像,可是母鸟很黄。

update 202312

– it seem not very common at Sri Lanka, local guide seem very worry to missed this species. When we arrived a village the bird just stand there for so long and sharing same tree with a Red-backed Flameback

– 斯里兰卡应该不普通,我们的当地导游几乎很担心会错过这鸟。可是我们到了这个村后,立刻就见到她站哪。还要与一只红背三趾啄木鸟站一起,我们远远看还以为咋么幸运遇上一对啊

202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka



12. Serendib Scops-Owl, 斯里兰卡角鸮, 斯里蘭卡角鴞, Otus thilohoffmanni, セレンディブコノハズク

– very recent discover bird of Sri Lanka

Very small rufescent owl, with yellow-orange eyes, and sparse, light speckles on the underparts. Although does not possess true ear tufts it can show “false” ones when alert. Occurs within extensive humid rainforests in the lowlands of Wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Roosts singly or in pairs in the understory, but also found in upper levels of trees at night. Combination of small size, all rufous color, lack of prominent facial border, and only limited markings below separates it from all other owls on Sri Lanka. Song is a short “woOLoo”, rising in the middle. [Ebird]

– 被发现少于20年的斯里兰卡特有种。

update 20231222

– one of the bird I really want to see, we went same site for 2 days both day also not full open for picture but we had very good view of this very special endemic bird

– 我们都非常希望看到的鸟,虽然去了2天。还是没拍到全暴露的照片。可是已非常高兴了。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka



13. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

a not so common Sri Lanka endemic, we only saw or heard it at Sinharaja … and it is moving along with bird wave. Same other Malkoha moving fast along the bushes



update 20231223

– a tough walk (it follow by very heavy rain after we saw this bird at only split second) .. wet, leeches …. and may be time planning for the location

even just split second, the CANON R3 just as I always say “focus monster” i point my lens toward the bird, it lock focus the bird and eye than got this.. no secret.. just the camera found it and take it…

– 非常不容易的一天,我们遇上大雨(看到这鸟后)+很多蚂蝗。还要这点是没地方吃饭的,安排时间有点困难。

还好,它出现几秒。我的R3 就像对焦神器一般,对上+对焦+拿下。。。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

14. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

– as other Malkoha, jumping within bushes.. making soft call.. this bird look quite cute overall

– 与其他地鹃一样习惯,在丛里跳来跳去。叫很小声。长的蛮可爱的。

202312, Yala NP- Galge Entrance



15. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

– quite common overall at Center – South Sri Lanka. it have similar call and behavior of Lineated barbet found at Malaysia

– 与马来西亚的斑头绿拟啄木鸟非常相似的叫声+动态。

update 202312

– we found this pretty common and have few opportunity to photography this bird at few hotel garden. The head give it a right name

– 斯里兰卡蛮普通,从中部到南部都是它的叫声。头部颜色就是它的名来。

20231129, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



16. Brown Fish-Owl, 褐渔鸮, 褐漁鴞, Ketupa zeylonensis, ミナミシマフクロウ

– a overall dull brown fish owl which quite rare at Malaysia but seem quite common at Sri Lanka.

update 20240101

– a bird that sight by local village and brought us there, it was so far away (~60-80m) and so dark .. luckily my gear allow me lock the eye of the bird fast and accurate 😀

– 村里的人带我们去,这么远+鸟还是很害羞!还要很暗。


202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka


17. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

– as other Hanging-Parrot small, always canopy. Sri Lanka endemic make no different

– 与其他短尾鹦鹉一样,小小+站高高

update 20240102

– while ours’ trip to Sri Lanka, so much rain while we planning to go out for more birds on day 2 but rain just too heavy for us. But it is glad that Sri Lanka is a place almost any where possible to birding. (ecxcept the forest reserve, bird really scared around) Included the garden of hotel, we got few good birds just at lobby of the hotel even raining

– very cute, beautiful endemic

– 斯里兰卡可爱,小的特有种。

– 我们在斯里兰卡时,雨量蛮多。可是蛮好是这列几乎是没地方都有鸟(除了国家公园反而鸟非常少)。 第二天,在下午我们打算出去观鸟是。雨下很大,可是还好在公园还是蛮多鸟让我们看看。这鸟就在公园看到,拍到。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



18. Small Minivet, 小山椒鸟, 小山椒, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, コサンショウクイ

– pretty common small minivet

Males have slaty gray crown, cheeks, and back. Throat and wings black, tail black with pale yellow edges. Breast orange, gradually fading into yellowish-white underparts. Black wings show a patch of orange. Female is duller than male, with light gray upperparts, cheeks and crown; dark gray wings; white throat; and light yellow underparts. Both males and females show an orange rump. Usually seen in small flocks, frequently uttering high-pitched “swee swee” call as they continuously move around feeding on insects, sometimes catching them mid-air like flycatchers. Inhabits various forested habitats, especially thorny jungles, scrub patches, and open dry forest. [Ebird]

update 20240105

– while we had ours rest time at Yala National Park, found few birds feed on tree nearby. very lucky tick on this bird with female too

– 亚拉国家公园规定,午餐时间需要在某个点休息。吃完饭后我们在附近一棵树见到好几种鸟都很近+好角度(我们称它为“神树”)

202312, Yala NP



19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白颈鹳, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ

– quite common across Sri Lanka, see it quite a lot of them, even paddy field with human

– 在斯里兰卡蛮普通的,在村庄的稻田都可以见到。

update 202401

– when we first saw it, we ask the van to stop … and make the right decision. It is best view after this for the next 7-8 days

– 我们在这第一次见到时,叫我们的车立刻停下。幸好停下来,接下来几天都较远。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


20. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

– a very cute wader, big and thick beak. walking slow at open area

– 非常可爱,嘴大+厚

update 20240109

– another family we very hope to have good view, this bird give us very good view while we had ours heavy rain in Yala National Park

– 我们非常希望看的其中一种鸟,很幸运这鸟让我们看的很好。虽然当时下大雨。

202312, Yala NP


21. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

– a thrush as its name, it is “pied”… moving in dark area

– “黑白”鸫,总是在暗的地方活动。

update 202401

– a shy bird moving in dark with very obvious white browed

– 蛮害羞的鸟,总喜欢到暗的地方活动。

20240112, Nuwara Eliya (Victory Park), Sri Lanka



22. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ

– another “Paradise Flycatcher” split previously but it is quite obvious “crest”


A graceful looking flycatcher, the adult male sport a long ribbonlike tail. The males occur in two color morphs cinnamon and white. Both color morphs sport a glossy black head with blue ring around the eye, but white morph is entirely white below while the cinnamon morph has cinnamon upperparts and tail, and dirty white underparts. The females are cinnamon above with a grayish throat, a shorter tail, and they lack the male’s blue eyering. They make short aerial sallies after insects, usually returning to the same perch. Occasionally descends to ground to pull apart insects. Chiefly found in wooded habitats. Their call is a harsh “shreew.” [ebird]


update 202401

– a bird that we saw many locations but it is just like others Paradise-Flycatcher, active and shy .. moving fast and almost no stop more than 1 second

– 在斯里兰卡蛮普通在很多地方,环境都看到2这鸟。可是还是一个样子,害羞+动作快。几乎不停多过1秒

202312, Yala NP


23. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

Large, plain gray pigeon with conspicuous black-and-white stripes on the nape. Underparts flushed mauve. Inhabits upper levels of forests and densely wooded areas in the hills and mountains, where occurs in pairs or small flocks. Combination of black-and-white neck markings and plain, unmarked, dark gray upperparts identifies this species from all other pigeons on Sri Lanka. Vocalizations include a single, deep “wooo”, and also an owl-like, double note “woo-oo”. [EBird]


update 20240115

– the only day we at Horton Plains NP, rain in the whole morning. We almost this endemic but found it very last moment while we leaving and we had ours late lunch because of this bird

– 在Horton 国家公园,下了一早雨。当我们几乎要放弃时,竟然看到“鸠”飞过。我跑了过去看,果然是这特有种。

20231202, Horton Plains NP


24. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

– overall like size and shape Greater flameback in Malaysia. But back is “red” instead

– not as common as Red-backed Flameback

– 与马来西亚的大金背像,就红色背。也不很普通

update 202401

– it is slightly bigger and not so comon compare to the Red-Backed and this is also endemic of Sri Lanka

– 比起红背三趾啄木鸟,较大,不普通。这也是特有种

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


25. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

– as usual very colorful bird than move in pair, not very common only saw 2 times over 10 days

– 鹦鹉就是多色彩,不很普通。10天中就见了2次。

update 202401

– a raining evening, we been force to birding at Hotel garden and not a bad one we have this lovely endemic come to feed on palm seed

– 一个下雨的下午,没办法出去就在酒店前观鸟。还很不错这一只特有种。竟然飞过来吃果子。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



26. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)

– medium size of raptor, and it look very similar to Malaysia one except have “high crest”

– 体型中。与马来西亚凤头鹰雕很像除了冠很高。

update 202402

– before I forgot, another best moment when we at Sri Lanka.. this good looking raptor give us very good looking it is close and not happy

– 我去忙前,这是2023我最特别的其中一刻。这猛禽,真的很漂亮。站很近,看我们。有点不高兴。

202312, Yala NP



– our 2nd try for the Leopard at another entrance of Yala National Park, not very productive afternoon but we saw this raptor standing on ground and walk across the trail and looking at us !

– 我们在亚拉国家公园另一个路口继续寻找花豹,中午没什么鸟。可是还是非常幸运,在路上见到这猛禽在路上站好好看我们还在我们车前慢慢过马路。

202312, Yala NP





update 202312 – all update done 2023 December

update 2023December


update 202312

– we found this pretty common and have few opportunity to photography this bird at few hotel garden. The head give it a right name

– 斯里兰卡蛮普通,从中部到南部都是它的叫声。头部颜色就是它的名来。

20231129, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-2 [update 20231231]


update 202312

– as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and not easy to have a good view in the wild. This pair of Sumatra endemic, will show up at one of the feeding station but this male will chase any bird that come close make us only saw the main target Schneider’s Pitta (2 times before light, 1 time night)

– 雨其他孔雀稚一样, 漂亮,害羞。都不容易看到。在施氏八色鸫“喂食”点,有一双回来。很漂亮可是可惜他们在,都会赶其他鸟。所以我们一个早上都没看到其他鸟来。(他们出现后)

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia




– finish my Taiwan trip last 10days ago and now finish Sumatra, 2023 going to end… a busy year and another busy year coming… what’s everyone plan ?

– I had the same Pheasant 16years +- ago but I remember it was either 30/40d 100400 and misty, dark … so I don’t even remember I had keep the photo or not. But finally this time I got opportunity to see it for longer time, better weather … hope see it again future

– 台湾回来后, 再来了苏门答腊。也结束了。2023很忙,蛮忙的2024 也要到来了。大家都有什么打算?

– 我在16+-年前就拍过这鸟,可是当时相机(30/40D)加上雾+暗。照片有没有留下也是一个问号。今年终于再见到他,拍下不错照片。希望还有机会看这么漂亮的鸟

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan




– a very special moment when we looking for frogmouth and Nightjar. this owl just fly infront of us and looking at us

– 如常,我们晚上出去找蟆口鸱+夜鹰时。这马来西亚非常不容易见到的鸟。竟然飞到我们面前。看着我们。 好高兴

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 202312

– a target bird, we found one while ours night birding after we got ours Rajah Scops-Owl. Happy to found one, before we heading to “feeding spot”. But we only have 2 chance which happen before enough light for better quality of picture.

– Any how it is 20th Pitta for guest…

– Am using new CANON RF200800 which is small aperture lens. But with a travel tripod assist, I managed to have most the picture hit on at ~1/10-1/30

– 主要目标之一,我们在找猫头鹰时找到一只睡觉的。之后我们也到“喂食点”看这鸟与其他的。这鸟只是在一早没光前出来。

– 主要还是用佳能最新 RF200800, 光圈很小(为了轻便),可是有小脚架的帮忙。我主要还是拍到1/10-1/30照片。

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-9 [update 20231226]




update 202312

– one of ours Sumatra birding main target

– we spend 1 morning at “promising spot” but bird no show, and spend next morning again but just heard it 2 times. But luckily we make decision to walk around and finally with the Dwi sharing the behavior of the bird… manage to have good view and picture.

– 这次苏门答腊鸟行主要目标之一。我们用了一个早上在所谓的“点”没等到什么,加上另一个早上也只是听了鸟叫2声。过了2个早上,我们都在谈下次几时再来时听到鸟叫。我梦们就决定走去找鸟,不等了。还好在走不久后,就没个人看的高高兴兴+拍到照片

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20-2 [update 20231227]



update 202312

– arrived the famous Tapan road, stop the first location as saw the whistling-thrush on the road and not long heard a not so familiar call and soon Dwi say it is a babbler and make some small effort to have it in view and not so open photo due to very lowlight. In the noon time very soon we have another chance to photograph it ..

– 到达鸟点(其实不是什么鸟点,就是条64公里的森林边的路)我们第一停下来,因为看到苏门答腊啸鸫。附近就听到我不很熟悉的声音,很快的Dwi 讲是鹛。也不容易的看到,当然也不好拍。。动作快+暗。在中午回程中,还好给个机会在听到。这次就好好拿下。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 20231224

– I still remember years ago, when we had one visit Malaysia.. drove 2 hours… sit in the hide before light … the bird stand 200-500m away .. and here (Taiwan) so easy and so many … and now I shooting with 1792mm (R7 with 1.6 crop, 800mm + 1.4x tc).. the plumage also look good .. check out the CANON RF200800 update for actual size JPEG

很多年以前,马来西亚来了一只。我们驾车2+小时,还要一大早在帐篷里等。再➕鸟在200-500米远。到了台湾,多么多,容易+进(也没很近,可是我用1792mm… CANON R7 – 1.6 , RF2008000 – 800mm – 1.4x)

202312, Taiwan

Anatidae series | 鸭科 | liewwk Nature – 7-1 [update 20231224]


update 202312

– as other Malkoha, jumping within bushes.. making soft call.. this bird look quite cute overall

– 与其他地鹃一样习惯,在丛里跳来跳去。叫很小声。长的蛮可爱的。

202312, Yala NP- Galge Entrance


update 20231223

– a tough walk (it follow by very heavy rain after we saw this bird at only split second) .. wet, leeches …. and may be time planning for the location

even just split second, the CANON R3 just as I always say “focus monster” i point my lens toward the bird, it lock focus the bird and eye than got this.. no secret.. just the camera found it and take it…

– 非常不容易的一天,我们遇上大雨(看到这鸟后)+很多蚂蝗。还要这点是没地方吃饭的,安排时间有点困难。

还好,它出现几秒。我的R3 就像对焦神器一般,对上+对焦+拿下。。。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka




update 20231222

– one of the bird I really want to see, we went same site for 2 days both day also not full open for picture but we had very good view of this very special endemic bird

– 我们都非常希望看到的鸟,虽然去了2天。还是没拍到全暴露的照片。可是已非常高兴了。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka



update 202312

– it seem not very common at Sri Lanka, local guide seem very worry to missed this species. When we arrived a village the bird just stand there for so long and sharing same tree with a Red-backed Flameback

– 斯里兰卡应该不普通,我们的当地导游几乎很担心会错过这鸟。可是我们到了这个村后,立刻就见到她站哪。还要与一只红背三趾啄木鸟站一起,我们远远看还以为咋么幸运遇上一对啊

202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka



– a very fast moving tiny bird with very soft call bird, it is so difficult to have a open picture .. but with the current new mirrorless animal detect and tracking. It is some how quite easy to have some picture even at complicated environment like this

– 非常小+快的小鸟。叫的很小声。也喜欢在丛里跳来跳去。现在无反的动物+动物眼的 AI ,被不大可能做成比较容易。只要一有机会,我都有办法拿下它。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

Regulidae series | 戴菊科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20231221]



update 20231221

Sample2 – Continuous AF Tracking flying subject

a very simple test on a raptor flying on very windy harbor at Taiwan.Setting


– ISO3200, F9, 1/2500, 800mm

– Animal Detect, Eye detectio, Tracking On

– point the view finder to the subject, half press the shutter button allow it lock the focus and from the view finder can see the focus tracking just continuous track the subject.. than follow by continuous press the shutter button

– we can see how good is the CANON system while the Background change do not affect the tracking at ll







update 202312

– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan

– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

Leiothrichidae series: Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科: 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20231220]



update 20231220

– I am walking suddenly saw a flocks of birds and I know must be good chance to see this cute bird again.. 15-16 years ago managed to photograph this bird and I say I will back again aas those time using 30/40d with 100400 EF but version1. Finally managed to have few keeper as it moving real fast and high

– 走走,突然遇上鸟浪。我知道应该会遇上这鸟。15/16年前见到这鸟就喜欢,可是没拍好因为用的太差器材(还要总是跳很快+高高)

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



update 20231219

– after some official stuff and follow by family trip, spent morning session at the “螃蟹步道“. just 30minutes spent, when I arrived I managed to see it far away which 80-120m… and I managed to captured and quite happy with it .. than continue with other birds that come real close.. not long 2 birds spot by local birders and I rush there and managed to have quite good series picture for this rare bird.. managed to have this star bird get close and with my lucky CANON RF200-800 (now I name it as Lucky 28) …

– it really feed non stop keep moving …

– 其实这次台湾行算事陪家人。谢谢让我早上看看,拍拍鸟。虽然时间短,可是还是蛮幸运。这次到新竹,听到好朋友让我知道 (Long Sheng Yeou) 好几个鸟点,让我有机会拍一些我喜欢的鸭子+这只这么稀有,特别的鸟。虽然早上我只有30+分钟,可是一到达,我就遥远看到+拍到他(大概80-120米)。可是,我也蛮开心了然后就去看看其他鸟。没很久,2只飞来很近。我就很幸运的拍下了一系列照片。

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan

Scolopacidae series | 鹬科 | liewwk Nature – 26-1 [update 20231219]



update 20231218

– wonderful moment to get close and stay long for us, it is so colorful

– 非常漂亮的鸟,与马来西亚的种不一样。这只很乖站了很久也蛮近的

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka



update 20231218

– while I am spending time to look for the Pheasant, this bird keep entertain me.. even at ours’ accommodation area, 1 pair seem very tame and flying around

– 在等帝稚的2-3小时,这鸟很乖地陪我。在我们在大雪山住宿点附近也有一对蛮乖的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

Muscicapidae series: Robin | 鹟科: 鸲 | liewwk Nature – 3-1 [update 20231218]



update 20231218

– the only species that I saw 2 day in the row at DaXueShan, lovely and moving fast as other Yuhina.

– the RF200800 does not failed me to fast lock focus and track the bird even I missed quite a lot due to low light (low shutter speed while moving the lens direction fast) but as long as the bird stand still for a second or more most of the continuous series I had more than 70% keeper.

– 算是大雪山普鸟。2天在这都看到蛮多次,与其他凤鹛一样。动人姿势,动作快。

– 佳能 RF200800 与其他RF镜头一样,只要你捉到窍门。动作快,慢都很容易对焦上+追焦。这鸟之遥站上1秒左右,我的连环排(15fps).都有70-80%照片是对焦到眼部的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



Sample 3

Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ

– CANON R3, CANON RF200800

– ISO4000, 1/60s, F9

Original JPEG
– Noise Reduction with Topaz Denoise Auto


First Full frame Zoom 800mm – RF200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM – real field test .. (continue updating)




update 202312

– we only saw this at Sinharaja, few of them normally moving together .. the colors bright, big bird but many would say the colors combination just weird

– 我们的10天行,只在辛哈拉加森林保护区见到。都好几只一起行动。很鲜艳,可是颜色搭配有点怪。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka






update 202312

– a pretty common endemic bird, we didn’t really spend time looking for it just take picture whenever we meet it

– 非常普通的特有种鸟,我们也没特别找。看到就拍。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



update 202312

– another very common endemic, which found most of the lowland urban areas, forest edge, forest

– with very lovely call, not shy

– 斯里兰卡非常普通的特有种,几乎在很多点都看到它。还很会唱歌。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



update 202312

– in Sri Lanka, the most common bird to be seen is not sparrow, crow .. but one of them is this beautiful and big bird which can found almost any where, urban, forest edge, forest etc.

– 在斯里兰卡岛上,这鸟几乎哪都看到。大+漂亮

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


update 20231211

– the bird just sit there !!! actually local make tree hole for them nesting so the area become territory of both bird… just look for them without call back or any action

– 2只乖乖怎么站这么好。其实是村里的人,做了好几个树洞给他们筑巢。只要在附近慢慢找就看到他了。好美的特有种。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




update 202312

– this is one of the picture describe ours’ tour many rain and few occasion very heavy but we still got all ours targets and endemic

– 这是一张形容我们这一次观鸟行。雨雨。。大雨。虽然很多雨可是我们还是看完我们的目标鸟与这里的特有种

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka




53. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

– ours 2nd stop after Indian Scop-Owl, this bird seem common almost any area we birding after day1

– 我们到达之后停的第2个点,这鸟蛮普通的。接下来几天,几乎在哪都看得到

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


update 202312

– we looking for last endemic bird of the tour, Red-faced Malkoha after got it with record picture .. heavy rain came and all wet, after basic lunch at village house. We thought of going back hotel for rest but ours local guide told us someone found Bay-owl .. without wait we straight go the spot for the owl

– 我们第九天看完(拍到)最后一只特有种(第33种)红脸地鹃。大雨突然下了起来。我们全湿,在一个小村庄家里吃了午饭后原本要回酒店休息。可是当地导游说村里有人找到我最想拍的斯里兰卡栗鸮。我们立刻就去拿下。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka



update 202311 – all update done 2023 November

2023 November update for my liewwk Nature Blog


update 202311

– a very good chance to see this common bird low and close

– 幸运的这么低,近看到这普鸟。

202309, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202311

– one of the bird attract us to spend some time for better picture but it is really moving fast.

– 吸引我们拍的一只鸟,非常活跃。

202212, Chiang Mai, Thailand



update 202311

– a very special sunbird of Malaysia, one of the most colorful .. a very good moment see it preening low in-front of us

– 马来西亚很美丽的花蜜鸟。这鸟很多颜色。我们幸运的遇上它站的很低。




update 202311

– another good encounter of this shy and fast moving woodpecker .. one of my favorite bird to challenge

– 又遇上这害羞与动作快的啄木鸟。这是我蛮喜欢的一只鸟。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202311

– a bird that pretty common and reasonable easy at Danum Valley… but not sure why so difficult to take a picture at Peninsular Malaysia

– 这鸟在西马很难看到,拍到。在婆罗洲几个地方反而较容易。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202311

– a special moment this common bulbul came too low.. on the ground ..

– 这普通的鹎尽然下来这么低。

202307, Panti, Johor, Malaysia



update 202311

– it is pretty common at lowland forest of Borneo, and this year seem it is my lucky bird. Each time after meet up this bird, ours’ main target will appear very soon.

– 在婆罗洲,很普通的鸟。今年,好几次都成为我的幸运鸟。遇上它后,目标鸟终是出现。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202311

– one of the cute Borneo Endemic, it is small and confuse

– the Dawn picture captured with one of young photographer from Taiwan @葉哲亨 . He has my respect, even much younger than me .. the way he like and enjoy the nature. He also never go and want to go any “feeding” station for bird

– 婆罗洲很可爱的特有种。

– 接下来的一张是天亮前我们听到它叫才找到他的。还有这照片摄于@葉哲亨 。我们分公把很难的角度拿下这鸟。他可是一位我认为,值得学习的小朋友。他对自然的享受,热爱,还从未去鸟喂食点。加油

202007, Paya Maga, Sarawak
201709, Bakelalan, Sarawak




update 202311

– it is off season for here now, after all Malaysia tours… time for some rest and process some 2023 pictures for sharing.

– this is one of the best encounter at Bakelalan, which look different from the Sabah race.

– 进入“雨季“+鸟安静的季节。我们马来西亚的鸟团都停了。是时候休息或看看2023的照片。

– 这是沙捞越的亚种,与沙巴的不一样。有机会看看吧。

202307, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia



update 202311

– while we waiting target birds, trying to search this bird and very soon saw it sit there so open. So rare ?

– 在等我们目标鸟时,在附近找找。很快就找到这么一只。朋友讲很稀有?

202311, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202311

– after spent 5 days in lowland forest without ours’ target, decided to spend last day in other kind of forest to have some new tick for customer. Never prepare anything, no worm just go to the “feeding spot” and wait. This bird appear and stand for long for us .. so this consider “feeding” ? (for me yes as without the feeding activities the bird wont be there for us)

– this Pitta would be mist difficult Pitta for myself, exclude the feeding spot picture or sighting. I have only 2 open 1-2s moment to have pictures and total <30s view over the years .. who have non feeding picture ? I know my best buddy and I spent our days and weeks …

– 在森林5天没看到目标鸟,客人还是觉得用最后一天到不一样海拔的森林看看一些新鸟种。我们决定到福隆港,到这“喂食点”我们没准备什么“虫” 就在哪等,这鸟也傻傻的出来让我们看/拍。很多人可能觉得,我都美喂。这不是喂食的哦。对我来讲还是喂的吧,人家不喂。这鸟不会傻傻来这里啦。

– 这八色鸫算是马来西亚最难拍的八色鸫吧。野拍/看,我也只有1-2秒时间看到全开拍照的一刻。看到这鸟也不会超过30秒(过去15年)。可是这鸟让我想起我最要好的朋友。。。。。。

202311, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202311

– at the same fruiting tree, we had both dull brown-white flowerpecker. One with dark eye and the other pale eye .. but need to show customers the Brown-backed so I missed the chance again 🙁

– 同一棵果树。见到两只淡淡的啄花鸟。一只眼暗色,另一只“白”可惜又错过拍哪只褐背啄花鸟。

202311, Merapoh, Kelantan, Malaysia



update 202311

– a visit to Merapoh Canopy walk, and there is fruiting tree just at right time. Managed to have few good birds and this is one good allow us for good photo

– 到Merapoh, 有点时间去了新的雨林吊桥.也很巧,有果树。看到蛮多好鸟,这一只也来的很近

202311, Merapoh, Kelantan, Malaysia



update 202311

– Racquet-tail always attract us, even just the common Greater Racquet-tail at Malaysia. This colorful parrot with Racquet-tail, just another bird that I want to photograph i close range. finally it perch so just infront of us.

– 盘尾鸟通常我们都觉得特别。这一只鹦鹉有带盘尾。当然特别点,可是总是站远远。这一只就还好,站的近。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202311

– a lovely and beautiful migrant (North)

– 慢普通的越冻鸟,

202311, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202311

– a special target tour for Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, but 3 lowland forest we tried just too quiet. Just one Scarlet-rumped Trogon sighted and not other Trogon even make single call over 5 days.

– This bird was calling in the afternoon where we park ours’ car. I heard from far, no long the bird gave us good view and photography

– 原本6 天的橙腰咬鹃团,可是这个季节鸟真的没什么活动。去了3个较好机会的森林都很安静。几乎都没什么鸟叫。

– 在其中一天,这鸟在我们停车点叫。我大喊了一下,跑去看这鸟。没很久,就看到拍到。对我来讲还是不错,可是客人来是要橙腰咬鹃啊

202311, Johor, Malaysia



update 202311

– a special target tour, not sight of the target … it is so tired to look for only 1 bird for 6 days .. day2 still no sound and no show

– this bird give us good show before we call it a day

– 特别目标鸟团,很累。6天只为了一只鸟。第二天了,完全没听到。

– 这鸟在我们离开前,给我们来个美丽姿势。

202311, Lenggor, Johor,



update 202311

– a bird that we shoot nearby feeding station for this bird, but we didn’t feed the bird… so do we consider take photo of feeding bird ? Yes or No ?

– 我们在喂食点附近见到,拍到。可是这属于拍喂食点的鸟? 有对有不对?

201909, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202311

– another active bird and may be good time to have some good photo at the season

– 非常活跃的小鸟。在雨季,到红树林走走。应该可以把它拍好。

202209, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202311

– always a beautiful bird to be seen, lovely and big bird.

– this is a picture captured with CANON RF100500 with 1.4x TC which gave us very good image quality with 140mm – 700mm with 700mm at F10. I use it quite often .. for birding, it is always need longer focal length. with the new CANON RF200-800 even it is F9 at the longer side. But with the new camera better ISO performance and new denoise software. the light weight 800mm definite one of the best option for birding … I am waiting …. lets see when I have it on hand
now, the 800mm at F9, longer focal length with “smaller” aperture and overall smaller size, lighter… so what’s the reason to complaint ?

– 佳能过去几年,轻便的长焦镜头一直被看低就因为一个500mm (短),F7.1 (慢) 可是很多不知道或不接受。F6.3-F7.1 就1/3 stop .. 真的这么大分别?可是有想过重量? 1.4kg 是多么的适合我们一天8-12小时在外面的鸟人。可是,这个500 就,真的有点短。我也很经常用上1.4x ,就可以有700mm 可是就上到F10. 可是画质我还是觉得,非常的好。现在,佳能终于出了支200-800 为了重量体型,他们应该不得放到F6.3-F9 ..可是还在2KG 。还是重,可是想想800mm F9 长了,光圈也比之前100500+ 1.4 大了。价格也低下来了。之前其他牌子也是把它换到“白”然后也不是最高级别的镜头才把价格拉低。这也应该大概一样的道理。只是我本身还是希望,有基本防尘,雨功能。等等200800 的到来吧。

202306, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202311

– still clearing 2023 pictures while waiting for next target birds tour. This bird seem getting not so common nowadays .. hope it will doing good

– 下一个目标鸟团还没开始,还在清理2023的照片。这特有种,越来越少。有点担心

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



