Paradisaeidae series: Birds-of-Paradise | 极乐鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 11 [update 20231016]

a bird special bird family, almost all found near New Guinea, except a few at Australia, Indonesia nearby island.

有16属41种 (++)。大部分雄鸟色彩缤纷,具有复杂华丽的饰羽。雌鸟和雄性未成鸟则具有暗淡的保护色,腹部常有横斑。有些单配制种类为全身黑色或蓝黑色。该科鸟体长15~110厘米,体重50~450克。雄鸟一般大于雌鸟。


1. Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, 十二线极乐鸟十二線極樂鳥Seleucidis melanoleucus, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat

2. King Bird-of-paradise, 王极乐鸟, 王天堂鳥, Cicinnurus regius, ヒヨクドリ, Cendrawasih Raja

3. Lesser Bird-of-paradise, 小极乐鸟, 小天堂鳥, Paradisaea minor, コフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Kecil

4. Pale-billed Sicklebill, 淡嘴镰嘴风鸟, 白嘴鐮嘴天堂鳥, Drepanornis bruijnii, シロカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit paruh-putih

5. Western Parotia阿法六线风鸟, 阿法六線風鳥, Parotia sefilata, カンザシフウチョウ, Parotia Arfak

6. Red Bird-of-paradise, 红极乐鸟, 紅極樂鳥, Paradisaea rubra, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat

7. Magnificent Bird-of-paradise,丽色极乐鸟麗色極樂鳥, Cicinnurus magnificus, キンミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Belah-rotan

8. Magnificent Riflebird, 丽色掩鼻风鸟, 麗色掩鼻風鳥, Ptiloris magnificus, オオウロコフウチョウ, Toowa Cemerlang

9. Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise, 威氏丽色风鸟, 威氏麗色風鳥, Cicinnurus respublica, アカミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Botak

10. Black Sicklebill, 黑镰嘴风鸟, 黑色鐮嘴天堂鳥, Epimachus fastosus, オナガカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit kurikuri

11. Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise, 幡羽极乐鸟, 幡羽天堂鳥, Semioptera wallacii


Is a long journey from Malaysia – Sulawesi – Jayapura (~26 hours without a bed, too much coffee and waiting) …for the day1 when we arrive, we give Magnificent Riflebird a try but failed to have any photo .. but the bird was well seen above our “hide”

Day2 – Nimbokrang

We start our drive, walk ~430am, 15 min drive and ~20min walk … the first Bird-of-paradise is waiting for us .. before we walk into our “hide”. The bird keeps calling, trying to attract female … but seem it is not attractive enough. only one female comes close and fast. The male trying to “show off” with some action but the female flew off just immediate it trying to show his “dance”

I am mostly recording video, so this picture I share is a Jpeg extract from Canon Digital Photo Professional software …

1. Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, 十二线极乐鸟十二線極樂鳥Seleucidis melanoleucus, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat

– one of the most easier, walk not that far and the birds just there without any waiting

– first Bird-of-Paradise of the trip and amazing beautiful


update 202105

– let’s share some old pictures and video
– this was 2019 Oct, our West Papua Bird Photography trip first Birds-of-Paradise and one of the most easier.
– special of this bird is the tails

– 還有蠻長的封城。看看一些久照片與攝頻,懷念。
– 我們2019,西巴布亞的第一隻極樂鳥。也是最容易的一隻。走不遠,不用等,站很久。



Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, 十二线极乐鸟


2. King Bird-of-paradise, 王极乐鸟, 王天堂鳥, Cicinnurus regius, ヒヨクドリ, Cendrawasih Raja

BoP #2 which is my target #1 for this tour, was just about 20min walking after Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, but this is so much smaller, higher & active makes only a very limited angle to get the full view. I am lucky to have this just ~5min wait.

King Bird-of-paradise, 王极乐鸟


3. Lesser Bird-of-paradise, 小极乐鸟, 小天堂鳥, Paradisaea minor, コフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Kecil

– The only BoP we didn’t see much and dancing .. just hear most of the time … the location we wait seem not the really correct location for “dancing” … but it did flying across and let us record

– 在非常高的樹上叫不停,就見到它們飛來飛去。幸運都停了一會。

4. Pale-billed Sicklebill, 淡嘴镰嘴风鸟, 白嘴鐮嘴天堂鳥, Drepanornis bruijnii, シロカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit paruh-putih

– another not so obvious Bird-of-Paradise got from Irian Jaya.

– this is so far away, and somehow it still belongs to BoP .. we got it record ..

– 鳥不是特別出色,還要在遠遠的。

– 攝於伊里安查亚






After 5 days of “enjoy”, reasonable food, easy walk (flat), air-cond room, not far from airport and bird spots .. we finally move to 2nd destination Arfak Mountain..

After got the information before, we get ready with some extra food … sleeping beg, insect repellent, etc .. just before we going into a “no Phone” (only a particular spot can get a phone signal which is a bit distance from our “homestay”. After ~2 hours of offroad travel, we arrive at our homestay a little bit late and with rain .. so we call this a day and enjoy our cold stay

Here, we need to split into a few groups to decide on different BoP hide due to limited “hole” for photography …

Day1 at Arfak Mountain

5. Western Parotia阿法六线风鸟, 阿法六線風鳥, Parotia sefilata, カンザシフウチョウ, Parotia Arfak

– lucky to have this amazing, lovely bird for bird #1 .. we walk a very steep hike ~45-60 degree uphill for ~500m … we saw the bird-eating, calling for the whole morning but just not dancing … at ~9 am, we almost give up … the female came to the dancing group, followed by the male than the moment begin …

update 202310

– 4 years ago 5 of us went to West Papua for Photography and today 3 out of 5 we back to same airport and same Starbuck ..good memory … and hope tomorrow we have same good experience for the photography tour

– 4年前,我们5个人到西巴布亚摄鸟行。今天3/5个从回到同一机场,KFC,Starbucks 又讲起回忆。希望这吃摄鸟行一样棒。

201910, Arfak Mountain, West Papua, Indonesia

update 202105

– a big overall blackbird, with a colorful throat depends on the angle and also have a Blue eye

– the male famous with ballerina dance displaying to attract female

– 非常特别的天堂鸟。大,黑,喉会变黄绿。为吸引母鸟会跳草裙舞

201910, Mount Arfak, West Papua, Indonesia

update 2020 Jul

Western Parotia, 阿法六線風鳥, 阿法六线风鸟, Parotia sefilata



so amazing to see it dancing ..

update 2020 Jan 16

a close look at the Juv


6. Red Bird-of-paradise, 红极乐鸟, 紅極樂鳥, Paradisaea rubra, ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat

actually, this is the last BoP of the tour but I really like it so much when I process the pictures …. can’t wait to share this great moment with you all. Endemic, common but somehow I really like this

update 202203

– finally Malaysia border going to open, do we able to make a trip here again this year ?

– 马来西亚要开放了。今年应该来得及到这拍鸟。

201911, Weigo Islang, Indonesia

update 202102

update 202011

update 2020 May

Red Bird-of-paradise, 紅極樂鳥, Paradisaea rubra,ジュウニセンフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Mati-kawat

update 2020 Jan 23

one of my favor photo .. when this Red BoP decide make noise face to face to me




7. Magnificent Bird-of-paradise,丽色极乐鸟麗色極樂鳥, Cicinnurus magnificus, キンミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Belah-rotan

– another BoP that really amazes us, it keeps cleaning the “dancing” ground and displaying (dancing) to attract a female. make a lot of photo opportunity

– 唯一不冷場的鳥,從早上到中午。下午都一直清理它的舞場,叫不停。

update 2020 June 18

Magnificent Bird-of-paradise, 麗色極樂鳥,Animalia, Chordata, キンミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Belah-rotan



8. Magnificent Riflebird, 丽色掩鼻风鸟, 麗色掩鼻風鳥, Ptiloris magnificus, オオウロコフウチョウ, Toowa Cemerlang

– one of the amazing Bird of Paradise

– too bad missed the displaying but when it making a call just amazing so loud in the forest

update 202012



9. Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise, 威氏丽色风鸟, 威氏麗色風鳥, Cicinnurus respublica, アカミノフウチョウ, Cendrawasih Botak

– one of the easiest and beautiful Bird-of-Paradise

– every morning, it will come to “dance” ground clearing and calling the female – this is a moment after an hour clearing, no female is approaching so it is resting and preening nearby

– 一隻蠻普通+漂亮的風鳥,天堂鳥。

– 每天它都會到這清理,呼叫。希望母鳥的到來。

update 202112

update 202105

– one of the most seen, photograph BoP, but still like this bird very much. the body contains so much color and the chest “green” can changing depend on lighting and angle to “purple”

– 應該是天堂鳥,被拍到最多的一種。可是還是我們最喜歡的一種。他的身上充滿色彩。胸上的青,還會轉紫。(角度,光線)

201911, Waigeo Island, West Papua, Indonesia



10. Black Sicklebill, 黑镰嘴风鸟, 黑色鐮嘴天堂鳥, Epimachus fastosus, オナガカマハシフウチョウ, Paruh-sabit kurikuri

– a very special BoP but somehow we missed the male which big difference from the female.

– female is big and overall brown with a curvy bill

– 很普通的天堂鳥。公鳥是很長的鳥。

– 母鳥,棕色+彎嘴。

update 202105

201911, Mount Arfak, West Papua, Indonesia

11. Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise, 幡羽极乐鸟, 幡羽天堂鳥, Semioptera wallacii

A large, front-heavy brown bird with a long, pale downcurved bill and a distinctive elongated head with a flat crown and a forehead tuft. Orange legs. Unmistakable males have a green-blue breast shield and long creamy-white plumes extending from the shoulders. Females are entirely earth-brown, lacking the shoulder extensions and shield. Immature resembles female. Found in canopy of tall forests in lowlands and foothills, confined to three islands in north Moluccas. Regularly sighted at known display sites. Very loud when displaying, giving raucous “WAA-WAA…” and “KEE-KEE…” notes. [Ebird]

update 202310

[sorry for the bad video]

– this a weird scene I seen, or I missed out anything before .. why the female is on top and I record few times ..


– another trip another good view of this bird after longer wait compared to previous trips. I didn’t have best angle but still trying to show the beauty of this bird .. 8km bird .. worth ? YES definitely

– will share some funny video about this bird … may be finish this trip



– 是我误会了,还是之前没看过他们踩蛋?为什么母鸟会在上面?!


– 另一个摄鸟行到这。虽然这次等蛮久可是还是很不错。可是这次站台太高2位团友安全问题没上来。其他都拍的很好。

– 8公里来回。很值得,这么美的鸟。一定要来拍。

– 我拍到它们踩蛋的视频,可是很奇怪。母的在上。有机会再发。


– another trip another good view of this bird after longer wait compared to previous trips. I didn’t have best angle but still trying to show the beauty of this bird .. 8km bird .. worth ? YES definitely

– will share some funny video about this bird … may be finish this trip

– 另一个摄鸟行到这。虽然这次等蛮久可是还是很不错。可是这次站台太高2位团友安全问题没上来。其他都拍的很好。

– 8公里来回。很值得,这么美的鸟。一定要来拍。

– 我拍到它们踩蛋的视频,可是很奇怪。母的在上。有机会再发。

202310, Akeyajawe NP, Halmahera, Indonesia

update 202310

– 2nd trip to Halmahera 2023 and see you next week … never get bored to see it making noise and dance even the journey there bit challenge … I am coming

– 2023 第2团。多几天又可以见你。每次看你叫不停,跳不停终是兴奋不停。虽然来看你的路不好到。我来也。

202304, Halmahera, Indonesia

update 202304

– lucky to see it display but not really full open view. capture video with 100p slowdown 50%

– 幸运的看到他在跳舞。可是没全露。可是还是记录下了。


another special tour, which has main target of this Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise.

It is a real good experience to be Halmahera, we just spend 3 nights. We easily got ours’ targets seen.

This is our main target, on 2nd morning. We hike 3.7km straight to the “hide” (on the way, we heard owlet-nightjar which is my favorite bird but we failed to see the bird and also rushing to the hide for main target.

Arrived before 6am, while every still dark. We can heard many of them already calling infront of us but just very brief view. after 30minutes, finally we got clear view of this amazing beautiful bird. But I still only got some extreme high ISO picture even with my CANON RF400mm F2.8.

Long story short, the birds stay for long and from ISO 25600 – ISO800, Managed to have perfect view of the bird and pictures… oohh video too .

Immediate of this target, we walking out and birding. There is another very good story to talk about “pick up service for the Pitta”

– 非常不一样的一次特别目标鸟团。我们其实主要3 只鸟加最好看完可以看到的猫头鹰。可是,来到这么好的鸟点。我们几乎没浪费任何时间(天气太热,我们还是有2-3小时中午到房间休息)

– 这只天堂鸟是我们主要鸟。我们到了哈马黑拉岛后第二天早山立刻步行3.7公里到鸟点。在路中听了好几次鼻鸱可是我们只是停留很短时间。所以没看到。大概1.5小时后到达鸟点,还是很暗(6am)可是这鸟已在叫不停。我们还只是看到影子而已。过了30分钟。终于看到清楚了。大家都高兴了。可是,我还是用ISO25600 (还是用CANON RF 400mm F2.8) .可是很幸运,鸟留下来到天蛮亮的。终于看到拍到。

– 回程中,我们再次去看白胸八色鸫. 当地导游竟然让我们知道人是可以与动物共处的。之前他一直讲不用担心八色鸫,他们不在的话。他会去“接“它!让我有机会下次再写写那个故事(希望有时间,完了这团后又要很忙到9月了。

202404, Halmahera, Indonesia



More pictures from Flickr: Paradisaeidae: Bird-of-Paradise | 极乐鸟科: 天堂鸟 | liewwk Nature

Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, 十二线极乐鸟

More pictures from Flickr: West Papua – Papua | 西巴布亚 – 巴布亚

Western Parotia, 阿法六线风鸟

More Videos : Paradisaeidae : Bird-of-Paradise | 极乐鸟科 : 天堂鸟 | liewwk Nature

More birds of West Papua, Indonesia




liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


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Passeridae series | 雀科 | liewwk Nature – 2-1

a family small bird, normally group

1. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU, Ciak Rumah

2. Plain-backed Sparrow, 黄腹麻雀, 黄腹麻雀, Passer flaveolus, セアカスズメ, PIPIT PERUT KUNING, Burung Ciak Arnab


1. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU, Ciak Rumah

– a rare species for Peninsular Malaysia, only special on Northern- overall grayish and black throat

– 共有13个亚种。是小型鸟类,体长14-16厘米。背栗红色具黑色纵纹,两侧具皮黄色纵纹;颏、喉和上胸黑色,脸颊白色,其余下体白色,翅上具白色带斑。雄鸟与树麻雀的区别在顶冠及尾上覆羽灰色,耳无黑色斑块,且喉及上胸的黑色较多。雌鸟色淡,具浅色眉纹。较山麻雀雌鸟色彩淡,翼斑不如黑顶麻雀的雌鸟明显,且尾无叉,胸色较淡。

update 202105

201702, Perak, Malaysia
201701, Khaoyai National Park, Thailand


2. Plain-backed Sparrow, 黄腹麻雀, 黄腹麻雀, Passer flaveolus, セアカスズメ, PIPIT PERUT KUNING, Burung Ciak Arnab

– another rare sparrow only commonly found in North Peninsular Malaysia.

– overall Yellow, dusty reddish brows and back

– 只在马来西亚西马北部

– 几乎都是黄,头耳部棕

update 202105

201702, Kedah, Malaysia






liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

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Phylloscopidae series: Warbler | 柳莺科 | liewwk Nature – 4-1 [20241208]

most of the species are winter visitors to Malaysia. Small and active birds, look-alike, and sometimes difficult to ID without pictures taken and call recording.

1. Mountain Leaf Warbler, 山柳莺, 山柳鶯, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, ミナミムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KUNYIT GUNUNG

* North Borneo, Kinabaluensis

2. Yellow-browed Warbler, 黄眉柳莺, 黃眉柳鶯, Phylloscopus inornatus, キマユムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KECIL BIASA

3. Arctic Warbler, 极北柳莺. 極北柳鶯, Phylloscopus borealis, コムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN ARTIK

4. Yellow-breasted Warbler, 黄胸鹟莺, 黃胸鶲鶯, Phylloscopus montis, チャガシラモリムシクイ, CEKUP-KACAMATA MELAYU


101. Bianchi’s Warbler, 比氏鹟莺, 比氏鶲鶯, Phylloscopus valentini, インドシナモリムシクイ


1. Mountain Leaf Warbler, 山柳莺, 山柳鶯, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, ミナミムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KUNYIT GUNUNG

* North Borneo, Kinabaluensis

update 202105

– small and active found >800 asl

– black crown, no wing-bar

– this overall dull gray-greenish, no yellowish

– in North Borneo (KNP, Crocker Range etc) both Yellowish and this Gray-light greenish exist

– 小而活跃。通常在海拔800米以上

– 黑头。翅膀没纹。在北婆罗洲(沙巴)有黄 或 这灰-浅绿 两种。

201603, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


2. Yellow-browed Warbler, 黄眉柳莺, 黃眉柳鶯, Phylloscopus inornatus, キマユムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN KECIL BIASA

– Small, active warbler with greenish upperparts, white underparts, distinct pale yellowish eyebrow, and distinct pale wingbars (upper wingbar short and less distinct) *Ebird

– 是小型食虫鸟类,嘴细尖。头部色泽较深,在头顶的中央贯以一条若隐若现的黄绿色纵纹。背羽以橄榄绿色或褐色为主,上体包括两翅的内侧覆羽概呈橄榄绿色,翅具两道浅黄绿色翼斑。下体白色,胸、胁、尾下覆羽均稍沾绿黄色,腋羽亦然。尾羽黑褐色,雌雄两性羽色相似。虹膜暗褐色;嘴角黑色,下嘴基部淡黄;跗蹠淡棕褐色。

201301, Genting Highland, Pahang, Malaysia


3. Arctic Warbler, 极北柳莺. 極北柳鶯, Phylloscopus borealis, コムシクイ, CEKUP-DAUN ARTIK

– Dull, relatively unmarked olive-brown warbler with a prominent yellowish-white eyestripe, faint wingbars, and pale whitish underparts. Visually inseparable from Japanese and Kamchatka Leaf Warblers; listen for song, an electric chattery trill. Also gives a metallic two-noted call and a short harsh buzz. Breeds in shrubby areas, often near water, throughout the Eurasian taiga. Breeding range extends to Alaska, where it is the only leaf warbler. Winters in lowland and foothill forest, forest edge, and gardens, primarily in Southeast Asia. (Ebird)


update 202105

202104, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia
202104, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia


4. Yellow-breasted Warbler, 黄胸鹟莺, 黃胸鶲鶯, Phylloscopus montis, チャガシラモリムシクイ, CEKUP-KACAMATA MELAYU

– a very active montane bird, but it is always attract our’s attention with the bright yellow color

– 非常活跃高山小鸟。非常吸引我们的眼光。

update 202310

– a tiny, active and beautiful bird commonly found at KNP, Gunung Alab at Borneo

– 小,活跃,美丽的小鸟。在神山都蛮容易看到的鸟。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



202208, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia




101. Bianchi’s Warbler, 比氏鹟莺, 比氏鶲鶯, Phylloscopus valentini, インドシナモリムシクイ

One of a number of mind-numbingly similar Seicercus warblers. Greenish-yellow above and bright yellow below, with a faint wingbar, a yellow eyering, and a grayish crown marked by two black stripes. Gray of the crown is weaker than that of White-spectacled and Plain-tailed Warblers, but this feature is difficult to see in the shade of the understory, where it usually forages. Breeds in submontane and montane forest up to the treeline; averages higher Martens’s Warbler. Descends into submontane and hill forest in the non-breeding season. Song is an unremarkable but lively burst of whistled notes, lower in pitch than that of Plain-tailed Warbler. [Ebird]

一种看起来极为相似的冠鹛类鸟(Seicercus)。上体呈绿色偏黄,下体明黄色,带有一条淡淡的翼斑、黄色的眼圈以及灰色的头顶,头顶上还有两条黑色条纹。头顶的灰色比白眶鹛(White-spectacled Warbler)和单尾鹛(Plain-tailed Warbler)更弱,但在其常活动的林下阴影处,这一特征难以看清。繁殖季节栖息于亚山地和山地森林中,分布高度可达森林界限;平均分布高度比马氏鹛(Martens’s Warbler)更高。非繁殖季节会下迁至亚山地和丘陵森林。鸣声是轻快的、普通的哨音片段,音高低于单尾鹛的鸣声。

update 202412

A tiny warbler with a sudden flash of “yellowish” plumage appeared, and I immediately thought, “It’s a new bird!” Naturally, everyone quickly grabbed their cameras to capture it. It only showed up briefly while we were casually waiting for birds to come to the water.


202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China

Birds of Bali, Indonesia | 巴厘岛之观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20240209]

a beautiful small island of Indonesia. which report 410 species of birds (Ebird 202105)

1. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟啄木鸟, 赤胸擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, Takur Ungkut-ungkut

2. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau

3. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa

4. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU

5. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa

6. Javan Banded-Pitta, 爪哇蓝尾八色鸫, 爪哇藍尾八色鶇, Hydrornis guajanus, キマユシマヤイロチョウ, Paok pancawarna

7. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali

8. Small Blue Kingfisher, 小蓝翠鸟, 小藍翠鳥, Alcedo coerulescens, ヒメアオカワセミ, Rajaudang Biru

9. Little Black Cormorant, 小黑鸬鹚, 小黑鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, ミナミクロヒメウ, Pecuk-padi hitam

1. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟啄木鸟, 赤胸擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, Takur Ungkut-ungkut

– it is under the same species but looks different from the one found in Peninsular Malaysia. The Bali one, head over all more red-black instead of red-yellow-black

– 与马来西亚半岛的头部很不一样。红-黑而已。

update 202105

201605, West Balu National Park, Bali, Indonesia


2. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau

– the male, very colorful, The back neck is metallic green-blue-yellow

– the comb, purple-red with center neon blue.

– the female is overall brown only

– 体长70厘米,体重454- 795克。两性异形,雄鸡羽毛的颜色主要是绿色和黑色,有一个带凹口的羽冠,几乎方形的羽毛。头顶部主要是淡蓝色,在顶峰部分变成紫红色。同时,羽毛的表面紫红色,两则蓝色。雌鸡总体呈棕色的色调,没有羽冠。

update 202105

– moving in a group of few hens and a single rooster.

– 群体活动。1公鸟,多只母鸟。

201402, West Bali National Park, Bali, Indonesia
201402, West Bali National Park, Bali, Indonesia
201402, West Bali National Park, Bali, Indonesia


3. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa

– a Java, Bali endemic. very look-alike Peninsular Malaysia White-throated Kingfisher

– red-bill, head-brown, back-black-purple-blue, front brown-purple-blue. Both female and male same

– normally found near stream, pond, river

– 爪哇, 巴厘岛特有种

– 爪哇翡翠身长27 cm,体重93 g,雌雄类似。成鸟头部棕黑色,只有少数的颈部羽毛完成蓝紫。下颏,喉咙,领和胸部棕色,下巴浅棕色,喉咙和脖子两侧有几道黑色条纹。翕,背部,肩胛骨,尾和双翼显示蓝紫色调。主飞羽、次级飞羽和翼角能看到明亮的绿松石蓝色。翼端有白斑。腋窝和覆翼背面是黑色。嘴是红色,虹膜深褐色,红眼。腿是暗红色。幼鸟的羽毛比成鸟深。单调的绿色或紫色取代了绿松石蓝色。喉咙是白色或浅黄色,嘴橙棕色。

update 202105

201402, Bali, Indonesia


4. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU

201402, Bali, Indonesia


5. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa

– note darker head in all plumages. Handsome in breeding plumage, with a creamy head, dark red breast, and lacy black plumes on the back.

– 鹳形目鹭科的鸟类。是一种中型涉禽,身长45cm,胸部红棕色,上体黑色,白色双翼、有一张喙尖黑色的黄色鸟喙,黄色的眼睛和腿。

201402, Bali, Indonesia


6. Javan Banded-Pitta, 爪哇蓝尾八色鸫, 爪哇藍尾八色鶇, Hydrornis guajanus, キマユシマヤイロチョウ, Paok pancawarna

– Java endemic

– previously under the same species of Banded Pitta which now split to 3 different species. Malayan Banded Pitta, Borneo Banded Pitta, and Javan Banded Pitta. all of them with slightly different looks especially male. But all with the same call, behavior.

– 之前与其他两种马来亚,与婆罗洲归为同种。叫声一样。


update 202105

– male bird with a blue neck, head yellow instead of rufuos

– 公鸟。颈部有蓝边,头部是黄不是棕色。

201605, Bali, Indonesia


7. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali

An eye-catching white starling with black tips to the tail and wings, bare blue facial skin, and long plumes that hang down the nape. Juvenile is shorter-crested than adult, with yellow wash. Found in small groups in open forest, where it spends time in the trees and foraging on the ground. Avoids dense forest. Restricted to northwest Bali. Differs from Black-winged Starling in having the black on the wings confined to tips, and in showing blue facial skin. Song is an untidy jumble of scratchy, chattering notes and whistles. [Ebird]

长冠八哥(学名:Leucopsar rothschildi):是一种大型椋鸟,体长约25厘米,雌雄相似,外形俊朗,羽冠发达,眼睛四周和面部裸出,裸露部分为蓝色,全身羽毛纯白色,尾部和翼端的边缘呈黑色,脚灰色。全身白色,具较长冠羽,羽冠不像一些羽冠发达的鸟类复杂多变,却十分有特点,有丝带状的羽冠简洁随意飘洒。1910年由英国鸟类学家沃尔特·罗斯柴尔德(Walter Rothschild)命名。 [1]
update 202401
– a very special and beautiful endemic for Bali, wont wrong as long as you see medium size and white bird .. think only near Bali National Park area
– 非常特别的巴厘岛特有种,白
2016, West Bali, Indonesia


8. Small Blue Kingfisher, 小蓝翠鸟, 小藍翠鳥, Alcedo coerulescens, ヒメアオカワセミ, Rajaudang Biru

a very common small blue-white small Kingfisher at Bali-Java, can be seen almost any where near stream, pond …but quite shy as usual


update 202402

– this is a very good example of need more fps .. so not always correct we do not need .. I normally shoot ~15fps in most of the camera by default … when this bird sudden dive in I am too late to change the fps .. and most of the frame without very good “eye contact” or I would say too less frame within the dive action (~7frames)

– 现在相机都说有多快。20,30,40,60,120,240fps .. 蛮多人讲,我们都不需要。。。不是很重要,其实我们大部分时间都不需要。可是有想过吗,有当然比没好啊。当我们需要时却没有,就像我这样。15张一秒,错过蛮多看过来的一幕啊。

20240118, Bali, Indonesia


update 202401

– a transit easy shooting near ours hotel, saw few of them and need small movement to get close to get closer pictures.

– 再去看松巴岛前,在巴厘岛酒店附近就找到。还蛮还几只,慢慢的走近还是可以拍好。

20240118, Bali, Indonesia



9. Little Black Cormorant, 小黑鸬鹚, 小黑鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, ミナミクロヒメウ, Pecuk-padi hitam

– overall black and mid size of bird always found near ponds, river.

update 202401

– transit to Sumba Island so spent some time in Bali for casual birding, managed to have this pond for small fun for everyone .. this bird very common here first arrive every one chase haha .. and day2 everyone target other bird except me waiting some bird fall into better light position but saw these 2 birds fighting for fish even not at the direction I wanted but just capture the moment 😀

– 去松巴岛前一天到巴厘岛,就找了个小池塘过过日子。第一个下午,一到每个人追着鸟(新鸟种)第二天早上没人看了,我一个人在等什么鸟都好在好光线的位置出现。竟然看到2只在抢鱼(虽然不在我要的角度)可是还是拿下吧。

20240118, Bali, Indonesia





Tytonidae series: Owl | 草鸮科 | liewwk Nature – 2-3 [update 20241004]

these are sort of “grass-owl” family

1. Barn owl,仓鸮倉鴞,Tyto alba, メンフクロウSERAK BIASA

2. Oriental Bay-Owl, 栗鸮, 栗鴞, Phodilus badius, ニセメンフクロウPUNGGUK-API BIASA


51. Sulawesi Masked-Owl, 苏拉仓鸮, 蘇拉威西蒼鴞, Tyto rosenbergii

52. Minahassa Masked-Owl, 米纳仓鸮, 米納倉鴞, Tyto inexspectata, ミナハサメンフクロウ, Serak Minahasa

53. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ


1. Barn owl,仓鸮倉鴞,Tyto alba, メンフクロウSERAK BIASA

– small pale owl, normally found near palm oil plantation, paddy field etc

– Pale owl; white below and orangey with gray spotting above. Heart-shaped white facial disc. (ebird)

– common almost anywhere Malaysia, use to control pest at paddy

update 202303

– a tour with so much of rain, missed both owl at Fraser due to full day raining. Luckily got 5 lowland owls happen in one day. we had ~7-8 this owl for 1 hour and this is one quietly sit and enjoy the meal.

– 这一团真的很多雨。福隆港2只猫头鹰都错过了(下了24+小时的雨)。幸好,今天的5只猫头鹰全拿下。在1个小时内,7-8只。这只乖乖在旁边享受它的老鼠。

202303, Kuala Gula, Perak, Malaysia

update 202204

– time to get some night birding….

– 是时候出去看看野鸟

201905, Tanjung Karang, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2020 Aug

Barn owl,仓鸮, 倉鴞,Tyto alba, メンフクロウ, Burung Jampok Kubur,


Barn owl,仓鸮, 倉鴞,Tyto alba, メンフクロウ, Burung Jampok


barn owl 仓鸮


2. Oriental Bay-Owl, 栗鸮, 栗鴞, Phodilus badius, ニセメンフクロウPUNGGUK-API BIASA

one of the most common can found , near garden, 2nd forest and primary forest .. just always hear but not seen

update 202410

– a lovely owl, always give a cute look, overall white

– while we walking into forest .. heard the Bay owls calling to each other .. keep looking .. ohh. it is just in-front of us .. but standing not that low this time ..

– 非常可爱的小猫头鹰。前身很白。

– 当我们走进森林时,听到好几只在叫。找了也蛮久还是没找到,可是突然我发现较高的树上有东西动。哦,这次站的还不很低。一只对叫。

update 202407

– I do not have much luck on this special looking and cute owl … but last tour, I had 2 different locations which included this sight at Danum Valley and 3 of them standing surrounding me and making very soft call

– 我与这鸮几乎没什么缘分。可是上一团,我竟然在 2 个点看到,拍到他。在丹浓,竟然遇上3只很近的围着我叫了起来

202407, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– another success night birding just less than an hour, we had nightjar (nesting) and this lovely small owl.

– small owl that normally not that shy to human

– 另一个美好的夜观,一只夜鹰,加这只漂亮的小猫头鹰。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202309

– another view of the favorite owl of Malaysia… it is so cute and found one tame.. it can stand there for hours

– 马来西亚最喜欢鸮的另一个角度。非常可爱,如果找到一只乖的。可以站那好几个小时

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


– another main target of the tour… the owl seem calling each other in the forest. walk slowly and managed to found where it perch and calling .. thanks for the group, we got some pictures and leave the owl alone

– 这次团的目标鸟之一。刚进入森林,这鸮就叫了。没很久就找到它叫与停的地方。还有感谢团员,很快的拍下照片。就没打扰这鸮太久。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– one of the highlight night time, this bird call and stay long enough for us. Captured this one hand with torch and another with Camera.

– a cute owl always love to see this bird

– 一个晚上,听到这鸟叫了。找不久就看到他了,还让我们拍照。画质不很好,单手拿电筒,另一个手拿相机拍的。

– 非常可爱的家伙,每次看都很高心

202305, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– what a cute owl to be seen again. Cute and stay close for us

– 蛮可爱的的小鸮。通常站在同一地方叫不停。


update 2018 Aug 20



51. Sulawesi Masked-Owl, 苏拉仓鸮, 蘇拉威西蒼鴞, Tyto rosenbergii

A very large barn-owl with a gray facial disk, gray crown, and rufous upperparts and wings with scattered dark markings. Prefers open country, like agricultural land, plantations, and forest edge, from lowlands to mountains. Limited to Sulawesi. Distinguished from smaller Minahassa Masked-Owl by gray face, gray forecrown, more extensive dark markings across wings and upperparts, and preference for open country.[Ebird]


update 202410

– a Sulawesi endemic with very Barn Owl look alike and call alike … white overall compare to Minahasa Masked Owl more “light rufous” and slight look different

– a owl that we tried many times, many location.. but after few tried what a surprise to see it in one dusk but missed the picture opportunity. But went for 2nd night and got it flying on the sky .. and lucky to have CANON focus monster R3 with RF400mm F2.8 to have this ..

– 苏拉威西特有种,与普通仓鸮很像+叫声也像。都是较白色。

– 一只在苏拉威西北部找了好几次的鸮。竟然在一个找夜鸟的时候在最普通的地方见到。可是第一天见到拍不到,很快就消失。第二天再去,见到他们飞过。幸好带上佳能R3 (在这种时候对焦应该没什么问题)加上RF400mm F2.8 … 轻松拿下

202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202304

– last night of birding, after Speckled Boobook, immediate got this rare endemic and managed to capture few flying (not really enough shutter speed for sharp picture) . It flying high up with torch the light still not enough for any picture opportunity. Thanks CANON R3 it lock focus in such dark environment and track it down.

lucky day for us !!!

– 最后一晚,过了斑鹰鸮。立刻见到这稀有特有种。可是在高高的飞,还好有佳能R3 。晚上对焦+追焦几乎没什么问题。可是还是不够光线+速度。还好有几张可以看看的照片。



update 202308

– almost time to finish off Malaysia tours, and time for lovely places again. I am going Sulawesi and Halmahera again Oct. Anyone interest on 2025 ? 2024 full 😀

– hopefully see this owl again, lovely and wait for me.

– 2028马来西亚的团几乎圆满(季节也差不多了)终于可以去些不一样的地方。我会又到苏拉威西与哈马黑拉岛。有人2025要去?2024满了

– 希望见到这鸟。非常特别。

202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

52. Minahassa Masked-Owl, 米纳仓鸮, 米納倉鴞, Tyto inexspectata, ミナハサメンフクロウ, Serak Minahasa

A forest barn-owl with rich rufous coloration over its entire body. Particularly note the rufous facial disk and forecrown to aid identification. Juvenile is browner-winged, with speckled gray underparts. Inhabits forest understory within lowlands and mountains, avoiding open country. Confined to Sulawesi. Smaller and more richly rufous-colored overall than Sulawesi Masked-Owl, with a rufous facial disk and forecrown and fewer dark markings on the wings and upperparts. Also note preference for closed-forest habitat. Call is a single long piercing screech: “SHEEEEEEEER.” [Ebird]

update 202310

– a special owl, seem everyone wanted to have a look at Sulawesi (included the local) as believe lucky ? but it is always challenge to looking for one.

– 蛮特别的鸮,几乎每个观鸟的到这都想看到。(本土人也很希望看到,代表幸运)


201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


53. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

– one of 2023 Dec Sri Lanka Birding trip main target, missed it day1 and got it ir after heavy rain and all wet ..

– look slight bigger and brown compare to ours Oriental ?

update 202312

– we looking for last endemic bird of the tour, Red-faced Malkoha after got it with record picture .. heavy rain came and all wet, after basic lunch at village house. We thought of going back hotel for rest but ours local guide told us someone found Bay-owl .. without wait we straight go the spot for the owl

– 我们第九天看完(拍到)最后一只特有种(第33种)红脸地鹃。大雨突然下了起来。我们全湿,在一个小村庄家里吃了午饭后原本要回酒店休息。可是当地导游说村里有人找到我最想拍的斯里兰卡栗鸮。我们立刻就去拿下。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka







More pictures from Flickr: STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目: 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature

Dusky eagle-owl, 乌雕鸮,烏雕鴞, Bubo coromandus, ウスグロワシミミズク, BURUNG-HANTU BERTANDUK KELABU ASIA

More Videos: STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目: 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可






Pandionidae series: Osprey | 鹗科 | liewwk Nature – 1

The large, mostly white raptor that cruises over lakes, rivers, and coastal waterways in search of fish. Impressively widespread: found on every continent except Antarctica. Mostly white head and underparts; dark brown back. In-flight holds wings with a kink in the wrist (shaped like an “M”).

1. Osprey, 鹗, 魚鷹, Pandion haliaetus, ミサゴ, HELANG-TIRAM



1. Osprey, 鹗, 魚鷹, Pandion haliaetus, ミサゴ, HELANG-TIRAM

– perch near the pond, river, beach-ready to catch fish for food

The osprey or more specifically the western osprey (Pandion haliaetus) — also called sea hawkriver hawk, and fish hawk — is a diurnalfish-eating bird of prey with a cosmopolitan range. It is a large raptor, reaching more than 60 cm (24 in) in length and 180 cm (71 in) across the wings. It is brown on the upperparts and predominantly greyish on the head and underparts.


update 202105

201312, Kuala Gula, Perak, Malaysia




liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可








Recurvirostridae series: Stilt | 反嘴鹬科 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20230110]

refer waders, normally long-legged, very fine-bill and all 3 we have here are black-white

1. Pied Stilt, 澳洲长脚鹬, 澳洲長腳鷸, Himantopus leucocephalus, オーストラリアセイタカシギ, KEDIDI KAKI-PANJANG AUSTRALASIA

2. Black-winged Stilt, 黑翅长脚鹬, 黑翅長腳鷸, Himantopus himantopus, セイタカシギ, KEDIDI KAKI-PANJANG BIASA

3. Pied Avocet, 反嘴鹬, 反嘴鹬, Recurvirostra avosetta, ソリハシセイタカシギ, KEDIDI PARUH-CEKUNG UBUN HITAM


1. Pied Stilt, 澳洲长脚鹬, 澳洲長腳鷸, Himantopus leucocephalus, オーストラリアセイタカシギ, KEDIDI KAKI-PANJANG AUSTRALASIA

– rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia. very similar to Black-winged

– more common at Borneo

update 202105

– a rare migrant or first record happen at Johor, Malaysia (202008)

– 马来西亚西马稀有候鸟(南)

202008, Sg Balang, Johor, Malaysia


2. Black-winged Stilt, 黑翅长脚鹬, 黑翅長腳鷸, Himantopus himantopus, セイタカシギ, KEDIDI KAKI-PANJANG BIASA

– common winter visitor, normally big group

– overall black-white making very noisy sound

update 202105


3. Pied Avocet, 反嘴鹬, 反嘴鹬, Recurvirostra avosetta, ソリハシセイタカシギ, KEDIDI PARUH-CEKUNG UBUN HITAM

– beautiful bird with up-curve billed

Striking and essentially unmistakable, with elegant shape, boldly pied plumage, long bluish-gray legs, and long, slender, upcurved bill. Curve is stronger on female. Usually breeds in small colonies; nesting birds call noisily. Nonbreeding flocks locally number in hundreds. Feeds while wading or swimming, sweeping its bill side to side. Most common in coastal wetlands and brackish lagoons and estuaries, but will also appear inland, particularly on or near large lakes. (Ebird)

反嘴鹬(学名:Recurvirostra avosetta)是反嘴鹬科反嘴鹬属鸟类。中型涉禽,体长40-45厘米。嘴黑色,细长而向上翘。脚亦较长,青灰色。头顶从前额至后颈黑色,翼尖和翼上及肩部两条带斑黑色,其余体羽白色。飞翔时黑色头顶、黑色翅尖,以及背间部和翅上的黑带与白色的体羽和远远伸出于尾后的暗色脚形成鲜明对比,甚为醒目,野外不难识别。 [1]
反嘴鹬栖息于平原和半荒漠地区的湖泊、水塘和沼泽地带,有时也栖息于海边水塘和盐碱沼泽地。迁徙期间亦常出现于水稻田和鱼塘。冬季多栖息于海岸及河口地带。主要以小型甲壳类、水生昆虫、昆虫幼虫、蠕虫和软体动物等小型无脊椎动物为食。 [1]
update 202301
202212, ChiangMai, Thailand



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Ploceidae series | 织布鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 1-1 [update 20250108]

Normally refer weavers, weaverbirds, weaver finches and bishops. These names come from the nests of intricately woven vegetation created by birds in this family.


1. Baya Weaver, 黄胸织雀, 黃胸織布鳥, Ploceus philippinus, キムネコウヨウジャク, Burung Tempua

South Africa

101. Long-tailed Widowbird, 长尾巧织雀, 長尾寡婦鳥, Euplectes progne, コクホウジャク


1. Baya Weaver, 黄胸织雀, 黃胸織布鳥, Ploceus philippinus, キムネコウヨウジャク, Burung Tempua

non native male with bright yellow head


– the male having bright yellow head, female dull overall dull brown. Normally moving in group with munia

– 公鸟,头部黄。母鸟全浅棕色。通常是群体活动。

20240106, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



– pretty common at open grassland and paddy field. male with bright yellow crown.
– another hot day at Paddy field and all of sudden, saw this bird carrying a long leaf flying toward us.

– 这鸟向着我们飞来。还咬着长草。

update 202105

202104, Kuala Selangor, Selangor



Apodidae series | 雨燕科 | liewwk Nature

always flying (aerial birds) around and normally we refer to as swift.


1. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメLAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA

2. Edible-nest Swiftlet, Aerodramus fuciphagus/germani, 爪哇金丝燕爪哇金絲燕ジャワアナツバメLAYANG-LAYANG GUA SARANG PUTIH


1. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメLAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA

– a fast-moving back “brown”, forehead normally consist of white spot sub-species indicus . Or without white giganteus


202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia



2. Edible-nest Swiftlet, Aerodramus fuciphagus/germani, 爪哇金丝燕爪哇金絲燕ジャワアナツバメLAYANG-LAYANG GUA SARANG PUTIH

– a slightly complicated species to be ID among Edible-nest (which also either white-nest or Germain), Black-nest & Mossy-nest which best to id by their nest build

– for Penisular Malaysia, many believe the mix of White-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) and Germain’s Swiftlet (Aerodramus germani) or some study claims North – germani and South – fuciphagus

– 几乎不能辨别马来西亚几种的金丝燕。爪哇金丝燕, 大金丝燕, 苔巢金丝燕, 通常都要已他们的巢分别。

update 202104

– shoot near the coastal west coast of Center Penisular Malaysia. just 50m away from the bird-nest farm house

– 摄于马来西亚西马海边燕屋附近。

Pantai Kelanang, Selangor, Malaysia
Pantai Kelanang, Selangor, Malaysia


101. Long-tailed Widowbird, 长尾巧织雀, 長尾寡婦鳥, Euplectes progne, コクホウジャク

Large dark widowbird. Breeding males, with massive tails and red and white highlights on their broad black wings, are unmistakable. Non-breeding males lose their long tails and become streaky and brown but keep the distinctive wing pattern. Females are brown and streaky year-round. Breeds in moist grassland but sometimes found in cultivation and other open habitats. Usually in flocks, especially when not breeding. Males give a very slow display flight in which the huge tail hangs down. Song is a sizzling trill. Females could be confused with many other species but even during the non-breeding season usually associate with males, which show a distinctive wing pattern. [EBird]


update 202501

A fairly common bird in South Africa, often seen gracefully flying around with its stunning long tail, offering us an incredible view.


202501, South Africa






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Apodidae series | 雨燕科 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20240809]

always flying (aerial birds) around and normally we refer to as swift.


1. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕, 褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA

2. Edible-nest Swiftlet, Aerodramus fuciphagus/germani, 爪哇金丝燕, 爪哇金絲燕, ジャワアナツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG GUA SARANG PUTIH

3. House Swift, 小白腰雨燕, 小白腰雨燕, Apus nipalensis, ヒメアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG SABIT BIASA

4. Silver-rumped spinetail, 银腰针尾雨燕, 白腰刺尾雨燕, Rhaphidura leucopygialis, チビハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG EKOR-PENDEK MELAYU

5. Pacific Swift, 白腰雨燕, 叉尾雨燕, Apus pacificus, アマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG SABIT ASIA TIMUR

6. Plume-toed Swiftlet, 毛趾金丝燕, 毛趾金絲燕, Collocalia affinis, ハネアシユビアナツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG KECIL BIASA


1. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕, 褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA

– a fast-moving back “brown”, forehead normally consist of white spot sub-species indicus . Or without white giganteus


update 202408

– fantastic afternoon, we miss ours main target but so many good bird show up even at noon time. 4 of this big “flying fast” bird passing by few times and managed to have it .. and suddenly feel the R3 not fast enough 😀 even managed to have good few frames.

– 一个很慢的中午,目标鸟完全没声没影。可是很多很好的鸟却出来看看我们

202408, Fraser Hill 55, Pahang, Malaysia



202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia



2. Edible-nest Swiftlet, Aerodramus fuciphagus/germani, 爪哇金丝燕, 爪哇金絲燕, ジャワアナツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG GUA SARANG PUTIH

– a slightly complicated species to be ID among Edible-nest (which also either white-nest or Germain), Black-nest & Mossy-nest which best to id by their nest build

– for Penisular Malaysia, many believe the mix of White-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) and Germain’s Swiftlet (Aerodramus germani) or some study claims North – germani and South – fuciphagus


– 几乎不能辨别马来西亚几种的金丝燕。爪哇金丝燕, 大金丝燕, 苔巢金丝燕, 通常都要已他们的巢分别。

update 202211

– the R7 simple awesome with such a price, AF capability, Image Quality. for the bird over the sky (blue or white) the AF just lock and track

– 佳能R7 是架价格好,对焦好,画质好的相机。通常没背景(天白,蓝)都追焦的非常好。

202210, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202112

– a quick test with CANON R6 on raining day.

– 下雨了一整天。测试佳能R6的对焦。

202112, Selangor, Malaysia

– a quick test with CANON R5 on raining day.

– 下雨了一整天。测试佳能R5的对焦。

202112, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202104

– shoot near the coastal west coast of Center Penisular Malaysia. just 50m away from the bird-nest farmhouse

– 摄于马来西亚西马海边燕屋附近。

Pantai Kelanang, Selangor, Malaysia
Pantai Kelanang, Selangor, Malaysia

3. House Swift, 小白腰雨燕, 小白腰雨燕, Apus nipalensis, ヒメアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG SABIT BIASA

Medium-sized dark swift with small white throat patch and rump patch

update 202105

– medium size swift that normally found moving in a group.
– small white throat, white-rumped, and short-square tail

– 中型雨燕,喉腰都有白。通常群體活動。

202105, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia



4. Silver-rumped spinetail, 银腰针尾雨燕, 白腰刺尾雨燕, Rhaphidura leucopygialis, チビハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG EKOR-PENDEK MELAYU

– a small and fast flying bird with obvious white-rumped when flying ..

– 飞的非常的快,枕部是白。

update 202204

– keep meet up this bird last few days from various location. Finally today have time to go get some better pictures

– 这几天在几个地方都见到这鸟。今天休息,还好去最近的点拍了些照片。可惜,乌云密布的一天。

202204, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202110

202110, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia

5. Pacific Swift, 白腰雨燕, 叉尾雨燕, Apus pacificus, アマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG SABIT ASIA TIMUR

– a large, long wing long fork-tailed and Black overall with a slightly paler throat and a bright white rump patch

– 两翼和尾大都黑褐色,头顶至上背具淡色羽缘、下背、两翅表面和尾上覆羽微具光泽,亦具近白色羽缘,腰白色,具细的暗褐色羽干纹,颏、喉白色,具细的黑褐色羽千纹。

update 20230309

– it is a surprise see this bird at resident area near town. and saw 3 birds flying quite low

– 在社区见到这鸟飞的蛮低的。也被吓到。

202303, Selangor, Malaysia


202110, Pantai Remis, Selangor, Malaysia


6. Plume-toed Swiftlet, 毛趾金丝燕, 毛趾金絲燕, Collocalia affinis, ハネアシユビアナツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG KECIL BIASA

– previously under Glossy Swiftlet

– white belly and dark rump also serve to distinguish this species from Aerodramus swiftlets.

update 202204

– very common urban “white bellied” swiftlet

– most of the new camera nowadays make take swiftlet so easy

– 蛮普通的“白腹”的金丝燕。

– 新相机让我们容易的拍下”燕“

202204, Taman Melawati, Selangor, Malaysia



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liewwk Nature Youtube collection


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Anatidae series | 鸭科 | liewwk Nature – 7-2 [update 20250121]

Malaysia does not have many ducks and mostly migrant

1. Wandering Whistling Duck, 斑胸树鸭, 斑胸樹鴨, Dendrocygna arcuata, オオリュウキュウガモ, BELIBIS MERANTAU

2. Lesser Whistling-Duck, 栗树鸭, 栗樹鴨, Dendrocygna javanica, リュウキュウガモ, BELIBIS KECIL

3. Garganey, 白眉鸭, 白眉鴨, Spatula querquedula, Spatula querquedula, ITIK KENING PUTIH

4. Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

5. Sunda Teal, 爪哇灰鸭, 巽他灰鴨, Anas gibberifrons, インドネシアコガモ, ITIK-KECIL INDONESIA

6. Cotton Pygmy-Goose, 棉凫, 棉鳧, Nettapus coromandelianus, ナンキンオシ, BELEBAS KAPAS

7. Knob-billed Duck, 瘤鸭, 瘤鴨, Sarkidiornis melanotos, コブガモ, ITIK TOMBOL BIASA


101. African Pygmy-Goose, 厚嘴棉凫, 厚嘴棉鴨, Nettapus auritus, アフリカマメガン



1. Wandering Whistling Duck, 斑胸树鸭, 斑胸樹鴨, Dendrocygna arcuata, オオリュウキュウガモ, BELIBIS MERANTAU

– only found at Sabah, Sarawak (Borneo) but not Peninsular Malaysia

update 202310

– a pretty easy bird near KK town, it lost almost all habitat how they doing well on the limited area

– 在亚庇蛮容易拍到的。在剩下不多的环境,希望它们安好。

202305, KK, Sabah



201905, KK, Sabah, Malaysia


2. Lesser Whistling-Duck, 栗树鸭, 栗樹鴨, Dendrocygna javanica, リュウキュウガモ, BELIBIS KECIL

– only at Peninsular Malaysia and the only resident

update 202107

Fujifilm X-T4, Canon EF500mm F4 IS2, Fringer EF-FX II Selangor, 202103

– Duck, one of my favorite family. But Malaysia don’t have many. This is most common in fresh water pond, paddy field etc.

– 鸭科是我最喜欢之一。可是马来西亚很少鸭子。

– 这是马来西亚最普通的鸭子,通常都在淡水湖,稻田等地方。


update 202103

– the only resident duck for Peninsular Malaysia

– while waiting for my video lifer, this family suddenly wake up (alert) and moving away

– 非常喜歡鴨。可是馬來西亞西馬就只有這鴨。

– 當在等另一直鳥時。這幾只鴨子突然緊惕起來。



3. Garganey, 白眉鸭, 白眉鴨, Spatula querquedula, Spatula querquedula, ITIK KENING PUTIH

– a not common winter visitor for Peninsular Malaysia but for Eat North Borneo is a common visitor


4. Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

– a rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia but common winter visitor for East-North Borneo

– 馬來西亞西馬稀有過冬鳥。婆羅洲較普通的過冬鳥。

update 20231224

– I still remember years ago, when we had one visit Malaysia.. drove 2 hours… sit in the hide before light … the bird stand 200-500m away .. and here (Taiwan) so easy and so many … and now I shooting with 1792mm (R7 with 1.6 crop, 800mm + 1.4x tc).. the plumage also look good .. check out the CANON RF200800 update for actual size JPEG

很多年以前,马来西亚来了一只。我们驾车2+小时,还要一大早在帐篷里等。再➕鸟在200-500米远。到了台湾,多么多,容易+进(也没很近,可是我用1792mm… CANON R7 – 1.6 , RF2008000 – 800mm – 1.4x)

202312, Taiwan




update 202302

– a special tour at South, make a opportunity to visit a hot spot for waders one dawn. only this duck and black winged stilt spotted for the morning. am waiting for it flying back with back view. but turn out never come back.

– 不是很普通的候鸟。这次因为特别任务团到南部,用了一个早上到这个最近蛮热的鸟点。一大早就见到2种鸟。非常希望拍到背部可是,机会只给了一次。

202302, Rompin, Johor, Malaysia



5. Northern Pintail, 针尾鸭, 針尾鴨, Anas acuta, オナガガモ, ITIK-RUNCING UTARA

– another rare winter visitor for Peninsular Malaysia

– 馬來西亞西馬稀有過冬鳥


5. Sunda Teal, 爪哇灰鸭, 巽他灰鴨, Anas gibberifrons, インドネシアコガモ, ITIK-KECIL INDONESIA

– only at Borneo, this capture at Sabah



6. Cotton Pygmy-Goose, 棉凫, 棉鳧, Nettapus coromandelianus, ナンキンオシ, BELEBAS KAPAS

– a small tiny small “duck” male with more white and “pied”, female white-brown

– a not so common winter visitor

– 不很普通的過冬鳥。

– 很小的鴨科。

update 202105

– lucky to see this group of Cotton Pygmy-Goose (78++) birds – it is always happy to see them flying to see the male wing-back look greenish and white. female is almost grey-brown – captured this fully manual focus with 1000mm focal length is a painful experience

– 非常幸運見到這麼大群的稀有過冬鳥。(78++只)

– 公鳥-綠-黑-白。 母鳥-棕-灰。

– 1000mm 手動對焦真的不容易。飛的還蠻快。

202103, Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202103

– another site found, this site record ~78 birds

– 在这个点,发现到~78鸟。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia
202103, Selangor, Malaysia


– an only a single female bird found here

– 在这个点。就只有一只母鸟。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia


7. Knob-billed Duck, 瘤鸭, 瘤鴨, Sarkidiornis melanotos, コブガモ, ITIK TOMBOL BIASA

– a rare migrant and believe to be 2nd record after 2016 at North of Peninsular Malaysia. But this is little bit odd while out of migrant season Jun 2022

– any how, local experience birder claim it should not be any escape from nearby small bird park or zoo.

– a lovely waterbird

– 马来西亚第二记录。第一次在北部2016. 这一次,奇怪的在6月份(不是机候鸟季节)。可是当地经验鸟友说这是野鸟,鸟园飞出来机会不大。

– 如果是野的。是我666 拍摄马来西亚鸟种

202206, Melaka, Malaysia


101. African Pygmy-Goose, 厚嘴棉凫, 厚嘴棉鴨, Nettapus auritus, アフリカマメガン

Colorful miniature waterfowl that is smaller than most ducks. Both sexes have rufous underparts, a dark back, white on the face, and white on the wing in flight. Males have a green patch on the back of the head and a yellow bill; females have a black-and-white head and a dark bill. Found in freshwater wetlands with floating vegetation, especially water lilies. Shy and inconspicuous, as it generally avoids open water. Voice is a high-pitched squeaking. Small size and bold and colorful plumage separate it from other waterfowl. [Ebird]


update 202501

It was a rainy morning, but even after spotting our target bird, the Black Coucal, we didn’t let the weather stop us from birding. Just before our breakfast break, we were treated to great views of a Palm-nut Vulture and this tiny duck. We were lucky to see it flying around rather than staying hidden!


202501, Mtunzini, South Africa



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