Night trekking without light

do not want to turn on torchlight or try to walk real slow and dark … any reason ?

I did above while I was hiking up Mount Batur, Bali, Indonesia ….and because something is on my left and it is so obvious …

almost reach top

the milky way on my left

while walking slow

side by side

more Bali pictures click HERE

Nightscape click HERE



it is good to have 2nd camera …the small one

I love to bring my Panasonic LX5 around so I no can capture what I see quick without take out my DSLR and change the correct focal length …

especially those macro object … which i share some pictures before here

so another e.g.

... the Long Tongued Blue Banded Bee ...

and while I am waiting ….

while waiting for the light ...


and in the plane …

... fan still ...


etc … it serve me right for a decent image quality so far …

The Beauty of Sarawak Ba’kelalan – Sunset

As mentioned previous post , not much pictures on this trip … but still share some while I walking around the village …


update 2012 Sept 4

… thorny Mountain …
– Lee Filter 4×4 CPL
– Lee Filter GND .75s

update 2012 Aug 26

1 year aniversary for this beautiful place and I miss …

… restricted zone …
Lee Filter GND .9s
Lee Filter GND 75s


the reflection of the Light Rays

… Protected Ray …

The Goldenss (pest – the Golden Apple nail vs the Sunset)

… Goldens …

and more will be share @

Ba’kelalan, Sarawak

2011 Aug – Mas Wing Twin Otter aircraft Experience | Sarawak Ba’kelalan

was invited to attend a wedding of my best friends Andy & Maureen… got to know this place year back when they told me this GEM place for nature photography .. finally I step into this great place … even I did not do a lot of photography due to the agenda, weather and trying to go more place to understand more …


fly to Miri, Sarawak for MAS wing transit to Ba’kelalan (~1.5 hours total flight which stop by Lawas) … a great experience first time use this “small plane” …

which one ?

wonder which one do I go up 😀 … left or right ….

Mas Wing …

and how far do I away from the pilot …

how far am I and the pilot
going up …
fan still been use …

a wonderful experience on the flight … it fly not too high …. ~1000m from sea …

the Air port we step down …

Bake’lalan Air Port

and the waiting area ..

Bake’lalan Airport waiting area

all of the relative and, Ketua Kampung will come out to welcome we all ..

warm welcome

will share more on this beautiful place soon …




after years , i revisit this place twice and here is recent one 2017 Sept visit



I am still very close to pilot

IMG_2108 IMG_2112


can easily selfie now


lucky day … rainbow welcome us



hmmm … any where ..




I am coming back soon !!!




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MORE reports


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


the Natural Mirror …

reflection is a good subject for landscape photographer … my Bali Guide (Agung) know where to look for it after with us for 2-3 days … 😀

let share some of my reflection series …

update 2012 Dec 6

… upside down …

1. Tanah Lot , Bali, Indonesia

Tanah Lot, Bali, Indonesia


2.  Mount Batur, Bali, Indonesia

Mount Batur


3.  From US

a cold reflection from US


4. from Johor Malaysia

sleeping Y


5.  from Kuala Lumpur, Puchong

As-Salam Mosque


6. star trail

star trail reflection


7. all love reflection .. and most recent reflection posts

shooting the mirror


and more can view from my flickr and search “reflection” ….


rule or view ?

while I started my landscape, many of forum friends had share with me all the “guidelines”/”rules” e.g. 2/3 horizontal line …etc …. appreciate that and I learn fast from everyone inputs….

as for now, I trying to share as much that in my mind to my gang, friends, workshop participants ..etc …. all the “guidelines” but I always emphasize .. while we trying to think and follow the “guidelines” , we can still capture what we love to capture as snapshot or follow own preference as this will make us enjoy the photography … rather stand there without any shutter press even the view is great ….

e.g. of this … I can’t make any good decision while the light (cloud on left top) moving real fast and if I still move myself to look for better angle then I definite will miss this beautiful sky …. there are nothing at foreground too …. if I make foreground 2/3 ….. so I decide to capture the view to share with other rather just view this myself ….

... interset | Kemasik Beach ...

nothing wrong but it look not too attractive overall … but I will still capture 50/50 if I feel I have no choice … 😀


cleaning kit for my filters

How I clean my filter .. I normally need to use plain water to clean it and use some fiber optic clother …

but finally I found Lee filter do have their cleaning kit .. and I bought mine and have some extra for sale …


Items on sale