sharing some more Milky way with time elapsed

not too long ago, me and my gang (shunfa) still struggle to find and capture the
Milky way … think we went to wrong places and wasted a lot of time .. but
recently , with the help of Iphone/Ipad tools (star chart) we can easily locate
the Milky way and capture it easily (as long as we choose low pollution light
area)… sharing some experience how I shoot star previously

few recent capture …

1. few steps outside my room while we have our Correct Exposure and Nightscape Workshop

milky way is just above


2. a real beautiful one from Bali

... side by side ...


3. Milky Pano

Milky Way Pano


a time elapsed from Bali for Milky way move … and Star trail …..







how close will you go ?

was away for few days for Jul-Aug Nightscape and Correct Exposure workshop and thanks all for this success workshop + outing ….

I didn;t shoot a lot except last day while I saw my lovely wave … and thinking of how close every can go toward the wave splash … and am happy almost everyone got “wet”

and while I was there… ask again myself and other .. how close will you go and because of beautiful pictures will you go close to rish your gear for wet and malfunction ?


thanks Erica for few capture how I capture the wave

How I shoot 1
How I shoot ?


and one of the picture capture …..

... the splash ...


so how close will you go ?

as close as this ?

too close !!!


more Terengganu pictures

Terengganu Series

Indonesia, Bali Photography Outing | Tanah Lot

a famous sunset beach with so many tourist , many places to shoot but not a easy one place for photographer due to the number of tourists …


update 2015 Aug 27

– a “waterfall” only appear paddy fill up water season …

… behind the Fall …

update 2014 Jun 19

… Mess-Wave … 1. Lee GND .6h 2. Lee Filter ND .9 Pro Glass

update 2014 March 3

1. Lee Filter GND .9s 2. Lee Filter CPL 4×4 3. Lee Filter Big Stopper | ISO 100 | 20.0 sec at f / 13 | 33 mm

update 2014 Feb 27

finally, I make another trips to finish up the Bali (yes finally from east-south-west-north. this trip mainly for looking for new spots and wildlife opportunity for photography . Thanks again for Agung guide and driving us around 😀

[18-24 Feb 2014]

– one of the most dramatic sunset so far from grey–>blue–>purple–>orange–>golden within 1-1.5 hours and this always happen @Bali 😀

Tanah Lot, Bali, Indonesia [1. SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops 2. Lee Filter Square CPL] | ISO 100 | 1.3 sec at f / 22 | 17 mm

update 2013 Jun 26

… falling-passing … 1. Lee FIlter GND .6h 2. Lee Filter 105mm CPL

update 2013 Jun 16

… misty Algae … 1. Lee Filter GND .6h 2. Lee Filter Big Stopper

update 2012 Aug 23

… last Defender …
Lee Filter CPL 105mm
Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops



some snap shot of near the famous temple …

Tanah Lot Tourists
Tanah Lot Tourists
Tanah Lot Tourists
Tanah Lot Tourists

but we just have to try our best …. one of the happy shot I have little further to the temple

… Tanah Lot Temple Sunset | liewwk …


a quick video share

Tanah Lot Temple Sunset View from liewwk on Vimeo.


a good place to go… next trip may still visit this place ….

more Indonesia, Bali picture

Bali series | liewwk


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Bali, Indonesia | liewwk

More Outing, Workshop

Filters are important for seascape – Look for Lee Filters …?

2011 Jul – Indonesia, Bali Photography Outing | UluWatu

a famous Bali tourist spot where it will full with tourist while sunset time …

a place with few beautiful cliffs but this place full with naughty monkeys where it will take your belonging and sometime we need to use banana , food to exchange (some one there will ready to help you with some $$$) … but not every time it work, they may took yours spec and run away 😀 … so we just have to be-careful.

from one end to another end is ~20-30 minutes walk …. the center temple always full with tourist … and monkeys as well …

on our way to stop for sunset , the sky is so clear

... the blue sky ...


one of the main cliff …

... Uluwatu Sunset ...


more will share liewwk Bali 2011 Jul series


2011 Jul – Indonesia, Bali Photography Outing

I spent 7d6n at Bali, Indonesia for photography outing…
a tired trip as we travel most of the tourist spots and non tourist area to find
out more about this beauty Island …. thanks for our Guide (Agung for brining
us around to what we call photographer interest places)… he know what
photographers (Landscapers want and need) , and we managed to visit
1. Kintamani area round the Mount Batur and Batur Lake
2. Ubud area which include riceTerrace Ceking Tegalalang, village with paddy field and
Sanur Beach
3. a Old Palace belong to Puri Kesiman (Agung Grandfather was King and owner of
4. Kuta – Blue Point Beach, Uluwatu and Jimbaran
5. Jatiluwih – not just the main tourist area but he brought us to few “appetizer”
spots (think most of Landscape photographer will love this place a lot)
6. Tanah Lot – beautiful place with so much of tourist
7. Serengan Island – beautiful place but not open for tourist
8. Seminyak Beach – not really a plan destination but due to traffic he brought us
to this gem beach ..
I will be sharing pictures for above trips for coming weeks, and also slowly
share some info on respective place …
Let start with Mount Batur,  a cooling and
beautiful places… while we step in hotel the view immediate make us WOW … at
night while we look at the sky millions of stars are up there , Batur Lake is a
good place with some human interest and beautiful lake view …
The hike to the Mount Batur is moderate, but the view along the hike simply amazing …
the stars, Milky way were like standing side by side with me … the sunrise view
with Mount Rinjani is simply awesome . But need to have local guide to bring up
~Rp200-300k per person and ~2-3hours hike for slow people like me.
this was 1st panorama capture while we left our thing into our room and walk out to the hotel walking path …
Mount Batur View

Hotel View of Mount/Lake Batur
Milky from Balcony
Milky from Balcony
The Road to Milky Way
… The Road to Milky Way …


views from few other angle …