Bornean Wren-Babbler , 加里曼丹地鹛

just got back from 2017 June Borneo tour ,

this time , we visit both favorite birding spots Danum Valley and Sukau .. even didn’t get any lifer but got few improve picture capture .. one of them

Bornean Wren-Babbler

as usual , this Monotypic species endemic to Borneo move fast .. this time more challenge due to the ground full with mud and leeches so make movement to chase more difficult .. I always enjoy to see and photograph Babblers and Wren-babblers here is some of my favorite Wren-babbler collection


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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


endemicguides Birds Report – Borneo 1-6 June 2017

with Australia guests , this report only cover up to Kinabatangan river .

for day 1 arrive Danum Valley , arrived Borneo Rainforest Lodge late evening. so we do not have much activity for today .

we join the night drive, managed to see Colugo , flying squirrel and Sambar deer .

Sambar deer
Sambar Deer

Day 2 , we start our morning walk nearby lodge area .. Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker is the first endemic tick … very soon with Dusky Munia follow by both White-crowned Forktail & Chestnut-naped Forktail. Very soon , 4 Bornean Bristlehead spotted far but good and long view with scope so a big relief after got this special endemic

Bornean Bristlehead
Bornean Bristlehead

than nearby a Black-headed Pitta calling and very soon everyone got good view of the pitta too .. first Pitta of the tour 😀

Black-Headed Pitta
Black-Headed Pitta


a tough walk in the trail with leeches keep track us non stop .. we do heard Blue Banded Pitta, Rail-Babbler etc but too bad bird is slow compare to the leeches. Very soon, we decided to move out from the trail without got any view of those birds . 2 Trogons show us good view : Diard’s Trogon & Scarlet-rumped Trogon

Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Scarlet-rumped Trogon

with the afternoon visit fruiting tree, we had fruitful bulbuls … which include black and white bulbul .

while walking for other birds without going into the trail (scare of leeches) , but lucky we managed got another rare endemic .. Bornean Chestnut-necklaced Partridge

Bornean Chestnut-necklaced Partridge
Bornean Chestnut-necklaced Partridge


at night when we plan for night activity, too bad it start rain ~6pm until 11pm …

1 Chestnut-necklaced Partridge
3 Green Imperial-Pigeon
2 Raffles’s Malkoha
1 Whiskered Treeswift
1 Diard’s Trogon
3 Scarlet-rumped Trogon
1 Helmeted Hornbill — Heard from far
2 Rhinoceros Hornbill
5 Bushy-crested Hornbill
1 Blue-throated Bee-eater
1 Rufous Piculet
1 Gray-capped Woodpecker
1 Green Broadbill — Heard only
2 Banded Broadbill
2 Black-and-yellow Broadbill
2 Black-crowned Pitta
1 Blue-banded Pitta — Heard from far and not come close
2 Giant Pitta — Heard 2 birds loud at 2 location
3 Bornean Bristlehead
2 Spotted Fantail
1 Slender-billed Crow
1 Malaysian Rail-babbler — Heard only but not come close
1 Puff-backed Bulbul
2 Black-and-white Bulbul
2 Gray-bellied Bulbul
1 Cream-vented Bulbul
2 Red-eyed Bulbul
1 Spectacled Bulbul
4 Hairy-backed Bulbul
2 Gray-cheeked Bulbul
3 Yellow-bellied Bulbul
1 Buff-vented Bulbul
1 Streaked Bulbul
1 Chestnut-rumped Babbler
1 Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler
1 Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler
1 Sooty-capped Babbler
2 Bornean Blue-Flycatcher
2 Verditer Flycatcher
1 White-crowned Forktail
2 Chestnut-naped Forktail
1 Rufous-chested Flycatcher
2 Greater Green Leafbird
2 Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker
1 Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker
1 Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
1 Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
1 Bornean Spiderhunter
2 Dusky Munia


Day 2

We start our early birding just before light come in ,  we were lucky to saw 4 Orang Utan and a Straw-Headed Bulbul .. than our Targets look for more Pitta, wren-babblers etc ..

Again, soon we got Blue-Headed Pitta with clear view and picture ~10-20m

Blue-Headed Pitta
Blue-Headed Pitta

very soon , we also spotted Bornean Wren-Babbler and Black-throat Wren Babbler not far from the pitta

Bornean Wren-Babbler


Black Throated Wrenbabbler 8 Bird Tour Malaysia Borneo

before rain hit, we were lucky to had Bornean Banded Kingfisher . too bad the male is way too high to get reasonable good picture ..

Bornean Banded Kingfisher

…. after dinner, rain stop and we decided to look for minimum one frogmouth or owl for the tour .. within 1km walk  and less than 10 seconds wait, the Large Frogmouth stand at the usual perch again for long for us to good view and pictures

Danum Valley
Danum Valley

Danum Valley


1 Chestnut-necklaced Partridge
1 Red-naped Trogon
1 Helmeted Hornbill — Heard only
3 Banded Kingfisher
1 Blue-throated Bee-eater
2 Brown Barbet
1 Green Broadbill — Heard only
1 Black-and-yellow Broadbill
1 Dusky Broadbill
1 Black-crowned Pitta — Heard only
1 Giant Pitta — Heard at same location previous day
1 Blue-headed Pitta
2 Lesser Cuckooshrike
2 Black-naped Monarch
1 Black Magpie
1 Pacific Swallow
1 Black-and-white Bulbul
1 Straw-headed Bulbul
1 Scaly-breasted Bulbul
2 Gray-bellied Bulbul
1 Yellow-vented Bulbul
2 Red-eyed Bulbul
1 Spectacled Bulbul
2 Hairy-backed Bulbul
1 Finsch’s Bulbul
2 Gray-cheeked Bulbul
2 Buff-vented Bulbul
1 Streaked Bulbul
1 Rufous-tailed Tailorbird
1 Bold-striped Tit-Babbler
1 Rufous-fronted Babbler
1 Chestnut-rumped Babbler
1 Bornean Wren-Babbler
2 Striped Wren-Babbler
2 Black-throated Wren-Babbler
1 Rufous-crowned Babbler
1 Scaly-crowned Babbler
1 Horsfield’s Babbler
1 Sooty-capped Babbler
1 Asian Fairy-bluebird
1 Malaysian Blue-Flycatcher
1 Bornean Spiderhunter
1 Dusky Munia


