Birds of Thailand | 泰国之观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240110]

liewwk Nature Birds of Thailand picture collection

1. Blue Pitta, 蓝八色鸫, 藍八色鶇, Hydrornis cyaneus, ルリヤイロチョウ

2. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU

3. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ

4. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ

5. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ

6. Spot-breasted Parrotbill, 点胸鸦雀, 點胸鴉雀, Paradoxornis guttaticollis, ミミグロダルマエナガ

7. Giant Nuthatch, 巨䴓, 巨鳾, Sitta magna, オニゴジュウカラ


1. Blue Pitta, 蓝八色鸫, 藍八色鶇, Hydrornis cyaneus, ルリヤイロチョウ

– one of the most beautiful pitta

– male overall blue with yellow-orange head. female with light green but only on tail and rumped.

– 蓝八色鸫雄鸟的体羽与雌鸟相似,头部较为艳丽,前额的嘴基至后枕部的中央冠纹为黑色,额部较狭,头顶部宽阔,冠纹两侧为赭灰色,渲染金黄色,色调由前向后逐渐变浓,头顶后部至颈部全为金红色;眼先、眼圈下部和耳区的上部均为黑色,形成宽阔的眼后黑纹伸达颈侧。颏部、喉为白色,喉侧黑色羽缘粗著,形成显著的黑色髭纹,并杂有细小的白色点斑,下喉部纯白

Blue pitta, 藍八色鶇,Hydrornis cyaneus




2. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU

– a rare species for Peninsular Malaysia, only special on Northern- overall grayish and black throat

– 共有13个亚种。是小型鸟类,体长14-16厘米。背栗红色具黑色纵纹,两侧具皮黄色纵纹;颏、喉和上胸黑色,脸颊白色,其余下体白色,翅上具白色带斑。雄鸟与树麻雀的区别在顶冠及尾上覆羽灰色,耳无黑色斑块,且喉及上胸的黑色较多。雌鸟色淡,具浅色眉纹。较山麻雀雌鸟色彩淡,翼斑不如黑顶麻雀的雌鸟明显,且尾无叉,胸色较淡。

update 202105

201701, Khaoyai National Park, Thailand


3. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ

– limestone special, it is like other’s Wren-babbler. active and overall brown, with rufous cheek, chest

– 鹪鹛属小型鸟类,体长17-19厘米。上体灰橄榄褐色具黑色鳞状斑,具一条缀有黑点的灰白色眉纹。颏,喉和上胸白色具暗色纵纹,尤以胸部纵纹较密集,其余下体黑橄榄褐色。虹膜红褐色,上嘴深角褐色,下嘴灰铅色,脚灰褐色。

update 202105

201701, Saraburi, Thailand


4. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ

– a very active bird but so colorful.

– 非常活跃与漂亮的鸟。

update 202309

– so fast almost one year pass, this bird very active and we tried multiple locations.

– 这么快,去年我们泰国行已大概一年了。今年我们会到印尼。这鸟非常活跃,找了好几只才拍到。

202212, ChiangMai, Thailand


5. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ

– very lovely, colorful and common sunbird at Northern Thailand area near montane area.

– 很漂亮,颜色丰富,活跃的太阳鸟。

update 202311

– one of the bird attract us to spend some time for better picture but it is really moving fast.

– 吸引我们拍的一只鸟,非常活跃。

202212, Chiang Mai, Thailand


6. Spot-breasted Parrotbill, 点胸鸦雀, 點胸鴉雀, Paradoxornis guttaticollis, ミミグロダルマエナガ

a very active bird that keep moving around, not a easy bird to photograph


update 202401

– it was a quite open place the bird calling and jumping around to allow everyone has good view and photo took some time

– 蛮开发的点,这鸟几乎都跳来跳去也叫不停。可是要让每个人看到拍到,蛮不容易的

202212, Chiang Mai, Thailand


7. Giant Nuthatch, 巨䴓, 巨鳾, Sitta magna, オニゴジュウカラ

– a quite big size for Nuthatch, overall grey-blue and long beak. Like other Nuthatch, very active moving bird

– 蛮大的䴓,灰+蓝的鸟,长嘴。与其他䴓一样,非常活跃的鸟

update 202401
– ours last year bird Photography trip, very misty day and found this bird moving fast .. lovely bird to be photograph
– 我们上一年的泰国鸟摄行,记得非常大雾。可是我们还是把它拿下。

20221212, Doi Ang, North Thailand





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Acanthizidae series: Gerygone | 刺嘴莺科 | liewwk Nature [update 20230306]

Malaysia only have one, and this is can be found near urban, 2nd forest, from low land to submontane

1. Golden-bellied Gerygone, 黄胸噪刺莺, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA


1. Golden-bellied Gerygone,黄胸噪刺莺, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA

– very small and beautiful songbird

– active near mangrove, forest edge

– 唱歌非常好听的小鸟。通常在红树林或森林周边。


update 202305

– after few days raining, last day having a very hot day instead. last minute decided to change to Pulau Indah. Din;t see much as middle of the day just too hot. But few good birds for photo.

– 下了几天的雨,这团的最后一天竟然很热。最后一分钟换了行程到美丽岛。还是没什么鸟,可能是中午太热了。可是还是有些不错的鸟让我拍拍。

202303, Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202204

– a beautiful morning with this lovely song bird

– 这鸟一早就跳下来唱歌

202204, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– a pretty common tiny bird with beautiful song

– 蛮普通,还很会唱歌的小鸟。

202203, Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202201

– a lovely tiny bird with lovely song

– 很会唱歌的小鸟。

202105 – Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– another lucky moment with this lovely active small bird while my morning walk

Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia


Golden-bellied Gerygone, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, Kelicap Perepat



More pictures from Flickr : Acanthizidae series : Gerygone | 刺嘴莺科 | liewwk Nature

Golden-bellied Gerygone, 黃胸噪刺鶯


More Youtube video : Acanthizidae series : Gerygone | 刺嘴莺科 | liewwk Nature



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Turnicidae series: Buttonquail | 三趾鹑科 | liewwk Nature – 2

small and shy .. normally active near grassland …

1. Small Buttonquail, 林三趾鹑, 林三趾鶉, Turnix sylvaticus, ヒメミフウズラ, PUYUH KECIL BIASA

2. Barred Buttonquail, 棕三趾鹑, 棕三趾鶉,Turnix suscitator, ミフウズラ, PUYUH BIASA



1. Small Buttonquail, 林三趾鹑, 林三趾鶉, Turnix sylvaticus, ヒメミフウズラ, PUYUH KECIL BIASA

– a rare, small and shy bird here in Peninsular Malaysia

– found near open grassland

– 非常小,害羞,稀有的鳥。

update 202105

– 2021 is different, where normally I am very busy in March but this year spends almost 30 days for personal birding. It a hot and lucky day to see this in the same place (not this picture)
– a small bird which really shy and running fast.

– 2021 是很不一樣的一年。通常3月是我最忙的一個月。可是2021 我幾乎30天自己在拍照。幸運的,又在同個地方遇上這小,害羞的鳥。

201501, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– another hot day at open grassland, last meet this bird was ~4-5 years ago, and what surprised to see it again driving around

– 在这最后一次见他已有4-5年前。在一个炎热的下午,希望看些特别的候鸟。突然这鸟跳了起来。在他很快的消失之前让我拍到几张照片

202103, Selangor, Malaysia


Small Buttonquail,林三趾鶉, Turnix sylvaticus, ヒメミフウズラ, Burung Puyuh Kecil


2. Barred Buttonquail, 棕三趾鹑, 棕三趾鶉,Turnix suscitator, ミフウズラ, PUYUH BIASA

– a common species which can found near the urban garden, open grassland, etc

–  蛮普通的小鸟。通常都在开阔的空地等地方找到。

Selangor, Malaysia



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Vangidae series: Woodshrike, Flycatcher-shrike | 钩嘴鵙科 | liewwk Nature -3 [update 20240617]


1. Large Woodshrike, 钩嘴林鵙, 鉤嘴林鵙, Tephrodornis virgatus, オオモズサンショウクイ, REMBAH-RIMBA BESAR

2. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 褐背鹟鵙, 褐背鶲鵙, Hemipus picatus, ヒタキサンショウクイ, REMBAH SAYAP PUTIH

3. Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 黑翅鹟鵙, 黑翅鶲鵙, Hemipus hirundinaceus, ハグロヒタキサンショウクイ, REMBAH SAYAP HITAM



Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature

Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature 2 [update 20240315]


1. Large Woodshrike, 钩嘴林鵙, 鉤嘴林鵙, Tephrodornis virgatus, オオモズサンショウクイ, REMBAH-RIMBA BESAR

– not that rare mostly found sub-montane Genting Awana, Bukit Tinggi etc

update 202102


Large Woodshrike, 鉤嘴林鵙, Tephrodornis virgatus, オオモズサンショウクイ, Burung Rembah Kayu Besar

2. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 褐背鹟鵙, 褐背鶲鵙, Hemipus picatus, ヒタキサンショウクイ, REMBAH SAYAP PUTIH

– small bird

– mostly moving with bird wave

– male black-white, female brown-white

update 202403

– it is a small & common bird, and it is good to have it close view ..

– 蛮普通+小的鸟。可是近距离看,还是很美的。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia




3. Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 黑翅鹟鵙, 黑翅鶲鵙, Hemipus hirundinaceus, ハグロヒタキサンショウクイ, REMBAH SAYAP HITAM

– small bird

– wing obvious no white bar

– male black-white, female brown-white

update 202406

– a common lowland small bird normally moving with bird wave. male is black and white overall

– 马来西亚低海拔的普通鸟。通常与鸟浪活动

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia





More pictures from Flickr: Vangidae series: Woodshrike,Flycatcher-shrike | 钩嘴鵙科 | liewwk Nature

Silver-eared Mesia... love this most ...


More Videos: Vangidae series: Woodshrike,Flycatcher-shrike | 钩嘴鵙科 | liewwk Nature



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Birds of China – Shangri-la | 中國 – 香格里拉 | liewwk Nature

Some birds captured during trips to this lovely place  Shangri-la which on 纳帕海, 云南省迪庆藏族自治州

1. Black Stork, 黑鸛,Ciconia nigra, ナベコウ

Black Stork, 黑鸛,Ciconia nigra, ナベコウ



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Cuckooshrike series | 鹃鵙科 | liewwk Nature – 1-1 [update 20240221]


1. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar


51. White-bellied Cuckooshrike, 白腹鹃鵙, 巴布亞鵑鵙, Coracina papuensis



1. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar

update 202402

– another great experience it came low and close for moth just like ~15 years ago Jelai Hotel ? such a beauty when have close view

– 有如回到~15年前,“Jelai”酒店时代。鸟下来很低吃飞蛾。近距离看,这鸟也很美。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Mal


Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar





51. White-bellied Cuckooshrike, 白腹鹃鵙, 巴布亞鵑鵙, Coracina papuensis

Medium-sized slender bird, pale gray above, white below, with a small dark bridge between the bill and eye (lores) and faint partial white eyering. Immature lacks distinct mask of Black-faced Cuckooshrike. Dark morph shows large but variable black bib and breast, mottled or barred at the edges. Inhabits eucalypt forest and other woodlands in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Call a high-pitched, two-note squeak. [Ebird]

白腹鹃鵙学名Coracina papuensis)是山椒鸟科鸦鹃鵙属的一种,分布于澳大利亚印度尼西亚巴布亚新几内亚所罗门群岛。其自然栖息地为亚热带或热带的湿润低地森林、亚热带或热带的红树林以及亚热带或热带的湿润山地林(英语:montane forest)。
update 202310
– a pretty common bird found lowland Halmahera
– 在哈马黑拉岛蛮普通的鸟。
202304, Halmahera, Indonesia

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Frogs series | 蛙 | liewwk Nature

trying to compile some of my frogs collections

1. Kubah narrow-mouthed frog,婆羅洲姬蛙, Microhyla borneensis

Kubah narrow-mouthed frog,婆羅洲姬蛙, Microhyla borneensis



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Pachycephalidae series: Whistler | 啸鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20240918]

lovely sound dull bird, Malaysia have 2 residents and 1 winter visitor

1. Bornean Whistler, 加里啸鹟, 加里嘯鶲, Pachycephala hypoxantha, ボルネオモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL EMAS BORNEO

2. Mangrove Whistler, 红树啸鹟, 紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL BAKAU


1. Bornean Whistler, 加里啸鹟, 加里嘯鶲, Pachycephala hypoxantha, ボルネオモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL EMAS BORNEO

– Borneo montane endemic, quite common KNP, Crocker range

update 202409

– one of the most common Borneo endemic at montane. Normally moving fast with bird flock.

– 婆罗洲非常普通的特有种。通常与其他鸟群体活动,跳的很快。

202409, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



Bornean Whistler, 加里嘯鶲, Pachycephala hypoxantha, ボルネオモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL EMAS BORNEO

2. Mangrove Whistler, 红树啸鹟, 紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL BAKAU

– special bird at Mangrove area with lovely calls

update 202405

– a not so attractive bird for Mangrove special, but always a highly wanted bird by birders come to Malaysia.

– this time, a very lucky group.. while we walking at Mangrove.. someone talk to me.. a dull bird stand infront of .. is it common ? very soon I look at the direction, I saw it stand just open and everyone got their best view of this active shy bird.

– 来马来西亚的鸟人,都会想到红树林看几种鸟。这一只是其一。虽然不是很美丽。

– 这一团是多么幸运,我么只是红树林走走。突然其中一位客人,问。。有只没颜色的鸟在这,应该很普通吧。我很快望望,就看到他。这么活跃与害羞的鸟久这么么容易让每一位看的这么好。

202405, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202311

– another active bird and may be good time to have some good photo at the season

– 非常活跃的小鸟。在雨季,到红树林走走。应该可以把它拍好。

202209, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202204

– another day in hot mangrove with this dull looking song bird

– 炎热的在红树林里看到这外貌普通可是唱歌很好听的鸟。

202204, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2021

– after 2nd lockdown MCO of Kuala Lumpur, finally, we are allowed to travel within Kuala Lumpur-Selangor.

– a good time spent at the mangrove

– 封城後2個月。終於可以到遠一點的紅樹了




Mangrove Whistler,紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, Murai Bakau



More pictures from Flickr: Pachycephalidae series: Whistler | 啸鹟科 | liewwk Nature

Mangrove Whistler,紅樹嘯鶲

More videos: Pachycephalidae series: Whistler | 啸鹟科 | liewwk Nature



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Charadriidae series: Lapwing | 鸻科: 麦鸡属 | liewwk Nature – 2

a slow-moving and colorful bird

1. Red-wattled Lapwing, 肉垂麦鸡, 肉垂麥雞, Vanellus indicus, インドトサカゲリ, CERIWIT DUIT-DUIT

2. Gray-headed Lapwing, 灰头麦鸡, 灰頭麥雞, Vanellus cinereus, ケリ, CERIWIT KEPALA KELABU


1. Red-wattled Lapwing, 肉垂麦鸡, 肉垂麥雞, Vanellus indicus, インドトサカゲリ, CERIWIT DUIT-DUIT



update 202204

– a good moment with SONY A1, it is another monster of focus for BIF

– a very common medium size bird normally found near grassland, urban garden etc

索尼A1 是拍飞鸟的恐怖机之一

– 蛮普通的。栖息地通常在湿地、水塘、水渠,沼泽等,有时也远离水域,如农田、旱草地和高原地区。食蝗虫、蛙类、小型无脊椎动物、植物种子等。

202204, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia


2. Gray-headed Lapwing, 灰头麦鸡, 灰頭麥雞, Vanellus cinereus, ケリ, CERIWIT KEPALA KELABU

a quite common winter visitor (North), normally found near paddy field and wet grassland etc

update 202012


More pictures from Flickr: Charadriidae series: Lapwing | 鸻科: 麦鸡属 | liewwk Nature

Red-wattled Lapwing, 肉垂麦鸡, 肉垂麥雞, Vanellus indicus, インドトサカゲリ, CERIWIT DUIT-DUIT

More Videos: Charadriidae series: Lapwing | 鸻科: 麦鸡属 | liewwk Nature



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Cisticolidae series: Tailorbird, Prinia | 扇尾莺科 | liewwk Nature -7 [update 20240324]

Cisticolidae series which inclued Tailorbird, Prina, Zitting Cisticola

1. Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾莺, 棕扇尾鶯, Cisticola juncidis, セッカ, CAK-TINTING KECIL BIASA

2. Yellow-bellied Prinia, 黄腹山鹪莺, 黃腹山鷦鶯, Prinia flaviventris, アオハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BIASA

3. Rufescent Prinia, 暗冕山鹪莺, 暗冕山鷦鶯, Prinia rufescens, チャイロハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BELUKAR

4. Common Tailorbird, 长尾缝叶莺, 長尾縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sutorius, オナガサイホウチョウ, Perenjak Pisang

5. Dark-necked Tailorbird, 黑喉缝叶莺, 黑喉縫葉鶯, Orthotomus atrogularis, ノドグロサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG LEHER HITAM

6. Ashy Tailorbird, 灰缝叶莺, 灰縫葉鶯, Orthotomus ruficeps, アカガオサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG KELABU BIASA

7. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird, 红头缝叶莺, 紅頭縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sericeus, ズアカサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG EKOR MERAH


1. Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾莺, 棕扇尾鶯, Cisticola juncidis, セッカ, CAK-TINTING KECIL BIASA

– common at open grass land , field  … make high pitch call

Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾鶯, Cisticola juncidis, セッカ, Burung Main Angin


2. Yellow-bellied Prinia, 黄腹山鹪莺, 黃腹山鷦鶯, Prinia flaviventris, アオハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BIASA

– common at open grassland, mangrove area

– red eye, long tail, yellow-bellied

update 202012


201702, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Rufescent Prinia, 暗冕山鹪莺, 暗冕山鷦鶯, Prinia rufescens, チャイロハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BELUKAR

– sight lowland forest, submontane

201702, Fraser Hill , Pahang, Malaysia
4. Common Tailorbird, 长尾缝叶莺, 長尾縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sutorius, オナガサイホウチョウ, Perenjak Pisang

– as name, this is common across from mangrove, lowland forest, sub-montane forest

– head rufous very less , greenish wing

Common Tailorbird, 长尾缝叶莺, 長尾縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sutorius, オナガサイホウチョウ, Perenjak Pisang



5. Dark-necked Tailorbird, 黑喉缝叶莺, 黑喉縫葉鶯, Orthotomus atrogularis, ノドグロサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG LEHER HITAM

– obvious rufous head and dark neck

update 202403

– an active and noisy bird to be seen Fraser Hill. Dark-Neck + full rufous crown. Not so “yellow” compare to Borneo

– 在福隆港蛮普通的鸟。黑颈+棕头冠。与婆罗洲的有些不一样。婆罗洲看起来“黄” +“黑京”也较大

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202110

– an active bird that normally moving fast

– A brightly-colored tailorbird of lowland tropical forests, forest edges, and gardens. Long-billed with olive upperparts, pale underparts, and a rufous crown. Dark neck patch is only present in males and is unique if seen well but is sometimes concealed and difficult to see. (Ebird)

– 小型的顶冠棕色、腹部白色的莺。尾甚长而常上翘,臀黄色,具特征性的偏黑色喉(亚成鸟喉无黑色)

202110, Selangor, Malaysia


201303, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
6. Ashy Tailorbird, 灰缝叶莺, 灰縫葉鶯, Orthotomus ruficeps, アカガオサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG KELABU BIASA

– very common near mangrove , with very noisy call

7. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird, 红头缝叶莺, 紅頭縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sericeus, ズアカサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG EKOR MERAH

– very active bird

– tail obvious rufous


More pictures from Flickr : Cisticolidae series : Tailorbird, Prinla | 扇尾莺科 | liewwk Nature 

Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾鶯

More Youtube video : Cisticolidae series : Tailorbird, Prinla | 扇尾莺科 | liewwk Nature


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