Rallidae series: Rail, Crake | 秧鸡科 | liewwk Nature -10-3 [update 20230205]

Another missing family that normally shy and near ponds, river, water-related.


1. Eurasian Moorhen, 黑水鸡, 黑水雞, Gallinula chloropus, バン, TIUNG-AIR BIASA

2. Slaty-breasted Rail, 灰胸秧鸡, 灰胸秧雞, Lewinia striata, ハシナガクイナ, SINTAR BIASA

3. Gray-headed Swamphen, 紫水鸡, 灰頭紫水雞, Porphyrio poliocephalus, ハイガシラセイケイ, PANGLIN BIASA

4. Baillon’s Crake, 小田鸡, 小田雞, Zapornia pusilla, ヒメクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BIRU BIASA

5. Watercock, 董鸡, 董雞, Gallicrex cinerea, ツルクイナ, AYAM-AYAM TANDUK

6. White-breasted Waterhen, 白胸苦恶鸟, 白胸苦惡鳥, Amaurornis phoenicurus, シロハラクイナ, RUAK-RUAK BIASA

7. White-browed Crake, 白眉田鸡, 灰田雞, Amaurornis cinerea, マミジロクイナ, RUAK-RUAK KENING PUTIH

8. Red-legged Crake, 红腿斑秧鸡, 紅腿斑秧雞, Rallina fasciata, ナンヨウオオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI API

9. Ruddy-breasted Crake, 红胸田鸡, 紅胸田雞, Zapornia fusca, ヒクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BELACAN BIASA

10. Slaty-legged Crake, 白喉斑秧鸡, 灰腳秧雞, Rallina eurizonoides, オオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI KELABU


51. Isabelline Bush-hen, 苏拉苦恶鸟, 蘇拉苦惡鳥Amaurornis isabellina, チャバラバンクイナ, Kareo Sulawesi

52. Barred Rail, 横斑秧鸡, 橫斑秧雞, Gallirallus torquatus, ムナオビクイナ, Mandar-padi zebra


101. Eurasian Coot, 白骨顶, 白骨頂, Fulica atra, オオバン, PANGLIN-HITAM BIASA


1. Eurasian Moorhen, 黑水鸡, 黑水雞, Gallinula chloropus, バン, TIUNG-AIR BIASA

– common black-red bird that stay near fresh water

– normally shy to human



2. Slaty-breasted Rail, 灰胸秧鸡, 灰胸秧雞, Lewinia striata, ハシナガクイナ, SINTAR BIASA

– a common rail that can found a pond, a river that near to the urban area

update 202101


3. Gray-headed Swamphen, 紫水鸡, 灰頭紫水雞, Porphyrio poliocephalus, ハイガシラセイケイ, PANGLIN BIASA

– a pretty common freshwater bird at Peninsular Malaysia

– previously Purple Swamphen and now slit to Gray-headed (Peninsular Malaysia) and Black-backed (Borneo)

– very colorful bird


update 202103

202103, Selangor, Malaysia


4. Baillon’s Crake, 小田鸡, 小田雞, Zapornia pusilla, ヒメクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BIRU BIASA

– a not so common winter visitor

– a tiny small bird that normally shy and move slowly near the edge of a freshwater pond

– 小型涉禽, 常单独活动。性胆怯,善隐蔽,受惊即迅速窜入植物中,或突然起飞

update 202103


202103, Selangor, Malaysia


5. Watercock, 董鸡, 董雞, Gallicrex cinerea, ツルクイナ, AYAM-AYAM TANDUK

Male is unmistakable, with black body, brown-edged wing coverts, and red-and-yellow bill with raised, spiky red frontal shield (unlike smaller moorhen). Females and immature are similarly large but speckled brown above with tan faces, and lack male’s frontal shield. (*EBird)

– very shy bird to be seen and photographed

– normally found near fresh water pond, stream etc


– a shy big, normally the female and non-breeding overall brown. Wing with bars
– breeding male overall black, spiky red frontal shield, yellow-red bill, brown-edged wing coverts

– 雄鸟头顶有像鸡冠样的红色额甲,其后端突起游离呈尖形,全体灰黑色,下体较浅。雌鸟体较小,额甲不突起,上体灰褐色。非繁殖期雄鸟的羽色与雌鸟相同。栖息于芦苇沼泽,灌水的稻田或甘蔗田,湖边草丛和多水草的沟渠。多在晨昏活动,阴天时可整天活动。站立姿势挺拔;飞行时颈部伸直,平时很少起飞,善于涉水行走和游泳,雄鸟行走时尾翘起,头前后点动。


update 202105

– very lucky to have a few, not that shy bird allow us captured pictures and video

– male breeding is an overall black, red-yellow crown,  yellow bill, brownish mark wing. female/juvi/male non-breeding is overall brownish and wing marking

202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia (male)
202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia (male)
202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia (female)

update 202103

– a shy bird and lucky to have the male breeding plumage. ready to go home or ready to breed?

– 非常害羞的鸟。繁殖羽了。是为了回家还是繁殖?

202103, Selangor, Malaysia


6. White-breasted Waterhen, 白胸苦恶鸟, 白胸苦惡鳥, Amaurornis phoenicurus, シロハラクイナ, RUAK-RUAK BIASA

– medium size, very common and widespread (urban, river, stream, pond, paddy-field etc)

– overall black upper and white underpart, red-yellow bill, white face

update 202105

Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

7. White-browed Crake, 白眉田鸡, 灰田雞, Amaurornis cinerea, マミジロクイナ, RUAK-RUAK KENING PUTIH

– medium size, common at fresh water pond, stream

– overall light brown, yellow-orange bill and obvious white-browed and black mask

update 202105

Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia


8. Red-legged Crake, 红腿斑秧鸡, 紅腿斑秧雞, Rallina fasciata, ナンヨウオオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI API

– overall orange, the orange from head to chest. bellied are a black-white bar and red leg. smaller bill

update 202105


9. Ruddy-breasted Crake, 红胸田鸡, 紅胸田雞, Zapornia fusca, ヒクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BELACAN BIASA

Small, chickenlike inhabitant of marshes, vegetated river edges, ditches, wet croplands, sometimes dry fields. Brown above, with orange from lower cheek to lower breast. Similar to Band-bellied Crake, but more brightly colored and lacks white wing markings. (*Ebird)

update 202105


10. Slaty-legged Crake, 白喉斑秧鸡, 灰腳秧雞, Rallina eurizonoides, オオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI KELABU

– a rare Migrant to Malaysia

– Dark brown above, with orange head and breast and black-and-white-striped sides

– 马来西亚稀有候鸟。

– 小型涉禽,全长约25厘米。嘴较短,中趾短于跗蹠。翅圆,第3 枚初级飞羽最长。次级飞羽短于初级飞羽。飞羽和翅下覆羽均为暗褐色或黑色,上有白色横纹或斑点。整体背面及胸侧橄榄褐色,颏和喉白色,前颈至上胸主要为红褐色,下胸以下具粗大的黑褐和白色相间的横斑。

update 202302

– a beautiful shy migrant. but it seem comfortable here. lovely, shy, beautiful bird

– 一只漂亮,害羞的候鸟。可是看来它蛮喜欢这里。

202302, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– a rare migrant happen to visit one of the birding hotspot

– 它回北部前,停在马来西亚一个鸟点。

202203, Panang, Malaysia
202203, Penang, Malaysia


51. Isabelline Bush-hen, 苏拉苦恶鸟, 蘇拉苦惡鳥Amaurornis isabellina, チャバラバンクイナ, Kareo Sulawesi

– a shy Sulawesi endemic
– making a very noisy call just like other Rallidae (crake-hen)

– 很害羞的蘇拉威西特有種
– 與其他秧雞一樣都很吵。

update 202102



52. Barred Rail, 横斑秧鸡, 橫斑秧雞, Gallirallus torquatus, ムナオビクイナ, Mandar-padi zebra

– sub-s celebensis, only at Sulawesi and satellite islands

– a pretty common near urban, orchard etc

– this is a different sub-s torquatus compare to Phil-Borneo

– 在蘇拉威西蠻普通的。在果園,公園,等。

這與菲律賓,婆羅洲的亞種 (torquatus)不一樣

update 202102





101. Eurasian Coot, 白骨顶, 白骨頂, Fulica atra, オオバン, PANGLIN-HITAM BIASA

– also known as the common coot, or Australian coot

– overall black and white crown-bill, moving in group

update 202105

– captured while bird watching trip at Shangri-La, Yunnan, China

Shangri-La, Yunnan, China
More pictures from Flickr: Rallidae series: Rail, Crake | 秧鸡科| liewwk Nature

More Videos: Rallidae series: Rail, Crake | 秧鸡科| liewwk Nature



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