A yearly event, we have our yearly Hornbill Expedition trip to Belum-Temengor even the Covid-19 lock down but we make it short instead, where we just spend 1.5 days boat ride and 2 morning at Titiwangsa Rest area (which is ~30km from Belum jetty).
This forest believe to be older than 130 million years, due to the lake crossing the main forest make it an open area for hornbill seeing good spot … it is always to better chance to spot all 10 hornbills of Malaysia here within few days of birding trip.
As usual, our main target is Plain-pouched hornbill which believe peak season Aug-Sept every year.. easily spot them in big flocks flying on skyline here.
Plain-pouched Hornbill, 淡喉皱盔犀鸟,淡喉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros subruficollis, ムジシワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BELANTARA
Sometime, birding here can be depressing, birds can be far !!!! not even able to ID without photo record as only using binocular ….
But it is always good place to capture some Bird in flight due to open area and with some distance .. (for photographers, we need little bit luck and patient to have birds nearer and flying)
Wreathed Hornbill, 花冠皱盔犀鸟, Rhyticeros undulatus, シワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BIASA
sometime, lucky to have it perch low too.
Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ,ENGGANG PAPAN
a very common hornbill but here it can stand 300m at the canopy .. the only option waiting it flying to get some BIF picture
Oriental Pied-Hornbill, 冠斑犀鸟, Anthracoceros albirostris, キタカササギサイチョウ,KELINGKING BIASA
Black Hornbill should be one of the most common here but this is our last hornbill record for the trip .. during the boat session, we hard quite a lot of this bird but we just didn’t see the bird come close or open
Black Hornbill, 黑斑犀鸟, Anthracoceros malayanus, クロサイチョウ,KELINGKING HITAM
Another Critically Endangered due to killing this bird for the solid-beautiful ivory like casques.. at here it is not difficult to see one ..
here is the main target for the trip, Plain-pouched hornbill. It look almost identical like Wreathed Hornbill except
lack of grooves on bill
small size
lack of a black patch on the pouch
Plain-pouched Hornbill, 淡喉皱盔犀鸟,淡喉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros subruficollis, ムジシワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BELANTARA
lucky to have this perch quite low
Plain-pouched Hornbill, 淡喉皱盔犀鸟,淡喉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros subruficollis, ムジシワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BELANTARA
There are a group
Bushy-crested Hornbill, 凤头犀鸟 spotted but this happen while Great Hornbill perch low … so we decided give it a missed than we didn’t see it any more for the trip ..
*** picture from previous tour
Bushy-crested Hornbill, 凤头犀鸟,鳳頭犀鳥, Anorrhinus galeritus, ムジサイチョウ, Burung Arau, ENGGANG BULUH
only 8 hornbills for the 1.5 days boat ride but this is mainly targeting the Plain-pouched Hornbill where we spotted 9 groups and ~377 birds
There are some other birds also captured during the tour on the boat and Titiwangsa Rest area which is ~30km from Belum Jetty ,… as below
Oriental Honey-buzzard, 凤头蜂鹰
at this season , plenty of this raptor can be sight
Oriental Honey-buzzard, 凤头蜂鹰
2. Lesser Fish-Eagle, 鱼雕
many fish eagle can be easily spot
Lesser Fish-Eagle, 鱼雕
3. Gray-headed Fish-Eagle, 灰头鱼雕
4.White-bellied Sea-Eagle, 白腹海雕
wont miss this bird here , plenty of them either flying high or low
5.Large Green-Pigeon,大绿鸠
– very easy to spot this bird but as usual, standing high up in big flock
6.Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼
captured at Titiwangsa rest area which is ~30km further from Belum Jetty from Kuala Kangsar direction
7. Sultan Tit, 冕雀
captured at Titiwangsa rest area which is ~30km further from Belum Jetty from Kuala Kangsar direction
both male and female come near the light area for insect attracted by the light
8. Scarlet Minivet, 赤红山椒鸟
captured at Titiwangsa rest area which is ~30km further from Belum Jetty from Kuala Kangsar direction
both male and female come near the light area for insect attracted by the light
9. Large Woodshrike, 鉤嘴林鵙
captured at Titiwangsa rest area which is ~30km further from Belum Jetty from Kuala Kangsar direction
both male and female come near the light area for insect attracted by the light
this is a special bird for Sulawesi as it is only for South-Sulawesi (we got this from Makassar). the rest of the area having “Blue-headed” instead of Black-headed
update 202310
– a special target at South Sulawesi, it is not as easy as the Tangkoko version of Green-backed. Look different on head , darker
– an endemic for the Sulawesi that found near the mangrove. someone say this is the ugliest bird from Sulawesi… but not for me .. it is handsome for sure
Scaly-breasted Kingfisher, 鱗胸翡翠, Actenoides princeps
just another endemic of 5 Kingfishers
a male bird. slightly shy compare to female .. cant get close to the bird
female. very tame captured think ~10m away
6. Sacred Kingfisher, 白眉翡翠, 白眉翡翠, Todiramphus sanctus, ヒジリショウビン, Cekakak Australia
– winter Migrant (South) before heading home
– look very similar to Collared Kingfisher with more white overall
– 與白領翡翠像。
Got this extra bonus while we at Mangrove Boat ride for the Great Billed Kingfisher
7. Ruddy Kingfisher, 赤翡翠, Halcyon coromanda, アカショウビン, Cekakak Merah
– another common resident, widespread across Asia
– 亞洲蠻普通的翡翠。赤色,帶紫。
Got this extra bonus while we at Mangrove Boat ride for the Great Billed Kingfisher
8. Sulawesi Pitta,苏拉威西八色鸫, 蘇拉威西八色鶇, Erythropitta celebensis, スラウェシヤイロチョウ
– previously under Red-bellied Pitta and split
– one of the lovely endemic
– 紅胸八色鶇分出來的
– 蘇拉威西特有種。
update 202311
– a bird that we shoot nearby feeding station for this bird, but we didn’t feed the bird… so do we consider take photo of feeding bird ? Yes or No ?
– 我们在喂食点附近见到,拍到。可是这属于拍喂食点的鸟? 有对有不对?
201909, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia
update 202012
– small and red-bellied pitta
– a split from Red-bellied pitta, as the name stated. An endemic of Sulawesi.
update 202105
201911, Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia
update 202012
missed this at Tangkoko, thought going to miss this .. somehow got it just ~1 hour arrived Tomohon and 15 min after got the Scaly-breasted Kingfisher
9. Knobbed Hornbill, 苏拉皱盔犀鸟, 蘇拉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros cassidix, アカコブサイチョウ, Julang Sulawesi
– another endemic for Sulawesi. very beautiful Hornbill
– 非常漂亮的特有種犀鳥。
update 2020 May 5
Knobbed Hornbill, 蘇拉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros cassidix, アカコブサイチョウ, Julang Sulawesi
it is nesting season , so almost all will got the same tree, same angle 😀
so lucky saw ~6 birds flying across ..
10. Sulawesi Scops-Owl, 苏拉威西角鸮, 蘇拉威西角鴞, Otus manadensis manadensis, セレベスコノハズク, Celepuk Sulawesi
– common Sulawesi endemic
– 蠻普通的蘇拉威西特有種
update 202401
– it is almost not possible to miss this bird either day time or night time. me and my buddy+guests like owl and and woodpecker for start .. and this is very first owl we got and before we meet our “torch holder” (guide found us in the dark in the forest)
– many raptors endemic of Sulawesi, this is a small raptor
– overall rufous-light brown with a black-white tail (whit spot)
– 蘇拉威西很多猛禽特有種。小猛禽,棕色與黑白尾。
update 202309
– ours’ boring morning which cannot find the thrush and heard this bird and slowly we trying to locate this lovely bird .. small and beautiful
– 很闷的一个早上。没什么鸟,可是当我们走远时听到这鸟叫。没很久,就找到这么美丽的猛禽
202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
15. White-faced Cuckoo-Dove, 白脸蕉鸠, 白臉蕉鳩, Turacoena manadensis, カオジロクロバト, Merpati-hitam sulawesi
– a common endemic Sulawesi but as other cuckoo-doves very shy
– medium size, white-face, green
– 蠻普通蘇拉威西特有種,可是很害羞。不容易接近。
– 白臉,大部分綠
16. Minahassa Masked-Owl,米纳仓鸮, 米納倉鴞, Tyto inexspectata, ミナハサメンフクロウ, Serak Minahasa
– a rare Barn-owl endemic and the name derived from Minahassa Peninsula described as a breeding bird
– 非常稀有的蘇拉威西特有種。
update 202310
– a special owl, seem everyone wanted to have a look at Sulawesi (included the local) as believe lucky ? but it is always challenge to looking for one.
– 蛮特别的鸮,几乎每个观鸟的到这都想看到。(本土人也很希望看到,代表幸运)
201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
17. Sulawesi Woodpecker, 苏拉威西啄木, 蘇拉威西啄木, Yungipicus temminckii, セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi
– very small endemic woodpecker
– 很小的啄木。蘇拉威西特有種。
update 202310
– another lucky bird my fellow buddy believe. He always think, after we got any woodpecker sign. The luck will be good .. so we normally look for woodpecker before look for ours target
Sulawesi Woodpecker, 坦氏啄木鳥, Yungipicus temminckii,セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi
18. Yellow-billed Malkoha, 苏拉黄嘴地鹃, 蘇拉黃嘴地鵑, Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus, セレベスバンケンモドキ, Kadalan Sulawesi
– a very active and big Sulawesi endemic
– bill upper yellow down red
– rufous upper and bottom dark black-blue
– 蘇拉威西特有種
– 嘴 – 黃-紅。
– 與其他地鵑一樣,活躍。
update 202501
This large and beautiful bird is a common endemic of Sulawesi, but it’s always a pleasure to photograph. I was very fortunate to capture it in flight!
Still figuring out where to go for a few days in April 2025—anyone up for a quick Sulawesi trip?
202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
update 202304
– a pre-tour day, arrive Tangkoko a day earlier. Decided to walk with guests in the evening. never saw so many of them.. total ~10 of them feeding on same tree.
take opportunity to trying BIF shot. not bad overall.
– a Sulawesi endemic
– small size owl just like other Boobook
– 蘇拉威西特有種
– 與其他鷹鴞一樣,都蠻小的。
– as usual, even special target tour. we still spend some time for my lovely owls. Arrive here, not very long. There are 4birds calling and 2 of them perch near for us to take pictures.
– 如常,目标鸟团。我们一样晚上找找我喜爱的猫头鹰。到达折后,没等很久。4只鸟在叫,2只还让我们拍好好。
202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia
update 202304
– 2023 April Sulawesi-Halmahera Bird watch trip end. Today finally got to sleep until 6am and wake up for proper breakfast. Tomorrow another new challenge.
– a special boobook, with special call.
– this bird is first ever bird we saw so tame, it stand there for such a long time for us to have good view.
– small endemic owl captured from Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
23. Great-billed Heron, 大嘴鹭, 大嘴鷺, Ardea sumatrana, スマトラサギ, Cangak Laut
- lucky to have these 2 birds displaying and managed to have a good session with them
- a not so common heron
update 202102
- while w on the way to Great-billed Kingfisher. Saw these 2 birds displaying and stop to capture the good moment.
24. Purple-winged Roller, 紫翅佛法僧, Coracias temminckii,セレベスブッポウソウ, Tiong-lampu sulawesi
– a very beautiful bird, just like Malaysia Indochinese Roller but this with less vibrant colors and a “purple” wing-tail. Sulawesi endemic.
– overall rufous front, brown back. Yelloweye, white-browed
– 蘇拉威西特有種的貓頭鷹。
– 棕色,前部淺棕色。
update 202310
– it is a season where most of them not roosting at common area. We stay until dusk (~5pm) and managed to have good view of a pair of them .. just wake up with stretch wing
– as other’s flowerpecker, good to find near some flowering tree
– 蘇拉威西特有種
update 202310
– our simple no target day at Tomohon, come across this best spot for all the small birds .. good photography spot … so close and good lighting and background
– white eye-ring, a black forehead. White chest-bellied
– 苏拉威西特有种。
– 白眼圈,前头部黑。白胸-腹
update 202105
201909, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
34. Sulawesi Masked-Owl, 苏拉仓鸮, 蘇拉威西蒼鴞, Tyto rosenbergii
A very large barn-owl with a gray facial disk, gray crown, and rufous upperparts and wings with scattered dark markings. Prefers open country, like agricultural land, plantations, and forest edge, from lowlands to mountains. Limited to Sulawesi. Distinguished from smaller Minahassa Masked-Owl by gray face, gray forecrown, more extensive dark markings across wings and upperparts, and preference for open country.[Ebird]
– a Sulawesi endemic with very Barn Owl look alike and call alike … white overall compare to Minahasa Masked Owl more “light rufous” and slight look different
– a owl that we tried many times, many location.. but after few tried what a surprise to see it in one dusk but missed the picture opportunity. But went for 2nd night and got it flying on the sky .. and lucky to have CANON focus monster R3 with RF400mm F2.8 to have this ..
– almost time to finish off Malaysia tours, and time for lovely places again. I am going Sulawesi and Halmahera again Oct. Anyone interest on 2025 ? 2024 full 😀
– hopefully see this owl again, lovely and wait for me.
– last night of birding, after Speckled Boobook, immediate got this rare endemic and managed to capture few flying (not really enough shutter speed for sharp picture) . It flying high up with torch the light still not enough for any picture opportunity. Thanks CANON R3 it lock focus in such dark environment and track it down.
35. Black Sunbird, 黑花蜜鸟, 黑花蜜鳥, Leptocoma aspasia, クロタイヨウチョウ
A small songbird with a long downcurved bill. Male is blackish with iridescent areas: crown glossed greenish or blue, and shoulders, rump, and tail glossed with blue. Throat iridescent reddish-purple in most of range, but blueish in the north Moluccas and Kai islands. Female is nondescript, with a grayish head, white throat, olive upperparts, and yellowish underparts over much of range. In the south Moluccas and Aru islands, underparts are grayish. Juvenile resembles female, but yellower on throat. Inhabits forest edge, open forest, gardens, and scrub in lowlands and hills. Male can be separated from dark-bellied forms of male Olive-backed Sunbird by glossy, iridescent crown and black back. Females differ from Olive-backed Sunbird by absence of eyebrow, absence of white tail tip, white throat, grayish head, and duller yellow underparts. Females lack eye-ring, unlike larger female Brown-throated Sunbird, and are less uniform underneath than female Elegant Sunbird. [EBird]
update 202311
– a bird with good lighting, it become so colorful instead of “black”
– 在光线好的时候,这鸟不是黑的!
202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia
update 202304
– last evening birding, we enjoy the cold weather. surprise so many small birds come to same area in close range. It look like we are birds photography instead of watching.
– we enjoy so much all the small bird such a good view and pictures
– the good evening light make the “black” bird so beautiful.
A large green parrot with a thin pair of tail rackets, confined to North Sulawesi and satellite islands. Entirely green, except for distinct yellow wash on breast and collar. Males show a small red crown patch. Juveniles lack rackets. Found in pairs and groups in canopy of forests and edges in lowlands and foothills. Prominent yellow breast and large size of this species distinguish it from Golden-mantled Racquet-tail. If rackets are not seen, note the silvery-gray bill, unlike Blue-naped Parrot. Noisy, giving varied vocalizations. Song is a high-pitched “kut-ut-ut-kler-kler.” Also gives screeches, squeaking, piping, and ear-splitting “kraa” notes. [Ebird]
– Racquet-tail always attract us, even just the common Greater Racquet-tail at Malaysia. This colorful parrot with Racquet-tail, just another bird that I want to photograph i close range. finally it perch so just infront of us.
– always seeing this flying for the pass and finally before got “tick attack” (suspect we got the 200-400 tick bites here)we got this bird sitting good for good view to all and some picture opportunity.
A distinctive large, spectacularly-marked pigeon. Green with a conspicuous pale gray head, a red eye-ring around a beady yellow eye, a dark neck and chest, a bold white belly, a chestnut base to the undertail, and a broad white band in the otherwise dark tail. Shows subtle bronze tones in some parts of the plumage, such as the nape. Singles, pairs, and small groups inhabit the upper levels of forests and forest edges, mostly in the hills and mountains, less often lower down. Gives a very deep, two-noted call, descending on the second note: “woop-mooo.” Also gives single “woop” notes. [Ebird]
– a very surprise to have eye level of Sulawesi Myna, Sulawesi Hawk Eagle follow by this always hidden bird. and it stay so long for us to have front, side, back view.
– 非常幸运,低角度见了苏拉王椋鸟, 苏拉鹰雕.这害羞的鸠也让我们看了很久。
202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
38. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ
A glossy-black starling with a rounded crest and prominent pale markings on cheeks and breast sides. Juvenile dark brown with a pale underside. Inhabits canopy of forest, forest edge, and nearby degraded areas within lowlands and foothills, typically in pairs or small groups. Distinguished from Short-tailed and Asian Glossy Starlings by large-headed appearance (due to crest) and conspicuous pale patches in plumage. Calls include a clear, metallic, piercing “tzew” and “tzip” as well as “zowee” notes; also gives quiet buzzy warbles. [EBird]
– 几乎全黑.脸颊和胸前有白。蛮可爱的鸟。可是通常都站高高的。
update 202310
202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
update 202305
– always seen bird but always high up without any reasonable view or picture. finally this bird decided to stand low for us.
An unmistakable long-tailed, black-and-white myna. Black except for broad white breast band and collar. South Sulawesi form has a pale-tipped bill; in north, bill is entirely dark. Juveniles less glossy and shorter-tailed than adults. Found in pairs or small groups in canopy of forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills. Often perches out on prominent dead branches. Restricted to Sulawesi, satellite islands, and Togian Islands. Gives a variety of odd calls, including high-pitched piercing “keer,” soft low-pitched “kyop,” and other whistles and metallic notes. (ebird)
update 202306
– a rather common endemic, but normally high up at canopy. a lucky moment it stand quite low for us this time. (few occasions)
A tiny, short-tailed songbird. Unmistakable male is dark with a red cap, breast spot, and rump. Underparts white, with a dark vertical line on the belly and white tufts on sides of breast. Female is gray, with red confined to rump; this color patterning is diagnostic. Juvenile resembles female, but lacks the red rump. Singles or pairs inhabit the upper reaches of hill and montane forest and forest edges. Restricted to Sulawesi. Gives thin, high-pitched “tzeet” and “kwit” call notes. Song starts with “tzeet-tzeet” phrases, then descends into a rapid warble.
update 202307
– a lovely and beautiful bird to be seen, previously saw it high up and finally have it low and beautiful view
– anyone want join me Oct 2023 for Photography trip to Sulawesi ?
– a special almost represent Sulawesi as almost any where you can see symbol
A massive black-and-white megapode with a rose-pink breast and a diagnostic prominent knob on the nape. Found in lowland and hill forest, in areas near beaches or areas with volcanic sands in which they lay their eggs. Immatures show a blacker head with a white throat and a tufted crest. Occurs in pairs that forage on the ground and roost in trees by night. Often best seen at known egg-laying sites, either during laying sessions, or roosting in trees nearby. Generally silent, but occasionally gives a loud, bubbling “waow.” [Ebird]
update 202310
– another main target for a short Photography tour, not really a difficult bird to be seen but it stay far from the hide and very alert with sounds. But there are few individual come to the ranger area which gave some close pictures.
A spectacular chestnut-backed thrush with striking white facial patches, black-and-white wings, and bold pied markings below. Juvenile shows buff streaks on crown and back and buff throat. Terrestrial, feeding on the forest floor singly or in pairs within the lowlands and low hills. Unmistakable within its limited range on islands of Sulawesi and Kabaena. Mournful song is a phrase of several high-pitched whistled notes, “deee-der-doo” or “deee-der.” Calls include “chak” notes and a high-pitched “peep” call. [Ebird]
update 202310
201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
46. Bay Coucal, 苏拉鸦鹃, 蘇拉鴉鵑, Centropus celebensis, セレベスバンケン, Bubut Sulawesi
A reddish-brown cuckoo with a long, often shaggy-looking tail. Juvenile shows a pale eye and a paler breast and throat than adults. The species favors vine tangles within forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills, where it is usually encountered singly or in pairs. The entirely brown body, lacking black, separates this species from Lesser Coucal. Song is a series of “hoot” notes that often encourages other nearby coucals to respond. Alarm call is a harsh, short rasping “burr.” [ebird]
– as other coucal, shy, moving in bushes … very coucal call alike
– 有如其他鸦鹃,害羞,喜欢活动在草丛里。
update 202311
– a bird always heard at lowland of Sulawesi, it is not so boring coucal overall but same it spend us sometime to have a good look of this bird
– 在苏拉威西,这特有种。通常都很容易听到。可是要拍到不是太容易。
201909, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
47. Sulawesi Myzomela, 苏拉摄蜜鸟, 蘇拉威西攝蜜鳥, Myzomela chloroptera, セレベスクレナイミツスイ, Myzomela merah-tua sulawesi
update 202503
it is one of very common endemic for Sulawesi, you wont miss the active “red” bird always feeding nearby flowers.
I am leaving to Sulawesi soon, hope more visit to the lovely Island in future.
– Eccentric-looking hornbill with a bushy, upright white crest and a whitetail. The Male is white from the head down to the belly; the female is predominantly black, with only a white crest. (ebird)
– not very a common hornbill
update 202409
– a special trip, which photograph any bird on flight. lucky to have this bird for twice over days. and it fly close toward use to have almost no fit into a frame.
– 特别的“飞行” 团。幸运的看到这么一只难的鸟2次,还飞来近距离。
202409, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202407
– new month, new group… another great parent all the way come here with their children for Birding – hobby (the kid just 12 years old) .. a hit and miss morning but in the end of the session, we managed to have this not so common and beautiful Hornbill as last bird of the day.
– so many sighting for last 2 weeks, Taman Negara, Sepilok and Kinabatangan River. Such a lovely bird which normally sight far distance but this time no.. before heavy down rain, it came so close and long for us
– a lovely Hornbill but sometime just tricky to have a sight but this year seem very stable at few location.. but any how still good to see this beautiful Hornbill
– 非常特别的犀鸟。有时非常找到,今年有点不一样。好几个点都很容易见到拍到。
202308, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202208
– we have very good encounter of this beautiful hornbill
– 幸运的客人。见了这鸟好几次。到后期,他们都不要看了。
202208, Kinabatangan River, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
– very large bird, which 150-170cm (included tail)
– female with white throat
– not easy to see
– another beautiful bird from Malaysia … it is a bird, call weird and beautiful
update 202411
– It was another casual outing, or what we like to call a “poison session,” with friends. The main goal was to test a friend’s ball head, but we were lucky to spot this bird while photographing a few bulbuls. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay long and quickly disappeared from our view.
– a big hornbill that cannot mistaken with long tail. Male with red-throat and longer tail, female with white-throat and shorter tail
– another lucky moment, where this bird flying across while we trying to looking for another hornbill. The CANON R1, Pre-capture make this picture where I know it is in the bush and half-press shutter to enable pre-focus .. when the bird fly out .. press the shutter and Bingo.
– a big hornbill that make everyone excited each time heard or see it ….
– same location last 2 weeks ago had good view and picture of the female and today lucky group have both male and female real close flying across
– 一只蛮大的鸟。每次听到见到都令每个人都非常兴奋。
– 2个星期前,在同一个点看到拍到母鸟。这次,幸运的到来。公+母鸟都飞过还蛮低的。
202410, Kinabatangan River, Sabah
– a really big bird to be seen, the call make everyone excited. A bird that really make me worry… as over the years, never seen young so far.
– looking for this bird for days, finally saw the heard the call and waiting for not long.. finally it flying across us …
– 一只很大的鸟,叫声夜蛮恐怖。可是这一只鸟是我最担心的一只鸟。几乎没见过幼鸟。
202410, Kinabatangan River, Sabah
update 202408
– it is like a every trip bird for 2024, the current Bird families tour. Not that expected to see this but we sight this twice at 2 different location and this one with such a close and good view .. a lucky trip here ..
– within 3 weeks saw this birds 3 times in the different locations are excited. such a big handsome boy ..
– ours’ cruise start afternoon, we saw 6 species of hornbills in 2 hours, Orangutan and many more .. a good start
– 3个星期内在3个不一样地方遇上这么英俊的鸟。真的很兴奋。
– 今天我们下午出去船游时,见到到6种犀鸟。真的幸运的开始
202407, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
– few days ago meet up a pair of this rare, big and beautiful honrbill. Today ours lucky day, where we only have 2 Honrbill target after lunch we got it within 30minutes with very good view .. lucky lucky
202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
– another amazing encounter for a boring day, it was raining in the morning so we missed ours birding morning… this is on the way to hotel and managed to have this pair bird flying across ours head.
– another bird that always see it far, this is far far away and lucky because of far .. accident captured the female also in a frame (actually crop 50% after 800mm focal length)
– lovely sunset, heard the bird call loud not long we managed to saw it stand far up ..
– 夕阳来袭时,突然听到这鸟叫。很快的就看到他们站高高。
– 很多朋友都希望看到这鸟,可是还是可遇不可求。通常还是站远远,这一幕大概1-2公里?
202402, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202403
– it is another great trip, we saw this bird 2 times from Fraser Hill and Danum Valley. While we having ours afternoon walk, this bird just flew in and after we managed to have some good view of the male (didn’t found where the female perch) … the male decide to leave than we saw the female 😀
– another fun tour for 2 just enjoy nature and birding by no target and enjoy to see almost every birds. Lucky people, we saw this while driving back after have ours target. I saw a big black bird far up the tree and make a stop, just immediate I shout … Helmeted …. Helmeted … and 2 smiling face even we try to have a look at the male but seem he is shy
– a bird always love to heard and see, especially close view and what about 1 pair together !
– seem this pair like this tree !!! twice in same year ..
– 这鸟是百看不厌。可是希望我们下一代好友机会看。近距离+一对。怎么样?
– 看来这鸟喜欢这树。一年遇上2次。
202301, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202309
– it was another amazing trip to Danum, ours “toilet stop” got this lovely girl flying toward us.
– 我们这次到丹浓谷,很不错。第一天的进去时的“小便时刻”尽然听到见到这”美女”迎面飞过来
202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202305
– a place normally just heard and not easy to meet this bird but we saw it twice in 1 day. and this is close and stay long for us has good view.
– 这里时常都听到这鸟叫,就是看不到。可是这团客人超好运,一天2次
202305, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202304
– never get bore to see this bird again and again. even from far distance it is still lovely and beautiful bird.
– 从不厌倦重复看这鸟。从远到近还是这么好看。
202302, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202303
– a beautiful “girl” come close to look at us
– 这美女飞过来看看我们。
202302, Pahang, Malaysia
– 6 encounters over 2 months various locations, look like they are active. and this beautiful girl flying above us. make a raining day end with some smile.
– 非常幸运2个月内见了6 次。开来非常活跃。这美女在头上飞过,雨就来了。还好每个人脸上都充满笑。
202302, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202302
– never get bored of this handsome looking bird. the moment it looking back to us, make our day.
– 每次见着鸟都不会闷。尤其在他回头看我们时,就是最好的一刻了。
202302, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202301
– a lucky moment when it flying toward us. and with the new camera AI focus and tracking. it is so easy .
– 幸运的一刻。这么大的鸟冲向我们飞来。新的相机对焦,追焦功能。很容易拍下。
202302, Pahang, Malaysia
– very lucky guests, managed to have this bird so close for good photo session
– 非常幸运的客人。尽然,这么近距离的拍到这么漂亮的鸟。
202302, Pahang, Malaysia202302, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202208
– working on a sold video, going through some old folder. one of the best & worst encounter of this Honrbill. Good time mean we spend good time with this huge bird close, bad ……..
– 在处理卖了的婆罗洲视频,看回久照片,见到这组照片。忍不住还是来张这么美的照明。
202008, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia
update 202205
– one of the most wanted bird to be seen bird in wild, lucky to see it both Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo within a week
– 非常大的犀鸟。通常都是鸟人要看的鸟。幸运的在1个星期里,马来西亚半岛,婆罗洲都看到。
202205, Selangor, Malaysia
– Kinabatangan River still one of my favorite where we had 7 out of 8 hornbills of Borneo photograph in just 2 evening
– this pair of big and critical endanger calling and clying above us while we waiting for our’s elephant
– 沙巴京河,还是我最喜欢鸟点之一。2个下午,拍到7种犀鸟(婆罗洲有8种)
– 这大家伙,尽然在我们等大象时在我们头上一直叫飞过。
202205, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202204
– a lucky morning, this bird making call attract our attention
– 幸运的早上,我与客人们都被这叫声吸引
update 202106
– last day before our lockdown MCO3.0 – this male making calls nonstop and flying around.
– 封城前一天。這公鳥,在我們拍啄花鳥時一直叫與飛。
update 202105
– I still remember that morning where I and my buddy went for a casual birding. found this bird flying that area. giving us chance to have some good picture opportunities.
– common, widespread, and beautiful hornbill of Malaysia
– big size of hornbill, with dog alike call “roh” “roh”
– difficult to miss, red-yellow horn normally moving in pair
– KRAU, Bukit Tinggi, Genting Highlands, Taiping, Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, Kinabatangan river, Danum Valley, RDC – Sandakan etc
update 202409
– every year, I having some special request .. this time a full 10 days for only flying Tropical birds … especially big one or may be main targets all Hornbills of Borneo. We are lucky with this beautiful Rhinoceros Hornbill.
– a waiting dusk for Nightjar and Owl, all of sudden this bird just flying across low. Even with the RF100-500 + 1.4x tc with such a small aperture (F10).. I still quickly got the bird focus and captured it flying into jungle
– a very common and beautiful hornbill of Malaysia
– it is fun to have 800mm zoom ? I used this new CANON RF200-800mm for months and again the 800mm is really useful sometime while this bird just ~10m from us and I use 800mm zoom to get almost same view like this
– arrived , park our car … this bird stand open with beautiful weather …
– 刚停车,这鸟站的美美的。漂亮的天空。
202303, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
update 202302
– early morning when we park our’s car getting ready for birding. This bird flying toward us and give us opportunity to have few BIF pictures
– 一大早上,我们刚停下车来。这鸟尽然飞了过来。
202302, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
update 202211
– what a lucky day to have this bird flying infront of us dusk time
– 非常幸运,这么漂亮的鸟在夕阳时在我们面前飞过。
update 202208
– one of the most common and beautiful hornbill of Borneo, saw this bird more than 3 times before decided to have some photos of this beauty.
– handsome male flying too close actually …
– with current new CANON mirrorless camera to capture bird in flight over blue sky is very easy ….
– 马来西亚/婆罗洲最普通与漂亮犀鸟之一,在这团里见了最少3次才有机会让客人拍照(终于较低与近)
– 佳能R7拍这种飞版(蓝天版)几乎难度是0
Kinabatangan River, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202207
– a lucky group today to have 3 different hornbill same day. But the Helmeted Hornbill is 10-20km away and how we spot it ! so dot captured…and think everyone have BIF version
– 非常幸运的一天,3种犀鸟。可是盔犀鸟站在10-20公里以外。
– 这鸟站蛮久的,大家都拍到飞的。
202207, BuKit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202201
– just another this lovely hornbill flying close to us
– 飞的很近。低
202201, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
– this lovely Hornbill flying low and close allow us and all of sudden poo infront of us
– 马来西亚蛮美的犀鸟,尽然飞的这么低与近。可是忽然大便。幸好没在我们头上
202201, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
update 202105
– had been seeing this lovely hornbill 2 locations for the last 7 days and this time surprise easy to spot it and flying left-right for us to capture some good picture
– a male with red-eye and a female with white eye
– lucky to have this setup while walking and I have an almost 100% success rate for this bird flying from left to right in 2-3s
– a big bird … that ignore human when looking for food
update 2014 Nov 11
rhinoceros hornbill , 马来犀鸟 [Buceros rhinoceros]
4. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN
– large bird, a large bill many Yellow (neck, horn, bill etc)
– this bird does not exist in Borneo
update 202403
– while we looking for another “hornbill” this bird suddenly make a flying across .. lovely hornbill
– 当我们在找另一只犀鸟时,这鸟突然叫了+飞过。
202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202101
- one out of 10 hornbills of Malaysia which missing at Borneo
- Overall Yellow-Black - eye iris make difference for male and female
- male with the reddish eye, female with white
馬來西亞,10種其一的犀鳥。 眼睛的顏色分別公母之分。
– small hornbill, move in group and making a lot of noise
– mostly black and minor blue color …
update 202412
It’s time to sort through some 2024 photos before archiving them. Here’s another common hornbill of Malaysia, typically seen moving in groups. I’m really impressed with the R3—it rarely lets me down when capturing what I want. Even this shot, taken in a dark area with a background change, turned out great!
was lucky to see this pair of hornbill get close and stay long enough for us to capture …. same trip also got black & red broadbill … and un-Id minivet[from Bukit Rengit, Pahang]
update 2013 Feb 25
Black Hornbill 黑腹犀鳥
7. Oriental Pied-Hornbill, 冠斑犀鸟, 冠斑犀鳥, Anthracoceros albirostris, キタカササギサイチョウ, KELINGKING BIASA
– most common small hornbill
– moving in a group
update 202302
– a common hornbill, but it still a fun to see this hornbill calling, feeding and flying.
– 马来西亚非常普通的犀鸟。可是可以看到它们飞,吃,叫的样子。还是很可爱的。
202202, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202102
another captured using New Fujifilm XF70300
Fujifilm X-T4, Fujifilm XF70300, TC 1.4x: 434.0 mm, ISO500 F.9.0 1/90]
update 20210112
– saw this pair of Hornbill mating but missed the shot as twice facing different direction… and this is the only time right direction but then the male didn’t make it at last minute !!!!
– very impressed with the Fujifilm X-T4 stabilizer, as this is captured handheld
8. Wreathed Hornbill, 花冠皱盔犀鸟, Rhyticeros undulatus, シワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BIASA
– moving in group. Male with yellow pouch and female with blue
– very funny call
– very look alike Plain-pouched Hornbill with slight different
9. Wrinkled Hornbill, 皱盔犀鸟, 皺盔犀鳥,Aceros corrugatus, ズグロサイチョウ, ENGGANG BERKEDUT MELAYU
– one of the most lucky group, this bird stay long and flying around for of of the best pictures opportunity.
– for me one of the most beautiful Hornbill of Malaysia
– 算2024最幸运的一组。这么漂亮的鸟站蛮近,久还要飞来飞去。让我们拍够够。
– 这可算我们最漂亮的犀鸟之一。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– one of the most beautiful Hornbill of Malaysia for me, it is not that common but not really easy to miss at Kinabatangan river.
– lucky group to have this pair feeding so low and long for use capture so many good photo of it.
– 对我而言,这是马来西亚秀美犀鸟之一。不容易见到,可是在沙巴京河很少会错过。
– 这一组摄鸟人,非常幸运。竟然见到他们这么低的吃东西,还要非常久。
202404, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
– 201706
– another beautiful hornbill of Malaysia found near the primary forest
– The male and female have different head and bill patterns. Males have bright yellow feathers on the auriculars, cheeks, throat, neck-sides, and chest, but these areas are black in the female, except for the blue throat.
– it is wonderful month for this hornbill, got so many good low angle pictures over last 3 trip there .. amazing and lovely Hornbill.
– 非常神奇,这两个月来。都拍到这鸟非常低,几乎没再这么低。这犀鸟算时最美犀鸟之一吧。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
– for the last 2 trips to Kinabatangan River, it is so weird that the number Wrinkled Hornbill that I sight more than Rhinoceros Hornbill..
– what a close encounter of this beautiful honrbill, just ~10 feet away ..
– 这么近的看这鸟真的很不一样,真的很美。这次我们只站他的10尺左右。
– 最后2次(1个月内)到京河真的很不一样。尽然遇上皱盔犀鸟比马来犀鸟多。好像很怪。
202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202403
– as usual most of the guests arrive here is looking for this not so common Hornbill of Malaysia in other location. But it is pretty common in Kinabatangan River
– 有如其他鸟人,到京河。都想看看这犀鸟,这犀鸟其实在其他点很不容易见到。
202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202208
– this is one of my favorite hornbill of Borneo/Malaysia. especially seeing it at morning and evening session. Golden light make it look more lovely
– seeing it so many times in the trip but prefer to capture it morning and evening light
– with the CANON R3 and 100500 the flying moment is almost never miss for me even I am shooting on boat or land
– 我最喜欢马来西亚/婆罗洲犀鸟之一。尤其在早上,夕阳时刻。金黄色加上犀鸟本身的颜色真的非常迷人。
– 佳能R3拍犀鸟飞版几乎没可能错过任何一幕。
– 在5天婆罗洲行中,最少见了5-6次可是还是较喜欢在早上,夕阳拍他。
Kinabatangan River, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202207
– one of the most beautiful Hornbill, lucky to have early morning warm light with the beautiful male
– 马来西亚最美犀鸟之一,也非常幸运这雄鸟站的蛮近的。
202207, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202102
– Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
– female
– male
10. Plain-pouched Hornbill, 淡喉皱盔犀鸟,淡喉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros subruficollis, ムジシワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BELANTARA
– It looks almost identical to Wreathed Hornbill except
– lack of grooves on the bill
– small size
– lack of a black patch on the pouch
– the only non-resident hornbill. only travel to North Peninsular Malaysia Jul-Oct
update 202302
– a request to use this special bird and open up the folder many pictures still yet to be filter. take a opportunity to process another one for sharing this special hornbill of Malaysia
– 要求用这照片在某网站。在找会原图时,看到还有蛮多照片没用到。处理多一张分享这很特别的犀鸟。
202209, Belum, Perak, Malaysia
update 202102
Panasonic G9, Panasonic Leica 200mm F2.8, 1.4x
Perak, Malaysia 202009
– another lovely slow-motion of a group of Plain-pouched Hornbill captured using Panasonic G9 high-speed video
2020 Oct
– Just got back from a yearly repeated event, a hornbill expedition … we did a short one this year just 1.5 days on the boat. and we able to record 7 (pictures and videos) and 1 seen only
Plain-pouched Hornbill always our’s main target for the trip, and this is one of the groups we managed to sight and recorded ..
update 2020 Sept
Plain-pouched Hornbill, 淡喉皱盔犀鸟,淡喉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros subruficollis, ムジシワコブサイチョウ, ENGGANG GUNUNG BELANTARA
11. Knobbed Hornbill, 苏拉皱盔犀鸟, 蘇拉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros cassidix, アカコブサイチョウ, Julang Sulawesi
– one of the most beautiful hornbill for me.
– a group of them flying across us. lucky to have flown close.
– some also call this Papuan Hornbill
– look like our Wreathed Hornbill, the male is rufous on the head and the female blue.
– this captured just outside our resort in the morning.
Dark brown hornbill with a white belly and an orange bill. The white corners of the tail are conspicuous in flight. Males and females are similar, but male has a bigger casque on top of the bill. Found in lush woodland, forest, and forest edge. Often in small flocks. Call is a long series of high, piping notes. Has little overlap in range with similar hornbills, and is unique in having a yellow eye. [Ebird]
update 202501
It was a late lunch, and the “sushi” took nearly two hours to arrive! But luckily, as we walked into the restaurant, I spotted a Hornbill nesting. I managed to get a few flight shots just by sitting at the table while waiting for lunch. Meanwhile, others went straight to the nest, hoping for a better feeding moment. A small but noisy Hornbill!