Day 3

We still working hard for other pitta … but too bad we only able to see Black-Headed and Blue-Headed (flying) pitta .

but we still had good view Gold-faced Barbet, Maroon-breasted Philentoma, Thick-billed Spiderhunter and etc

Gold-faced Barbet

Maroon-breasted Philentoma


Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler

only spent 3 hours, we need pack to leave …

3 Green Imperial-Pigeon — Flying
1 Helmeted Hornbill — Heard only
5 Wreathed Hornbill — Flying
1 Gold-faced Barbet
1 Buff-necked Woodpecker
1 Green Broadbill — Heard only
1 Blue-headed Pitta — Heard and saw it fly across road
2 Maroon-breasted Philentoma
1 Dark-throated Oriole
1 Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
2 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
1 Spectacled Bulbul
2 Finsch’s Bulbul
2 Gray-cheeked Bulbul
2 Buff-vented Bulbul
1 Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler
2 Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
2 Thick-billed Spiderhunter
1 Little Spiderhunter
4 Dusky Munia

drive ~4-5 hours, we decided stop by Gomantong Cave

walk to the cave and just before the entrance we meet Orang Utan again ! inside the cave see all the target swiftlets

1 Crested Serpent-Eagle
X Glossy Swiftlet
X Mossy-nest Swiftlet
X Black-nest Swiftlet
X White-nest Swiftlet
2 Rufous Piculet
2 Rufous-tailed Tailorbird

another ~2 hour drive , we reach Sukau… immediate we go birding to get more target

with limited time on boat ~ 1.5hours , we managed to have 5x hornbills , Storm’s Stork etc

Storm's Stork

wrinkled hornbill

before we drive back, beside proboscis monkey we also meet another Orang Utan

proboscis monkey

Orang Utan

1 Storm’s Stork
1 Lesser Adjutant
1 Oriental Darter
2 Purple Heron
1 Crested Goshawk
2 Brahminy Kite
1 White-bellied Sea-Eagle
5 Green Imperial-Pigeon
4 White-crowned Hornbill
2 Rhinoceros Hornbill
2 Black Hornbill
X Oriental Pied-Hornbill
2 Wrinkled Hornbill
1 Stork-billed Kingfisher
1 bee-eater sp.
1 Dollarbird
1 Black-and-red Broadbill


Day 4

start early trip and hope for many species but rain came so we had to spend time in canteen instead .

without any big surprise , at night we try to get Brown Wood owl and Large Frogmouth again as both calling near our hotel

Oriental darter

Brown-wood Owl

1 Storm’s Stork
1 Lesser Adjutant
1 Purple Heron
2 Little Egret
2 Crested Serpent-Eagle
2 Bat Hawk
1 Changeable Hawk-Eagle
1 Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle
1 Lesser Fish-Eagle
2 Little Green-Pigeon
2 Pink-necked Pigeon
2 Greater Coucal
1 Raffles’s Malkoha
1 Red-billed Malkoha
1 Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
1 Fork-tailed/Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo
1 Glossy Swiftlet
1 White-crowned Hornbill
7 Bushy-crested Hornbill
3 Black Hornbill
1 Wreathed Hornbill
1 Blue-eared Kingfisher
1 Blue-throated Bee-eater
1 Rufous Piculet
2 Rufous Woodpecker
1 Buff-rumped Woodpecker
1 Orange-backed Woodpecker
5 White-fronted Falconet
5 Long-tailed Parakeet
4 Black-and-red Broadbill
1 Hooded Pitta
4 Bornean Bristlehead
2 Common Iora
2 Malaysian Pied-Fantail
1 Black-naped Monarch
2 Ashy Tailorbird
1 White-chested Babbler
1 Oriental Magpie-Robin
3 Malaysian Blue-Flycatcher
2 Common Hill Myna
2 Ruby-cheeked Sunbird
1 Plain-throated Sunbird (Brown-throated)
2 Crimson Sunbird
1 Dusky Munia


Day 5

only morning birding without anything what we hope for 🙁

1 Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
6 Oriental Pied-Hornbill
1 Blue-eared Kingfisher
1 Stork-billed Kingfisher
2 Brown Barbet
1 Slender-billed Crow
1 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
1 White-chested Babbler
1 Plain Sunbird


I am leaving the group and it continue to RDC and KNP ..


*** most the pictures captured during the tour  ..



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


Whiskered pitta , Philippines Endemic

afters years , am back for another rare endemic for Philippines …

with few guests and friends … we managed to got the target early in the morning with super good view and pictures .



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

endemicguides Birds Report – 10-13 March 2017

We had 4 Beijing, China guests for this customize bird photography tour. On the arrival pick up, seem like each of everyone has different target … but all have common interest on raptor and owl … than immediate fine tune the location again to try to cover most the possible owls

We are lucky enough to have most the plan targets picture except a missed on Silver Breasted Broadbill .. missed the good chance while looking for another target 🙁

almost can conclude this is a owl tour where we search for owls almost every night and day time 😀 , guests really enjoy to see and photograph the owls ..


This trip, we follow KL-Kuala Selangor-Fraser Hill-Bukit Tinggi


for start , we tried to search for Buffy-Fish Owl… we got 2 in the day time but too bad they are bit shy and playing hide and seek with us

buffyfishowl fb

very soon , we also found another Owl day roosting . where we got 2 in same tree .. a Brown-Hawk Owl

brownhawkowl fb

with extra effort at night , we were lucky to have another 2 owls ; Barn Owl and Spotted Wood-Owl…

in same day make it 4

BarnOwl fb swoodOwl fb

When we almost end our day, Large-tailed Nightjar stand still for us for a good view

LargeTailed Nightjar



we spend morning inside a mangrove .  lucky to have Crested Goshawk, little late for Crested Serpent-Eagle feeding when we stop our car. We actually saw the male bring the snake to the female .

CserphatEagle 1 fb CserphatEagle fb

we also got various woodpeckers nearby mangrove e.g. Rufous Woodpecker ,Common Flameback+Greater Flameback fighting for same stand

rufous woodpecker fb woodpecekrs fb

after morning walk, we heading Fraser Hill… on the way we got various bird like Whiskered Treeswift, Red-bearded Bee-eater stand close and long for us

RB beeeater fb


immediate arrive Fraser Hill, we actually got Malaysian Hill Partridge family

Malayan Hill Partridge fb


as usual , we tried quick night walk for owl again.. very lucky we got our 5th owl : Brown Wood-Owl in less than 30minutes

brownwoodOwl fb

we end our day with laugh and smile 😀



in the Morning, we had our Red-headed Trogon displaying for us ~1 hour make guests fill up almost card for single beauty

red headed trogon fb

we also had our Fire-tufted Barbet fill up guests another card again

ftuftedbarbet fb


beside the 2 star birds, we also have pygmy Wren-Babbler, lesser short wing, long-tailed sibia , SIlver ear mesia etc .. but we still missing our SIlver Breasted Broadbill.

at Night , we managed to see another Brown-Wood Owl and also a gray nightjar

GrayNightjar fb



we rushing from Fraser Hill to Bukit Tinggi. we able to had Mountain Peacock-Pheasant displaying and Ferruginous Partridge in pair …

FerPartride fb MPP fb


Banded Kingfishers (both male and female), Rufous-Collard Kingfisher,Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle etc seem show customer good view

BlythsHawkEagle fb rCollardKF fb


most the pictures captured using handhled .. and am too busy sharing all .. and birding season here seem getting active .. let’s birding



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography



endemicguides Birds Report – 19 Feb – 6 March 2017

We start 2017 with previous 2 short bird watching tours which with very limited target  . follow by this 14 days tour from Kuala Lumpur-Kuala Selangor-Fraser Hill-Bukit Tinggi-KRAU forest-Taman Negara. Quite a lot of miss due to raining almost every evening especially Bukit Tinggi-KRAU-Taman Negara (think mostly we lost 3-5 days due to rain L)


with 2 Switzerland guests , we have very good start from Kuala Lumpur, got few very special target hit and we got first pitta (hooded pitta) and Frogmouth for guests. A lucky day where rain stop ~830pm and we reach there 845pm and got the buffy fish owl, Blyth’s frogmouth and another very special target (guests just saw it flying hmmmm and they mark it count as this is so special owl) .. 54 species for day 1

Hooded Pitta


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Day 1 : 54 species


Next morning, we heading to Pulau Indah for another target, struggle a bit but we still finally got the Mangrove Pitta after 3-4 hours tried for few locations.

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Following to Kuala Selangor, spend evening walking nearby mangrove … got most the targets hit again and customer favor is Common Flameback woodpecker … how I wish everyday got such easy target 😀  . it was heavy rain after dinner, but we still try our luck and YES. Got the Spotted wood owl just before another heavy rain hit …

A83X4039 fb

Day 2 : 46 species


Morning, we heading to Natural Park. A long walk , got most the target again but missed out Copper-Throat Sunbird L … after lunch slowly travel to Fraser Hill, on the way… what a lucky under a fruiting tree easily hit few target : Yellow-Crowned Barbet, Gold Whiskered Barbet … follow Chestnut-naped Forktail , Dark-Sided Flycatcher , Temminck’s Sunbird, Scaly-Breasted Bulbul etc …. Ohh forgot Rufous-Bellied Swallow and family of Silver-Breasted Broadbill make our day .

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Day 3 : 50 species


For Day 4, very good weather at Fraser Hill … but we missed the Malayan Whistling-Thrush Hill Partridge in the morning !!! But with the half day, we got back some star Birds : Collared Owlet, Malaysian Nightjar, Fire-tufted Barbet, Rufescent Prinia, and very good view of Marbled Wren-Babbler … at night we also got Sunda Slow-Loris .

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Pellorneidae series : Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科 : 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature


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Day 4 : 34 Species


Day 5, misty+raining ohhhhh … and we got brief view of Malayan Whistling-Thrush in the morning. Than follow by very good view of Large Scimitar Babbler, Bay Woodpecker, Black-Browed Barbet, Black-and-Crimson Oriole, Black Laughingthrush, Malayan Laughingthrush, Brown Wood-Owl and what surprise Barred Eagle-Owl show off here too …

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STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature

Picidae series: Woodpecker | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature


Day 5 : 34 Species


Day 6, again !!! MISTY+RAINING … but luck is on our site, with limited hours … We managed to got some main target like Yellow-vented Pigeon, Silver-rumped Needletail, Bamboo Woodpecker, Long-Tailed Broadbill + Blue Nuthatch (under the heavy rain !)  … and very lucky to have pair of Collard Babbler stay long for us for very good view and photo …


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Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature


Day 6 : 33 species


Day 7, we had almost everything we need … but we missing those common bird like mountain Bulbul, little cuckoo dove (joke from customer… it is a must and how can we missed it , lets stay few more days for Mountain Bulbul ) .. no joke we really missed this bulbul for 4 days @Fraser Hill .

Before we heading to Bukit Tinggi, we record Scarlet-Rumped Trogon @890m (think may be little too high but it show up there) and a pair of Banded Kingfisher  …

With the rain and travel

Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature


Day 7 : 13 species


Day 8, from Genting Highland to Krau forest. We didn’t get much target meet but Cinamon-rumped Trogon is our favor of the day .

with 2 fruting trees , we managed to see some barbets, bulbuls, etc but to our surprise. We saw local climb up to a tree may be 30-40m height to hunt for birds !!!!!! L

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Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature


Day 8 : 46 species


Day 9 : full day raining at Bukit Tinggi, guests enjoy red wine 80% of the day

Day 9 : 7 species


Day 10 : we have beautiful Moutain Peacock Pheasant displaying 2 hours for us , before we leave. Got a very good view of Rhinoceros and Helmeted Hornbill follow by heading to Taman Negara with raining full 2nd half day.

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Arrived Taman Negara Dusk, both Great Hornbill and Great Argus welcome us at lobby area



Day 10 : 21 species


Day 11-16 : we spend few days at Taman Negara but 40% of the time raining or cloudy make the whole birding slowing. But within few days of tracking in the mud, pond etc . We cover a lot of Bulbuls, barbet, parrot, hornbill but the 10 star birds over days

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Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature


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Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature


  1. Garnet Pitta
  2. Crested Partridge
  3. Rail Babbler
  4. Blue Winged pitta
  5. Diard’s Trogon
  6. Crested Jay
  7. Crested Fireback
  8. Reddish Scops Owl
  9. Gould’s Frogmouth
  10. Large Wren-Babbler


Trip total : 272 species



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Sunda slow loris | liewwk

Sunda slow loris, 间蜂猴, Nycticebus coucang

very lucky to have this mammal while we trying to find owl … it move slow allow us talk some picture with torch …

_KK_5620 fb



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Malaysia Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Black & Red Broadbill Bulding Nest in Slow Motion

just got opportunity trying new Canon 5d mark4 100 fps for the nest bulding moment


_KK_2445 fb


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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Oriolidae series: Oriole | 黄鹂科 | liewwk Nature 4 [update 20241003]

a family  bird beautiful and with a lovely song

1. Dark-throated Oriole, 黑喉黄鹂, 黑喉黃鸝, Oriolus xanthonotus, ムナフコウライウグイス, KUNYIT-BONGSU BIASA

2. Black Oriole, 黑鹂, 黑鸝, Oriolus hosii, スミゴロモ, KUNYIT HITAM BORNEO

3. Black-and-crimson Oriole, 绯胸黄鹂, 緋胸黃鸝, Oriolus cruentus, ヒムネスミゴロモ, KUNYIT HITAM BIASA

4. Black-naped Oriole, 黑枕黄鹂, 黑枕黃鸝, Oriolus chinensis, コウライウグイス, KUNYIT BESAR


1. Dark-throated Oriole, 黑喉黄鹂, 黑喉黃鸝, Oriolus xanthonotus, ムナフコウライウグイス, KUNYIT-BONGSU BIASA

– lovely bird found normally secondary and primary forest and mostly canopy

– 非常厉害唱歌。通常都在树顶上。

update 202409

– a not mistaken lowland forest “yellow bird with streak on chest” with lovely song. Male with black head.

– a late afternoon, we decided to make a last stop before end ours birding… what a good stop with this bird stay low and near for us …

– 马来西亚低海拔的黄鸟。雄鸟头部带黑。

– 中午时分,我们决定最后一停。非常不错,这么美的鸟停很低价近给我们拍。



update 202103

update 2020 April 2

update 2017 Jan 16


2. Black Oriole, 黑鹂, 黑鸝, Oriolus hosii, スミゴロモ, KUNYIT HITAM BORNEO

one of the rare oriole or bird in the world .. it only can found near a small village at Sarawak, Malaysia (as for now) ..

update 202309

– a good moment with this special target bird, this year may not see it again but still hope to plan few days there to look for few other good birds there…

– 2023一次美好的回忆,没这么近的接触过这鸟。应该没什么机会在2023再去见他。可是还是尽力安排几天到哪看看其他鸟。(好多好鸟)

202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia

update 202307

– going to be another busy months after short break, and can’t stop thinking how lucky we were with such close encounter … this was 560mm with minimum crop !!! a very rare Borneo endemic but not difficult bird to be seen but it is always high up on the tree with “small” size almost like a black dot

– 小休了几天,又要忙了。还是想念,上个星期的幸运。这鸟站的那么近,第一次到达我不可以对焦的点我们还要后退。婆罗洲稀有特有种,不过非常容易看到就不好拍。每次都是站高高在上,还要非常小只。

2023, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia


– another visit of this amazing place Paya Maga, but this trip we had a bad weather . Arrive hiking with heavy rain, missed one evening and night for anything just hearing the lovely natural music and good rest. Following with on and off rain. But this main target still show well for us and even come low and stay long for us to take picture.

– 再次到这美好的地方,Paya Maga . 可是这次天气真的不是很给力。几乎都下雨。上山时还下大雨。天气冷,下雨,鸟没活动还有比这差吗?还好我们到这的主打鸟还是拍到了。还下来低+久让我们拍好好。

202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia

update 202306

– this is a special Borneo endemic why we were at Paya Maga. The weather is wet almost everyday, muddy trail, cold shower, no electricity, sharing big hall for sleep. But good birds as usual, managed to have this bird first afternoon, and see it almost every day.

– 我们到Paya Maga 的原因(在这没电,冻水凉,湿泥土,下雨,大家睡在一个大空间)可是好鸟原因大家都没投诉。这非常稀有的婆罗洲特有种,到的第一个中午已拿下。之后每一天都看到。

202306, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia


update 2020 Sept

Black Oriole, 黑鹂,黑鸝, Oriolus hosii, スミゴロモ, KUNYIT HITAM BORNEO


Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20230908]

3. Black-and-crimson Oriole, 绯胸黄鹂, 緋胸黃鸝, Oriolus cruentus, ヒムネスミゴロモ, KUNYIT HITAM BIASA

– another common bird at montane for both Pen Malaysia and Borneo.


4. Black-naped Oriole, 黑枕黄鹂, 黑枕黃鸝, Oriolus chinensis, コウライウグイス, KUNYIT BESAR

– one of the most common oriole near the urban/garden, mangrove, etc P. Malaysia





More pictures from Flickr: Oriolidae series: Oriole | 黄鹂科 | liewwk Nature

... Dark-throated Oriole , 黑喉黄鹂 ...

More Videos: Oriolidae series: Oriole | 黄鹂科 | liewwk Nature


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Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 21-2 [update 20240919]

Malaysia has many different bulbuls, and mostly brownish

1. Straw-headed Bulbul, 黄冠鹎, 黃冠鵯, Pycnonotus zeylanicus, キガシラヒヨドリ, BARAU-BARAU RAYA

2. Scaly-breasted Bulbul, 鳞胸鹎, 鱗胸鵯, Rubigula squamata, ウロコヒヨドリ, Burung Merbah Bersisik

3. Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎, 婆羅洲鵯, Pycnonotus montis, ボルネオヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BORNEO

4. Pale-faced Bulbul, 淡脸鹎, 淡臉鵯, Pycnonotus flavescens leucops, カオジロヒヨドリ, MERBAH MUKA PUTIH

5. Spectacled Bulbul, 小褐鹎, 小褐鵯, Rubigula erythropthalmos, コアカメチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA MERAH KECIL

6. Red-whiskered Bulbul, 红耳鹎, 紅耳鵯, Pycnonotus jocosus, コウラウン, MERBAH TELINGA MERAH

7. Stripe-throated Bulbul, 纹喉鹎, 紋喉鵯, Pycnonotus finlaysoni, キビタイヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT LEKIR

8. Cinereous Bulbul (Cinereous), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus cinereus, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

9. Cinereous Bulbul (Green-winged), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus connectens, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

10. Gray-bellied Bulbul, 灰腹鹎, 灰腹鵯, Rubigula cyaniventris, ハイムネヒヨドリ, MERBAH PERUT KELABU

11. Charlotte’s Bulbul, 黄臀灰胸鹎, 黃臀灰胸鵯, Iole charlottae, カンムリオリーブヒヨ, MERBAH-RIANG BORNEO

12. Olive-winged Bulbul, 橄榄褐鹎, 橄欖褐鵯, Pycnonotus plumosus, アカメヒヨドリ, MERBAH TELINGA LOREK MELAYU

13. Yellow-vented Bulbul, 白眉黄臀鹎, 白眉黃臀鵯, Pycnonotus goiavier, メグロヒヨドリ, Merbah Kapur

14. Cream-vented Bulbul (White-eyed), 白眼褐鹎, 白眼褐鵯, Pycnonotus simplex, メジロチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BIASA

15. Black-crested Bulbul, 黑冠鹎, 黑枕黃鵯, Rubigula flaviventris, クロボウシヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BIASA

16. Penan Bulbul, 本南白喉褐冠鹎, 本南白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ruficrissus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BORNEO

17. Hook-billed Bulbul, 钩嘴鹎, 鉤嘴鵯, Setornis criniger, カギハシヒヨドリ, MERBAH PARUH CANGKUK

18. Cream-eyed Bulbul, 白眼鹎, Pycnonotus pseudosimplex, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BORNEO

19. Finsch’s Bulbul, 芬氏冠鹎, 矮髭鵯, Alophoixus finschii, ヒメアゴヒゲヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT RENGKUNG KUNING

20. Ochraceous Bulbul, 白喉褐冠鹎, 白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ochraceus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BIASA

21. Mountain Bulbul, 绿翅短脚鹎, 麥克氏山短腳鵯, BEBARAU-BUKIT BIASA, Ixos mcclellandii, ミヤマヒヨドリ



51. Sumatran Bulbul, 苏门答腊短脚鹎, 蘇門答臘短腳鵯, Ixos sumatranus


101. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ





1. Straw-headed Bulbul, 黄冠鹎, 黃冠鵯, Pycnonotus zeylanicus, キガシラヒヨドリ, BARAU-BARAU RAYA

– bird make very nice songs , that’s why always main target to be trap

– critical endegered species

update 202409

– it is a critical endanger and rare bird, getting difficult to sight one since 5 years ago.. but this year seem good year sight it Johor, Sukau (multiple times), Danum Valley & Taman Negara.

– it is boring morning without much activities, before we heading back for breakfast. Saw a bulbul shape bird flying across and YES .. it just stand not that high and far from us ..

– 严重濒危,稀有。在过去5年几乎越来越难见到。可是2024,我竟然遇上好几次。在马来西亚好几个地方。

– 在船上,很闷的一个早上。没什么特别的鸟,可是当我们回程吃早餐时。看到一只蛮大的鸟飞过。wowow .. 这么幸运。

202407, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– it is a hot afternoon while we trying to find a Black-and-Red Broadbill nest which gone after the water level is over the nest. But all of sudden I saw these 2 birds just stand infront of us … wow wow .. it was so close for us to get some shot compare to normal high up at the canopy

– 非常炎热的下午,我么要去看看之前看到的黑红阔嘴鸟的巢。可是那个巢被水淹没了。可是在那,我们尽然遇上这对好鸟。好几分钟的追逐,终于拿下。

202404, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Nov

update 2016 Nov 17


2. Scaly-breasted Bulbul, 鳞胸鹎, 鱗胸鵯, Rubigula squamata, ウロコヒヨドリ, Burung Merbah Bersisik

– one of the most beautiful bulbul in Malaysia …

– not very common too

update 202406

– another fruiting tree “waiting” moment, this is very first bird that come close and low for us. Even missed Photograph the main target but managed to see both Black-and-white Bulbul & Chestnut-capped Thrush but still happy guests saw both species

– 遇上了果树,主要是耐心等待。虽然错过摄影黑白鹎与栗顶地鸫。可是客人看到已很足够了。下次吧

202406, Poring, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202012

Scaly-breasted Bulbul,鳞胸鹎, Rubigula squamata, ウロコヒヨドリ, Burung Merbah Bersisik
3. Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎, 婆羅洲鵯, Pycnonotus montis, ボルネオヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BORNEO

look like Pen Malaysia Black-crested Bulbul, this sub-montane endemic … many years ago, I ever say to my friend … “Black-crested Bulbul very common at Pen Malaysia la, I don’t need ”

update 202407

– another Borneo Endemic not that difficult to be missed if we have enough time to be at right time. But this time, we are lucky enough to have just park ours car and found this bird with another 2 endemic birds just in single area for feeding on this flower.

– normally moving in group, black crest with yellow body

– 一只婆罗洲蛮容易的特有种。有足够时间通常都叫容易遇上,可是这次非常幸运的停下车没很远就遇上着课小树(花)。遇上3只特有种+其他鸟。

– 通常是群体活动。

202407, Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202208

– another sub-montane Borneo endemic, which overall yellow with black crest

– 婆罗洲另一只叫普通的特有种。几乎黄,带有黑冠

202207, Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 Nov

update 2020 Aug

Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎,婆羅洲鵯, Pycnonotus montis, ボルネオヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BORNEO

4. Pale-faced Bulbul, 淡脸鹎, 淡臉鵯, Pycnonotus flavescens leucops, カオジロヒヨドリ, MERBAH MUKA PUTIH

– depend on the checklist, some have split as Pale-faced Bulbul which is montane Borneo endemic

– look very similar to Yellow-vented Bulbul

update 202407

– a recent split, it is a Borneo highland endemic. a common bird making a lot of noise while moving in group or pair.

– 最近才被分出来的婆罗洲高山特有种。蛮普通,通常群体活动。

202406, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202308

– a highland, bulbul that pretty common but recently gave me some hardtie to looking for it. previous trips just need more tie on this bird. Not sure what happen .. but last trip, it just show there when we arrive …

– some checklist already split this as Pale-faced Bulbul as Borneo endemic

– 高原的鹎,其实蛮普通可是最近不知道怎了,还是要点时间看到它。

– 有人已把它分成新婆罗洲特有种。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202011

201905, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

5. Spectacled Bulbul, 小褐鹎, 小褐鵯, Rubigula erythropthalmos, コアカメチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA MERAH KECIL

– small brown’s Bulbul, which with Yellow eye ring

update 202011

202003, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
6. Red-whiskered Bulbul, 红耳鹎, 紅耳鵯, Pycnonotus jocosus, コウラウン, MERBAH TELINGA MERAH

– Introduced beautiful Song bird

– black-crested, red-whiskered with a beautiful song

update 202303

– a pair of this escape birds nesting and quite aggressive over other birds get close.

– making weird call when get close to by human, birds etc

– 一双放生鸟,在这足巢。任何鸟接近他都会叫的很怪。

202303, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


202011, Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
7. Stripe-throated Bulbul, 纹喉鹎, 紋喉鵯, Pycnonotus finlaysoni, キビタイヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT LEKIR

– another lovely beautiful songbird of Malaysia

update 202404

– it is very common bird at Peninsular Malaysia from lowland – sub-montane. beautiful song bird

– 西马,蛮普通的鸟,很会唱歌。

2024043 Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202206

– a common, lovely and beautiful song bird

– a new high megapixel apsc camera do provide such a beautiful, so many details picture

– 非常普通,漂亮的鸟。

– 佳能这架新的半幅高像素相机,让照片充满细节。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor



8. Cinereous Bulbul (Cinereous), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus cinereus, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

– sub-montane and montane

update 202011

9. Cinereous Bulbul (Green-winged), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus connectens, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

– Borneo’s with green-winged, without black face

update 202011

10. Gray-bellied Bulbul, 灰腹鹎, 灰腹鵯, Rubigula cyaniventris, ハイムネヒヨドリ, MERBAH PERUT KELABU

– yellowish-with grey front

update 202011

11. Charlotte’s Bulbul, 黄臀灰胸鹎, 黃臀灰胸鵯, Iole charlottae, カンムリオリーブヒヨ, MERBAH-RIANG BORNEO

– a Buff-vented look-alike bulbul (Peninsular Malaysia) which absent from Borneo island.
– a “brown” bulbul, Borneo lowland endemic
– white eye, steak dark brown head

– 婆罗洲没”黄臀灰胸鹎“。把它分出这特有种。
– 白眼,头部明显暗纹

– very common brown bulbul endemic, it is Buff vented Bulbul (peninsular Malaysia) look alike

– 非常普通的婆罗洲特有种

update 202208

– a common lowland Borneo endemic. overall brown with darker brown-black on head

– 蛮普通的婆罗洲特有种。蛮闷的颜色(棕)的鸟

202306, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202011

more Borneo endemic

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature

12. Olive-winged Bulbul, 橄榄褐鹎, 橄欖褐鵯, Pycnonotus plumosus, アカメヒヨドリ, MERBAH TELINGA LOREK MELAYU

– common found mangrove, secondary forest

– as named, winged with olive green color

update 202011

Sg Dua, Penang, Malaysia
13. Yellow-vented Bulbul, 白眉黄臀鹎, 白眉黃臀鵯, Pycnonotus goiavier, メグロヒヨドリ, Merbah Kapur

– very common bulbul

– garden, mangrove etc

update 202011

14. Cream-vented Bulbul (White-eyed), 白眼褐鹎, 白眼褐鵯, Pycnonotus simplex, メジロチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BIASA

– brown bulbul with a white eye, this specified for Peninsular Malaysia (Thailand, Indonesia) but not Borneo

update 202311

– a special moment this common bulbul came too low.. on the ground ..

– 这普通的鹎尽然下来这么低。

202307, Panti, Johor, Malaysia


update 202011




15. Black-crested Bulbul, 黑冠鹎, 黑枕黃鵯, Rubigula flaviventris, クロボウシヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BIASA

– a pretty common yellow bulbul with obvious black -head-crest

– a lovely song bird

– 蛮普通的鹎,黑-黄。头部与头冠是黑。

– 唱歌很好听,时常被捉。

update 202106

202008, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia
16. Penan Bulbul, 本南白喉褐冠鹎, 本南白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ruficrissus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BORNEO

– a newly split from Ochraceous Bulbul, special to Borneo. additional of Borneo Endemic.

A brownish-olive bulbul with a wispy crest and a puffy, glowingly white throat. Inhabits lowland and montane forests, where it prefers primary or well-aged secondary growth. Forages in the middle and lower levels of the forest, usually in small, noisy flocks. (Ebird)

– 之前与西马的白喉褐冠鹎同类。之后分为婆罗洲特有种。

update 202308

– a new split Borneo endemic, which normally found Sub-montane or montane of Borneo. it look very Ochraceous Bulbul.

– 白喉褐冠鹎 分出来的婆罗洲特有种。在福隆港蛮普通的。

202308, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



202212, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

17. Hook-billed Bulbul, 钩嘴鹎, 鉤嘴鵯, Setornis criniger, カギハシヒヨドリ, MERBAH PARUH CANGKUK

– A highly localized species, found almost exclusively in the kerangas and peatswamp forests of Borneo and Sumatra’s lowlands (rarely in adjacent wooded habitats). Fairly plain overall; note brown upperparts, off-white chest, pale yellow belly, and elegant white eyebrow. Long and heavy hook-tipped silver bill is diagnostic if seen well. Forages singly, in pairs, and in small bands, typically in the middle and lower levels of forest. Gives a variety of harsh scolding calls, including a nasal “jyaw, jyaw” and a quicker, drier rattle. [ebird]

绿鹦嘴鹎体长约8厘米,体重约20克。嘴短厚,呈灰黄色,上嘴向下弯曲似鹦鹉嘴,额基部为石板灰色。上体为暗橄榄绿色,喉及头侧呈黑褐 色,上胸有一半圆形白环,绕到颈的两侧,上胸和体侧呈橄榄绿色,腹部为黄绿色。尾羽橄榄黄色,有一黑褐色宽端,尾下覆羽鲜黄色。脚褐色。

update 202310

– another bird that hit and miss, it is good that 2023 think has 100% hit … hope they doing good in the limited left over environment

– 算婆罗洲稀有鸟吧。几乎都是50%机会看到,也不好拍。可是2023,100%见到拍到。还算很不错,希望在它们需要的特别环境缩小中也可以稳稳的增加数量。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202309

– a boring raining morning, almost nothing calling or action.. except this bird gave us some good view … any how main target ticked

– 郁闷的下雨早上,(还在下雨)几乎没什么鸟叫。就这鸟乖乖的让我们看/拍。目标鸟看到了还好。

202309, KLIAS, SABAH, Malaysia

update 202306

– a Borneo extension quick drop-by for 2 hour and lucky to have this close and clear view

– 婆罗洲行之加行程1,第一站停了2个小时。非常幸运看到这么近

202306, Sabah, Malaysia
18. Cream-eyed Bulbul, 白眼鹎, Pycnonotus pseudosimplex, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BORNEO

– a very similar look with cream-vented bulbul but it is newly know to be Borneo endemic

– 与白眼褐鹎有点困扰。是最近被分为婆罗洲特有种。白眼,褐色

Dull dirt-brown bulbul with pale button eyes. Currently only known from northern Borneo, where it is the only plain brown bulbul with white eyes. Pale-eyed forms of closely related Cream-vented Bulbul do not overlap in range. Found in a range of forests and forest edges. Like other bulbuls, often joins flocks at fruiting trees. Gives loud “pinks” and quiet sputtering trills. (ebird)

update 202408

– after tired to search for Bornean Wren-babblers .. everyone saw it but not a very good view ::( .. decide to walk up to canopy for some relax birding and this bird stand in-front of us .. sometime it is easy to miss as a brown bird

– 在看到加里曼丹地鹛后,大家都筋疲力尽了。就上了树上不到简单看鸟,这一只好鸟竟然就站前面。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202404

– another species getting difficult to sight, may be we overlooked the “brown bird” .. pale white eye which very Cream-vented Bulbul look alike but absent from Borneo

– 另一种鸟越来越难见到,可能我们都饿没注意这鸟?与马来西亚的白眼褐鹎很像。可是在婆罗洲没有。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202307

– a recent visit to Danum Valley and used to see it quite common at RDC and Danum Valley. But than not really has good sight since ~2 years ago until now

– 最近到丹绒谷见好几次。两年前,这鸟在RDC, Danum Vally 都蛮容易见到。可是2年来,却很少见他了。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
19. Finsch’s Bulbul, 芬氏冠鹎, 矮髭鵯, Alophoixus finschii, ヒメアゴヒゲヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT RENGKUNG KUNING

olive above and yellow below with an especially pale throat. Like many other bulbuls, manages to be distinctive despite being utterly unremarkable-looking. Inhabits lowland and foothill forests, in both primary and secondary growth. Moves through middle and upper levels of forest in pairs or small flocks, sometimes with other species. Gives rough “wek” and “kwik” calls when foraging, but otherwise fairly quiet. [Ebird]

– a uncommon bulbul, for most of the location except South of Peninsula Malaysia & Borneo Danum Valley

– 蛮稀有的除了,西马南部与丹浓古

update 202406

– as usual with morning walk to look for more missing “brown birds”, all of sudden saw Brown+Yellow bird and very soon heard the call .. I ask everyone to have a good view of this not so common brown bird

– 一如常,我们继续找错过的“闷闷的褐色鸟们”。突然见到一只“褐+黄”的鸟,在怀疑中听到他叫。快点叫大伙们过来看。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202401

– as the previous post, the same individual stay close, low and long for us to take so many good photo of this rarely seen bird Peninsula Malaysia

– 如之前讲,这鸟站的很近,地,很久让我们都拍的非常好的照片。在西马这么稀有的鸟,就这样被看的清清楚楚。

20240111, Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia



– a wonderful day to go out with buddy, still very quiet overall.. but surprise this bird so close to us. ~10 feet at eye level for us. Now can see so much clear on the crown view

– 与朋友去走走,森林还是非常安静。可是幸运地,这鸟站在我们10尺+地角度。它的冠是很漂亮的哦

20240111, Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


update 202307

– a raining afternoon, after some good flock of woodpeckers. This bird just stand at road side for us. lovely looking bulbul

– 下了一场雨后,来了一次啄木鸟的鸟浪。之后就发现这漂亮的鹎。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


20. Ochraceous Bulbul, 白喉褐冠鹎, 白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ochraceus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BIASA

A brownish-olive bulbul with a wispy crest and a puffy, glowingly white throat. Inhabits lowland and foothill forests, where it prefers primary or well-aged secondary growth. Forages in the middle and lower levels of forest, usually in small, noisy flocks. Calls consist primarily of loud, dry “chek” notes; variable song is pleasant and warbling. Extremely similar in appearance to closely related Puff-throated Bulbul, but smaller Ochraceous has darker and browner upperparts, duller yellow underparts, and a shorter crest. [ebird]


update 202308

– quite common brown-olive bird found at Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill gap

– 再福隆港蛮普通的鹎。

202307, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

21. Mountain Bulbul, 绿翅短脚鹎, 麥克氏山短腳鵯, BEBARAU-BUKIT BIASA, Ixos mcclellandii, ミヤマヒヨドリ

– common bird of Fraser Hill, making a lot of noise

– 福隆港蛮普通的鸟。通常很吵。

update 202404

– as usual, we meet up bird wave group … this is like a group leader making noisy call before other bird following

– 我们遇上鸟浪,这鸟有如先锋一样。站在最前交很大声。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



51. Sumatran Bulbul, 苏门答腊短脚鹎, 蘇門答臘短腳鵯, Ixos sumatranus

– a very streaky bulbul and overall very gray.

– overall bulbul, leafbird and most of the colorful birds, songbirds are very low density at west Sumatra

– 一只非常有条纹的鹎,整体呈灰色。

– 在苏门答腊,鹎,叶鹎,鸠都几乎很难看到。

update 202401

– the famous Tapan road had few landslides so we mostly walking at the road (~15-20km) but overall Bulbul, leafbirds, dove almost not heard or visible … but this endemic came down to feed berry while we have good view of ~12 Blue Nuthatch.

– 在塔版路,好几个地方塌方。我只有步行(15-20公里)可是还是非常少鹎,叶鹎,鸠的声音+踪影。这一只特有种,突然飞下来吃小果实。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia




101. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ

very lovely and common bird found urban, parks. moving in group

update 202401

– found them near urban area and parks, moving low to feed the fruit

– 蛮漂亮的,也很普通。在人住的地方,公园等都可以看到。

20231221, Taipei, Taiwan





More pictures from Flickr: Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature

More Youtube video: Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature


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Borneo Whitehead’s trio endemic

3 out of the borneo endemic , whitehead’s trio always main target for birders … we were lucky to photograph all 3 whitehead’s which include Spiderhunter, broadbill & Trogon by 2016 sept.


the beautiful colors of the trio attract attention easily


1. Whitehead’s Spiderhunter , 怀氏捕蛛鸟 [Arachnothera juliae]

Nectariniidae series: Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科: 捕蛛鳥 | liewwk Nature


2. Whitehead’s Broadbill, 綠懷特黑氏寬闊嘴 [Calyptomena whiteheadi]

Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature


3. Whitehead’s trogon,灰胸咬鹃 [Harpactes whiteheadi]

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature



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