Lombok, Indonesia | liewwk

completed another Photohunter series – Photohunters : Outing – Lombok, Indonesia | liewwk

for the 5 days outing , we managed to almost round the island and stay near to both famous beaches.. Kuta and Pantai Sengigi for chasing the sun and stars .

Lombok travel
Lombok travel

overall the tips is amazing even we skip the most attractive location – Mount Rinjani.


1. beautiful beaches around

2. beautiful hotel near Pantai Sengigi and Kuta

3. security overall seem alright with local guide around and thanks Agung for the help and guide

update 2014 Jan 8

– beautiful place with lovely wave that those like to shoot seascape

… following … 1. Lee FIlter GND .75s 2. Lee Filter Pro Glass .9

update 2013 Nov 18

– dusk colors simple awesome even the sunset nothing special

– make use of ND 1.2 and ND .9 to make total 7 stops instead using big stopper

1. Lee Filter GND .9s 2. Lee Filter 1.2 ND 3. Lee Filter .9 ND Pro Glass

update 2013 Nov 8

– we was here for Milky for 2 nights but luck not with us .. but in the morning the Milky “tail” just above the Batu Payung

– a shot capture with Carl Zeiss 15mm F2.8 … the distortion control just awesome

Batu Payung, Tanjung Aan, Lombok, Indonesia

update 2013 Nov 6

– a view that I plan for this trip and the sunset just beautiful with Mount Agung @Bali

1. Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops


– a great place that need ~5 min walk from the beach

– when shoot at Batu Payung location, need take note on tide as tide could make the back path

great photographer with Batu Payung
great photographer with Batu Payung


update 2013 Nov 5

– a spot that cost a lot … this spot is close and need to buy drink to have a visit and the price is not at low site

– to come this spot, we need to pass a cliff that without any protection and this place is dangerous and if you visit here … pls stay extra carefull

– my legs were shake after back from the beautiful spot with Mount Agung as backdrop , cliff , wave sunset

… where to stand … 1. Singh-Ray RGND 2 stops 2. Lee Filter 1.2 ND



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liewwk Online Store | liewwk

Lee Filters And Singh-Ray filtes for sale

what CPL effect you prefer ? …

I use FLM tripod

Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 8-3 [update 20240912]

a big size bird that normally feeding on ground or fruiting tree

1. Chestnut-capped Thrush, 栗顶地鸫, 栗頂地鶇, Geokichla interpres, クリガシラジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH MELAYU

2. Orange-headed Thrush, 橙头地鸫, 橙頭地鶇, Geokichla citrina, オレンジジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH JINGGA ASIA

3. Everett’s Thrush, 埃氏地鸫, 埃氏地鶇, Zoothera everetti, ムネアカジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH BORNEO

4. Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鸫, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, MURAI-TANAH KELABU TUA

5. Gray-sided Thrush, 褐头鸫, 褐頭鶇,Turdus feae, カキイロツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK KELABU

6. Eyebrowed Thrush, 白眉鸫, 白眉鶇, Turdus obscurus, マミチャジナイ, MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK BIASA

7. Fruit-hunter, 食果鸫, 食果鶇, Chlamydochaera jefferyi, キンガオサンショウクイ, MURAI-BUAH

8. Island Thrush, 岛鸫, 白頭鶇, Turdus poliocephalus, ハイガシラツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA GUNUNG TIMUR


51. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫, 紅背地鶇, ムナグロジツグミ, ムナグロジツグミ, Geokichla erythronota


101. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

102. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ


1. Chestnut-capped Thrush, 栗顶地鸫, 栗頂地鶇, Geokichla interpres, クリガシラジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH MELAYU

– a rare thrush of Malaysia

– look very similar to Chestnut-naped Forktail

update 2020 March 30

update 2018 Oct 7

– a bird seldom appear to open and we were lucky yo see it while waiting for other birds

Chestnut-capped Thrush

2. Orange-headed Thrush, 橙头地鸫, 橙頭地鶇, Geokichla citrina, オレンジジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH JINGGA ASIA

– a common winter visitor across lowland – montane

– overall orange with brown wing cover

update 202301

– a common winter visitor, but overall a very beautiful bird to been seen

– 蛮普通的候鸟,11月-3月期间。非常漂亮的鸟

202301, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2015 March 13

orange-headed thrush , 橙头地鸫

– a different Orange-headed thrush found ~1000m near Pahang

orange-headed thrush , 橙头地鸫

3. Everett’s Thrush, 埃氏地鸫, 埃氏地鶇, Zoothera everetti, ムネアカジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH BORNEO

– a rare Borneo Borneo Endemic which prefer feeding on a small stream

update 202407

– it getting difficult to sight this Borneo Endemic again, use to be so easy just walking in the morning should see 1-2 of them but recent trip to KNP make few challenge search before had it. We walking to search last 4 targets and thick mist without any big hope but this guy just came and not far for everyone good view. Lucky …(also happy for a small Photographer able to capture this not so easy photograph bird in such a close distance)

– 最后2团,几乎都很艰难的菜看到这鸟。什么事?之前是多么的容易。昨天我们在寻找最后4种鸟时,这鸟自己跳了出来(这应该是~7-8年前我们在这等的点吧)。耐心真的很重要。当然,高兴这团唯一的小摄影师(Hugo)第一次就拍到到这么一只不容易拍的的特有种。

202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– another Borneo endemic easier to see but difficult to be photograph but recently getting much easier compare old time. a bird active in dusk and dawn ..

– 婆罗洲另一只特有种,通常见到蛮容易,拍到照片就有点不容易。可是比起多年前,这鸟应该比较容易拍到了。野多了起来。

202403, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202309

– we arrived KNP evening and it was misty … but we still trying ours best to look for some bird… first session looking for Bulbul failed… but follow by Whitehead’s Broadbill and this amazing endemic. it feed infront of us ~10-15m for quite long until some car passby

– 我们下午到了神山,雾很大。可是我们还是尝试看看找到目标鸟吗。鹎没找搭配。可是找到黑喉绿阔嘴鸟与这只很害羞的鸟。还站离我们10-15米吃东西。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– as usual morning session, but lucky today have 1 pair still feeding with quite good available light.

– a shy Borneo montane endemic

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。不很稀有,就是有点害羞。

– 如常,我们一大早就找这鸟。好幸运,遇上一对在还有光线的时候还在。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202307

– a bird that always make us wake up early. This special bird come to us dusk, which still have quite good light. CANON R7 with 400mm F2.8 still working perfect for lowlight

– 这鸟终是需要我们一大早醒来。还好,这鸟屎下午突然出现虽然,光线还是一样差。佳能R7+ RF400mm F2.8 还是可以轻易拍下。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– we normal look for this bird dusk/dawn with almost no light situation.  A very lucky moment while we walking, got this bird came out for very close for picture (not this) but love this while it standing

– 一直像僵尸一样的鸟,总是在没什么光线的时候出现。这次非常幸运在非常有光线时候出现还在5-10米左右出现。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– a rare and shy Borneo endemic, lucky guests having it when we first arrive in the evening

– 稀有,害羞的婆罗洲特有种。非常幸运的客人,一到神山就拍到这鸟。

202210, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

– a Borneo montane endemic. Overall back-gray and front-orange, active near a small stream and making high pitch call

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。身上头灰-体身黄

– 通常在小溪活动。

201804, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 May 6

Everett’s Thrush, 埃氏地鶇,Zoothera everetti, ムネアカジツグミ, Murai Everett

update 2018 Aug 20

update 2018 April 21

4. Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鸫, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, MURAI-TANAH KELABU TUA

– pretty common winter visitor range from lowland – montane

– male dark blue with white browed , female brown

update 2020 May 30

– female

Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, Murai Hitam Siberia

update 2020 May 13

Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, Murai Hitam Siberia

a quite common winter migrant






5. Gray-sided Thrush,褐头鸫, 褐頭鶇,Turdus feae, カキイロツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK KELABU

– a rare or first record for Malaysia … lucky to have first lifer for 2020

6. Eyebrowed Thrush, 白眉鸫, 白眉鶇, Turdus obscurus, マミチャジナイ,  MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK BIASA

– winter visitor (North)

– normally found near the fruiting tree

– 蠻普通過冬鳥。通常在果樹附近較容易看到。

update 202105

– overall brown with an orange breast. obvious white eye-browed

– 中型鸟类,体长19-23厘米。雄鸟头、颈灰褐色,具长而显著的白色眉纹,眼下有一白斑,上体橄榄褐色,胸和两胁橙黄色,腹和尾下覆羽白色。雌鸟头和上体橄榄褐色,喉白色而具褐色条纹。其余和雄鸟相似,但羽色稍暗。

201803, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202010

Eyebrowed Thrush,白眉鶇,Turdus obscurus,マミチャジナイ, Murai Belanda

7. Fruit-hunter, 食果鸫, 食果鶇, Chlamydochaera jefferyi, キンガオサンショウクイ, MURAI-BUAH

– another rare Borneo montane endemic

update 202409

– after a tired morning, hiking and keep looking for fast moving shy bird… decided make a move to other place try some lifer for my buddies. After we got the Bornean Shortwing, this bird show up when heavy mist 🙁 but still a lifer for them .. happy men ….

– 一个闷的早上。一大早,爬山,害羞的鸟玩了我们一个早上。我们还是放弃了,找些新鸟种。还好找到食果鸫+婆罗洲短翅鸫补回。

202409, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– another long plan and excited Borneo Photography with Taiwan group and thanks for the trusted continue book for 2025 … very dramatic tour, cannot arrived to Kota Kinabalu on time due to Volcano eruption at Sulawesi North but finally arrived but 2 days late. But we still catch up most of the plan and got many good birds such as Dusky Eagle Owl day roost, 3 Whitehead’s, Fruit-hunter, Bristlehead, Helmeted Hornbill and etc ..

– we were lucky on this, we got Everett’s Thrush, Whitehead’s Broadbill, Bornean Green-Magpie and follow by this super close and low Fruit-hunter … and still like a dream everything happen within an hour.It came low and chase away many other bird and stay long.

– 着一团就要完毕,开始前几乎灾难般开始(苏拉威西北部火山爆发)。我们迟了2天到达。虽然迟了2天,我们还是补上几乎全部错失的主要鸟种。我们还是拿下乌雕鸮(客人先到吉隆坡1天),红树林八色鸫,神山3“白头”,棘毛伯勞,婆罗洲绿鹊,这一只好鸟(站很低,久)还有很多。

– 在拍到这鸟前1个小时。我们拿下埃氏地鸫,黑喉绿阔嘴鸟,婆罗洲绿鹊再加上这只鸟。现在还像在做梦一样。

202404, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



8. Island Thrush, 岛鸫, 白頭鶇, Turdus poliocephalus, ハイガシラツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA GUNUNG TIMUR

update 202407

– a bird that never though to be sight and photograph before I make some plan to hike up to Laban Rata for missing 2 birds of Malaysia. But today while we looking for missing 3 birds .. Azmil message me he sight the Island Thrush.. without any wait we move to the place .. we try to locate but seem missing while I heard Fruit-hunter calling and trying to locate it but seem still bit a distance to see this bird… Hugo call us … Thrush … and bingo make my Malaysia lifer. (683)
– it is not really shy, it just moving around even many people walking around .. beautiful bird …
– 这是一只我完全没想过的马来西亚鸟(在我安排爬上去神山的路上)。今天但我们在神山寻找3只还没看到的鸟时。朋友Azmil 让我知道这鸟出现,没等我们立刻到了那个鸟点。找了10-20分钟是没找到,我听到食果鸫叫,找了很久还是蛮远没办法看到。在远方,Hugo向我们招手。这就拿下我的马来西亚新鸟种。(683)
– 这鸟很不怕人。

202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202309

– adult female come low as the male too but most of the Juvi stay high up … but it is just amazing to see them so close and eye level

– 成鸟都下来很低,亚成鸟都站的蛮高的。可是见到他们这么低与近已是很好了。好像还在发梦一样

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


– same season for pass 2 years, again we meet >10 Fruit-hunter moving as group again … and today is special we meet it twice !!! and at eye level …

– such a beautiful bird to be see in closea handsome male …Matthew still one of best and lucky birder I know

– 连续3年同季节,遇上10+只这稀有的婆罗洲特有种。还是一天遇上2次!还要站很低。Matthew 还是厉害+运气爆的。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– it is not easy to see it, but it is there

– 不容易见到,可是它就在哪没动。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202212

– misty, rain morning. Dec definite not a good month birding here.

– 每天下雨,雾大。12月真的不是来这看鸟好时侯。

update 202210

– a very dramatic day, raining, heavy mist follow by lucky encounter Bornean Green-Magpie, Whitehead’s Trogon than this “rare” endemic and we had 7-8 birds in one tree for long time

– 非常戏剧性的一天。下雨,大雾,可是还是遇上婆罗洲绿鹊, 灰胸咬鹃 再加上8只食果鸫在同一棵树上蛮长时间。

202210, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202207

– before getting busy, a very special bird got from previous tour. This is a 2nd bird of the trip and lucky to have the male bird close and female slightly higher for photo

– 明天后就会忙几个星期。先把上个团的最喜爱的鸟之一分享。

– 一大早,第二只鸟。非常幸运的客人。

202207, KNP, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Fruithunter, 食果鶇, Chlamydochaera jefferyi, キンガオサンショウクイ,MURAI-BUAH

51. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫, 紅背地鶇, ムナグロジツグミ, ムナグロジツグミ, Geokichla erythronota

– a pretty common Sulawesi lowland endemic

A spectacular chestnut-backed thrush with striking white facial patches, black-and-white wings, and bold pied markings below. Juvenile shows buff streaks on crown and back and buff throat. Terrestrial, feeding on the forest floor singly or in pairs within the lowlands and low hills. Unmistakable within its limited range on islands of Sulawesi and Kabaena. Mournful song is a phrase of several high-pitched whistled notes, “deee-der-doo” or “deee-der.” Calls include “chak” notes and a high-pitched “peep” call. [Ebird]

update 202310

201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
101. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

Brown thrush with bold dark spots on the underparts, white spots in the wings, and black facial stripes below the eye. Occurs in pairs or singly, on or near the ground, in forest, forest edge, and gardens, mostly in the Wet Zone, but also locally in the Dry Zone. No other thrush on Sri Lanka shows distinct rows of white spots on the wings, and bold spotting below. Gives very high-pitched “sweeeee” call; song is a highly variable collection of rich, rising and falling, melodious whistles and warbles. [ebird]

update 202312

– another very common endemic, which found most of the lowland urban areas, forest edge, forest

– with very lovely call, not shy

– 斯里兰卡非常普通的特有种,几乎在很多点都看到它。还很会唱歌。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


102. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

– a thrush as its name, it is “pied”… moving in dark area

– “黑白”鸫,总是在暗的地方活动。

update 202401

– a shy bird moving in dark with very obvious white browed

– 蛮害羞的鸟,总喜欢到暗的地方活动。

20240112, Nuwara Eliya (Victory Park), Sri Lanka





More pictures from Flickr : Turdidae series : Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature

... Chestnut-capped Thrush ...

More Youtube video : Turdidae series : Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可






Sichuan, CHINA (四川 , 中国) | liewwk

*** 2020 March 26

I will make this a consolidation pictures collection of my Sichuan, CHINA trip

update 2020 March 26

Rays of Yala
Yala+Tagong Sunrise .. 雅拉+塔公 日出




Just another place .. never get bore .. remind me “we look at a people not on his education and outlook but how he/she behave”






2013 Sichuan trip

Finally I make my first Autumn photography trip (after many years revisit autumn season but previously without Photography) .. and my destination is Sichuan. CHINA (四川 , 中国) .

we don;t have much group photo as we just too concentrate on landscape 😀

left--> right Xiao Zhou, Marc, Terence , Kalai, Albert, John, Xiao Yang, liewwk
left–> right
Xiao Zhou, Marc, Terence , Kalai, Albert, John, Xiao Yang, liewwk



10 days trips which include below locations

1. 海螺沟

– a National Park that 4 stars with highest Mountain within Si Chuan – Minya Konka (贡嘎山)

– need to pay ticket and bus ticket ~RMB160 and only up to 1,2,3 stops (which can stop and walk to get more spots but we are on rush so I will redo this part next trip

– 4th stop need to pay RMB90 for the cable car to reach to the top of the park and the Minya Konka will look closer to us

– slow walk as the altitude >3000m after 4th stop

– small store for food

travel among for day 1-2

SICHUAN , CHINA (四川, 中国) | liewwk
SICHUAN , CHINA (四川, 中国) | liewwk

update 2013 Oct 22

中国, 贡嘎山 1. Lee CPL 4×4

2. 新都桥

– a beautiful place with river, houses, tree (turn yellow when autumn)

– a local view tower (mountain) allow us to shoot sunset with the village as foreground

– too many electric wire around, need more time to avoid the wire instead

update 2013 Nov 25

– view along the travel .. the view across the distance almost as beautiful as this ..

– we almost decide camp here for the view capture

1. Lee FIlter GND .9s

update 2013 Oct

新都桥, 中国

update 2013 Oct 22

… 新都桥, 中国 … 1. Lee FIlter GND .8s 2. Lee FIlter Pro Glass .9

3. 塔公

4。 康定-木格措

5。康定- 折多山 – 丹巴

update 2015 Sept 23

– 45min hike up to a high view point …. beautiful instead and we came here for 2 times 😀

… beautiful village …

update 2013 Nov 13

– very cold morning and the 四姑娘山 is so shy and were lucky it appear for ~1hour after the long wait …(on right)

1. Lee Filter GND .75s 2. Lee Filter CPL 4×4


update 2013 Nov 7

– on the way up 折多山 but snowing getting serious and we just stop at halfway and decided back to hotel … but all half way view just beautiful especially village, ice peak etc …

on way from 康定 toward 折多山 but snowing get serious .. and we decided to back to hotel instead risk our life to continue. and this is a view on way back … 1. Lee Filter GND .75s


6。日隆镇 (四姑娘山)

not really go details to each location but trying my best to capture what I see … it is very beautiful place for landscape photography (think whole Si Chuan) should be heaven for landscape photographers …

update 2013 Nov 26

– 2-3th stops @双桥沟 ..

– tourist spot and still worth a visit with beautiful view along .. if able to walk among few stop could able to capture more beautiful view

1. Singh-Ray CPL 105mm


update 2013 Nov 11

– walking up hill at ~3500-3800 meter from sea level is not easy and I managed to make it 1 hr and this is one extra shot I able to capture .. my friends missed this due to use horse 🙁

– an abandon house after the earthquake …. most of the houses here got distort but rebuild after the earthquake

1. SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops 2. Lee Filter CPL 4×4

update 2013 Nov 7

– thanks our drivers Xiao Zhou & Xiao Yang .. they brought us around and also their own village 嘛呢寨..

– a friendly village ,  love their way of treat guest … and beautiful uphill view for sunset and village view


*** I will keep updating this post for all I capture and remember ……. and please stay connect with me 😀



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liewwk Online Store | liewwk

Lee Filters And Singh-Ray filtes for sale

what CPL effect you prefer ? …

I use FLM tripod


FLM Tripod …

I just recently add in FLM tripod as my gear and products for liewwk Online Store | liewwk.

as previous discussion my gear : Tripod – Fotopro , 

we choose our tripod based on

1. sturdy
2. lowest possible angle
3. highest possible angle
4. the leg connection design, I had few experience with other brand tripod all failed on the leg which sand went into the connection cause the failure
5. size
6. weight
7. cost

FLM provided various tripod mat fullfill yours requirements ..

and as for now, am using below models and available for sale

1. CP-26-S3S specification

CP26 S3S


– long , steady , light

– bit not easy to keep due to the long length

Number of leg segments 3
Top pipe Ø 26 mm
Max. Height 151 cm
Max. Height excl. centre column 121 cm
Min. Height 10 cm
Packing dimension 52 cm
Weight 1,2 kg
Max. Load 10 kg

CONTACT me for demo/available stock and price @ liewwkphoto@gmail.com

2. CP-30-S4S



– very steady even center column pull up, shorter length for ease of travel

– mostly require center column to be pull up but still very sturdy

Number of leg segments 4
Top pipe Ø 30 mm
Max. Height 141 cm
Max. Height excl. centre column 119 cm
Min. Height 11 cm
Packing dimension 45 cm
Weight 1.5 kg
Max. Load 15 kg

CONTACT me for demo/available stock and price @ liewwkphoto@gmail.com


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liewwk Online Store | liewwk

my gear : Tripod – Fotopro

a Travel Tripod … Fotopro X4i-E

you just have to trust your tripod ….

How to Set/configure Fiction level for FLM



Lee Filter Sev5n for Micro 4/3 setup

Lee Filters do produce filters set e.g. GND , CPL, Big Stopper , Holder and rings for Micro 4/3 system , Fuji X100 …

the GND transition from grey to transparent gap is much smaller compare to standard 100/150mm GND filters which allow smaller len produce better filter effect … and other CPL, Big Stopper also cheaper compare to the standard 100x150mm filters

Singh-Ray RGND 2 and 3 stops also AVAILABLE …

Lee Filter Sev5n series
Lee Filter Sev5n series


Singh-Ray RGND also available now

Sev5n RGND
Sev5n RGND

contact me for more info liewwk76@gmail.com

or order through email – liewwk76@gmail.com or click HERE


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liewwk Online Store | liewwk

Lee Filters And Singh-Ray filtes for sale

what CPL effect you prefer ? …


Klang , Selangor | liewwk

not many good spot nearby Selangor, Malaysia …. and mostly are sunset landscape spots …

previous discussion

Pantai Kelanang, Banting | liewwk

Pantai Jeram, Selangor | liewwk

Klang (west port) have few mangrove area also good for landscape if we cannot travel for long…

1. Lee Filter GND .9s 2. Lee Filter CPL 4×4



liewwk Online Store | liewwk

Lee Filters And Singh-Ray filtes for sale

what CPL effect you prefer ? …



Travel Tripod : Fotopto PGC 484 ~830gram ONLY

another travel tripod to be recommended compare to previous sharing a Travel Tripod … Fotopro X4i-E.   which can be keep shorter, cheaper but which is not carbon fibre .

I use the aluminium alloy similar version before for my waterfall testing

you just have to trust your tripod ….




and this one just wieght ~830gram (without ball head) and it feel sturdy to suite my style of landscape photography …

Fotopro PGC484
Fotopro PGC484





Model PGC-484 + FPH-52P
Total Weight 1.04kg (830gram without head)
Maximum Load 5kg
Tripod Material Carbon Fibre, Aluminum Magnesium Alloy
Head Type Ballhead
Tube Sections 4
Max Tube Diameter 22mm
Folded Height 48cm
Minimum Height 18cm (Ballhead Included)
Maximum Height 119 – 148cm (Ballhead Included)



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liewwk Online Store | liewwk


my gear : Tripod – Fotopro

a Travel Tripod … Fotopro X4i-E

you just have to trust your tripod ….


Photohunters 2014 Plans

2014 Landscape/Nightscape Outings
2014 Landscape/Nightscape Outings

2014 Landscape/Nightscape Outings

Jan – TBA
Feb – TBA
13-19 March – CHINA (TBA) [CANCEL]
15-20 April – Semporna (reserved)
27 – 30 April – Semporna [FULL]
28 May – 2 Jun – Papuma-Mount Bromo, Surabaya, Indonesia
26-30 Jun – Papuma-Mount Bromo, Surabaya, Indonesia
24-30 Jul – Bali, Indonesia [temp reserved]
31Jul-5 Aug – Bali Indonesia

How : email to ask cost and
more details




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liewwk Outing/Workshop

Why Big Stopper …. and How ….

just another sample of Big Stopper use … the use of the ND filters can help to create different effect or mood of our pictures ….


many may ask how we going to use ND filters or Big Stopper as it is almost total dark ..

1. use GND/RGND or shoot like normal but capture the shutterspeed, ISO, F number… e.g below. but make sure set to Manual Focus after the capture or record of the setting

without Big Stopper
without Big Stopper

2. use the same ISO, Aperture  but then convert the shutter speed base on 10 stops filter exposure table, ‘long time’ (for Iphone user), ND Calc (for Android user)

e.g. ISO100 , F16 , 1/30s before ND1000 , Big Stopper…. will change to

ISO100, F16, 30s

– DO NOT change setting ISO, Aperture

– DO NOT change focus (after the MF)

with Lee Filter Big Stopper
with Lee Filter Big Stopper

3. few notes need to be taken

– white balance could be run, you may correct it with white balance tool at Photoshop, Lightroom, DPP … by click white color spot

– the light condition could be change e.g. sunset .. it will change to darker so need to compesate with some add on time … e.g. 30s above I normally add on 10-20% time for sky getting darker

– sturdy tripod need to be use avoid shake …

– long exposure noise need special process to remove (color noise) , if do not know any method turn on long exposure noise reduction


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liewwk Online Store | liewwk

Lee Filters And Singh-Ray filtes for sale

my tool .. – Lee Filter BIG STOPPER

10 stops filter exposure table