Stenostiridae, or the fairy flycatchers,[1] are a family of small passerine birds proposed as a result of recent discoveries in molecular systematics.[2] They are also referred to as stenostirid warblers. [WIki]
51. Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail, 黄腹扇尾鹟, 黃腹扇尾鶲, Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus, キバラオウギビタキ
51. Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail, 黄腹扇尾鹟, 黃腹扇尾鶲, Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus, キバラオウギビタキ
An active little bird with a bright yellow belly and a pale-tipped fan-like tail. Most common in foothill and submontane broadleaf forests, where it forages energetically and acrobatically in the middle and lower levels, often with fulvettas, warblers, and other small passerines in mixed-species foraging flocks. Very similar in shape to fantails but much smaller, and actually more closely related to tits. Song is a series of high “tsit” notes interspersed with twitters and trills. Call is often repeated at length, akin to a song, but much simpler, a series of high “tsip” notes. [Ebird]
An active little bird with a bright yellow belly and a pale-tipped fan-like tail. Most common in foothill and submontane broadleaf forests, where it forages energetically and acrobatically in the middle and lower levels, often with fulvettas, warblers, and other small passerines in mixed-species foraging flocks. Very similar in shape to fantails but much smaller, and actually more closely related to tits. Song is a series of high “tsit” notes interspersed with twitters and trills. Call is often repeated at length, akin to a song, but much simpler, a series of high “tsip” notes.
update 202412
One of the most active birds, behaving much like a fantail. While it’s not a lifer for me—I previously recorded it in Northern Thailand—it’s still a challenge to spot here in Yunnan, China. Thankfully, luck was on our side, and we managed to witness it spreading its tail, giving us a few great moments for some good photo opportunities.