a “night” bird that seldom move on day time …. it normally well Camouflage with environment …
1. Large Frogmouth, 大蟆口鸱, 大蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus auritus, オオガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BESAR
2. Dulit Frogmouth, 栗颊蟆口鸱, 栗頰蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus harterti, サラワクガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR GUNUNG BESAR
3. Blyth’s Frogmouth, 星喉蟆口鸱, 星喉蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus affinis, コガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BIASA
4. Gould’s frogmouth, 鳞腹蟆口鸱, 鱗腹蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus stellatus, ウロコガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BINTIK EMAS
5. Bornean frogmouth, 婆罗洲蟆口鸱, 婆羅蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus mixtus, スマトラガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR GUNUNG KECIL BORNEO
6. Sunda Frogmouth, 巽他蟆口鸱, 巽他蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus cornutus, スンダガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR SUNDA
51. Sumatran Frogmouth, 苍头蟆口鸱, 苍头蟆口鸱, Batrachostomus poliolophus, スマトラガマグチヨタカ
101. Sri Lanka Frogmouth, 领蟆口鸱, 領蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus moniliger, セイロンガマグチヨタカ
1. Large Frogmouth, 大蟆口鸱, 大蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus auritus, オオガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BESAR
– very big bird making loud call
– in day time it look like dry leaf
update 202309
– Matthew had this last few years ago with me at KL so this not the tour target, but it calling so close just try to look for it and very soon (less than 2-3 minutes) it just sit there …
– Matthew 已在几年前在吉隆坡拍到了。(希望那鸟还健在)所以这不是我们目标鸟,可是它叫的很近我们就随便找找。没几分钟我们就找到他了。

update 202306
– another good end of this big bird plus a small owl. Just never bore to see this bird guy again and again
– 美好的一天,最后拍到这只大家伙与一只小猫头鹰。这鸟,百看不厌。

this is an nesting picture capture and it can non move for a day ….
update 2019 March 21
– another nest discover and just 2 day before it fledged
update 2017 Oct 2
– a very surprise found .. in a wrong environment and location

2. Dulit Frogmouth, 栗颊蟆口鸱, 栗頰蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus harterti, サラワクガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR GUNUNG BESAR
– look very similar to Large Frogmouth
– sight at sub-montane ~600-1250m
– a rare Borneo Endemic , lucky to be there to see, monitor, capture image of this frogmouth
update 202308
– no one checking and no one disturb, it should be have new generation for this rare Borneo endemic. Fount the nest ~2 months ago and managed to make another trip there last month and the bird sitting on nest and sleeping
– 应该有新的小鸟,没人知道,也没人去拍。我也找到后去了一次,大家都很快的离开。因为这鸟非常稀有。谢谢。。

update 202306
– a lucky dawn for all, went to the side. the bird make call once, and managed to locate it less than 10 minutes and everyone got their lifer.
– a bird than look similar to large frogmouth
– 幸运的一天, 到鸟点后。只听到一声叫声,可是很快的就找到它了。

update 2019 Nov 23
- just got back from another amazing birding tour for both rareness Borneo Endemic .. Black Oriole and this Dulit Frogmouth. As usual, never fail us . This bird let us wait less than 5 min ….and give us very good view of 15min
update 2018 Oct 1
update 2017 Oct 2

more Borneo Endemic
Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20240919]
3. Blyth’s Frogmouth, 星喉蟆口鸱, 星喉蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus affinis, コガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BIASA
– common at lowland from urban, orchard, forest, sub-montane forest
– making a few different calls
update 202409
– it is excited to see this bird in the day time and so cute ..
– such a long time never at Tabin, this time with special request to be in here trying to record as much I can ..trying for this bird night time but failed but got it on day time ! theory work !
– 每次见到这鸟尤其是早上都非常兴奋。很可爱。
– 很久都没来塔宾野生动物保护区,这次主要是拍哺乳动物。我也尽量记录多点鸟种。这鸟在晚上找了2夜都听到看到不到,竟然在早上听到,看到。

update 202205
– lucky to have 2nd chance to photograph the same bird with my buddies. not a easy one but worth all the effort
– 非常幸运再次找到它。这次与几个好朋友。虽然有点不容易可是大家都高兴了

– it is not first time but definitely not common this Nocturnal bird make call in the day time
– 不是第一次听到这夜鸟在早上叫。可是非常幸运听到再找到。
– when we have our casual walk and I hear a weird call. Than walking a bit into the forest to locate the bird
– 下了场雨,我们慢慢的走着。突然我听到怪声,慢慢的走向声音的方向。这可爱的鸟就站的这么可爱。

update 202101 - a common, small frogmouth with many different call - 蠻小的蟆口鴟/蛙嘴。之前屬爪哇蟆口鴟.現在是另一種。它可是會叫很多不一樣的叫聲。
4. Gould’s frogmouth, 鳞腹蟆口鸱, 鱗腹蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus stellatus, ウロコガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BINTIK EMAS
– another bird that you do not want to miss … it call softly in night . stay like dry leaf
update 202403
– Thanks for trust, let us have very good view of this bird… sometime a full trust give us a good opportunity
– 感恩客人的信任,才让大家试试新的地方。才让我们看到这么可爱的鸟。

update 202305
– this time cannot locate the day roosting, so look for it night time and stand high up.
– 没找到早上的。晚上它又站高高。气死人

update 202304
– guests had specify species to look for but dint mentioned frogmouth before meet up. But the route make us difficult to arrange. But we tried few locations still can’t have any frogmouth until day 8. We went a trail for birding just before it rain, we saw this bird shaking just ~10 feet from us. what a lucky moment for guests and immediate after this bird we also saw a female Malaysia Peacock-Pheasant too than follow by heavy rain for next 2- hours. Today highlights for customer: Gould’s frogmouth, Malaysia Peacock-Pheasant, Large Wren-Babblers, Red-naped Trogon, Crested Shrikejay
– 客人这次来是为了指定目标来的。可是来到后,非常渴望看到蟆口鸱。可是路程已安排,不容易有机会看到。可是我们也尽量尝试,在第8天下午。我们还以为在酒店度过因为乌云密布。可是我们还是去了一个步道,到不10分钟这鸟在我们前放10尺摇动。天啊!这么幸运。可是幸运之神还没离去。在看到这鸟后。尽然也把凤冠孔雀雉拿下。今天,尽然拿下凤冠孔雀雉, 冠鸦, 鳞腹蟆口鸱, 大鹪鹛等。

update 2017 Aug 29
day roosting , but calling !!! 4K recording
update 2017 March 7
5. Bornean frogmouth, 婆羅蟆口鸱, 婆羅蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus mixtus, ボルネオガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR GUNUNG KECIL BORNEO
– a Borneo endemic (depend checklist some consider sub species of Short-tailed frogmouth)
– found near submontane
update 202311
– one of the cute Borneo Endemic, it is small and confuse
– the Dawn picture captured with one of young photographer from Taiwan @葉哲亨 . He has my respect, even much younger than me .. the way he like and enjoy the nature. He also never go and want to go any “feeding” station for bird
– 婆罗洲很可爱的特有种。
– 接下来的一张是天亮前我们听到它叫才找到他的。还有这照片摄于@葉哲亨 。我们分公把很难的角度拿下这鸟。他可是一位我认为,值得学习的小朋友。他对自然的享受,热爱,还从未去鸟喂食点。加油

update 202211
– working on video for Borneo, and saw this picture. Still remember best time with my buddies. Best bird, best buddies
– 今年要上交一部关于婆罗洲的视频。看到这张照片,也分享一下。

update 2019 Nov
update 2017 Sept 26
6. Sunda Frogmouth, 巽他蟆口鸱, 巽他蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus cornutus, スンダガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR SUNDA
– only at Borneo but not Peninsular Malaysia
– sometime confuse with Blyth’s
update 2018 Aug 22
51. Sumatran Frogmouth, 苍头蟆口鸱, 苍头蟆口鸱, Batrachostomus poliolophus, スマトラガマグチヨタカ
– as other frogmouth it should be nocturnal and always good to meet one in day time look cute.
– 蟆口鸱是夜行鸟,早上见到他绝对是兴奋的一克
update 20240108
– one of ours main target, but missed the night and morning version on day1. But got it on day 2 for both night and day version. It really look like Bornean Frogmouth with “short” tailed
– 我们主要目标鸟之一。可是我们在这鸟点,尽然晚上+早上都没看到。可是在第2天晚上+早上版都拍到。可爱

101. Sri Lanka Frogmouth, 领蟆口鸱, 領蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus moniliger, セイロンガマグチヨタカ
a cute and small frogmouth why call very similar to Blyth
update 202312
– a special day to look for owl which need cross river, and leeches attack.. owl no calling but this cute fellow instead .. lovely as usual to see it in the morning
– still on Sri Lanka tour… have many more to share soon
– 安排一个早上去招鸮可是鸮没叫。可是还是找到这小可爱+蚂蝗攻击(超多)
– 还在斯里兰卡, 还有很多照片。。。。

More pictures from Flickr : Podargidae series : Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature
More Youtube video : Podargidae series : Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature
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