1. Rufous-bellied Swallow, 棕腹燕, Cecropis badia, マラヤコイシアカツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG API BIASA
– most beautiful swallow of Malaysia
rightly-colored swallow found on the Malay Peninsula. Dark iridescent blue above with rusty-orange underparts, rump, and face. Similar to migratory tytleri subspecies of Barn Swallow but lacks its dark blue collar and whitetail patches. Like many other swallows, flies over a range of different habitats, from fields to forests; usually in hilly areas.
*** from ebird https://ebird.org/species/rubswa1
update 202303
– after raining for 14 hours, we just can;t just sit in the hotel. decided driving around and saw few of this bird flying around. customer holding umbrella to see the bird, and I carrying CANONR R3 & RF100500 shooting under quite a heavy rain. lowlight, heavy rain managed to make few pictures.
– never get bore to see this South Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia endemic
– bigger, overall rufous underpart
– 馬來西亞半島-泰國南部特有種。
– 較大,底部棕色。通常2-3隻活動。
update 202104
– due to pandemic covid-19, restricted to travel across the state force us mainly do local birding. Another good found near Kuala Lumpur.
– this high-speed accelerate Swallow is always challenge to get a good picture.
– 因为,疫情我们不允许越州。被逼的在吉隆坡附近拍鸟。
– 这燕飞的非常得快。非常不容易拍到照片。
update 202101
– very strong wind day, there are Barn Swallow, Pacific Swallow, House Swift, Silver-rumped Needletail, German’s Swiftlet, etc flying fast near the water dam.
– I mainly want to try the focus locking speed and tracking speed for the X-system
Fujifilm X-T4
XF70-300mmF4-5.6 R LM OIS WR
Focal length: 300mm+1.4x tc
ISO: 1600
F number: 8.0
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
2. Bank Swallow/Pale Sand Martin, 崖沙燕, Riparia riparia/diluta, ショウドウツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG PERANG BELANG BIASA
– a not so common winter visitor (North)
– there are very similar species and almost identical
update 202101
3. Red-rumped Swallow, 金腰燕, Cecropis daurica, コシアカツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG API BIASA
– a streaky front swallow
– found Sekinchan (Selangor), Sg Balang (Johor)
update 202101
4. Pacific Swallow, 洋燕, Hirundo tahitica, リュウキュウツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BIASA
– very common swallow widespread whole Malaysia
update 202101
5. Barn Swallow, 家燕, Hirundo rustica, ツバメ, Layang-Layang Hijrah
– long, forked tail and dark rump. Iridescent navy-blue above with a rich orange throat and forehead
– a good moment to capture group of Barn swallow keep repeating the same action near the coastal area
– 幸运的遇上一群家燕,来回的非。容易的捕捉到这一刻。
update 202111
– always difficult to capture swallow and this time I want challenge something flying toward us not horizontal from me. And this is how the R3 performance
1. Plain Flowerpecker, 纯色啄花鸟, 純色啄花鳥, Dicaeum minullum, ムジハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI KECIL BIASA
– plain overall
update 20240110
– so many of dull fellow, meet up minimum 3 birds in 2-3 hour. very active but this bird just stay there for so long
– 一个早上,尽然遇上好几只。通常非常活跃,可是今天2只站很久
– the bird still active, even not so colorful but it is a lifer for guest is always a good bird
– 还好还在,虽然很普通的鸟(鸟如其名)。可是还是客人新鸟种。
update 202204
– a plain color bird but as same as other flowerpecker, small and active
– 鸟如其名。纯色,可是还是一样的活跃。
update 202112
– just another casual birding day and see this plain and small bird
– 没目标的一天,见到这淡+小的鸟。陪我过了30钟。
update 202105
– a pale bird, that not that common. but 2 days in a row saw 4 birds in different locations.
– overall pale brown-light green, with no mark on the face.
– common, found near the forest edge, parks, mangrove, sub-montane etc
– with bright orange mostly front-underpart
update 202011
3. Black-sided Flowerpecker, 黑胁啄花鸟, 黑脅啄花鳥,Dicaeum monticolum, ボルネオノドアカハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI GUNUNG BORNEO
– montane Borneo endemic
update 202407
– it is always co-operative for us, this time even lower and closer for us. While we busy to get good view of the Bornean Treepie. This bird just perch few feet from us and lets everyone has good view
– after long, again using R5 for this long trip, hope I change my view on this camera.
– 通常都很合作的鸟,今天竟然站离我们几尺而已。没个人都看的很好。
– 好几年没再认真用佳能R5,这次会在婆罗洲用上。希望会对它有点改观。
update 202405
– it is a raining day, this common montane endemic just stand there for so long for us .. lovely Borneo endemic
– 在下雨天,这婆罗洲特有种。很乖的站很久让我们拍够够。
update 202309
– an endemic that not that difficult but beautiful to be seen …
– it is almost one of the rareness bird to be seen in Malaysia, I dont have chance see this bird too much every year.. but it is such a good experience seeing this from Peninsula Malaysia and Borneo within 1 month ..
– one of the main reason visit KLIAS forest reserve, Sabah …
– rare, or always overlook brown canopy small flowerpecker
update 202311
– at the same fruiting tree, we had both dull brown-white flowerpecker. One with dark eye and the other pale eye .. but need to show customers the Brown-backed so I missed the chance again 🙁
– 同一棵果树。见到两只淡淡的啄花鸟。一只眼暗色,另一只“白”可惜又错过拍哪只褐背啄花鸟。
update 202301
– a rare occasion where more than 10 of this species bird on same fruiting tree
– Borneo endemic, which very similar to Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker which is rare in Borneo.
– different by the rumped and breast “red”
update 202407
– a raining afternoon, almost lost full half day but before we call it a day. Got few birds gave us some good view include this Borneo endemic. a pair stay low and long for us.
– 几乎整个下午都下雨,看是没什么机会。我还是叫大家到有花的地方等雨停,还好好几只不错的鸟出现。包括这只婆罗洲特有种。
update 202405
– active and common Borneo endemic in certain places like Sabah RDC, Danum Valley BRL
– for the group this is the only bird that keep seeing again and again in very close distance.
– 在婆罗洲, 西必洛,丹浓谷保护区 都不难拍到这鸟。
– 在上一团,这可是见最多的婆罗洲特有种。还要是特别近距离的。
update 202012
9. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, 朱背啄花鸟, 朱背啄花鳥, Dicaeum cruentatum, セアカハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI BELAKANG MERAH
– common flowerpecker for Malaysia
– urban, mangrove, and 2nd forest
– 非常普通的啄花鳥
update 202405
– one of pretty common flowerpecker but not sure what happen. keep miss this bird recently and finally have this again with good view.
– 慢普通的,可是最近终是见不到这鸟。终于还是飞来我们面前让我们拍好好。
update 202103
10. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, 红胸啄花鸟, 红胸啄花鸟, Dicaeum ignipectu, ハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI GUNUNG BIASA
– a montane flowerpecker which male having overall blue with “ref-fire” on breast
– a common, tiny and active bird found Fraser Hill.
– with new camera AI technology, capture such a active and tiny bird picture with much easier compare to old DLSR time. Anyone want share how you shoot active (AF)and small bird with yours’ Camere ?
– as other’s flowerpecker, good to find near some flowering tree
– 蘇拉威西特有種
update 202310
– our simple no target day at Tomohon, come across this best spot for all the small birds .. good photography spot … so close and good lighting and background
A tiny, short-tailed songbird. Unmistakable male is dark with a red cap, breast spot, and rump. Underparts white, with a dark vertical line on the belly and white tufts on sides of breast. Female is gray, with red confined to rump; this color patterning is diagnostic. Juvenile resembles female, but lacks the red rump. Singles or pairs inhabit the upper reaches of hill and montane forest and forest edges. Restricted to Sulawesi. Gives thin, high-pitched “tzeet” and “kwit” call notes. Song starts with “tzeet-tzeet” phrases, then descends into a rapid warble.
update 202307
– a lovely and beautiful bird to be seen, previously saw it high up and finally have it low and beautiful view
– anyone want join me Oct 2023 for Photography trip to Sulawesi ?
– sometimes can be overlooked Broad-billed Sandpiper
– Medium-sized wader with a long, slightly downcurved bill. Slightly larger than Dunlin, with the longer and finer bill, longer legs. In-flight note large white rump patch. Breeding plumage deep rusty on head and body (like Red Knot) (ebird)
update 202105
– today lockdown MCO3.0 day2, so clearing some old picture. Found this summer plumage bird stand alone with a beautiful reflection
– 封城3.0 第2天。這是3月拍的照片。它也有繁殖羽了。
update 2020 Oct
– Selangor 202008
– still maintain some breeding plumage here
8.Eurasian Curlew, 白腰杓鹬,白腰杓鷸, Numenius arquata, ダイシャクシギ,KENDI BESAR BIASA
– one of the common winter migrant here .. not that difficult to spot one near mud/sand beach ..
update 202010
– 202008, 202009, 202010 Jeram, Morib, Selangor
9. Common Redshank, 红脚鹬,紅腳鷸, Tringa totanus, アカアシシギ, KEDIDI KAKI MERAH BIASA
– big size wader and normally in group
– one of most common winter visitor here (Center West Peninsular Malaysia) …
update 202303
– a different ssp Common Redshank (craggi) depend of checklist
– brighter orange overall
– 不一样的亚种。特别“亮”橙
update 202112
– one of the most common wader but it look gorgeous when it is on flight
– 马来西亚最普通的候鸟之一。可是它飞扬时还是非常漂亮。
update 2020 Nov
update 2020 Oct
– 2020 Aug, Sept, Oct … Sg Balang, Johor, Jeram, Morib Selangor
– not that common at mud beach at the center of Peninsular Malaysia
– Pantai Jeram, Malaysia, Mersing, Johor
update 202204
– in this time of the year, most of them changing to breeding plumage and ready to go home
– 每年的这个时候,他们换了繁殖羽准备回家了。
update 202103
– big group of them feeding before tide coming in and before heading home
– 第一次见到这么多只(大概10+)。努力的吃,安全回家。
update 202102
update 202011
update 202010
15. Ruddy Turnstone, 翻石鹬, 翻石鷸, Arenaria interpres, キョウジョシギ, KEDIDI-KERIKIL MERAH
– medium size of wader
– a beautiful wader even non-breeding plumage
update 202104
– it is time to go home, so most of them getting ready for summer plumage which makes this bird really stand out among other shorebirds
– 马来西亚最美的水鸟之一。它准备回家了,繁殖羽也开始了。
update 202011
16. Little Stint, 小滨鹬, 小濱鷸, Calidris minuta, ヨーロッパトウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL PERANG
– always confused with Red-necked Stint, both having a very similar look, blackleg, cross-environment.
– thinner bill, longer leg compare to Red-necked Stint (thanks Dave Bakewell for confirming the ID and his knowledge sharing, please check his Youtube channel
update 202105
– there are not many leftovers here but this beautiful plumage bird still around and much easier to spot.
– 候鸟都大部分都回家了。可是这只稀有的候鸟+繁殖羽却还留在这。
update 202103
– another visit and lucky to have this full ripe bird come close
– 又到这海边。幸运的遇上这繁殖羽的稀有鸟。
– another bird found on the same beach
– lucky to have this rare migrant and difficult to id stint come close with breeding plumage (again thanks to Dave Bakewell for help) – can see the wing covers with good orange, long leg, small head (still trying to see many pictures to see the head size and shape)
***if you interested to learn more about the difference between Little Stint and Red-necked stint. Dave Bakewell makes good share on both his blog and youtube
17. Gray-tailed Tattler, 灰尾漂鹬, 灰尾漂鷸, Tringa brevipes, キアシシギ, KEDIDI-KACAU ASIA
– medium size, yellow leg, gray shorebird – this bird breed in northeast Siberia – found near Mangrove
– 中級水鳥。灰。黃腳。 – 在西伯利亞繁殖。到這過冬。 – 蠻稀有的過冬鳥。
update 202101
18. Far Eastern Curlew, 大杓鹬, 大杓鷸, Numenius madagascariensis, ホウロクシギ, KENDI BESAR TIMUR
– big wader just like Eurasian Curlew which is very common in Peninsular Malaysia
– light brown (not white) rump and heavily marked underwings, unlike the unmarked white underwings of Eurasian
– 与马来西亚较普通的白腰杓鹬很像。可是全体颜色较暗棕。臀部不是白色的。
update 202201
– another lucky morning at Selangor mudflat
– 马来西亚中部较稀有的水鸟。幸运的一个早上
update 202112
– a special tour to North for one of the vagrant that visit Malaysia (Black-faced Spoonbill). After got our target, and spend some time for the beautiful mudflat and one of the star found is this long-billed, overall dark curlew.
– waiting for long as both bird roost with head down. After a long wait finally got both show their bill for comparison. – the Far Eastern Curlew is rare here compare to Eurasian – Far Eastern overall look darker (rufous) both upper rump and underpart tail don’t have “white”. When flying the underpart wing will show more pattern instead of mostly white for Eurasian.
– lucky to have a single bird mix up with Eurasian Curlew which easy to tell the overall look darker rufous and without white rump
19. Red-necked Stint, 红颈滨鹬, 紅胸濱鷸,Calidris ruficollis, トウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL LEHER MERAH
– a small wader with blackleg, overall very similar to Little stint especially at non-breeding plumage (please refer to Little stint above for good sharing by Dave Bakewell)
– 与非繁殖羽小滨鹬不容易分辨。黑脚。与小滨鹬分别:头较大。脚较短。嘴较细尖。
update 202105
– breeding plumage
update 202104
– breeding plumage is easier which the head-neck is ‘orange-rufous”
– 繁殖羽较容易分别。颈部带橙。
20. Red Knot, 红腹滨鹬, 紅腹濱鷸, Calidris canutus, コオバシギ, KEDIDI-DIAN KECIL
update 202105
– medium size, here sometimes can confuse with Great Knot which is bigger, longer bill. Breeding Plumage lack of orange
– one of the lucky days while looking at a group of ~50 Great Knot. all of sudden, a reddish similar knot found and it is the shorter bill, smaller in size. Summer plumage shows their differences too.
– 4 月的幸運天。忽然發現這繁殖羽的稀有候鳥(吉隆坡)
– when 2 stand together is easier to tell the Red Knot is smaller in size, shorter bill. But when both on breeding plumage then it is much easier. – very lucky day to have both breeding plumage stand together.
25. Asian Dowitcher, 半蹼鹬, 半蹼鷸, Limnodromus semipalmatus, シベリアオオハシシギ, KEDIDI-TETIRUK ASIA
– a medium size wader
Very uncommon large, long-billed shorebird, nearly the size of a godwit, found in coastal mudflats and open marshes. Breeding adult extensively brick-red below, dark and strongly marked with brick-red tones above. Nonbreeding adult grayish brown with a duller, browner bill. Juvenile dark above, with broad gold feather edges, pale below, washed with warm buff or gold tones and with neat dark stipples and chevron-shaped marks. Blackish legs distinguish Asian from Long-billed Dowitcher, which has yellowish-green legs. Blackish or brownish bill of adult Asian differs from bicolored bill of godwits; note that bill of juvenile Asian has pale base. (Ebird)
Critically endangered, highly distinctive stint with spatulate bill tip that can be difficult to spot at a distance when held in profile. A coastal mudflat specialist, it stays close to wet and muddy areas near or in water, unlike Red-necked Stint, which often feeds in much drier areas. Breeding adults have a rusty head that resembles that of Red-necked, but the head tends to be darker and the rusty color extends farther down the breast. Nonbreeding adults and juveniles lack the rusty head, have prominent fine stripes on the crown, dark ear patch, and are overall paler than Red-necked. Flight call a soft “prreee.” [Ebird]
– lucky day, while ours trip there… friend told us, everyone is at a mud beach for this bird and may be I can try my luck… so I try my luck in one morning .. and bingo less than 10 minutes wait the bird came really close for very good view, picture and video – 蛮幸运的台湾行,当我们到新竹区。朋友让我知道,这明星鸟就在我的酒店不远处。所以我就用个早上试试运气。当我到了,很快就见到这鸟可是蛮远。等了10分钟左右。这鸟居然飞来很近。
update 20231219
– after some official stuff and follow by family trip, spent morning session at the “螃蟹步道“. just 30minutes spent, when I arrived I managed to see it far away which 80-120m… and I managed to captured and quite happy with it .. than continue with other birds that come real close.. not long 2 birds spot by local birders and I rush there and managed to have quite good series picture for this rare bird.. managed to have this star bird get close and with my lucky CANON RF200-800 (now I name it as Lucky 28) …
– male with the black, white-browed, black-yellow wing. female is grey overall, greenish wing
update 202410
– a small size montane bird that quite normal, it is common across North Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo. A female with grey and male with black top.
– when we walking back to the vehicle, saw few small birds moving along the roadside. This female stay long after got caterpillar
I am Canon user for long, and recently I have my Panasonic setup slowly build up. I like my L lens and my G9 ….
one day, someone told me . I actually can use all my L lens on my M4/3 G9 . Due to busy work schedule, I dont have time to look into it until last week. I finally have time purchase one online and test it last 2 days … I did very quick test more testing would like to do
so I started with m2 adapter which give me
1. 1.4 crop (mean 500mm Canon F4 IS2, I got ~710mm and biggest aperture F2.8)
2. one stop bigger aperture
3. lost len Image stabiliser
4. AFC hunting, AFH is not working at all
5. either TC (CANON, PANASONIC) is not working (but tested on Olympus camera, it is working but very slow AF)
6. AF speed almost same like my G9 + LEICA 200mm F2.8 (almost not noticeable different)
a very active bird that keep moving around, not a easy bird to photograph
update 202401
– it was a quite open place the bird calling and jumping around to allow everyone has good view and photo took some time
– 蛮开发的点,这鸟几乎都跳来跳去也叫不停。可是要让每个人看到拍到,蛮不容易的
7. Giant Nuthatch, 巨䴓, 巨鳾, Sitta magna, オニゴジュウカラ
– a quite big size for Nuthatch, overall grey-blue and long beak. Like other Nuthatch, very active moving bird
– 蛮大的䴓,灰+蓝的鸟,长嘴。与其他䴓一样,非常活跃的鸟
update 202401
– ours last year bird Photography trip, very misty day and found this bird moving fast .. lovely bird to be photograph
– 我们上一年的泰国鸟摄行,记得非常大雾。可是我们还是把它拿下。
1. Golden-bellied Gerygone,黄胸噪刺莺,黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA
– very small and beautiful songbird
– active near mangrove, forest edge
– 唱歌非常好听的小鸟。通常在红树林或森林周边。
update 202412
A tiny bird with a beautiful song, it’s often challenging to capture a good photo due to its small size. However, this time, it came down close enough for us to get a clear shot.
– after few days raining, last day having a very hot day instead. last minute decided to change to Pulau Indah. Din;t see much as middle of the day just too hot. But few good birds for photo.
1. Small Buttonquail, 林三趾鹑, 林三趾鶉, Turnix sylvaticus, ヒメミフウズラ, PUYUH KECIL BIASA
– a rare, small and shy bird here in Peninsular Malaysia
– found near open grassland
– 非常小,害羞,稀有的鳥。
update 202105
– 2021 is different, where normally I am very busy in March but this year spends almost 30 days for personal birding. It a hot and lucky day to see this in the same place (not this picture)
– a small bird which really shy and running fast.