HAIDA 150mm Filter Solution for CANON TS-E 17mm F4

One of my favor len, Canon EF TS-E 17mm F4 … it give sharpness, clarify that I love especially pair with new CANON EOS 5d/5Dsr.

The design of this Len limit ourselves to use filter which is my prefer way to shoot landscape … so I start with Order – Lee Filter Adapter Ring for TS-E 17mm. 

but due to it’s limitation of shift, it may not perfect solution . I still use this as it can use all my existing 100mm square filters.

TSE17mm ring fb


recently, Both Lee Filters and Haida provided better solution for CANON TS-E 17mm len. which is 150mm square filter solution. After long wait, finally I have a chance to test the HAIDA 150mm filter solution for TSE17mm. so this is another set of filters, yes real big to be easy handling which is 150mm width ….

but it do allow us without tilt but shift to max on both left-right/top-bottom…..

TSE17 fb


you may order this Holder solution HERE


update 2015 Aug 31

Sample #1

–> HAIDA 150mm Filters solution

–> Lee Filters GND .6s

–> HAIDA 150mmx150mm CPL

–> no tilt but full shift from max bottom to top

–> no vignette show

Untitled-2 fb

—> pano sample

Untitled-3 fb


Sample #2

–> HAIDA 150mm Filters solution

–> Lee Filters GND .6s

–> HAIDA 150mmx150mm CPL

–> no tilt but full shift from to the right

–> no vignette show

_50C0226 fb

_50C0225 fb

–> pano result

Untitled-1 fb


Looking for Filters for either 100mm or 150mm , Lee Filter, HAIDA ….. click HERE

Looking for more event, outing, tours from liewwk Nature Photography click HERE

150mm Filter Solution for CANON 14 F2.8 L , NIKON 14-24 F2.8, Tamron 15-30 F2.8, Samyang 14mm F2.8 …etc

or search below Link

liewwk Photography Online store


Reverse GND filter – 84dot5mm

84Dot5mm RGND 2 stops
–> 84Dot5mm RGND 2 stops


As previous discussion, Reverse GND or RGND is a filter very important for sunrise/sunset/dusk/dawn moment… I am officially bringing in another RGND brand 84dot5mm  ….

again let me share some new picture showing how;s the filter balance the exposure

-without Filter and meter on foreground. so the dusk moment sky is over exp

without Filter and meter on foreground

-without Filter and meter on sky. and now the foreground is under expose

_21A0684 fb


– apply RGND 2 stops … without any HDR, exposure blending, shadow highlight recovery . both foreground and sky with right exposure and details now

_21A0682 fb



Sample of RGND filter for balance the exposures

update 2016 Jul 5

picture on top without any filter … and bottom with RGND show better sky exposure

without any filter
without any filter

with RGND 2 stops

update 2015 Aug 30

1. RGND 2 stops 2. HAIDA CPL 100×100 3. HADAI ND 0.9 | ISO 200 | 1.0 sec at f / 16 | 18 mm



you may Order this filter from  HERE

related posts



when we have option, we tend to choose from which is better … better in term of? It come to my mind too , which one to pick and why …. while my Photohunter Tour 2015 Bali , I managed to have both camera with me and have a quick test … but the test as usual a basic test on common interest … more details ? site effect ?

both camera

– ISO100,200,400,800,1600,3200 (also have higher test)

– F16

– MF on the front boat (100% crop picture)

– 2s timer shooting

– M mode

– Auto WB

– CANON EF 24-70 F2.8 II len use

– ACR save pictures , Highlight -21, Shadow 11, Clarity +30 ONLY , Vibrance +10, Saturation +5, no noise reduction, no sharpen


ISO100 for both camera






====> 100% crop at focus point

CANON 5Dsr | ISO100 | CROP100%


CANON 5Ds | ISO100 | CROP 100%



CANON 5Dsr vs 5Ds | ISO100 | CROP100%


====> 100%crop with ACR Shadow recovery 100 (MAX)

CANON 5Dsr vs 5Ds | ISO 100 | CROP 100 | Shadow recovery 100



various ISO test image as below
















Both camera give much more details compare to previous CANON EOS 5dm3 and it make big different among these 2 cameras (may be you can look at the full size of JPEG for further comment). but 5Dsr just give slight more extra details, contrast but where we almost not noticeable . and not much Moire effect appear over few days testing. may be in future if I notice  and will be posting here too




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I did a quick and simple test on both new camera that come with big megapix … CANON 5Dsr and SONY A7r2 … both camera use the same len which is CANON EF TS-E 17mm F4 (SONY A7r2 with Viltrox Adapter) , same filter Lee Filter GND .4h and HAIDA 100mmx100mm CPL

a7r2VS5dsr fb

we did not use same tripod but put both site by site so the view slight different by ~5 degree different …

both camera

– ISO100

– F13

– MF on the bridge end

– timer shooting

– M mode

– Auto WB

– ACR save pictures , contrast +5, Clarity +10 ONLY .. and no noise reduction


1. ISO 100 for both

5Dsr – ISO100
SONY A7r2 – ISO100


—> 100% crop picture

CANON 5Dsr ISO100 – 100% crop
SONY A7r2 ISO100 crop 100%


CANON vs SONY | ISO100 | CROP100


—> 100% crop picture with 100% shadow recover


CANON 5Dsr | 100% crop | 100% Shadow recover at ACR
SONY A7r2 | 100% crop | 100% Shadow recover ACR
CANON 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2 ISO100 | 100% Shadow recovery at ACR



2. ISO compare

2.1 ISO200


SONY A7r2 ISO200
CANON 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2 ISO200 crop100%


2.2 ISO400

SONY A7r2 ISO400
CANON 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2 ISO400 crop100%

2.3 ISO800

SONY A7r2 ISO800
CANON 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2 ISO800 100% crop

2.4 ISO1600

CANON 5Dsr ISO1600
SONY A7r2 ISO1600 crop100%
CANON 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2 ISO1600 100% crop


*** I do not share any higher than ISO1600 as we can see the quality have been drop since ISO800 … and I think I would limit my use ~1600 for important photo.


Overall , here are some different for me .. (for landscape photography concern)

1. 5Dsr weight ~845 gram vs ~625 gram

2. tilt screen on SONY A7r2

3. Battery life 5Dsr is longer but it is different size

4. both ISO performance about the same (without noise reduction) , 5Dsr have slight more noise and details over ISO800 and about same for under ISO800

5. Shadow and high recovery both perform same .. 100% shadow recovery show acceptable result .

6. SONY seem lost orange/red tone , give more cold color

7. both give good details , and at highlight area CANON give more info




related posts

i. CANON EOS 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2

ii. CANON EOS 5DSR vs 5Dm3


150mm Filter Solution for CANON 14 F2.8 L , NIKON 14-24 F2.8, Carl Zeiss 15mm, Tamron 15-30 F2.8, Samyang 14mm F2.8 …etc

N1424 fb

We always want to shoot wider in a lot of situation, but we are lack of filter option previously … and now we have many options offer by various manufacturer ..

now we have tested both Lee Filter SW150 series and HAIDA 150mm filter series … below are filters we tested so far

1. Lee Filter SW150 holder for Nikon 14-24 F2.8

2. HAIDA 150mm holder for Nikon 14-24 F2.8

3. HAIDA 150mm holder for CANON 14mm F2.8 mark2

4. Lee Filter 150x170mm GND series

5. Lee Filter CPL 150mmx150mm

6. Lee Filter Big Stopper

7. HAIDA 150mm CPL

8. HAIDA 150mm ND 3.0/1000 or big stopper

9. HAIDA 150mm ND 1.8/640 or littler stopper

10. HAIDA 150mm ND 3.6 (12 stops ND)

above options and below items are available for order or sale

11. HAIDA Holder solution for SAMYANG 14mm F2.8

12. HAIDA Holder solution for TAMRON 15-30mm F2.8

13. HAIDA Holder solution for CANON TSE-17mm F4

14. HAIDA Holder solution for SIGMA 12-24mm mark2

update 2016 april 27

16. HAIDA Holder solution for Carl Zeiss 15mm F2.8

17. Lee Filter SW150 CANON 11-24mm F4 adapter

18. 84.5 RGND for 150mm system

please contact me for order or stock availability





some sample pictures sharing for the 150mm filters shooting

update 2015 Aug 18

1. why do we need wider

– below pictures show when wider we can see more sky and reflection


_50C9515 fb


2. why do we need filters

as other landscape photographer … we need GND for have both sky and foreground exposure balance

no filter, so sky over expose


–> we can now have GND , Gradual Neutral Density filter to have the sky well expose

_21A1910 fb
with 150mm GND .9s

–> by add on CPL 150mm

with 150mm GND .9s and 150mm CPL
with 150mm GND .9s and 150mm CPL

–> by add in ND 3.6 (12 stops nd)

with 150mm GND .9s and HAIDA 3.6 ND
with 150mm GND .9s and HAIDA 3.6 ND



Looking for Filters for either 100mm or 150mm , Lee Filter, HAIDA ….. click HERE

Looking for more event, outing, tours from liewwk Nature Photography click HERE


liewwk Photography Online store


Photohunter : 2015 Aug 12-16 Bali Landscape Outing

again we visit Bali, Indonesia for 5days4nights for landscape hunting … we have many fun and incident happen during the trip.(food poison, sick, long walk, steep staircase….)


201508 - BALI map

we have total 11 participants and hope everyone enjoy the Photohunting outing

_21A1455 fb

day 1 – SANUR

we spend our sunrise near Sanur , but I was food poisoning and not able to share with other … sorry for all . I will try to share their picture here after get their permission.


day2/3 – NUSA Penida

we travel to Nusa Penida as you can see from the map, we travel across the sea by ferry ~40min ……

20150812 - BALI map


update 2015 Aug 21

– we will on rush on last day so we decided have Sunrise outing near our hotel .. the wave, seaweed plantation, beautiful sky color .. make everyone busy with shutter

1. RGND 2 stops 2. HAIDA CPL 100×100 3. HADAI ND 0.9



day 5 – Sanur area

update 2015 Aug 20

… it is Coming … 1. Lee Filter GND .45h 2. HAIDA 100mmx100mm CPL

update 2015 Aug 18

… flowing over GREEN … 1. RGND 2 stops 2. HAIDA CPL 100×100 3. HADAI ND 1.8

– we are rushing for flight last day so not too far from town .. and have a quick sunrise nearby


*** I will slowly update here ….


more Photohunter Outing/Events/Workshop click HERE

look for more advices or order for Filters/Tripod for Landscape or etc   click HERE



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CONTACT ME for BALI Photography workshop, tours etc …

liewwk Nature Photography Portfolio : Bali, Indonesia


–>Jatiluwih , Bali, Indonesia | liewwk

–>Mount Batur | Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia

–>Bali, Indonesia | liewwk

–> Tanah Lot , Bali, Indonesia | liewwk


Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia

or contact me HERE

CANON EOS 5Dsr Shadow recovery

simple test for the 5Dsr for shadow recovery , it is 3 stops under and recover with 3 stops + shadow recovery

ORIGINAL picture

original under exposure picture ~3-4stops
original under exposure picture ~3-4stops

and we will recover as below under ACR without any noise reduction

recovery shadow and exposure
recovery shadow and exposure

and another camera shooting normal exposure (close to what we recover)

camera shooting exposure close to recover previous exposure picture
camera shooting exposure close to recover previous exposure picture


100% crop of the camera shoot correct exposure vs recover picture

100% crop correct exposure picture
100% crop correct exposure picture
recovery picture 100% crop without noise reduction
recovery picture 100% crop without noise reduction
recovery picture 100% crop with noise reduction


– the shadow recovery seem to be working good even ~3-4 stops under .. and the picture show without any noise reduction except last picture with noise reduction “10” @ACR

– picture all open and process only at ACR 9.1

– from the almost total dark picture , the picture able to recover without many color noise, and with a lot of details on the object …



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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more Photohunter Outing/Events/Workshop click HERE

look for more advices or order for Filters/Tripod for Landscape or etc   click HERE


or contact me HERE


related posts

i. CANON EOS 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2

ii. CANON EOS 5DSR vs 5Dm3




a simple indoor test among CANON EOS 5Dsr vs 5Dm3  with CANON EF 24-70 F2.8 mark2 …

all shot simple

** ISO 100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400

** 24mm

** F16

** MF on tripod

** AV mode exposure comp -2/3

** timer 2s

** ACR direct convert without Noise reduction


Exposure +0.15

Highlight -13

Shadow +37

Clarity +25


below are link for above setting and with vary ISO

5dm3 ISO100 | F16
5dsr ISO100 | F16

I pick few 100% and 200% on different location to compare the different between both picture

#1 200% crop on both pictures of ISO100 , the one with 5dsr still can see the monitor model but not the 5dm3


5dsr 200% crop
5dsr 200% crop


#2 180% crop on 5dsr on the RIGHT most RM10 ringgit note .. “BANK NEGARA” still able to be see but the 250% crop or even smaller crop cannot be see clearly with 5dm3 picture

5dsr 180% crop on right Orange note
5dsr 180% crop on right Orange note


ISO compare

*** will make a compare tomorrow ….


5dm3 ISO400

5dm3 ISO800

5dm3 ISO1600

5dm3 ISO3200


5dsr ISO400

5dsr ISO800

5dsr ISO1600

5dsr ISO3200

I also have ISO6400 and ISO200

*** I seldom use ISO6400 so I do not think I will share here but anyone want to to have a look may contact me .. ISO200 is as good as ISO 100 so I didnt share here too




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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我






more Photohunter Outing/Events/Workshop click HERE

look for more advices or order for Filters/Tripod for Landscape or etc   click HERE


or contact me HERE




related posts

i. CANON EOS 5Dsr vs SONY A7r2

ii. CANON EOS 5DSR vs 5Dm3

Photohunter : 2015 July Chiang Mai , Thailand

another landscape outing but this time plan by my gang … a beautiful country with different beautiful views … but this round we just concentrate on a Paddy field .


and soon this place will be full with landscape photographers 😀

I will be slowly update more pictures and info …

update 2015 Jul 19

– drive ~2hours from Chiang Mai town to Doi Inthanon National Park than another 30min off road by 4×4 (mud road) to this beautiful place call “Pa Bong Piang”

– a beautiful small village with layers/terrace , plant with paddy , corns and etc

1. Lee Filter GND .1.2H 2. Lee Filter 100mm CPL | ISO 100 | 1/4 sec at f / 16 | 20 mm



more Photohunter Outing/Events/Workshop click HERE

look for more advices or order for Filters/Tripod for Landscape or etc   click HERE


or contact me HERE

Dulit Frogmouth a rare Borneo Endemic ..

I was lucky to visit , monitor, study and capture another rare Borneo Endemic , Dulit Frogmouth . A real great tour which need to transit flights, 4 wheel, walking over the bamboo bridge ..

我是幸运的见到/观察另一种罕见婆罗洲特有,Dulit Frogmouth。另一很充满挑战的拍摄,这需要中转航班,4轮,过竹桥..

Dulit frogmouth

update 201910

still clearing my old pictures .. 2018

I also have Frought mouth collection here

… Frogmouth series | liewwk …



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection | liewwk@liewwkphoto.com

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography