most of the species are winter visitors to Malaysia. Small and active birds, look-alike, and sometimes difficult to ID without pictures taken and call recording.
1. Mountain Leaf Warbler, 山柳莺, 山柳鶯, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, ミナミムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KUNYIT GUNUNG
* North Borneo, Kinabaluensis
2. Yellow-browed Warbler, 黄眉柳莺, 黃眉柳鶯, Phylloscopus inornatus, キマユムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KECIL BIASA
3. Arctic Warbler, 极北柳莺. 極北柳鶯, Phylloscopus borealis, コムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN ARTIK
4. Yellow-breasted Warbler, 黄胸鹟莺, 黃胸鶲鶯, Phylloscopus montis, チャガシラモリムシクイ, CEKUP-KACAMATA MELAYU
101. Bianchi’s Warbler, 比氏鹟莺, 比氏鶲鶯, Phylloscopus valentini, インドシナモリムシクイ
1. Mountain Leaf Warbler, 山柳莺, 山柳鶯, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, ミナミムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KUNYIT GUNUNG
* North Borneo, Kinabaluensis
update 202105
– small and active found >800 asl
– black crown, no wing-bar
– this overall dull gray-greenish, no yellowish
– in North Borneo (KNP, Crocker Range etc) both Yellowish and this Gray-light greenish exist
– 小而活跃。通常在海拔800米以上
– 黑头。翅膀没纹。在北婆罗洲(沙巴)有黄 或 这灰-浅绿 两种。
2. Yellow-browed Warbler, 黄眉柳莺, 黃眉柳鶯, Phylloscopus inornatus, キマユムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KECIL BIASA
– Small, active warbler with greenish upperparts, white underparts, distinct pale yellowish eyebrow, and distinct pale wingbars (upper wingbar short and less distinct) *Ebird
– 是小型食虫鸟类,嘴细尖。头部色泽较深,在头顶的中央贯以一条若隐若现的黄绿色纵纹。背羽以橄榄绿色或褐色为主,上体包括两翅的内侧覆羽概呈橄榄绿色,翅具两道浅黄绿色翼斑。下体白色,胸、胁、尾下覆羽均稍沾绿黄色,腋羽亦然。尾羽黑褐色,雌雄两性羽色相似。虹膜暗褐色;嘴角黑色,下嘴基部淡黄;跗蹠淡棕褐色。
3. Arctic Warbler, 极北柳莺. 極北柳鶯, Phylloscopus borealis, コムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN ARTIK
– Dull, relatively unmarked olive-brown warbler with a prominent yellowish-white eyestripe, faint wingbars, and pale whitish underparts. Visually inseparable from Japanese and Kamchatka Leaf Warblers; listen for song, an electric chattery trill. Also gives a metallic two-noted call and a short harsh buzz. Breeds in shrubby areas, often near water, throughout the Eurasian taiga. Breeding range extends to Alaska, where it is the only leaf warbler. Winters in lowland and foothill forest, forest edge, and gardens, primarily in Southeast Asia. (Ebird)
update 202105
4. Yellow-breasted Warbler, 黄胸鹟莺, 黃胸鶲鶯, Phylloscopus montis, チャガシラモリムシクイ, CEKUP-KACAMATA MELAYU
– a very active montane bird, but it is always attract our’s attention with the bright yellow color
– 非常活跃高山小鸟。非常吸引我们的眼光。
update 202310
– a tiny, active and beautiful bird commonly found at KNP, Gunung Alab at Borneo
– 小,活跃,美丽的小鸟。在神山都蛮容易看到的鸟。
101. Bianchi’s Warbler, 比氏鹟莺, 比氏鶲鶯, Phylloscopus valentini, インドシナモリムシクイ
One of a number of mind-numbingly similar Seicercus warblers. Greenish-yellow above and bright yellow below, with a faint wingbar, a yellow eyering, and a grayish crown marked by two black stripes. Gray of the crown is weaker than that of White-spectacled and Plain-tailed Warblers, but this feature is difficult to see in the shade of the understory, where it usually forages. Breeds in submontane and montane forest up to the treeline; averages higher Martens’s Warbler. Descends into submontane and hill forest in the non-breeding season. Song is an unremarkable but lively burst of whistled notes, lower in pitch than that of Plain-tailed Warbler. [Ebird]
一种看起来极为相似的冠鹛类鸟(Seicercus)。上体呈绿色偏黄,下体明黄色,带有一条淡淡的翼斑、黄色的眼圈以及灰色的头顶,头顶上还有两条黑色条纹。头顶的灰色比白眶鹛(White-spectacled Warbler)和单尾鹛(Plain-tailed Warbler)更弱,但在其常活动的林下阴影处,这一特征难以看清。繁殖季节栖息于亚山地和山地森林中,分布高度可达森林界限;平均分布高度比马氏鹛(Martens’s Warbler)更高。非繁殖季节会下迁至亚山地和丘陵森林。鸣声是轻快的、普通的哨音片段,音高低于单尾鹛的鸣声。
update 202412
A tiny warbler with a sudden flash of “yellowish” plumage appeared, and I immediately thought, “It’s a new bird!” Naturally, everyone quickly grabbed their cameras to capture it. It only showed up briefly while we were casually waiting for birds to come to the water.