Aegothelidae series | 裸鼻鸱科 | liewwk Nature [2]

another weird looking bird that I really like .. cute for me

1. Feline Owlet-nightjar, 大裸鼻鸱, 大裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles insignis, オオズクヨタカ, Atoku besar

2. Moluccan Owlet-nightjar, 冠裸鼻鸱, 摩鹿加裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles crinifrons




1. Feline Owlet-nightjar, 大裸鼻鸱, 大裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles insignis, オオズクヨタカ, Atoku besar

update 2020 Sept

Feline Owlet-nightjar,大裸鼻鸱, 大裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles insignis

update 2020 April 22

Feline Owlet-nightjar, 大裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles insignis


2. Moluccan Owlet-nightjar, 冠裸鼻鸱, 摩鹿加裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles crinifrons

– a special endemic for Halmahera, Indonesia, but seem quite pretty common and can be found many location

– 哈马黑拉岛岛的特有种。可是相当普通,几乎每个森林周边都可以找到。

update 202310

– a very short special target tour to Halmahera, Indonesia. One of the night just trying better photo for this my favourite bird.

– 2nd night, spent not that long, spotted 3 birds and this stay long and quite reasonable distance.

– 到哈马黑拉岛找几只特别目标鸟。在一个晚上,去找找这只我最喜欢鸟类之一。

– 在1小时内,见到3只。还是蛮容易的。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia


update 202310 – all update done 2023 October

my Update of 2023 October

CONTACT me if you need advice or Bird Watching/Photography related services


Medium-sized slender bird, pale gray above, white below, with a small dark bridge between the bill and eye (lores) and faint partial white eyering. Immature lacks distinct mask of Black-faced Cuckooshrike. Dark morph shows large but variable black bib and breast, mottled or barred at the edges. Inhabits eucalypt forest and other woodlands in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Call a high-pitched, two-note squeak. [Ebird]

白腹鹃鵙学名Coracina papuensis)是山椒鸟科鸦鹃鵙属的一种,分布于澳大利亚印度尼西亚巴布亚新几内亚所罗门群岛。其自然栖息地为亚热带或热带的湿润低地森林、亚热带或热带的红树林以及亚热带或热带的湿润山地林(英语:montane forest)。
update 202310
– a pretty common bird found lowland Halmahera
– 在哈马黑拉岛蛮普通的鸟。
202304, Halmahera, Indonesia



update 202310

– off season, finally home to look at all the pictures… this was one of the most amazing moment with my group .. special bird, special moment and special peoples …

– 鸟季节也到了2023的尾声。我也没什么团了。(剩下都是特别目标团)。在整理2023照片。这张是我最记得的一刻所拍。很特别的一刻,一只稀有的鸟,特别好的客人。

202208, Sukau, Malaysia

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20 [update 20231031]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231031]



update 202310

– one of the star birds of Peninsula Malaysia and it was there for years … just wish no much disturbance because of any reason. And it is no one spot it is a national park for years .. just enjoy the nature and birding

– 马来西亚半岛明星鸟。他在这个点已很多年,希望不要因为任何原因把这鸟搞失掉。少做无谓的东西,享受大自然,漂亮的鸟吧。

202303, Kelantan, Malaysia


update 202310

– if everyone have a bird to attract you to Birding ? for me this is one of them, many years ago a garden nearby house… this bird build their nest same location for almost every years.. I spend many many time to look at them .. monitor especially with my love one (family, best buddies …)

– happy to see the chick still always looking for it’s parent before roosting

– 每个鸟人终会有些鸟把他们吸引到爱鸟(拍/摄)。这鸟可是让我爱上鸟类之一。很久很久以前,有一对这鸮总爱到一个小公园筑巢。而且,在哪。。我曾经与我的家人,好朋友度过。看,拍他们的高兴的日子。现在还幕幕在念。。。朋友我们大家都安好。

– 这次,也很高心见到小baby出来后还健康成长。

202310, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202310

– as usual, one of the very tame bird to be seen and photograph, never missed over the years .. sometime I am just worry of the bird behavior

– 这鸟有时间,到对的地方。几乎没错过。可是就太乖了,我真的有点担心这鸟的安全。

202208, Sukau, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231031]



update 202310

– another bird that hit and miss, it is good that 2023 think has 100% hit … hope they doing good in the limited left over environment

– 算婆罗洲稀有鸟吧。几乎都是50%机会看到,也不好拍。可是2023,100%见到拍到。还算很不错,希望在它们需要的特别环境缩小中也可以稳稳的增加数量。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 20-1 [update 20231029]


– a pretty common Sulawesi lowland endemic

A spectacular chestnut-backed thrush with striking white facial patches, black-and-white wings, and bold pied markings below. Juvenile shows buff streaks on crown and back and buff throat. Terrestrial, feeding on the forest floor singly or in pairs within the lowlands and low hills. Unmistakable within its limited range on islands of Sulawesi and Kabaena. Mournful song is a phrase of several high-pitched whistled notes, “deee-der-doo” or “deee-der.” Calls include “chak” notes and a high-pitched “peep” call. [Ebird]

update 202310

201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 7-1 [update 20231026]



update 202310

– 2023 is very good year, I didn’t missed any chance to look for this at Danum Valley. active and beautiful bird for photography

– 2023 我在丹绒谷,几乎没错过一次拍这鸟。很活跃,漂亮的鸟。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230926]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231031]



update 202310

– a beautiful Kingfisher, even is common but shy for picture

– 蛮漂亮的翠鸟。虽然普通,可是还是不容易拍照。

202304, Halmahera, Indonesia


update 202310

– it is a season where most of them not roosting at common area. We stay until dusk (~5pm) and managed to have good view of a pair of them .. just wake up with stretch wing

– 在这季节,在他们平时睡觉的点都没见到这鸟。只好留到下午5点左右。终于骗到他出来,伸伸身体。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202310

– clearing some 2023 pictures after busy months. It is good moment while seeing this bird having it’s meal to bring back to the nest

– 忙了10个月后,终于在清理2023久照片。这鸟在筑巢时,母鸟还在孵蛋。带回来食物,慢慢准备给“老婆”吃。。。

202305, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202310

– it is always come to most the feeding station, tiny and shy

– 蛮多喂食点都可以见到,可是还是害羞,活跃的小家伙。

202308, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


Gymnure series | 蝟科 | liewwk Nature



update 202310

– it is always good to see this beautiful raptor close and eye level. such a beauty

– 平视角,近距离看着这么漂亮的猛禽。好美啊

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202310

– a special owl, seem everyone wanted to have a look at Sulawesi (included the local) as believe lucky ? but it is always challenge to looking for one.

– 蛮特别的鸮,几乎每个观鸟的到这都想看到。(本土人也很希望看到,代表幸运)


201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Tytonidae series: Owl | 草鸮科 | liewwk Nature – 2-2 [update 20231023]




update 202310

– a tiny, active and beautiful bird commonly found at KNP, Gunung Alab at Borneo

– 小,活跃,美丽的小鸟。在神山都蛮容易看到的鸟。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Phylloscopidae series: Warbler | 柳莺科 | liewwk Nature – 4 [20231023]



update 202310




– a boring looking but active and noisy as Abbott’s babbler

update 202310

– very early morning, while you walking in the park. this bird making a lot of noise and actively moving . This picture capture in very dark condition

– 一大早,这鸟通常都在园里叫跳不停。非常暗

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Malaysia

Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+1 [update 20231023]



update 202310

– a canopy bird but this time it decided to stay low and quite long here .. while we looking for Giant Pitta and other Borneo endemic

– 通常都是在树顶上。可是这只决定站的蛮低+很久。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20231022]



update 202310

– use some extra time looking for bird, and this was just at road side. amazing flying so close and quite low

– 最后一天,有点时间。我们就去野拍,没很远/久。就拍到这鸠,与仙翠鸟。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia




update 202310

– moving my backup media, just working few worth edit pictures and clearing some unwanted pictures.

– this amazing “release” birds gave us amazing view of this shy bird

– 在搬我的储存照片。看到一些不错照片。好像这一只非常害羞的鸟,虽然时“放生”到国家公园。可是还是值得好好看看这害羞的鸟。

201709, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia

Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-1 [20231021]




update 202310

– as usual, looking this endemic just need time to looking around. It is very well camouflage

– 与其他夜鹰一样,不难。可是需要多点时间找找。

201910, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Caprimulgidae series : Nightjar | 夜鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 5 [update 20231018]


update 202310

– a lovely Hornbill but sometime just tricky to have a sight but this year seem very stable at few location.. but any how still good to see this beautiful Hornbill

– 非常特别的犀鸟。有时非常找到,今年有点不一样。好几个点都很容易见到拍到。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202310

– arrived owling location earlier, trying for this nightjar .. and YES , it flying really low but today weather just bad .. ISO already up 32000 .. but show the CANON R3 no problem to focus and track .. .. hihi someone Z9 not focus 😀

– 到达拍猫头鹰点早了。试试这夜鹰。可是天气蛮差,没什么光线。去到ISO32000.. 佳能R3 对焦追焦都没问题。(hi hi,Z9没办法追到)

202310, Selangor, Malaysia

Caprimulgidae series : Nightjar | 夜鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 5 [update 20231018]



update 202310

– a quick Owl session with buddies, but only heard the main target calling but manage to have 2 nightjar, 4 owl ?this guy seem very tame on today

– 朋友们突然要去找鸮,来个几个小时。主要目标听到看不到。可是还是2只夜鹰,4只猫

202310, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202310

– busy months 2023 end … now left over special target tours.. next one hope have luck to have good view of this bird again .. stress actually to find this bird ..

– 2023 几乎忙完了。剩下的都是目标鸟团。下团,久主要这鸟。有点压力,几天就这鸟。

202307, Johor, Malaysia

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230921]



update 202310

– arrived Halmahera, before anything go for this main target … due to long travel everyone seem tired but luckily the bird appear not that long compare to other waiting 😀 and it is huge in size, some with 800mm little bit suffer to take whole bird into frame

– 到达哈马黑拉岛,第一件事就是到这个点拿下目标鸟之一。其实有2个机会可是鸟人心情。还是越快拿下越好。可是因为长途跋涉,每个人都很累。还好比起其他八色鸫,这只让我们等了大概1++小时还好吧。喂食点,走到这也不难。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia



– as usual, even special target tour. we still spend some time for my lovely owls. Arrive here, not very long. There are 4birds calling and 2 of them perch near for us to take pictures.
– 如常,目标鸟团。我们一样晚上找找我喜爱的猫头鹰。到达折后,没等很久。4只鸟在叫,2只还让我们拍好好。

202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202310

– pretty common raptor found at Kinabatangan River, and this pair seem always near same area over the years

– 在京河蛮普通的猛禽,几年了都在同一区域活动。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202310

– a shy and quite big size of fruit-dove. Glad to find a small open window for everyone to have some good view and “open picture”

– 非常害羞,体型较大的果鸠。幸运,我们离开前找到它。小小的位置让全部人拍到。

202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202310

– saw this bird all previous trip here, but this was lowest ever ~eye level and stay so long for us to get better angle pictures

– 几乎每次到哈马黑拉岛都看到的翠鸟,可是每次都蛮高。唯独这次站很低很久让我们拍够够。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia



– a special almost represent Sulawesi as almost any where you can see symbol

A massive black-and-white megapode with a rose-pink breast and a diagnostic prominent knob on the nape. Found in lowland and hill forest, in areas near beaches or areas with volcanic sands in which they lay their eggs. Immatures show a blacker head with a white throat and a tufted crest. Occurs in pairs that forage on the ground and roost in trees by night. Often best seen at known egg-laying sites, either during laying sessions, or roosting in trees nearby. Generally silent, but occasionally gives a loud, bubbling “waow.” [Ebird]

update 202310

– another main target for a short Photography tour, not really a difficult bird to be seen but it stay far from the hide and very alert with sounds. But there are few individual come to the ranger area which gave some close pictures.

– 这次摄鸟行的其中目标之一。虽然不很难,可是在的鸟的“小屋”里鸟在蛮远还很怕人。因为是喂食的,有什么声音活动就会跑掉。可是在门口处竟然有4只很乖在哪活动可是还是不可以太大动作。

202310, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202310

– another trip another good view of this bird after longer wait compared to previous trips. I didn’t have best angle but still trying to show the beauty of this bird .. 8km bird .. worth ? YES definitely

– will share some funny video about this bird … may be finish this trip

– 另一个摄鸟行到这。虽然这次等蛮久可是还是很不错。可是这次站台太高2位团友安全问题没上来。其他都拍的很好。

– 8公里来回。很值得,这么美的鸟。一定要来拍。

– 我拍到它们踩蛋的视频,可是很奇怪。母的在上。有机会再发。

202310, Akeyajawe NP, Halmahera, Indonesia



update 202310

– a very short special target tour to Halmahera, Indonesia. One of the night just trying better photo for this my favourite bird.

– 2nd night, spent not that long, spotted 3 birds and this stay long and quite reasonable distance.

– 到哈马黑拉岛找几只特别目标鸟。在一个晚上,去找找这只我最喜欢鸟类之一。

– 在1小时内,见到3只。还是蛮容易的。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia


update 202310

– 4 years ago 5 of us went to West Papua for Photography and today 3 out of 5 we back to same airport and same Starbuck ..good memory … and hope tomorrow we have same good experience for the photography tour

– 4年前,我们5个人到西巴布亚摄鸟行。今天3/5个从回到同一机场,KFC,Starbucks 又讲起回忆。希望这吃摄鸟行一样棒。

201910, Arfak Mountain, West Papua, Indonesia



update 202310

– a bird always love to heard and see, especially close view and what about 1 pair together !

– seem this pair like this tree !!! twice in same year ..

– 这鸟是百看不厌。可是希望我们下一代好友机会看。近距离+一对。怎么样?

– 看来这鸟喜欢这树。一年遇上2次。

202301, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202310

– always good to see this cute little fellow. even female it still look cute and lovely

– 每次见到这小家伙都是这么兴奋。虽然是母鸟还是很可爱的。

202207, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202310

– a pretty easy bird near KK town, it lost almost all habitat how they doing well on the limited area

– 在亚庇蛮容易拍到的。在剩下不多的环境,希望它们安好。

202305, KK, Sabah

Anatidae series | 鸭科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20231005]


update 202310

– our simple no target day at Tomohon, come across this best spot for all the small birds .. good photography spot … so close and good lighting and background

– 没目标鸟的一个下午。来到这竟然这么好拍照。客人也让我拍够够,好光线,背景。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Malaysia



update 202310

– 2022-2023 so much rain across Borneo – Pen Malaysia … I forgot how many times I got all wet when in the forest .. how many times we cancel our drive due to heavy rain .. but bird still coming for food while heavy rain

– 2022-2023 真的非常多雨。我忘了我被雨淋湿多少轮。也忘了我们行程被耽误多少次。可是在特别鸟点,鸟还是回来吃的。(雨下的很大)

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202310

– 2nd trip to Halmahera 2023 and see you next week … never get bored to see it making noise and dance even the journey there bit challenge … I am coming

– 2023 第2团。多几天又可以见你。每次看你叫不停,跳不停终是兴奋不停。虽然来看你的路不好到。我来也。

202304, Halmahera, Indonesia


update 202310

– it is always good to see this weird and beautiful raptor with special flying shape

– 非常喜欢见到这鸟,站,飞都非常好看。也特别,一天就活动几个小时捉蝙蝠。

202208, Sukau, Malaysia



update 202310

– always happy to see this beautiful forest kingfisher low… the female especially so adorable

– 每次看到这森林的翠鸟都非常兴奋。尤其是母鸟特别,优雅。

202307, Panti, Johor, Malaysia


update 202310

– I didnt update any pictures for 2023, even I went to 2 feeding station for multiple times. This bird is amazing and I recommended look at yourself … the color and whole bird is un-real.

– 我尽然没放2023的照片,虽然我去了2个鸟点无数次。这鸟要自己去看,近距离的看。你会觉得,很美+假的一只鸟。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-1 [20231021]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231031]



update 202310

– it is always good to see this bird perch and most of the time we always tell guests .. see it is Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot flying … haha such a tiny bird flying …

– 几乎大部分时间都会见到这鸟飞过,然后会让客人知道。他飞过了,你没看到? 哈哈。这么小,大部分都是听到然后看到小不点飞过。

202305, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

Psittaculidae series: Parrot | 鹦鹉科 | liewwk Nature 6-4 [update 20231004]



update 202310

– a weird single individual, sometime very shy, sometime very tame … any how happy to see it again

– 非常有性格的一只鸟(应该是同一只,附近没这鸟叫了)。有时很乖,有时害羞到累。可是见到已很好。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202310

– just another common heard, or high up view bird. but today it decided to come low and making call to allow us to capture some good photo of this endemic

– 婆罗洲另一只通常听到,站高高的鸟。可是今天他很乖的下来叫还要让我们拍。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-1 [update 20231003]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231031]



update 202310

– another tiny bird from far … but still amaze who can find this owl (me !!! haha I also wonder how I found it). no choice to be part of environment shot

– 另一只远远的小小鸟。被逼加入“蚊子这么大-系列”

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202310

– the female seem trying to looking for something.. another environment series from the Trusmadi feeding station

– 这母好像在找什么。再来一张“蚊子这么大-系列”

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231031]



update 202310

– when I am at the feeding station (without feeding, how we can see it so well), it is boring so I am trying to have some “small like mosquitoes” series support one of my friend always like to shoot environment shots

– 在喂食点,很闷的拍摄(可是没喂食,可以看到这鸟这么清楚吗?)。所以觉得拍拍不一样的,有位朋友就喜欢。“蚊子这么大-系列”我也来几张。接下来的照片都是环境照。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Colugo series | 猫候 |liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240309]

very special gliding mammals, which is nocturnal

1.  Bornean Colugo, 婆罗洲猫猴, Galeopterus borneanus



1.  Bornean Colugo, 婆罗洲猫猴, Galeopterus borneanus

– lucky night, ours activities start with this weird creature with baby

– 幸运的晚上,好是带小孩。

update 202403

– it is another lucky night, managed to see this cute animal feeding on leaf .. and next night with young .few months ago actually managed to see or record how it drink water on tree.

– 非常幸运,可以看到他们怎么吃叶子。之前拍过他喝水。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


202309, Sabah, Malaysia






update 202309 – all update done 2023 September

my Update of 2023 September

CONTACT me if you need advice or Bird Watching/Photography related services


update 20231001

– it is quite difficult to have good photo before pandemic 2020 but it seem pretty common and tame overall since than … it is noisy active bird and good thing sometime it move together with other bird

– 在疫情前拍这鸟可不容易。可是现在几乎太容易了。这鸟非常吵,活跃。

202306, RDC, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Corvidae series: Magpie, Crow | 鸦科 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20230804]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]



update 202309

– ours’ boring morning which cannot find the thrush and heard this bird and slowly we trying to locate this lovely bird .. small and beautiful

– 很闷的一个早上。没什么鸟,可是当我们走远时听到这鸟叫。没很久,就找到这么美丽的猛禽

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bird Photography | 苏拉威西: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 41 [update 20230930]

Accipitridae series: Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 24-3 [update 20230930]


update 202309

– a pretty common blue-flycatcher and normally found near river bank

– 蛮普通的仙鹟,在河边蛮容易看到的鸟。

202305, Sabah, Malaysia

Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20230930]


update 202309

– just another special moment of this Borneo endemic, it is happy for everyone to managed to have good view of this bird think more than 20 of us. After ours boat spot it and we told other 3 boats all still managed to have a good view of it.

– 还沉迷着这么一可,这么美丽的鸟站那。每个人4辆船20多个人都看到+拍到。我找到这鸟后,叫了其他朋友来。也都看到,拍到。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20 [update 20230929]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– last day, heard this bird calling loud and found it is quite tame to human !!! amazing it is almost a not possible to photograph … beautiful girl

– 最后一刻,走走时。听到这鸟叫,没很久她就跳出来。还蛮乖的,这可是几乎没办法野拍到好的鸟啊。母鸟

202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia

Muscicapidae series : Shortwing | 鹟科 : 短翅鸫属 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20230928]


– a common heard and seen canopy view bird today decided to come down for us have quite good view sad missed the chance photograph when it was low.. but happy to have this last bird of the tour even not the target

– 通常都是听到在高高,树山。看看屁股版。今天它下来好几次让我们看,可是错过拍他最低的时候。可是作为本团最后一只鸟,算是美好结局。(虽然不是目标鸟)

202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia

Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20230930]

update 202309

– special target tour, suppose to be last day target but when after ours “chickens” target.. it is a fruiting tree full of barbet calling. very soon we tick both Mountain and Bornean barbet

– 特别目标鸟团尾声了。最后第二天看完“鸡”后,原本还烦明天怎么4小时找鹧鸪+2只拟鴷。还好,出来时听到他们叫。很快就在果树上找到它们了。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-1 [update 20230927]

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-1 [update 20230927]


– another view of the favorite owl of Malaysia… it is so cute and found one tame.. it can stand there for hours

– 马来西亚最喜欢鸮的另一个角度。非常可爱,如果找到一只乖的。可以站那好几个小时

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Tytonidae series: Owl | 草鸮科 | liewwk Nature – 2-1 [update 20230926]



update 202309

– always star bird to be seen here

– it is not “black” bird, look at the under wing

– 京河明星鸟,不难见到。其实它不是全黑的。看看。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Ciconiidae series: Stork, Adjutant | 鹳科 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20230924]


update 202309

– not sure my note correct or not, but seem the breeding season ? within 10 days, 3 pair spot and reasonable tame (still shy when trying to take photo)

– Hoi Ling, finally I got the head of the bird .. but no tail yet

– this is one best moment of 2023 or my life for this bird. This particular bird stand 20m above ground and for more than 1.5 hours ! (after we spend 30minutes and back breakfast and told Dean – another bird group.. and the bird still there !)

– 是不是筑巢期?10天内,3对很乖让我们拍照。(可是还是害羞啦)

– Hoi Ling, 我终于拍到鸟头,可是尾巴又没拍到。

– 这是应该2023最美好的一刻+人生遇上最乖的这鸟吧。我们看到它时已叫了20分钟,我们在看/拍30分钟。回去吃早餐,叫朋友去看(1小时后)鸟还在树上!

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20 [update 20230929]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]



update 202309

– 2nd trip to Halmahera coming soon, can;t visit this amazing place again. Hope get some better pictures of night birds this time .. and this Pick up service Pitta sure another highlight of the tour soon

– 今年第2次到哈马黑拉岛,希望拍多点晚上的鸟。而这一只八色鸫应该是主打鸟之一吧。可是太容易了吧。可以接送的。


Halmahera, Indonesia Bird Photography | 哈马黑拉岛: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature [update 20230930]




update 202309

– a special target tour, heavy rain before we go out for river cruise. When rain stop, we went out and got many good sight and finally got the Wrinkled Hornbill. When we trying for other, saw this weird looking Silvery Lutung.

– 特别目标鸟团,来到京河时。下了大雨,等了一会看到红毛猩猩后。就出去了。没很久也看到第一只目标-皱盔犀鸟。然后,尽然遇见这一只“很特别的叶猴

202309, Sabah, Malaysia
202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Primates series | 灵长类 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20230923]


update 202309

– target bird no sound at all any where, decided just birding on roadside. found this bird so close feeding for more than 15minutes

– 目标鸟没出现。决定在马路上随便看看鸟,竟然看到这漂亮的鸟在哪吃东西都不理我们。

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-1 [update 20230927]


update 202309

– Wren-Babbler always my favorite bird to photograph, it is just challenge , beautiful … this bird always my number 1 bird to be chase each time I am at Borneo

– 鹪鹛是我最喜欢拍摄鸟种之一。因为充满挑战+漂亮。特别是这一只,每次到婆罗洲我都要挑战他的。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230922]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]



update 202309

– while waiting for ours target, this bird just flew infront of us .. beautiful overall yellow woodpecker

– 很美丽的“黄”啄木鸟。在我们等目标鸟时,自己飞过来。

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Picidae series: Woodpecker | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 25-2 [update 20230922]



update 202309

– it is raining, the rain drop hit on the trogon head .. why so much rain 2022-2023

– 见到这鸟时真在下雨。雨真好下到他头上。2022-2023 真的和多雨

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230921]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


– it is so tame, 9 people standing 10feet from it.. it still coming back same area just slow and display a bit for picture … so amazing to see this behaviors again

– 这只是多么的乖,我们9个人在大概0-12尺距离。这鸟2天都一样的慢慢地跳。已第次见这样的鸟。真的不可思议。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230921]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]



update 202309

– special targets tour, this is one of most easier target overall but it still make us wait for more than 2 hours until it came and displaying while female get close – 这算是目标鸟最容易之一。可是也没很乖,也等了2+小时才出来。可是这次带着母的还表演了一次。“孔雀开屏“。。慢动作哦

update 202302


update 202309

– it is another good year to have many view and photo of this bird. This particular experience simply amazing where bird just infront of us walking pass

– 2023 还没过完,已看/拍到这鸟很多次了。算是很好的一年。这一次,有点不一样的感觉。这一只鸟完全没理会我们就在我们面前走过。(我们是透明的?)

202307, Johor, Malaysia

Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature [update 20230921]


update 202309

– it is weird this bird seem disappear from all common sites, especially almost not found at Danum Valley BRL, Kinabatangan River and etc… but this family found quite near to KK town ..any how, due to location, not all visit can be make there but for last special targets tour. We special arrange to be there and award with 2 in one frame

– 疫情后,很奇怪。这鸟几乎消失在之前的鸟点。在几个蛮出名的森林保护区都不容易见到。可是,几个比较稳的点都在城市/小镇附近。因为地点问题,我们不是每次都会去看/拍这鸟。这一次,特别目标鸟图包含这只小猛禽。我们特别安排时间去拍。去到不久就看到2只站一起的画面。。。。。。

202309, Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia

Falconidae series: Falconet, Falcon | 隼科 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20230920]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– another 1 out of 6 targets here, but this bird very shy keep flying around and finally it stop low and open for us. 3 more to go …

– 6只目标鸟之一。还有1天3只。这一只算是容易的可是就很害羞,我们用了30-40分钟才把它看的清楚。

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20 [update 20230929]



– it was another amazing trip to Danum, ours “toilet stop” got this lovely girl flying toward us.

– 我们这次到丹浓谷,很不错。第一天的进去时的“小便时刻”尽然听到见到这”美女”迎面飞过来

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Bucerotidae series: Hornbill | 犀鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-2 [update 20230920]


update 202309

– when we arrive Fraser Hill, immediate I step down from car. I heard and saw this bird so low … and immediate I ask guests to have a look at this beautiful bird. It is “900” world life for one of them .. beautiful bird for beautiful number

– 当我们到达福隆港,刚下车。我就听到,看到这鸟就在头上。立刻叫他们出来看。非常幸运大家来看到+拍到。还是其中一人的第900种鸟。漂亮鸟=漂亮号码。

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Paridae series: Tit | 山雀科 | liewwk Nature [2-1 update 20230919]



update 202309

– a new game change, found this with Thermal camera, bought this months ago but just too busy to explore but finally with a very close friends group and use it for few occasion and found colugo and this pair owl from total dark

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 20230930]


update 202309

– another close encounter of this small tiny bird. and saw it eating some cherry …

– 又一次很近的拍到这小小鸟。还会吃小果子。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– a not so “pygmy” pygmy White-eye, it came to me so close .. 5 feet ~~~ can’t even focus when start ..a real cute tiny Borneo endemic

– 不很小的“侏”,这小小鸟竟然。跑到我这大概5尺,连对焦也对不上。非常可爱的婆罗洲特有种。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia

Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature 4-1 [update 20230918]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]



update 202309

– a special targets tour begin with first target bird – Malaysian Rail-babbler. All of us have very good view of this bird

– 目标鸟团。第一天第一只目标-白眉长颈鸫。 每个人都看得很好。

202309 – Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature [update 20230921]


update 202309

– adult female come low as the male too but most of the Juvi stay high up … but it is just amazing to see them so close and eye level

– 成鸟都下来很低,亚成鸟都站的蛮高的。可是见到他们这么低与近已是很好了。好像还在发梦一样

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230917]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– just another short targets trip to Sabah, managed to have almost all main targets (except Bulwer Pheasant) included this special Borneo endemic. We had good time >3 minutes to have good view but still little block from my angle .. any how am happy to have light hit on its’ body and show the color of its’ body

– 另一目标鸟行,主要目标鸟都拍到除了鳞背鹇外。这只婆罗洲稀有特有种,应该是最喜爱鸟之一吧。让我们看/拍 2分钟多。可惜我的位置还是有点阻挡。可是我很喜欢这照片,阳光照到它的身体真的很漂亮

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20 [update 20230929]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


1.  Bornean Colugo, 婆罗洲猫猴, Galeopterus borneanus

– lucky night, ours activities start with this weird creature with baby

– 幸运的晚上,好是带小孩。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


Colugo series | 猫候 |liewwk Nature


update 202309

– an endemic that not that difficult but beautiful to be seen …

– 虽然这特有种不是很难看到或拍到。可是还是蛮漂亮的。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


Dicaeidae series: Flowerpecker | 啄花鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-3 [update 20230915]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– Matthew had this last few years ago with me at KL  so this not the tour target, but it calling so close just try to look for it and very soon (less than 2-3 minutes) it just sit there …

– Matthew 已在几年前在吉隆坡拍到了。(希望那鸟还健在)所以这不是我们目标鸟,可是它叫的很近我们就随便找找。没几分钟我们就找到他了。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature [update 20230915]


– another main target of the tour… the owl seem calling each other in the forest. walk slowly and managed to found where it perch and calling .. thanks for the group, we got some pictures and leave the owl alone

– 这次团的目标鸟之一。刚进入森林,这鸮就叫了。没很久就找到它叫与停的地方。还有感谢团员,很快的拍下照片。就没打扰这鸮太久。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

Tytonidae series: Owl | 草鸮科 | liewwk Nature – 2-1 [update 20230926]


update 202309

– one of the very few target for this small group, very soon in the morning we have very good view and some rain. After rain stop we have even better picture opportunity

– 这次特别团的其中一只目标鸟。虽然不难,可是还是会有可能出错的。因为我们只有1.5天在这。还好,一到早下雨前。就看到拍到不错的照片。雨停后,再让我们拍更好的照片。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230921]


– same season for pass 2 years, again we meet >10 Fruit-hunter moving as group again … and today is special we meet it twice !!! and at eye level …

– such a beautiful bird to be see in closea handsome male …Matthew still one of best and lucky birder I know

– 连续3年同季节,遇上10+只这稀有的婆罗洲特有种。还是一天遇上2次!还要站很低。Matthew 还是厉害+运气爆的。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]

Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230917]


update 202309

– another long wait for target… and this Pitta passing by everyone seem happy with the pitta … actually who will not happy ? such a beauty

– 另一个长长的等待。这八色鸫经过,每个人都蛮开心。谁见到这么好看的鸟会不高兴。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230921]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– a good moment with this special target bird, this year may not see it again but still hope to plan few days there to look for few other good birds there…

– 2023一次美好的回忆,没这么近的接触过这鸟。应该没什么机会在2023再去见他。可是还是尽力安排几天到哪看看其他鸟。(好多好鸟)

202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia

Oriolidae series: Oriole | 黄鹂科 | liewwk Nature 4 [update 20230909]


Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– a boring raining morning, almost nothing calling or action.. except this bird gave us some good view … any how main target ticked

– 郁闷的下雨早上,(还在下雨)几乎没什么鸟叫。就这鸟乖乖的让我们看/拍。目标鸟看到了还好。

202309, KLIAS, SABAH, Malaysia

Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 20-1 [update 20230909]


update 202309

– we always keep looking for the male, because it is bright red more beautiful and easier to spot .. the female is lovely too ..

– 通常我们都会找雄鸟,因为漂亮与容易找。其实母鸟也很美

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230921]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– lucky and very lucky moment meet single elephant after heavy rain and got wet. it feed alone and slowly on the river bank – 非常非常幸运遇上单只象在河边吃东西。慢慢的吃



update 202309

– for me to choose one of the most common wide spread but difficult bird to be seen in Malaysia… this is one of them .. and finally got one really close and stay but never want look at ours; angle….

– 这鸟算全世界都蛮普通可是在马来半岛很难见到的鸟之一。这鸟是排前3名的。非常难见到,不要讲拍。遇上了。就不看过来。

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 20230930]


update 202309

– a casual canopy walk at Danum, this bird is there for few weeks… and the adult or another pair continue building another nest again near by.. must be a well known nesting area for this species of bird

– 通常我们最后一天在丹浓谷都会在树冠走道走走。这鸟在哪好几个星期都不走。今年好几噶鸟巢都在这。应该是好风水。

202307, Danum Vally, BRL, Sabah, Malaysia


Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20230908]



update 202309

– a day at KK town, drive around with casual birders. Manage to have this bird and some munia near grass field.

– 在哥打京那巴鲁的一天,与几位看什么鸟都高兴的鸟图案。到了这块稻田+空地看到这鸟与其他文鸟。

202308, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Locustellidae series : Warbler | 蝗鶯科 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20230907]



– a very active bird but so colorful.

– 非常活跃与漂亮的鸟。

update 202309

– it is pretty common pitta across Sabah, and not difficult to miss this bird but sometime need to find one not too shy for photography purpose

– 这算是婆罗洲最普通的八色鸫吧,如果有时间不难拍到。

202306, Kinabatangan river, Sabah, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230921]


update 202309

– so fast almost one year pass, this bird very active and we tried multiple locations.

– 这么快,去年我们泰国行已大概一年了。今年我们会到印尼。这鸟非常活跃,找了好几只才拍到。

202212, ChiangMai, Thailand

Birds of Thailand | 泰国之观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20230906]

Nectariniidae series: Sunbird | 太阳鸟科: 食蜜鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10-2 [update 20230906]


update 202309

– a too close encounter of this un-common sunbird, under the correct lighting. This bird overall look “red” instead “green-brown”

– 最近竟然很近距离的看到这一只不很普通的太阳鸟。在够阳光的情况下,卡已看到它时带“红”而不是绿的。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Nectariniidae series: Sunbird | 太阳鸟科: 食蜜鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10-2 [update 20230906]


update 202309

– before we start ours day, this bird just stand at eye level outside ours’ hotel. spend few minutes to have good view and picture for this common bird of Fraser Hill

– 一大早,这鸟在我们酒店门口下来很低。我们都高兴的拍到好照片。这时福隆港普鸟

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-1 [update 20230927]


update 202309

– a lucky moment saw this shy bird at eye level caught a mantis and trying to feed the female with special call

– 很辛运看到这只害羞的鸟到这么低,还捉了一只螳螂准备喂母鸟。还带很奇怪的叫。

202306, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Cuculidae series: Malkoha | 杜鹃科: 地鹃 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20230906]


update 202309

– someone say this bird is ugly 🙁 … I really like this bird big and near (for 2023) it is so much easier in Danum Valley … lovely male and still looking for his lady

– 有人讲这鸟很难看,不会吧。可能是场景啦。2023在丹浓谷很容易拍到。很可怜的雄鸟一直在等他的老婆。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-1 [20230921]


update 202309

– a revisit a same place after 10 years +, the bird still same spot but now handling and feed by local Photographer Subki & Ambo. Make chance to have picture of this beauty of Borneo much easier compare those day… It is quite challenge too, you need patient to sit and wait ….

– 旧地从游,10年前在同一个点。同一鸟种在这没这么容易拍到,现在有当地的“鸟导”帮忙喂食。所以要拍到这只婆罗洲的特有种,已不太难了。这么漂亮的还是值得去看看。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230921]


update 202309

– a last visit to Trusmadi

this special and lovaly leafbird is quite easy to photograph here. Beautiful as usual and feeding with katydid

– 在丛林女孩营地 (沙巴)拍这蛮不容易见到的鸟还是容易的。还要看到他捉到食物。

202306, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


Chloropseidae series : Leafbird | 绿叶鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 4 [update 20230905]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– sometime I really thing, without disturb how long a bird will stay at nearby active area for how long.. this bird seem active here (Panti) since 2013 and each time I am there sure it will show up…

– 是不是越少打扰,鸟会一直活跃在一个地方永久或很久?

202308, Panti, Johor, Malaysia

Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 2023090]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– after 11 years of first visit with you, and after you left… my first time here again … not really a good visit every step I move remind us .. same accommodation, lake, jungle trail … river …

– 11年前我与他初次到这,你离开后第一次到回这。到这我的心这的很不好受,每一步都想起我们当时在这。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia


Primates series | 灵长类 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20230923]


update 202309

– ours’ last day at the Tawau, just want spend a morning for anything as main target ticked. everyone seem happy with yesterday Blue-Banded Pitta show, and today almost not really in mood for anything and raining… we just walking around but all of sudden this bird make a call and with little bit of wait and searching .. it stand at eye-level for us.. but sad one of outs’ team fall down with minor injure hope he recover soon

– 斗湖最后一个早上,因为目标鸟已拿下。每个人还想昨天的八色鸫。早上小雨,我么也随便走走,没很久。听到这鸟叫,很快”老刘“又发功。看到这鸟远远的。拍下后,没很久它也飞到低角度让我们拍。可是有人跌倒了,我们提早回酒店回家。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 2023090]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]


update 202309

– another good find at this short trip to Sabah, it look angry when we walk pass . one of great found by Low, he keep say Yellow+blue birdand we stop to search for it ..

– 这次沙巴之行另一只好鸟,老刘发现的。他看到后,一直讲有只黄胸蓝鸟。厉害

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20230930]


update 202309

– it is a start of the month with this bird even high view compare to the previous sightings. But this bird keep making call make other sightings different.

– 美好的9月,刚开始就拿下这鸟。虽然很高可是有点不同,这只一直叫不停。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Indicatoridae series: Honeyguide | 响蜜鴷科: 马来响蜜鴷 | liewwk Nature [update 20230903]


update 202309

– a special trip to Tawau for specific Photography target, but the bird does not show up last evening, so morning we decided to have casual birding and for me this guy show up is better than any other. it move fast but I manage to got few shots of the beautiful primate.

– 专到斗湖为了拍一只鸟,可是没出现。我们觉得走走后才再寻找目标。可是一大早,这家伙在我们腹肌叫的很大声。也跳来跳去很快。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Primates series | 灵长类 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20230923]


update 202309

– a day tour end up with this amazing active bird which stay at open for more than 25 minutes … good view, picture and video

– 一日观鸟,尽然遇上这么一只很“傻”的活跃+害羞的鸟。站着叫了最少25分钟。

202308, Lanchang, Pahang, Malaysia

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230922]



update 202309

– a boring day, without target bird calling… this is the only endemic we had today ..but it is so good to give us good show

– 闷死了。目标鸟没叫,也没出现。只有几只鸟让我们看看拍拍,这只婆罗洲特有种很乖。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20231001]

Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature – 16 [update 20230901]


Rat series | 鼠类 | liewwk Nature

a new collection of small mammal

1. Lesser Ranee Mouse, Haeromys pusillus, Haeromys sp

– a small and long tail mice, it can be Ranee which may not able to tell. But this is really long tail with really small body length

(still will checking the ID)

– 非常小,长尾巴。可能是Haeromys minahassae。可是几个前辈讲到,这很小+尾巴长。应该是Haeromys pusillus。


***not an expert still trying my best to ID this one ..


202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Canon RF 100-400mm real field test with samples

it is a long time after this very special light and low price lens for me to test. finally while I take opportunity to test while I am having Gitzo-CANON special Bird Photography know what – Borneo Workshop.

I having it with me whole day, trying at low light and bright are with both R7 and R3. very small size and weight (635gram) !!! i think I can have it walking any time any where without any problem.

below is some real field test with full size pictures (click it to see full size)

The CANON RF100400 come with some interesting specification I like

0.41x (at 400mm)


79.5 × 164.7mm size

sample 1

CANON R3, Canon RF 100-400mm f/5.6-8 IS USM Lens

ISO10000, F8, 1/100

without denoise
with default Adobe Camera RAW denoise

sample 2

CANON R3, Canon RF 100-400mm f/5.6-8 IS USM Lens

ISO10000, F8, 1/250

without denoise
with default Adobe Camera RAW denoise


sample 3

CANON R3, Canon RF 100-400mm f/5.6-8 IS USM Lens

ISO10000, F8, 1/250

without denoise
with default Adobe Camera RAW denoise


sample 4

CANON R3, Canon RF 100-400mm f/5.6-8 IS USM Lens

ISO10000, F8, 1/250

without denoise
with default Adobe Camera RAW denoise


sample 5

CANON R3, Canon RF 100-400mm f/5.6-8 IS USM Lens

ISO800, F8, 1/80

sample 6

CANON R7, Canon RF 100-400mm f/5.6-8 IS USM Lens

ISO800, F8, 1/1600

without denoise
with default Adobe Camera RAW denoise


update 202308 – all update done 2023 August

all 2023 Aug update


update 202308

so far think Kinabatangan river is a best place for this bird, we never missed it even for picture. lovely blue and very common at river bank but the vibrant blue always attract any one

– 京河应该是最容易拍到这鸟的地方。几乎没错失过。虽然普通可是它的蓝几乎都会让每个人停下来看看它

202308, Kinabatangan river, Sabah, Malaysia

Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 20230830]


update 202308

– no one checking and no one disturb, it should be have new generation for this rare Borneo endemic. Fount the nest ~2 months ago and managed to make another trip there last month and the bird sitting on nest and sleeping

– 应该有新的小鸟,没人知道,也没人去拍。我也找到后去了一次,大家都很快的离开。因为这鸟非常稀有。谢谢。。

202307, Sarawak, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– a pretty common Sulawesi Endemic, planning Oct trip now … clearing some April 2023 pictures ..

– 2023 4 月的照片。10月我们又去,有人要去》? 2024 ?

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Dicaeidae series: Flowerpecker | 啄花鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-3 [update 20230828]

Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bird Photography | 苏拉威西: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 41 [update 20230828]


update 202208

– a common lowland Borneo endemic. overall brown with darker brown-black on head

– 蛮普通的婆罗洲特有种。蛮闷的颜色(棕)的鸟

202306, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 20-1 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– at one of the feeding station, this bird keep secretive walking around but still possible to get good picture. Very common but normally difficult to get good picture

– 在沙巴其中一个喂食点,这鸟在科室还是鬼鬼祟祟的。。虽然很普通的鸟,要拍好还是不容易。

202308, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-3 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– very lucky moment, I am suppose to look for ours last missing target. But I saw these 2 birds keep moving together and I decided to spend minutes to have some good video and pictures. After I got few clips, the Giant Pitta call  and that’s the best moment happen. Got the Giant pitta calling for everyone of us

– 这两只鸟算事我的幸运只鸟吧。原本没什么理会这鸟了,可是他们在我在找最后一只目标鸟时。在我面前跳来跳去,我觉定拍些视频吧。当我拍好后,大蓝八色鸫竟然叫了起来。然后就是每个人都看到,拍到大蓝的事了。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230827]

Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature [update 20230828]


update 202308

– it is not easy to see it, but it is there

– 不容易见到,可是它就在哪没动。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia


Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230826]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– quite common brown-olive bird found at Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill gap

– 再福隆港蛮普通的鹎。

202307, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 20-1 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– a raining morning, I got wet without any rain gear.. but the bird also very wet when it show up. Still very dirty look ahh

– 一大早,下雨。我没带雨衣,雨伞。全身都湿湿的,可是这鸟看来也忘了?

202308, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230826]


update 202308

– a rare blue morph just appear at this common spot of this Philentoma. But it only appear early of morning which light is low

– 这鸟很特别特别的“蓝种”。竟然在这个点出现(其实这里找到这鸟已10年左右)

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature 2 [update 20230825]


update 202308

– a highland, bulbul that pretty common but recently gave me some hardtie to looking for it. previous trips just need more tie on this bird. Not sure what happen .. but last trip, it just show there when we arrive …

– some checklist already split this as Pale-faced Bulbul as Borneo endemic

– 高原的鹎,其实蛮普通可是最近不知道怎了,还是要点时间看到它。

– 有人已把它分成新婆罗洲特有种。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 20-1 [update 20230828]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]


Canon RF 100-400mm real field test with samples



update 202308

– a last day on the boat after have all target ticked. But happy to see new bird of the trip. This smaller overall and see the tail banded after you flying off.

– 在京河,所有目标鸟看完后。在最后一个早上见到新鸟。不错。

202308, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia

Accipitridae series: Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 24-2 [update 20230824]

update 202308

– almost time to finish off Malaysia tours, and time for lovely places again. I am going Sulawesi and Halmahera again Oct. Anyone interest on 2025 ? 2024 full 😀

– hopefully see this owl again, lovely and wait for me.

– 2028马来西亚的团几乎圆满(季节也差不多了)终于可以去些不一样的地方。我会又到苏拉威西与哈马黑拉岛。有人2025要去?2024满了

– 希望见到这鸟。非常特别。

202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Tytonidae series: Owl | 草鸮科 | liewwk Nature – 2-1 [update 20230824]

Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bird Photography | 苏拉威西: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 41 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– a walking on the roadside, this Borneo endemic just sit there queitly. beautiful as usual lovely blue flycatcher.

– 大家都走的很累了。突然,看到这婆罗洲特有种。很美的仙鹟

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20230630]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– while the tour ended, everyone talking about bird of the tour. Garnet Pitta, Giant Pitta, Bornean Ground-Cuckoo, Blue-headed Pitta, Whiteheads’ Broadbill. But think only me choose this, it is a rare occasion or minimum for me to see it ~10 feet away and ~10 feet from ground and stay for long for us.

– 当我们的行程要结束时。每个人都会选他们的最喜欢的鸟。每个人都很难选,榴红八色鸫,大蓝八色鸫,黑喉绿阔嘴鸟, 婆罗洲地鹃,等。可是我还是喜欢这鸟。我几乎没见过它这么近这么低。

202308, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202308

– very lucky moment, I am suppose to look for ours last missing target. But I saw these 2 birds keep moving together and I decided to spend minutes to have some good video and pictures. After I got few clips, the Giant Pitta call  and that’s the best moment happen. Got the Giant pitta calling for everyone of us

– 这两只鸟算事我的幸运只鸟吧。原本没什么理会这鸟了,可是他们在我在找最后一只目标鸟时。在我面前跳来跳去,我觉定拍些视频吧。当我拍好后,大蓝八色鸫竟然叫了起来。然后就是每个人都看到,拍到大蓝的事了。



– same month again, the bird active late, 3 weeks ago when I am there no bird call or sight. But yesterday, it is so active to gave us everyone very good view. and I only have this angle view after first found it and brought all other guests over to have this bird. last bird of the group..

– 同一个月,可是好像有点迟。3个星期前完全还是没什么声音。昨天非常活跃,让我们全部团员看/拍个够。我没什么照片,找到,确定可以。拍下这一幕,就跑去拉其他团员来看拍。20+天团最后一只鸟。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

– just a right time, it just so tame !! 10 standing just 15 feet away.. the bird take his time walking around to pose for us

– 今年,鸟都蛮害羞,到了这个时候有些开始好点。这只,在我们10个人站15尺左右。他也完全不怕人。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230826]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]

update 202308

– it show so well with 2 stand close and open, but need to show other to have a view so finally I end up with this best view picture I had .. any one I really like to see it shy with us

– 它们竟然2只站一起。可是我的工作是让其他人看,所以当每个人都庆祝时。我只可以拍下这一幕。还是非常害羞

202308, Sabah, Malaysia

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20 [update 20230815]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]


update 202308

– another so special encounter of this just at roadside, making non stop call. Amazing active bird …

– 非常幸运在路边看到这活跃的鸟。

202308, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202308

– a pretty common Borneo Endemic found at KNP, dark overall

– Easy to found near roadside feeding

– 在沙巴神山公园,这婆罗洲特有种蛮容易看到,拍到的。通常在路边找吃。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Muscicapidae series : Whistling-Thrush | 鹟科 : 啸鸫 | liewwk Nature -3 [ update 20230813]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]



Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]

Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230826]

update 202308

– as usual morning session, but lucky today have 1 pair still feeding with quite good available light.

– a shy Borneo montane endemic

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。不很稀有,就是有点害羞。

– 如常,我们一大早就找这鸟。好幸运,遇上一对在还有光线的时候还在。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202308

– went here first morning, no bird around. 2nd visit make me able to captured some pictures before it flew away

– 第一天都没听到这鸟叫。今天,竟然让我拍几张照片。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia


Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature 4-1 [update 20230810]

update 202308

– a not so “pygmy” pygmy White-eye, it came to me so close .. 5 feet ~~~ can’t even focus when start ..a real cute tiny Borneo endemic

– 不很小的“侏”,这小小鸟竟然。跑到我这大概5尺,连对焦也对不上。非常可爱的婆罗洲特有种。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia


Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature [update 20230810]

update 202308

– are you looking for me ? amazing moment with the special group. have a great time on day1. so close and so long for us

– 你在找我?非常特别的组,特别来找这鸟。第一天就找到这么乖的。让我们看很久也很近

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230827]

update 202308

– just another lucky tick for customer, this bird came out to open and sing non stop … amazing moment for this tiny Borneo endemic

– 非常幸运的客人,我们什么都没做。它自己出来唱歌。

202308, Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia



Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230827]

update 202308

– a very tough trip at Taman Negara, even we had some good birds but most the birds really difficult to even seen. This bird make use suffer for 3 days, finally in the evening stand so long for us to have good view

– 非常炎热,非常幸苦的一团。几乎都是满身汗,还加上鸟都不出来。虽然我们有好几只好鸟。可是还是很辛苦。这鸟用了我们3天,听了好10几只可是没看到它的影子。在今天下午终于给我们看看还站很久

202308, Pahang, Malaysia



Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230826]

update 202308

– few months didn’t visit this pitta, amazing.. it gave us a good show just ~3minutes .. but why so dirty !!!

– 几个月没见这鸟,还是很乖3分钟左右就让我们看够够。可是怎么这么难看!

20230731, Selangor, Malaysia


Indicatoridae series: Honeyguide | 响蜜鴷科: 马来响蜜鴷 | liewwk Nature [update 20230819]

update 202308

– another hot day, while we walking in the forest. I heard some weird call (never heard before) and very soon a brown bird perch nearby and very soon David say “Honeyguide” ! the bird flip the wing non stop and may be making some call but not able to record it… may be it is the “guiding” action ?

– 非常热的一天。当我们在林子里走,突然听到很怪的叫声。不久后,有只棕色的鸟飞过来。DAVID站在那树下,叫了。”Honeyguide”。 这鸟很奇怪,一只展开翅膀。可能想带我们去找蜜?

202308, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202308


Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230827]

– it is missing but all of sudden heard the call, and not very long it been found on ground. but quite shy and very soon just disappear

– 蛮久没在这出现,可是当我在找白眉长颈鸫时。尽然听到它叫,很快见到他在地上找吃。拍了1-2张照,他就飞了。

202307, Johor, Malaysia



Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230828]

Corvidae series: Magpie, Crow | 鸦科 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20230804]

– a really big and active big to be photograph, always good to see them far to have the environment view to see how long the bird is

– 婆罗洲蛮大只的特有种,也非常活跃。较喜欢远点拍它,可以让环境做个比较。

202305, Sabah, Malaysia


Leiothrichidae series: Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科: 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20230803]

update 202308

– a very lucky morning with this shy and active bird stay so low and long for everyone good view and picture session

– 非常幸运的一个早上。这么活跃与害羞的鸟,尽然站了这么低这么久让我们看+拍够。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202308


Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20230803]

– in the season meet up both Long-tailed & Silver-Breasted Broadbills is much excited .. total 5 of them after we got ours Black Laughingthrush

– lovely and cute little bird

– 在这个季节看到长尾阔嘴与这鸟。特别不容易,还要见到5只。爽

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230802]

update 202308

– another good spot for this bird for last week tour. Seem very active recently.. good time to see it again but I am busy 

– 另一个地点见到它。好像那都很活跃。可是我很忙没时间拍更好的照片。

202307, Johor, Malaysia


Picidae series: Woodpecker | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 25-2 [update 20230801]

update 202308

– start my Aug with very good with many bird but never got this bird come to us ~15-20 feet and stay long even 9 of us moving around him.

– 8 月好的开始,120+种鸟。加上这只第一次遇到,站15-20尺内。还要站很久也不走。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Tupaiidae series : Treeshrew | 树鼩科 | liewwk Nature 1 [update 20230709]

Tupaiidae is one of two families of treeshrews, the other family being Ptilocercidae. The family contains three living genera and 19 living species.[1] The family name derives from tupai, the Malay word for treeshrew and also for squirrel which tupaiids superficially resemble. The former genus Urogale was disbanded in 2011 when the Mindanao treeshrew was moved to Tupaia based on a molecular phylogeny.

lets sharing some Treeshrew

1. Large treeshrew, 大树鼩, 大樹鼩, Tupaia tana

– a overall bigger and more rufous Treeshrew found Sub-Montane and lowland

– Trusmadi, RDC

update 202307


the power of CANON R3 …

– we were looking at another flying squirrel flying like other tourist 10-20 minutes ago and while walking to the jungle for other subject. We saw some movement from far up and Nature guide point the “small torch” toward to the subject and shout “flying” .. what I did just point my camera to the sky and again #CANONR3 just lock focus and track the subject .. the picture may not best quality as it is shooting ISO16000 and picture is heavy under exposure.

(we don’t know flying behaviors before capture like nesting or some feeding spot)

– 我们刚看完大鼯鼠飞下。就向森林走去,我们的向导喊“飞”。没时间想,我立刻相机对上。对焦完全锁定,追焦几乎没错过。虽然画质一般,ISO16000 还要很暗(后期加光)。可是还是可以看到佳能R3的对焦+追焦的恐怖。(这个不是陷阱对焦是突然飞出来)


update 202307 – all update done 2023 July

update 2023 July

– a quick check before few Rail-babbler groups, arrived welcome by rain (YES, raining again) after Malaysian-Eared Nighjar, Crested Shrikejay… begin my Rail-babbler quick tour. very soon I arrived my friend “spot” put a hide and wait. not long wait the bird calling but it keep quiet after few call. Not a long wait, it stand near the bush edge. – 为了接下来的“白眉长颈鸫”团,到了马来西亚最好的点之一(其实还是觉得吉隆波的鸟点比较有把握)。一大早到了,可是没办法出去。(下雨,对又下雨) 先看到马来毛腿夜鹰,可是没停。之后很快与5只冠鸦玩了一会。就开始慢慢找这非常高需要的鸟。先到朋友给我。等没多久,鸟叫了。可是很快又没声音了。可是我也不大意。周围看看,很快看到这鬼鬼祟祟的站那看我。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



Accipitridae series: Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 24-2 [update 20230730]

update 202307

– a close encounter of this cool raptor with prey … witness it eat the rat

– 这么漂亮的猛禽,看他慢慢的把老鼠吃掉。好爽

202305, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia


Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 19[update 20230708]

update 202307

– a raining afternoon, after some good flock of woodpeckers. This bird just stand at road side for us. lovely looking bulbul

– 下了一场雨后,来了一次啄木鸟的鸟浪。之后就发现这漂亮的鹎。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


update 202307

– a special Rail-Babbler tour, and what a bonus of so many special birds included this cool looking, active bird.

– 白眉长颈鸫特别团,也看到很多很特别的鸟。包括这只稀有,害羞,有形有款的黑鸟。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– an early morning with quite heavy rain, while I am waiting in the car a group of 5 birds keep flying around and making calls. I still walking out to captured some pictures and 2 sg Bird Photographers join me the raining chasing fun

– 一大早,天下着雨。可是这么稀有的鸟竟然在我停车的地方飞来飞去。我也不理什么雨,下车与2位新加坡鸟人在雨下玩追追。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia




Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230727]

update 202307

– it was a quiet afternoon, on the boat we have nothing much except this bird come say help and eating in-front of us . One of most common trogon of Lowland

– 非常安静的下午,只有这鸟出来看看我们。马来西亚蛮普通的咬鹃。

202307, Sukau, Sabah, Malaysia



Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20230727]

update 202307

– very lucky morning, we decided to have a walk after got the main target of the “Rail-Babbler tour”. I heard a weird call, and saw something orange fly low, first bird I guess is Cinnamon-Rumped Trogon. But the call the bird consistent  make is different from the ordinary call. But a bird just fly infront of us ~10feet away. Bingo.. it is the star bird. This bird very tame compare to other , stay calm, close and allow us move and get close to have some good photos.

– I am sure this is top3 bird of 202307

– 非常幸运的一天。主要目标拿下后,这团其实是4天找白眉长颈鸫,可是在昨天(第一天)已拿下。今天我们一位轻轻松松的看看鸟。可是,在一天步道上。我听到可疑叫声+见到橙色鸟飞低。我就猜是这鸟,不久这鸟就飞来我们10尺前。可是都不是很好拍照。可是,他太给力了。飞来飞去近的,低的还让我们走近拍照。

– 绝对是202307 最好鸟照片之一。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


update 202307

– this beautiful girl standing there for long and low. male also nearby but ours’ target yet to been found so skip it but still have some chance to click few photo of the good model

– 这美女,站那很久也很低·。可是一大早,目标鸟还没找到。所以只能按几次就继续找鸟。

202307, Panti, Johor, Malaysia



update 202307

– a special Rail-Babbler tour, lucky to have it present 4 times show. last appear is like walk left and right for more than 3 minutes. 100+ species first day..

白眉长颈鸫特别团。其实给我选地点,是没什么压力。可是太多Ebird 记录在南部。客人都觉得那比较容易。。。还好,第一天就看到还拍到。见到4次,最后一次还走了3分钟。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– it is a hot day, this bird is calling any where… only 1 bird willing to give good show and cat walk for me

– 炎热的一天。很多只在叫,可是就只有一只出来走走让我拍拍。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202307

– really like the front view of this active bird. most of the time on low near ground.

– 它的正面,真的很好看。这鸟,通常在很低活动。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+1 [update 20230725]

update 202307

– a active bird that many birder like to have a clear view. This bird quietly stand behind us with call. Found it after heard it but not long and it keep moving. But still managed to have some photos before it keep distance from us.

– 非常活跃的鸟。很不容易看到的鸟。3天在这个点,这次听到了可是还是没出现。可是突然听到它很近。尽然站在我们后面。可是没很久还是跳来跳去。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature – 16 [update 20230724]

update 202307

– early morning, nothing special show up, except this lovely “song bird” of the forest. 2 of them feeding low but still moving fast

– dull looking bird, but very good singer

– 很闷的鸟,没什么颜色。可是唱歌是很好听

– 一大早,没什么鸟。就这鸟陪我们。还下来吃东西。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


Picidae series: Woodpecker | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 25-2 [update 20230723]

update 202307

– while checking up few birds for next trip, it is amazing to have 6 woodpeckers show up and 3 low and close enough for pictures. this is one of them just stand there feed for more than 10 minutes .

– 在找几只目标鸟给接下来的团。尽然见到6只啄木鸟,3只还是很低+进。这只大概就10尺左右

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+1 [update 20230725]

update 202307

– a bird that not so common in most of the places but here Danum Valley few locations. It is always there for years. but still an active bird to be photograph.

– 在多数地方都不很普篇,在丹浓好几个点。过去7-8年来都非常容易见到拍到。可是还是非常活跃的鸟。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20230723]

update 202307

– a quick day tour, after rain at the original location, make a quick detour to another location and when we arrive. group of them calling near and very soon we got it before rain arrive again.

– 当天下雨,我们决定到另一个地方。当我们到达时,听到这鸟叫。很快的下车后就拍到这鸟。

202307, Lanchang, Pahang, Malaysia


Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 20230727]

update 202307

– a very good birder from Canada (born Malaysia), “enjoy the moment”

– not a very rare bird, but it is a last request from guest. It calling deep in the jungle. light got dark and we decided to walk in to find it .. lukcy not that long found it and it allow us approach ~12 feet from it

– 不是什么稀有鸟种。可是客人喜欢也是最后一只要求(我们还是会客人优先的)。在最后一刻,鸟在森林里头叫。我们决定走进林里找,很快就找到还让我们接近。

202307, Lanchang, Pahang, Malaysia



– typical monarch, active calling loud like other. as per named, pale blue

– a Sulawesi endemic

– 如其他王鹟,活跃,叫不停。苏拉威西特有种

update 202307

– while we have our casual walk, heard this bird call and not long it calling really low .. bingo

– 天气太热,我们随便走走。突然听到这鸟叫,没用很长时间。就找到他了。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202307

– going to be another busy months after short break, and can’t stop thinking how lucky we were with such close encounter … this was 560mm with minimum crop !!! a very rare Borneo endemic but not difficult bird to be seen but it is always high up on the tree with “small” size almost like a black dot

– 小休了几天,又要忙了。还是想念,上个星期的幸运。这鸟站的那么近,第一次到达我不可以对焦的点我们还要后退。婆罗洲稀有特有种,不过非常容易看到就不好拍。每次都是站高高在上,还要非常小只。

2023, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia


– another visit of this amazing place Paya Maga, but this trip we had a bad weather . Arrive hiking with heavy rain, missed one evening and night for anything just hearing the lovely natural music and good rest. Following with on and off rain. But this main target still show well for us and even come low and stay long for us to take picture.

– 再次到这美好的地方,Paya Maga . 可是这次天气真的不是很给力。几乎都下雨。上山时还下大雨。天气冷,下雨,鸟没活动还有比这差吗?还好我们到这的主打鸟还是拍到了。还下来低+久让我们拍好好。

202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia




update 202307

As customer want different experience than birding . We had very late evening jungle trail walk . This bird just slow walk on the trail while we were there .. but it is too dark and this was captured with ISO16000

– still a big and beautiful bird to be seen and photograph

– 客人,讲要走走看不一样的路。我们在下午决定走走森林步道。这鸟是不怕我们,慢慢走向我们。可是天色已暗,我已要用ISO16000 .可是还是很美的鸟

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia




update 202307

– this bird seldom stop more than 1-2s. it always on the move and on low ground. I had tried long to get a video. But always failed, not even more than 3s so far .. finally this time I got ~10s even it is not really focus and good view but this is how the bird behave – hope one day can have better video … – 这鸟总是不停的动,几乎不停多过1-2秒。还要主要在地上,试了好几年还是没办法拍多过3秒的视频。还是觉得,不是这么容易。这次拍到好几秒它怎么动。虽然,没很好对焦。可是先加减看看。




update 202307

– an early morning with quite heavy rain, while I am waiting in the car a group of 5 birds keep flying around and making calls. I still walking out to captured some pictures and 2 sg Bird Photographers join me the raining chasing fun

– 一大早,天下着雨。可是这么稀有的鸟竟然在我停车的地方飞来飞去。我也不理什么雨,下车与2位新加坡鸟人在雨下玩追追。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia




update 22307

– a bird that always make us wake up early. This special bird come to us dusk, which still have quite good light. CANON R7 with 400mm F2.8 still working perfect for lowlight

– 这鸟终是需要我们一大早醒来。还好,这鸟屎下午突然出现虽然,光线还是一样差。佳能R7+ RF400mm F2.8 还是可以轻易拍下。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202307

– a quick check before few Rail-babbler groups, arrived welcome by rain (YES, raining again) after Malaysian-Eared Nighjar, Crested Shrikejay… begin my Rail-babbler quick tour. very soon I arrived my friend “spot” put a hide and wait. not long wait the bird calling but it keep quiet after few call. Not a long wait, it stand near the bush edge.

– 为了接下来的“白眉长颈鸫”团,到了马来西亚最好的点之一(其实还是觉得吉隆波的鸟点比较有把握)。一大早到了,可是没办法出去。(下雨,对又下雨)


202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202307

– just another not good weather day, we stucked and cannot proceed to ours destination so we birding where the car can reach. This bird is the only bird calling and very soon we have very good view and some picture of this Borneo endemic

– 恶虐的天气,我们没办法到达我们的目的地。车停下来的地方竟然听到这鸟叫。没很久,我们看到他+拍到它的照片。也算是当天的补偿。

202307, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia


update 202307

– not really spend a lot of time at Fraser Hill 2023, but last tour we had very good time there with this lovely and beautiful barbet stand together

– a very common Barbet to be seen at Fraser Hill

– 2023 没太多时间在福隆港。上一团还是很不错,这里的普鸟还站一起让我们拍照。

202307, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202307

– another visit of this amazing place Paya Maga, but this trip we had a bad weather . Arrive hiking with heavy rain, missed one evening and night for anything just hearing the lovely natural music and good rest. Following with on and off rain. But this main target still show well for us and even come low and stay long for us to take picture.

– 再次到这美好的地方,Paya Maga . 可是这次天气真的不是很给力。几乎都下雨。上山时还下大雨。天气冷,下雨,鸟没活动还有比这差吗?还好我们到这的主打鸟还是拍到了。还下来低+久让我们拍好好。

202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia



Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-7 [update 20230709]

Halmahera, Indonesia Bird Photography | 哈马黑拉岛: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature [update 20230709]

– another “Red-bellied” pitta, and it classified as North Moluccan Pitta which is endemic of Halmahera.

– it is very near to Ivory-Breasted Pitta spot

– 另一只“红胸八色鸫”分出来的摩鹿加特有种。

202304, Center Halmahera, Indonesia


Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20230709]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230709]

update 202307

– a large “green” Borneo endemic.

– it was a a misty day, after having our morning targets. We decided casual walking and all of sudden saw this bird stand just at roadside and moving toward direction of a trail. without any delay, we walk fast to the trail and got the bird with very good view even misty due to close and not very high up view

– 雾很大的一天。在早上看到我们的目标鸟后。 我们就轻松的走走,可是在路边竟然看到这鸟站哪。可是当客人到来时,这鸟已向右飞去。我们很快走进了林子,很快就看到这鸟了。虽然雾大,可是还是很漂亮因为很近。

202307, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 20230709]

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20230709]

– a bird that every love to seen and photography. Before heading to no internet again, let’s share another good picture from previous tour. This bird just stand so low giving us a good view and picture.

– 应该是最上镜鸟之一吧。等会又开始没网的日子。让我分享上一团我蛮喜欢的照片之一。

202307, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia


Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bird Photography | 苏拉威西: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature [update 20230708]

Dicaeidae series: Flowerpecker | 啄花鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-3 [update 20230708]

update 202307

– a lovely and beautiful bird to be seen, previously saw it high up and finally have it low and beautiful view

– anyone want join me Oct 2023 for Photography trip to Sulawesi ?

– 之前都高高在上,终于有机会低角度看到它了。

– 10月会再次到哪。有谁要去拍拍照。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia



Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230708]

Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 18[update 20230708]

update 202307

– a recent visit to Danum Valley and used to see it quite common at RDC and Danum Valley. But than not really has good sight since ~2 years ago until now

– 最近到丹绒谷见好几次。两年前,这鸟在RDC, Danum Vally 都蛮容易见到。可是2年来,却很少见他了。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



the power of CANON R3 …



Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230703]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230703]

– when look close it is so gorgeous especially the front pattern

– most of them really shy, it is so difficult to have a open view this time. But I still meet one over the after lunch walk. managed to have some pictures and “walking” video

– 近距离看它的前部,真的很美。

– 这个季节,几乎每一只都很害羞。很难看到全鸟。可是,在午休的时候。还是出来一只傻傻的。让我拍很好。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230703]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230703]

– all of sudden almost any where also heard this bird calling. very active moving as usual. but this bird seem willing to stand here for me take some good pictures and video

– 突然几乎每个森林都听到他叫。可是还是超活跃,可是这家伙。站蛮久。几乎全部都客人都看的非常好。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 58 [update 20230703]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-1 [update 20230703]

update 202307

– a bird that make many different call, very active and shy for photography.

– 非常多叫声的鸟。很活跃,害羞的鸟。不容易拍到。

202306, Sabah, Malaysia




Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-5 [update 20230702]

update 202307

– a lucky quick walk, this bird just stand so low for good view and picture

– 非常幸运的遇上这么美丽的鸟站这么低

202307, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia



Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-3 [update 20230701]

update 202307

– another raining afternoon, make a decision not go far but surprise to have this bird call and very soon locate it just above us

– 下雨天, 没去太远。在附近看看,尽然听到这鸟叫。很快找到它就在我们头上。

202307, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia