HDR Reflection ..

am not good in HDR , but I understand there are situation I need it so I had learn something on it years back .. and my photomatix not been start up for ~2 years and today just want to make sure the software still working fine 😀



update 2012 Aug 9

… HDR Reflection …
– HDR because am using 12mm full frame and no filter for me to use ..
– 7 exp HDR


more US

more US pictures

Jatiluwih , Bali, Indonesia | liewwk

when I make my first visit here year back, I know I am going to love this place .. so this year I plan this place as my main visit … by choosing the right time we see more “water” in the paddy…


update 2017 Dec 8

_50C9506 2400


update 2013 Jun 13

thanks all participate my http://liewwkphoto.com/blog/?p=1978

– we travel as below

liewwk 2013 Bali Outing
liewwk 2013 Bali Outing


– a tired non stop chasing sun, moon, stars .. etc

and here some pictures sharing from this beautiful place



update 2013 May 9

1. Lee Filter 105mm CPL 2. Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops

update 2013 March 13

… Dawn is coming @Jatiluwih …

update 2013 Feb 19

… the Golden Peak … 1. SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops

update 2013 Jan 17

… far Rays … – SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops – Lee 105mm CPL

udpate 2012 Nov 16

… jatiluwih nightsky …

— will have 2012 May-Jun Nightscapte Outing available


update 2012 Oct 30

… terrece Sunrise …
– SR RGND 2 stops
– Lee Filter 105mm CPL

update 2012 Sept 26

… the “orange” Agung …
– Lee Filter CPL 105mm
– RGND 2 stops

update 2012 Aug 28

… the first Layer …
Lee Filter GND .45s
Lee Filter 105mm CPL

update 2012 Aug 22

… looking for it …
we were late for the reflection .. too rush to look for other spot … and another reason to make another trip there soon …
Exposure 13
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 14 mm
ISO Speed 6400

update 2012 Aug 14

… rays of hope …

update 2012 Aug 3

… the Beginning …
Lee Filter 105mm CPL
Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops


the ray is far …
– Lee FIlters GND .75s

More Related sharing


Amed | Bali

Lee Filter

My Tripod went Volcano but no Sand stuck issue



related posts

CONTACT ME for Photography workshop, tours etc …





Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia


Caterpillar stand up …

i love and enjoy the nature , if you ask me is the lifes important or my pictures more important .. I will choose lifes for sure … and hope everyone do love, enjoy and protect them …


a caterpillar stand up .. me do nothing to make it stand on this picture …



more caterpillar

Caterpillar | liewwk

Mount Batur | Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia

a beautiful place , you can see the beautiful Lake Batur, Volcano (both Mount Agung and Batur) .. cooling place with friendly village .. but too bad the food is little pricey here …


update 2017 Dec 8

_C8A8735 2400


update 2013 Jul 17

… Dynamic-Morning … 1. Lee Filter GND .6s

update 2013 March 8

Mount Batur ….


update 2012 Oct 3

… the Milky near Lake Batur …

update 2012 Sept 11

– ~2.5hr hike and view from Mount Batur

… above the cloud …
– Lee Filter GND .6s

update 2012 Sept 6

… who is taking control …
– Lee Filter 105mm CPL
– SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops

update 2012 Aug 16

… the Float | Lake Batur …
– Lee Filter GND .75s
– Lee Filter CPL

update 2012 Aug 6

night sky near Lake Batur
Exposure 15
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 14 mm
ISO Speed 3200




Songan Village ..
a village that ~1hr from Batur Lake (tough road)
and can have sunrise with Mount Batur, Abang & Agung with village …
the view ~3 hours hike to Batur peak …


beautiful morning
Lee Filter GND .9s
happy children


beautiful Lake Batur
Lee FIlter GND .9s




the standard view …


More Related sharing


Amed | Bali

Lee Filter

My Tripod went Volcano but no Sand stuck issue



related posts

CONTACT ME for Photography workshop, tours etc …





Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia

Amed | Bali, Indonesia

a East Bali beach … we only stop <24 hours here but I am sure I will spend more on next trip to Bali …



update 2017 Dec 8

_C8A8804 2400

update 2013 Jun 14

thanks all participate my http://liewwkphoto.com/blog/?p=1978

– we travel as below

liewwk 2013 Bali Outing
liewwk 2013 Bali Outing

update 2013 May 9

… milky Way …

update 2013 Feb 20

… Wave @Amed, Bali … 1. LeeFilter GND .9s 2. LeeFilter 105mm CPL

update 2012 Sept 7

… sunrise @Amed …
– Lee Filter 105mm CPL
– SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops

2012 Jul 30

… Golden Rocks …

… Golden Rocks …
Lee Filter 105mm CPL
SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops

the Milky was so clear

the little Hut …
Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Exposure 30
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 14 mm
ISO Speed 1600

2012 Jul 26

1. Sunrise

Sunrise | Amed, Bali
Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops
Lee Filter CPL


2. Sunset

Sunset | Amed, Bali
Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops
Lee Filter CPL



or previous related posts

Bali, Indonesia

RGND 2 stops & GND 2 stops

Lee Filters & Singh-Ray for sale



related posts

CONTACT ME for Photography workshop, tours etc …





Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia