Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20240220]

Ciconiidae series, big birds, long neck

1. Painted Stork, 彩鹳, 彩鸛, Mycteria leucocephala,インドトキコウ, UPIH SAWAH

2. Asian Openbill, 钳嘴鹳, 鉗嘴鸛, Anastomus oscitans,スキハシコウ, UPIH-SIPUT ASIA

3. Lesser Adjutant, 秃鹳, 禿鸛, Leptoptilos javanicus, コハゲコウ, BURUNG-BOTAK KECIL

4. Storm’s Stork, 黄脸鹳, 黃臉鸛, Ciconia stormi, スンダエンビコウ, UPIH RIMBA

5. Milky Stork, 白鹮鹳, 灰鸛, Mycteria cinerea, シロトキコウ, UPIH BAKAU

6. Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白頸鸛, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ, UPIH LEHER PUTIH

– Malaysia, Sri Lanka


1. Painted Stork, 彩鹳, 彩鸛, Mycteria leucocephala,インドトキコウ, UPIH SAWAH

– use to be vagrant here but now in certain location is very common and believe introduced or escapee

Painted Stork, 彩鸛, Mycteria leucocephala, インドトキコウ, UPIH SAWAH


2. Asian Openbill, 钳嘴鹳, 鉗嘴鸛, Anastomus oscitans,スキハシコウ, UPIH-SIPUT ASIA

– pretty common nowadays near paddy field, mangrove etc

update 202012


Asian Openbill, 鉗嘴鸛, Anastomus oscitans, スキハシコウ, Burung Botak Asia




3. Lesser Adjutant, 秃鹳, 禿鸛, Leptoptilos javanicus, コハゲコウ, BURUNG-BOTAK KECIL

– use to endanger and only limit to a few locations here. But recently become quite common at many locations

update 202211

– a quick trip to Sg Rampai, this bird seem doing very well there.

– 极危的蛮丑的鸟。可是还是蛮多的。

202211, Sg Rampai, Melaka, Malaysia


202010, Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia



4. Storm’s Stork, 黄脸鹳, 黃臉鸛, Ciconia stormi, スンダエンビコウ, UPIH RIMBA

– a rare and Endangered species
– Borneo Tabin and Kinabatangan river are 2 places easier to see this bird

– 珍稀瀕危物種
– 婆羅洲塔賓與京河是比較見到這鳥的鳥點。

update 202402

– a Photography trip at here, lucky us to have this bird stay low and long with weird hairstyle even quite a lot of rain…

– 摄影团,虽然很多雨。可是都拍到主要目标,包括这一只还要站蛮低+久。还给个新发型让我们拍。

Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202309

– always star bird to be seen here

– it is not “black” bird, look at the under wing

– 京河明星鸟,不难见到。其实它不是全黑的。看看。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202102


5. Milky Stork, 白鹮鹳, 灰鸛, Mycteria cinerea, シロトキコウ, UPIH BAKAU

– big size, sometimes confuse with Painted Stork

– believe either escape from Zoo or from Sumatra

– 有人相信,鸟是从鸟园飞出来或是苏门答腊风飞过来的。

update 202105

201601, Kuala Gula, Perak, Malaysia

6. Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白頸鸛, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ, UPIH LEHER PUTIH

– A dark-brown stork with green-bronze iridescence on the wings and breast. It has a distinctive white ruffled neck, a white tail, and a dark salmon-tipped bill. Resident and migrant. Individuals and small groups forage in rivers, shallow wetland margins, urban grassy areas, and flooded grasslands for insects and small vertebrates. May gather in groups of several hundred when conditions are suitable. (EBird)

– 属鹳形目鹳科鹳属,又叫绒颈鹳、主教鹳(源于早期神职人员大都穿戴黑色搭配白色的法衣)。广泛分布于热带,如亚洲从印度到印尼,非洲和除澳大利亚和新西兰在内的太平洋诸岛。

update 202201

– while I am keeping my eye to flying pacific swift and saw this big bird flying high

– 当我在测试R6拍飞的燕子时,看到这较大的鸟飞的很高。

202201, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105

– what a surprise when going through my hardisk (202104) when I was there for some waders. I still remember why the Lesser Adjutant flying so high up and actually it is not Adjutant.

– 非常惊讶,在清理影碟照片时。发现这稀有候鸟。当时,我还在想为什么小秃鹳飞的这么高。

202104, Kapar, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202401

– when we first saw it, we ask the van to stop … and make the right decision. It is best view after this for the next 7-8 days

– 我们在这第一次见到时,叫我们的车立刻停下。幸好停下来,接下来几天都较远。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




More pictures from Flickr: Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature

Painted Stork, 彩鸛

More videos: Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature




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Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature 6-3 [update 20240830]

small birds, mostly active birds

1. Chestnut-crested Yuhina, 栗冠凤鹛, 栗冠鳳鶥, Yuhina everetti, ボルネオクリミミチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJAMBUL BORNEO

2.  Mountain Black-eye, 绿绣眼鸟, 綠黑繡眼, Chlorocharis emiliae, メグロメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA GUNUNG BORNEO

3. Hume’s White-eye, 休氏绣眼鸟, 休氏繡眼鳥, Zosterops auriventer, KELICAP-KACAMATA RIMBA MELAYU

4. Pygmy White-eye, 侏绣眼鸟, 侏繡眼, Oculocincta squamifrons, コビトメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA BURIK KERDIL

5. Black-capped White-eye, 黑冠绣眼鸟, 黑頂繡眼, Zosterops atricapilla, ズグロメジロ, Kacamata Topi-hitam



51. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam


101. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ




51. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam

52. Yellow-spectacled White-eye, 黄眶绣眼鸟, 黄眶绣眼鸟, Heleia wallacei, ウォーレスメジロ, Kacamata Wallacea


1. Chestnut-crested Yuhina, 栗冠凤鹛, 栗冠鳳鶥, Yuhina everetti, ボルネオクリミミチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJAMBUL BORNEO

– common endemic

update 202306

– a active bird came to ground to feed on moths

– 非常活跃的鸟,到地上来吃飞蛾。

202306, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


Chestnut-crested Yuhina, 栗冠鳳鶥, Yuhina everetti, ボルネオクリミミチメドリ, KEKICAU-BERJAMBUL BORNEO



Mountain Black-eye, 绿绣眼鸟, 綠黑繡眼, Chlorocharis emiliae, メグロメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA GUNUNG BORNEO

– another Borneo montane endemic – bigger than other white-eyes

– with a black eye mask


update 202408

– a heavy rain morning, make us lost direction just birding with umbrella and raincoat. Lucky to have this bird so close at eye-level. beautiful Borneo endemic

– 一个下雨的早上,没办法带上雨伞一样的找鸟。还好这漂亮的特有种站的这么近。

202408, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202306

– surprise for last trip, it was so tough to meet one of this common bird, even we had many sights again last day of the long tour. But this bird gave us very good view and picture opportunity

– Borneo montane Endemic

– 婆罗洲高山特有种,蛮普通。

– 最后一团,这鸟尽然让我们走了好几公里。比什么“Whitehead” 都难。还好见到时,让我们看的很好也拍下照片。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202101

– a casual trip with Mohit

– Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia 201907


3. Hume’s White-eye, 休氏绣眼鸟, 休氏繡眼鳥, Zosterops auriventer, KELICAP-KACAMATA RIMBA MELAYU

– previously belong to Everett’s White-eye.

– almost cannot differentiate with another similar white-eye Swinhoe’s (Oriental). but easier distinct from the environment. Where Hume’s normally found near forest instead of mangrove.

– 之前叫埃氏绣眼鸟。被分出来。

– 几乎与中华绣眼鸟一样。环境不一样。休氏绣眼鸟在森林,中华绣眼鸟在红树林。

update 202105

201505, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



4. Pygmy White-eye, 侏绣眼鸟, 侏繡眼, Oculocincta squamifrons, コビトメジロ, KELICAP-KACAMATA BURIK KERDIL

– very tiny active bird, note gray-brown upperparts, yellow-washed underparts, pale gray face, pale eyes, and white-speckled “scaly” forehead.

– 非常活跃与小的婆罗洲特有种。全是几乎白灰,身下带黄。

update 202406

– a tiny, quite plain overall Borneo endemic. normally moving in flock

– 很小,不怎么出色的婆罗洲特有种。通常群体活动

202406, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia




update 202309

– another close encounter of this small tiny bird. and saw it eating some cherry …

– 又一次很近的拍到这小小鸟。还会吃小果子。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– a not so “pygmy” pygmy White-eye, it came to me so close .. 5 feet ~~~ can’t even focus when start ..a real cute tiny Borneo endemic

– 不很小的“侏”,这小小鸟竟然。跑到我这大概5尺,连对焦也对不上。非常可爱的婆罗洲特有种。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– A tiny, little bit boring endemic. As usual, soon we arrive. Bird come close and few of them. This time we tried noon time seem same active.

– 小,还要有点闷的特有种。如常到了鸟很快到来,这次没等到下午。这次中午时分也很活跃。



202208, Sabah, Malaysia


5. Black-capped White-eye, 黑冠绣眼鸟, 黑頂繡眼, Zosterops atricapilla, ズグロメジロ, Kacamata Topi-hitam

– common Borneo montane white eye with obvious black forehead and lores

update 202408

– a raining morning, everyone got wet, but it still do not stop everyone continue look for their target .. this bird came close and give us very good view

– 下了一整天雨,也停不了大家看鸟的心情。(可是我很冷啊)。这鸟虽然普通,很少站这么近+平视角。

202408, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



51. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam

– Sulawesi Endemic.

– white eye-ring, a black forehead. White chest-bellied

– 苏拉威西特有种。

– 白眼圈,前头部黑。白胸-腹

update 202105

201909, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


52. Yellow-spectacled White-eye, 黄眶绣眼鸟, 黄眶绣眼鸟, Heleia wallacei, ウォーレスメジロ, Kacamata Wallacea

– very special white-eye and active bird

– 蛮特别绣眼鸟,非常活跃

update 202403

– one of the small and active bird that spend ours 1-2 hour for this bird

– 非常活跃的鸟,我们都用了好几个小时拍下记录。

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia



101. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ

a montane common endemic, normally moving in flock feeding together make a lot sound


update 20240105

– so many good pictures opportunity, December in Taiwan but I am there not just for Photography … lets plan 2024 ? 2025 ? Autumn color with birds .. 😀

– this endemic normally moving in group and active making soft call

– 这特有种通常群体活动,蛮普通。叫的很小声。

– 台湾12月很多红叶,应该可以拍些好照片。。2024,2025再去?

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

update 20231218

– the only species that I saw 2 day in the row at DaXueShan, lovely and moving fast as other Yuhina.

– the RF200800 does not failed me to fast lock focus and track the bird even I missed quite a lot due to low light (low shutter speed while moving the lens direction fast) but as long as the bird stand still for a second or more most of the continuous series I had more than 70% keeper.

– 算是大雪山普鸟。2天在这都看到蛮多次,与其他凤鹛一样。动人姿势,动作快。

– 佳能 RF200800 与其他RF镜头一样,只要你捉到窍门。动作快,慢都很容易对焦上+追焦。这鸟之遥站上1秒左右,我的连环排(15fps).都有70-80%照片是对焦到眼部的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan




More pictures from Flickr: Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature

Oriental White-eye

More videos: Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature

– a montane Borneo Endemic

Video Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 – 视频 | liewwk Nature 46 [20240212]



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Birds of Philippines | 菲律宾观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature

a bird

1. Brown-breasted Kingfisher, 棕胸翡翠, Halcyon gularis, チャムネショウビン

2. Whiskered pitta , 呂宋八色鶇 – Erythropitta kochi, ルソンヤイロチョウ


1. Brown-breasted Kingfisher, 棕胸翡翠, Halcyon gularis, チャムネショウビン

– overall same as White-throated Kingfisher found at Peninsular Malaysia

– but the front part total brown without any white

– 与白胸翡翠一样。没了白胸。

Brown-breasted Kingfisher, 棕胸翡翠,Halcyon gularis, チャムネショウビン



2. Whiskered pitta , 呂宋八色鶇 – Erythropitta kochi, ルソンヤイロチョウ

– special, rare sub-montane Luzon endemic

– big size and another red-bellied look-alike pitta

– 吕宋岛, 菲律宾特有种

– 蛮大的八色鸫。非常稀有。

Whiskered pitta , 呂宋八色鶇, Erythropitta kochi, 吕宋八色鸫,ルソンヤイロチョウ


3. Blue-breasted Pitta, 红胸八色鸫, 紅腹八色鳥, Erythropitta erythrogaster, アカハラヤイロチョウ

– another Red-Bellied Pitta split. Different from the head Brown
– also known as Philippines Pitta

– 红胸八色鸫分出来的其中一种。
– 这明显头部,棕色。

201405, Luzon, Philippines



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Anhingidae series: Darter | 蛇鹈科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240326]

The Oriental darter or Indian darter (Anhinga melanogaster) is a water bird of tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has a long and slender neck with a straight, pointed bill and, like the cormorant, it hunts for fish while its body is submerged in water. It spears a fish underwater, bringing it above the surface, tossing and juggling it before swallowing the fish head first. The body remains submerged as it swims, and the slender neck alone is visible above the water, which accounts for the colloquial name of snakebird. Like the cormorants, it has wettable feathers and it is often found perched on a rock or branch with its wings held open to dry.

1. Oriental Darter, 黑腹蛇鹈, 黑腹蛇鵜, Anhinga melanogaster, アジアヘビウ, KOSA-ULAR ASIA


1. Oriental Darter, 黑腹蛇鹈, 黑腹蛇鵜, Anhinga melanogaster, アジアヘビウ, KOSA-ULAR ASIA


update 202403

– very common bird Kinabatangan River, come at the right place can get close to the bird as close as 10 feet … they are not shy at all

– 在京河很普通的鸟。在对的点,几乎不怕人。

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



– found near pond, river long neck

Oriental Darter, 黑腹蛇鵜, Anhinga melanogaster, アジアヘビウ, Burung Kosa

More pictures from Flickr : Anhingidae series : Darter | 蛇鹈科 | liewwk Nature

Oriental Darter, 黑腹蛇鵜

More Youtube video : Anhingidae series : Darter | 蛇鹈科 | liewwk Nature


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Mountain Peacock-Pheasant making territory call …

just a sharing Peninsula Malaysia endemic make territory call

previous posts

Let’s Dance | Mountain Peacock-Pheasant | liewwk

Peninsular Malaysia Endemic Birds | 马来西亚半岛 特有种鸟

Phasianidae series : Pheasant | 雉科 | liewwk Nature

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

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我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk






Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature 2 [update 20240315]

Only 2 Philentoma species for both Peninsular Malaysia & Borneo ..

1. Maroon-breasted Philentoma, 栗胸王鵙, Philentoma velata, クリムネアカメヒタキ, REMBAH-BATU DADA UNGU

2. Rufous-winged Philentoma, 棕翅王鵙, 棕翅王鵙, Philentoma pyrhoptera, チャバネアカメヒタキ, REMBAH-BATU KECIL


1. Maroon-breasted Philentoma, 栗胸王鵙, Philentoma velata, クリムネアカメヒタキ, REMBAH-BATU DADA UNGU

– overall dark blue with purple

– very beautiful bird …with maroon breasted

update 202403

– another bird quite common at Danum Valley and not else where, and this time meet this bird at Canopy bridge and it show weird reaction shaking its head ..

– 另一只在丹绒谷蛮普通的鸟(在其他地方蛮难找的)。这次还在高桥处看到他的特别摇头动作。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Jul

after lock down, finally my very first Bird photography outing for target .. even missed my targets .. but still have some lovely birds recorded

update 202010

– female without the maroon breast

201307, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia


Maroon-breasted Philentoma, 栗胸王鵙, Philentoma velata, クリムネアカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Ungu




2. Rufous-winged Philentoma, 棕翅王鵙, 棕翅王鵙, Philentoma pyrhoptera, チャバネアカメヒタキ, REMBAH-BATU KECIL

– common lowland forest bird

– male with blue head and female with gray

update 202402

– a bird that often heard but not seen here, but it just pop us after ours walk out from the trail.

– 这鸟在这都是听多看少。可是,这一次。自己跳出来让我们看看拍拍。

– 好美的鸟。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah


update 202308

– a rare blue morph just appear at this common spot of this Philentoma. But it only appear early of morning which light is low

– 这鸟很特别特别的“蓝种”。竟然在这个点出现(其实这里找到这鸟已10年左右)

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Rufous-winged Philentoma, 棕翅王鵙 (male)


Rufous-winged Philentoma, 棕翅王鵙 (female)

More pictures from Flickr : Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature

Maroon-breasted Philentoma, 栗胸王鵙

More Youtube video : Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature


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Lorisidae | 懒猴科 | liewwk Nature – 2[update 20231023]

very cute creatures .. move real slow ..

1. Sunda slow loris, 間蜂猴, Nycticebus coucang

2. Philippine Slow Loris, 菲律宾蜂猴, Nycticebus menagensis





1. Sunda slow loris, 間蜂猴, Nycticebus coucang

very cute and move slow

– both below got from Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia & Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia



2. Philippine Slow Loris, 菲律宾蜂猴, Nycticebus menagensis

– another Slow Loris found at Borneo, pretty common at lowland forest

– 婆罗洲蛮普通的蜂猴

202307, Sukau, Sabah, Malaysia


Psittaculidae series: Parrot | 鹦鹉科 | liewwk Nature 6-6 [update 20241006]

Another new family sharing …lets me share the colorful bird

1. Blue-naped Parrot, 蓝颈鹦鹉, 藍頸鸚鵡, Tanygnathus lucionensis, コオオハナインコモドキ, NURI-KELAPA TENGKUK BIRU

2. Long-tailed Parakeet, 长尾鹦鹉, 長尾鸚鵡, Psittacula longicauda, オナガダルマインコ, BAYAN MELAYU

3. Red-breasted Parakeet, 绯胸鹦鹉, 緋胸鸚鵡, Psittacula alexandri, ダルマインコ, Bayan Dada Merah

4. Blue-rumped Parrot, 蓝腰鹦鹉, 藍腰鸚鵡, Psittinus cyanurus, ルリゴシインコ, NURI PULING

5. Rose-ringed Parakeet, 红领绿鹦鹉, 紅領綠鸚鵡, Psittacula krameri, ホンセイインコ, BAYAN GELANG BIASA

6. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU



51. Golden-mantled Racquet-tail金衣盘尾鹦鹉金衣盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus platurus, ウチワインコ

52. Azure-rumped Parrot, 蓝背鹦鹉蘇門答臘藍背鸚鵡, Tanygnathus sumatranus, ササハインコ, Betet-kelapa punggung-biru

53. Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot, 苏拉短尾鹦鹉蘇拉威西短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus stigmatus, セレベスサトウチョウ, Serindit Sulawes

54. Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, 红斑扇尾鹦鹉, 黃腹盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus flavicans, ズアカウチワインコ



101. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

102. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ


1. Blue-naped Parrot,蓝颈鹦鹉, 藍頸鸚鵡,Tanygnathus lucionensis, コオオハナインコモドキ, NURI-KELAPA TENGKUK BIRU

– introduce species for Borneo, but very easy and lovely bird


2. Long-tailed Parakeet, 长尾鹦鹉, 長尾鸚鵡, Psittacula longicauda, オナガダルマインコ, BAYAN MELAYU

– common lowland forest, urban garden, etc

update 202410

– a lovely colorful bird with noisy call ..

– a bird that can easily seen and found near few location at Malaysia. Hope no more people keep this as pet. Think this is a escape bird

– 非常吵闹的鸟,蛮漂亮的。

– 在马来西亚好几个地方都蛮容易见到。都应该是放生的吧。

202408, Tg Aru, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202101

- lucky moment this parakeet comes low to feed with starfruit when we having our breakfast 

- 非常幸運看到這鸚鵡下來這麼低吃楊桃。


3. Red-breasted Parakeet, 绯胸鹦鹉, 緋胸鸚鵡, Psittacula alexandri, ダルマインコ, Bayan Dada Merah

– introduced/escape species but who will not have a better look at this lovely and beautiful bird?


update 202101

202012, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia


4. Blue-rumped Parrot, 蓝腰鹦鹉, 藍腰鸚鵡, Psittinus cyanurus, ルリゴシインコ, NURI PULING

– It is a small parrot (18 cm) and is primarily green with bright red underwing coverts, a reddish shoulder patch, and yellowish margins on the wing coverts. It is sexually dimorphic. The female has a grey-brown head. The male has a black mantle, red upper mandible, and blue head and rump.

– a rare small parrot, male with blue-grey-green wing

– 小型鹦鹉,身体主要是绿色,翼下隐蔽处有亮红色的羽毛,肩部略带红色,翼覆羽边缘带有黄色。两性异形鸟,雌鸟头部灰褐色;雄鸟上背黑色,上喙红色,具蓝色的头和腰部。

update 202206

– a beautiful bird under complex environment, but the current new camera technology will still find the bird-eye and get the bird focus.

– 多么漂亮的鸟。在这么复杂的环境,新的相机鸟眼对焦功能。很快的把鸟眼对焦。

202203, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

update 202203

– a beautiful parrot male with blue-gray head and orange bill. Whereas female with brown-headed with a dark bill

– 小型鹦鹉,身体主要是绿色,翼下隐蔽处有亮红色的羽毛,肩部略带红色,翼覆羽边缘带有黄色。两性异形鸟,雌鸟头部灰褐色;雄鸟上背黑色,上喙红色,具蓝色的头和腰部。

202203, Negeri Sembilan

update 202105


5. Rose-ringed Parakeet, 红领绿鹦鹉, 紅領綠鸚鵡, Psittacula krameri, ホンセイインコ, BAYAN GELANG BIASA

– feral for Peninsular Malaysia.

– Vibrantly bright green parakeet, frequently found in woodland, parks, gardens, where feeds mainly in trees. Nests in cavities, including holes in buildings. Easily overlooked if quiet, as the bright green plumage blends easily with foliage. Note the very long slender tail, bright red bill; male has narrow black-and-rose neck ring. Closely resembles larger Alexandrine Parakeet, which has a wine-red patch on each shoulder. (ebird)

– 野化

– 是长尾的绿色鹦鹉。嘴红色;尾蓝色,端黄;雄鸟头绿,枕偏蓝,上体深草绿色,下体与上体同色但较浅。颈基部有一条环绕颈后和两侧的粉红色宽带;从颈前向颈侧环绕有半环形黑领带。雌鸟整个头均为绿色。

update 202105

Selangor, Malaysia


6. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

– very small parrot, male with a red neck, blue crown. Female overall green


update 202404

– the flower withered but the bird still coming … good view of this cute bird

– 花都开始谢了,可是话还是来。真的很美。

202404, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

– as usual this tree still attract few birds, but today too bad just this hanging parrot available. This bird is so small and cute

– 这树几乎吸引蛮多鸟,可是今天就这一只小家伙。可是他很可爱+小。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202310

– it is always good to see this bird perch and most of the time we always tell guests .. see it is Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot flying … haha such a tiny bird flying …

– 几乎大部分时间都会见到这鸟飞过,然后会让客人知道。他飞过了,你没看到? 哈哈。这么小,大部分都是听到然后看到小不点飞过。

202305, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202105


51. Golden-mantled Racquet-tail金衣盘尾鹦鹉金衣盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus platurus, ウチワインコ

– one of the very special Sulawesi endemic
– this parrot with racket-tailed
– this is a female bird


update 202102


52. Azure-rumped Parrot, 蓝背鹦鹉蘇門答臘藍背鸚鵡, Tanygnathus sumatranus, ササハインコ, Betet-kelapa punggung-biru

– another quite common and beautiful parrot of Sulawesi
– medium size which normally found near the orchard

– 蘇拉威西蠻普通的鸚鵡

update 202102


53. Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot, 苏拉短尾鹦鹉蘇拉威西短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus stigmatus, セレベスサトウチョウ, Serindit Sulawes

– a small hanging parrot

– another Sulawesi endemic

– 非常小的蘇拉威西特有種。

update 202102

– female



54. Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, 红斑扇尾鹦鹉, 黃腹盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus flavicans, ズアカウチワインコ

A large green parrot with a thin pair of tail rackets, confined to North Sulawesi and satellite islands. Entirely green, except for distinct yellow wash on breast and collar. Males show a small red crown patch. Juveniles lack rackets. Found in pairs and groups in canopy of forests and edges in lowlands and foothills. Prominent yellow breast and large size of this species distinguish it from Golden-mantled Racquet-tail. If rackets are not seen, note the silvery-gray bill, unlike Blue-naped Parrot. Noisy, giving varied vocalizations. Song is a high-pitched “kut-ut-ut-kler-kler.” Also gives screeches, squeaking, piping, and ear-splitting “kraa” notes. [Ebird]


update 202311

– Racquet-tail always attract us, even just the common Greater Racquet-tail at Malaysia. This colorful parrot with Racquet-tail, just another bird that I want to photograph i close range. finally it perch so just infront of us.

– 盘尾鸟通常我们都觉得特别。这一只鹦鹉有带盘尾。当然特别点,可是总是站远远。这一只就还好,站的近。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



101. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

– as other Hanging-Parrot small, always canopy. Sri Lanka endemic make no different

– 与其他短尾鹦鹉一样,小小+站高高

update 20240102

– while ours’ trip to Sri Lanka, so much rain while we planning to go out for more birds on day 2 but rain just too heavy for us. But it is glad that Sri Lanka is a place almost any where possible to birding. (ecxcept the forest reserve, bird really scared around) Included the garden of hotel, we got few good birds just at lobby of the hotel even raining

– very cute, beautiful endemic

– 斯里兰卡可爱,小的特有种。

– 我们在斯里兰卡时,雨量蛮多。可是蛮好是这列几乎是没地方都有鸟(除了国家公园反而鸟非常少)。 第二天,在下午我们打算出去观鸟是。雨下很大,可是还好在公园还是蛮多鸟让我们看看。这鸟就在公园看到,拍到。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka

102. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

– as usual very colorful bird than move in pair, not very common only saw 2 times over 10 days

– 鹦鹉就是多色彩,不很普通。10天中就见了2次。

update 202401

– a raining evening, we been force to birding at Hotel garden and not a bad one we have this lovely endemic come to feed on palm seed

– 一个下雨的下午,没办法出去就在酒店前观鸟。还很不错这一只特有种。竟然飞过来吃果子。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



update 202304

– always seeing this flying for the pass and finally before got “tick attack” (suspect we got the 200-400 tick bites here)we got this bird sitting good for good view to all and some picture opportunity.

– 每次都见他飞,终于在被”tick” 钉了200-400包后。(蜱螫伤)终于看得到这鸟停了一会让大家看到清清楚楚,还让我拍下几张照片。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Malaysia

More pictures from Flickr: Psittaculidae series: Parrot | 鹦鹉科 | liewwk Nature

Blue-naped Parrot,藍頸鸚鵡

More Videos: Psittaculidae series: Parrot | 鹦鹉科 | liewwk Nature




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Tarsier | 跗猴 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240908]

one of the cutest creatures …. big eye , move slow …


1. Western Tarsier, 邦加跗猴, Cephalopachus bancanus

found from Borneo  lowland forest

update 202409

– another good found while ours’ night drive, this cute fellow make ours day after searching for the Frogmouth without success.

– 我们夜观,其中一只最可爱的。我们找蛙嘴找了很久,也找不到。竟然找到这一只小可爱。

202409, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia





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Primates series | 灵长类 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20230923]

New mammals collection which will combine Peninsular Malaysia & Borneo

1. Red Leaf monkey, 栗紅葉猴, 栗红叶猴, Presbytis rubicunda

2. Siamang, 合趾猿, Symphalangus syndactylus, フクロテナガザル

3. Bornean Orangutan, 婆罗洲猩猩, 婆羅洲猩猩, Pongo pygmaeus

4. Western Tarsia, 跗猴, Cephalopachus bancanus

5. Sunda Slow Loris, 巽他间蜂猴, 巽他懶猴, Nycticebus coucang

6. Proboscis monkeys, 长鼻猴, 长鼻猴, Nasalis larvatus

7. Long-tailed Macaque, 长尾猕猴, 长尾猕猴, Macaca fascicularis

8. Southern pig-tailed macaque, 豚尾猴, 豚尾猕猴, Macaca nemestrina

9. Dusky leaf monkey, 郁乌叶猴, 鬱烏葉猴, Trachypithecus obscurus

10. White-thighed surili, 白腿叶猴, 白腿葉猴, Presbytis siamensis

11. White-handed Gibbon, 白掌长臂猿, 白掌長臂猿, Hylobates lar

12. Silvery lutung, 银色乌叶猴, 銀色烏葉猴, Trachypithecus cristatus

13. BORNEAN GIBBON, 婆罗洲长臂猿, 婆羅洲長臂猿, Hylobates funereus


1. Red Leaf monkey, 栗紅葉猴, 栗红叶猴, Presbytis rubicunda

– also call maroon langur, maroon leaf monkey, Borneo endemic.. lucky to have rare white morph

update 202309

– after 11 years of first visit with you, and after you left… my first time here again … not really a good visit every step I move remind us .. same accommodation, lake, jungle trail … river …

– 11年前我与他初次到这,你离开后第一次到回这。到这我的心这的很不好受,每一步都想起我们当时在这。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia








2. Siamang, 合趾猿, Symphalangus syndactylus, フクロテナガザル

– a noisy big and mainly black, normally moving in a group

– common at Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill, even lowland forest

– overall black and when calling the throat to grow (gray)

– a quite common primate, always hear their loud call in the morning

update 202101

Siamang, 合趾猿, Symphalangus syndactylus
3. Bornean Orangutan, 婆罗洲猩猩, 婆羅洲猩猩, Pongo pygmaeus

update 202205

– one of the main target for this trip, not really have good view of any adult but this give good open view for us

– 这次婆罗洲行主要目标,只有这只给我们看,其他都很害羞。

update 202207

– a disadvantage having long prime lens, when this big size mammal come close, but still lucky to have the cute face expression.

– 这家伙来的太近。只有长定焦只有拍一些不一样的。还好,他满脸都是可爱的表情。

202206, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia


202205, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia
update 2021

Lucky moment to see this young orangutan close and eating "rambutan" (a local fruit). 幸運的這麼近的見到小婆羅洲猩猩吃野生紅毛丹。


Orangutans, 人猿

update 202101

an adult wild Orang Utan come close to Lobby at BRL Danum Valley 


4. Western Tarsia, 跗猴, Cephalopachus bancanus

– a big eye, bear-like and with long-tailed

– very cute

– 大眼睛,有点像熊,长尾巴

update 202106

2016 Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


5. Sunda Slow Loris, 巽他间蜂猴, 巽他懶猴, Nycticebus coucang

– bear-like, move really slow and active at the night

– 有点像熊,动作很慢。



6. Proboscis monkeys, 长鼻猴, 长鼻猴, Nasalis larvatus

– a special Borneo endemic

– tame, mostly light brown. Male with a big nose

– 婆罗洲特有种。

– 通常很乖,容易接近。

– 雄带有大鼻子。


7. Long-tailed Macaque, 长尾猕猴, 长尾猕猴, Macaca fascicularis

– very common “monkey” at Malaysia and Borneo











– 马来西亚与婆罗洲很普通的猴



8. Southern pig-tailed macaque, 豚尾猴, 豚尾猕猴, Macaca nemestrina

– another common “monkey” Malaysia and Borneo. bigger than Long-tailed, normally small group and aggressive. Short or “pig” tail

– 很普通的猴。短尾(猪尾),较少群活动。


9. Dusky leaf monkey, 郁乌叶猴, 鬱烏葉猴

– a black-gray leaf monkey which normally found hill area
– a white eye-ring make it distinct

– 体重5-9千克,头体长42-61厘米。尾长50-85厘米,眼睛又圆又大,眼周有一圈白色,就像是戴了一副白框眼镜,亦称“眼镜叶猴”。体色灰黑色,腹部稍浅,尾部深灰色,比体色稍浅,尾巴的根部是白色的,冠毛棕色直立,脸部灰色。唇周和眼周内侧有明显的白色斑。

10. White-thighed surili, 白腿叶猴, 白腿葉猴, Presbytis siamensis

– a not so common hill, overall black-gray and white chest, side face
– 不很普通的猴,通常在山边。全黑灰白。胸-肚白。脸黑,脸边白。


11. White-handed Gibbon, 白掌长臂猿, 白掌長臂猿, Hylobates lar
– a rare, sight this small group at Panti, Johor
– face with white outer and “white-hand”

– 体长为50-76厘米,体重4.2-6.8千克。手、足白色或淡白色,故称白掌长臂猿。背毛长11-15厘米。两性均有暗、淡两种色型。不同亚种之间色泽有所变化。此外自眉的边缘经面颊到下颌有一圈白毛形成的圆环,把脸部勾勒得十分醒目。

201803, Panti, Johor, Malaysia

12. Silvery lutung, 银色乌叶猴, 銀色烏葉猴, Trachypithecus cristatus

– overall black with silver on edge
– normally found near mangrove, river side

– 黑银,通常在红树林。

update 202309

– a special target tour, heavy rain before we go out for river cruise. When rain stop, we went out and got many good sight and finally got the Wrinkled Hornbill. When we trying for other, saw this weird looking Silvery Lutung.

– 特别目标鸟团,来到京河时。下了大雨,等了一会看到红毛猩猩后。就出去了。没很久也看到第一只目标-皱盔犀鸟。然后,尽然遇见这一只“很特别的叶猴

202309, Sabah, Malaysia
202309, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202208

– special date Aug 25-26. My special one always .. she

– 特别的日子,我的宝贝永远都是我的宝贝。

202208, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


201803, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia.


13. BORNEAN GIBBON, 婆罗洲长臂猿, 婆羅洲長臂猿, Hylobates funereus

– a not so common seen Primate. Normally will heard in most of the lowland forest in Sabah.

– 通常都在沙巴低海拔的森林听到它的叫声。非常不容易见到。

update 202309

– a special trip to Tawau for specific Photography target, but the bird does not show up last evening, so morning we decided to have casual birding and for me this guy show up is better than any other. it move fast but I manage to got few shots of the beautiful primate.

– 专到斗湖为了拍一只鸟,可是没出现。我们觉得走走后才再寻找目标。可是一大早,这家伙在我们腹肌叫的很大声。也跳来跳去很快。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia



202207, Kinabatangan river, Sabah, Malaysia


More pictures from Flickr: Primates series | 灵长目 | liewwk Nature

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