another very lucky USA guest managed to have both rare Wren-Babbler for open … this year almost 90% of the bird watching tour have the Marble Wren-Babbler but mostly not full open view … and also the Large Wren-Babbler for those visit the right spot …
for this tour, it is right time and place so we got full open shots for both difficult and rare Wren-Babbler
1. Marble Wren-Babbler,石纹鹪鹛, Turdinus marmorata
2. large wren-babbler ,大鹪鹛, Napothera macrodactyla
after long rest for Landscape photography, went for another quick long exposure, sunset and Milky Way shooting at Batu Pahat … and here few simple sample
– all picture use AV mode meter at same position
– just contrast , saturation add to each picture
1.without any filter
– obviously the top-right over expose without any filter use
2. use most standard GND filter than we recommended for here GND .9s
– sky exposure seem better after the GND even with little highlight
3. use RGND 2 stops
– the exposure seem more balance without highlight due to light concentrate on center of the frame
4. with RGND and 10 stops ND filters
– ND 10 stops to make the shutter speed much slower create different slow shutter effect (silky effect for this) . the calm and peace feel make the picture look different from the standard capture
Overall the GND/RGND is to balance the sky exposure with the foreground and ND can create different effect for composition.
Did 2 round of simple test outdoor but the lighting condition seem not a good equal compare .. so finally managed to have both indoor to test both 1dx Mark1 and 1dx Mark2
*** not really accept noise level >6400 so just share the full size picture of 25600 … no 100% crop pictures
for the simple test , my personal feel on the 1dxm1 vs 1dxm2
1. mirror shake seem less on mark2 especially the slow fps which is 6fps . mark2 seem seem almost no mirror shake at all
2. AF for liveview seem much faster for mark2 , non liveview seem faster too but not significant as the liveview AF
3. ISO from 100-3200 seem almost same at exposure 0 , mark2 may be slightly better than mark1
4. all pictures shoot within same environment , same ISO, same shutter speed, same aperture … but mark2 seem slight brighter especially on shadow area .
5. ISO4000-25600 …. hmmmm mark1 seem better at shadow area ?
6. for shadow area recovery for -1 stop seem not far different . but for 2,3,4 stops under… mark2 have better software capability to recover better …. much better ….
4 days tour Photography tour with China guests , from 2nd forest , mangrove to sub-montane . We managed to photograph 50 species and I managed to have few capture too with handheld
1. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, 绒额䴓, 絨額䴓, Sitta frontalis, ビロウドゴジュウカラ, PEPATUK BIASA
– common found from lowland up to 1000+- m from SEA level
– move fast around the tree
update 202406
– a bird that normally active, moving fast and high on tree trunk… as usual this is fast and active … but we saw it just ~5-7 feet from use .. a great view of this bird ..
2. Blue Nuthatch, 蓝䴓, 藍䴓, Sitta azurea, ズグロゴジュウカラ, PEPATUK GUNUNG MELAYU
– another bird moving nonstop
– found higher altitude from SEA level so far
update 202406
– a good season for this beautiful bird ? when we having ours Canon-Gitzo Photography sharing session, we saw this 2 days in the row and actually heard it more than twice while we have quite limited time for the birding.
– an active & beautiful bird that not that rare but just need some luck to see it.
– 非常活跃,漂亮的小鸟。不稀有,因为小活跃。也是属于群体活动(与其他鸟)遇上这鸟需要点运气。
– 在我们2天1夜佳能+捷信摄影分享营。见到2次+听到4-5次。可能季节到了?
update 202303
– a tour with some main target birds, Blue Nuthatch is one of the main target. After 2 days trying, finally had a good look at 3 birds.
– 这一团有些指定目标鸟。这蓝䴓是最重要之一。幸好,在福隆港第2天终于看到这么漂亮的小鸟。
update 20221030
– a lucky morning, due to some reason. Guests decided fly back to home before tour end. But lucky morning before any rain, humid. got This beautiful bird, Lesser Yellownape, Bay Woodpecker and others just not far after we drive.
– as usual fast moving bird but with the new AI AF, most the frame lock focus on the head/eye of this tiny and fast bird.
More pictures from Flickr: Sittidae series: Nuthatch | 鳾科 | liewwk Nature
More Videos: Sittidae series: Nuthatch | 鳾科 | liewwk Nature
51. Giant Nuthatch, 巨䴓, 巨鳾, Sitta magna, オニゴジュウカラ
– a quite big size for Nuthatch, overall grey-blue and long beak. Like other Nuthatch, very active moving bird
– 蛮大的䴓,灰+蓝的鸟,长嘴。与其他䴓一样,非常活跃的鸟
update 202401
– ours last year bird Photography trip, very misty day and found this bird moving fast .. lovely bird to be photograph
– 我们上一年的泰国鸟摄行,记得非常大雾。可是我们还是把它拿下。
We have a day trip for Photography from USA …. this time, guest pick Fraser Hill for the day tour … we leave KL 515am and arrive Fraser Hill ~730am … and arrived back KL by ~8pm
We begin with Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, Malayan Laughingthrush, Oriental Magpie-Robin and one of the main target : Malayan Hill Partridge … very soon we have capture all with extra
Large Niltava
Greater Yellownape
Red-headed Trogon
follow by lovely Red-headed Trogon, Fire-tufted Barbet, Silver-breasted Broadbill and Sultan tit …. all allow guest capture picture within 20feet …
after lunch , we seem have more luck to have Blue Nuthatch stay long and close for us to have good pictures, and it also follow by Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Banded Kingfisher and daytime roosting Buffy Fish Owl ..
We receive a request for 3 days (even it is 12-15 but it is half day for start and end date) … special request RAIL-BABBLER is a must !!! and with a limited bird list to add on his 52xx++ bird count with few tour SEA before ..
Immediate from Airport to our first destination KRAU forest, we got our 1st target : Javan Myna !!!! very soon , we arrive KRAU for our target … and we managed to got full open view of Malaysian Rail-Babbler as 2nd bird and TARGET meet 😀
immediate we continue for other birds target and for day 1 we managed to have 8 lifers and main target meet ..
12 Jun 2016
9:00 AM
15.00 km
360 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
We change our plan to Bukit Tinggi instead Taman Negara (original 2nd plan for Rail-Babbler) for more lifers … with very good morning start we managed to got 9 lifers with all good open view of Moutain Peacock Pheasant , Black Laughingthrush , Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler, etc
Bukit Tinggi
13 Jun 2016
7:00 AM
5.00 km
180 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
Immediate after Lunch we heading Fraser and we managed to get another 8 lifers which include star bird of Malayan Hill Patridge, Bamboo Woodpecker, Rufous-Bellied Swallow.
Bukit Fraser
13 Jun 2016
1:00 PM
10.00 km
420 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
we have another morning for Fraser Hill , and we continue for more challenge birds target. and with the late lunch we managed to got another 10 lifers .. a good start with Malayan Whistling-Thrush which appear after long wait in the cold morning, it just show up on the road . Follow by Javan Cuckooshrike, Silver-Breasted Broadbill with little challenge … with luck we managed to got Marbled Wren-Babbler & Large Scimitar-Babbler with good view and long enough … last bird before late lunch below to lue Nuthatch.
Bukit Fraser
14 Jun 2016
7:00 AM
40.00 km
600 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
1 Spotted Dove
1 Large-tailed Nightjar
1 House Swift 1 Fire-tufted Barbet
1 Speckled Piculet 1 Silver-breasted Broadbill 2 Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike
2 Black-and-crimson Oriole
1 White-throated Fantail
2 Sultan Tit 1 Blue Nuthatch 2 Large Scimitar-Babbler 1 Marbled Wren-Babbler 1 Silver-eared Mesia
1 Asian Fairy-bluebird
1 Verditer Flycatcher 1 Lesser Shortwing 2 Malayan Whistling-Thrush
3 Slaty-backed Forktail 1 White-tailed Robin
Number of Taxa: 20
after the lunch , we have no luck till next day (raining) and we missed our the other easy target 🙁
for the 3 days birding , Dutch guest managed to have 35 lifers and MAIN target meet
related posts
Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me
– male with ref bellied and tailed , female without the red
update 202305
– just another good decision to make, we change ours original plan to looking for this beautiful bird and it did show quite well for all of us. Still one of most beautiful bird of Malaysia
– 我们赌了一把,换了原本路线。到这找找这鸟。尽然真的看到,还要蛮久。马来西亚最漂亮鸟之一吧。
update 202209
– a special arrangement for guest, lucky to found this handsome again.
– 客人的特别要求,安排到这。幸运的见到几只很近的距离。
update 202205
– never get bore to see this lovely and colorful bird and it was a lucky day it show up to us in the early morning
– 谁看到这鸟会不喜欢?幸运的一个早晨,一对在我与客人的面前出现。
update 202106
– normally moving in group, male with brighter color (blue face, yellow, red) belly and longer tail
– this is a special morph, Yellow or Golden which is more rare
– 通常群体活动
– 公鸟,颜色较鲜艳。头部较多蓝,腹部红,尾巴较长。
– 这是较特别个体,尾部鱼腹部都是黄的。比较稀有。
update 2020 Sept
update 2016 Nov 1
– as usual the season is coming .. it show actively now
– a very beautiful appear at a very weird place where just near beach, dry area and strong wind. A small little pond attract so many of this bird keep coming.
A small finch with a striking white head and dark body. Rich chestnut brown above, with reddish tail and pale peach-washed underside. Juveniles much duller and browner, but usually show a paler head. Gregarious, found in terrestrial flocks, often with other finches, in open country such as marshes, croplands, grasslands and scrub, in the lowlands. Juvenile has a paler head and a noticeably smaller bill than juvenile Five-colored Munia. Gives weak, high-pitched “weee” and stronger, metallic “wit-wit-wit” notes [Ebird]
This munia is very common in the open areas of Lombok Island and can be spotted almost everywhere. It resembles the White-headed Munia but features a darker back and front.