Cisticolidae series: Tailorbird, Prinia | 扇尾莺科 | liewwk Nature -7-1 [update 20241227]

Cisticolidae series which inclued Tailorbird, Prina, Zitting Cisticola

1. Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾莺, 棕扇尾鶯, Cisticola juncidis, セッカ, CAK-TINTING KECIL BIASA

2. Yellow-bellied Prinia, 黄腹山鹪莺, 黃腹山鷦鶯, Prinia flaviventris, アオハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BIASA

3. Rufescent Prinia, 暗冕山鹪莺, 暗冕山鷦鶯, Prinia rufescens, チャイロハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BELUKAR

4. Common Tailorbird, 长尾缝叶莺, 長尾縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sutorius, オナガサイホウチョウ, Perenjak Pisang

5. Dark-necked Tailorbird, 黑喉缝叶莺, 黑喉縫葉鶯, Orthotomus atrogularis, ノドグロサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG LEHER HITAM

6. Ashy Tailorbird, 灰缝叶莺, 灰縫葉鶯, Orthotomus ruficeps, アカガオサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG KELABU BIASA

7. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird, 红头缝叶莺, 紅頭縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sericeus, ズアカサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG EKOR MERAH


101. Golden-headed Cisticola, 金头扇尾莺, 黃頭扇尾鶯, Cisticola exilis, タイワンセッカ, Cici Merah


1. Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾莺, 棕扇尾鶯, Cisticola juncidis, セッカ, CAK-TINTING KECIL BIASA

– common at open grass land , field  … make high pitch call

Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾鶯, Cisticola juncidis, セッカ, Burung Main Angin


2. Yellow-bellied Prinia, 黄腹山鹪莺, 黃腹山鷦鶯, Prinia flaviventris, アオハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BIASA

– common at open grassland, mangrove area

– red eye, long tail, yellow-bellied

update 202012


201702, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Rufescent Prinia, 暗冕山鹪莺, 暗冕山鷦鶯, Prinia rufescens, チャイロハウチワドリ, PERENJAK-PADI BELUKAR

– sight lowland forest, submontane

201702, Fraser Hill , Pahang, Malaysia
4. Common Tailorbird, 长尾缝叶莺, 長尾縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sutorius, オナガサイホウチョウ, Perenjak Pisang

– as name, this is common across from mangrove, lowland forest, sub-montane forest

– head rufous very less , greenish wing

Common Tailorbird, 长尾缝叶莺, 長尾縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sutorius, オナガサイホウチョウ, Perenjak Pisang



5. Dark-necked Tailorbird, 黑喉缝叶莺, 黑喉縫葉鶯, Orthotomus atrogularis, ノドグロサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG LEHER HITAM

– obvious rufous head and dark neck

update 202403

– an active and noisy bird to be seen Fraser Hill. Dark-Neck + full rufous crown. Not so “yellow” compare to Borneo

– 在福隆港蛮普通的鸟。黑颈+棕头冠。与婆罗洲的有些不一样。婆罗洲看起来“黄” +“黑京”也较大

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202110

– an active bird that normally moving fast

– A brightly-colored tailorbird of lowland tropical forests, forest edges, and gardens. Long-billed with olive upperparts, pale underparts, and a rufous crown. Dark neck patch is only present in males and is unique if seen well but is sometimes concealed and difficult to see. (Ebird)

– 小型的顶冠棕色、腹部白色的莺。尾甚长而常上翘,臀黄色,具特征性的偏黑色喉(亚成鸟喉无黑色)

202110, Selangor, Malaysia


201303, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
6. Ashy Tailorbird, 灰缝叶莺, 灰縫葉鶯, Orthotomus ruficeps, アカガオサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG KELABU BIASA

– very common near mangrove , with very noisy call

7. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird, 红头缝叶莺, 紅頭縫葉鶯, Orthotomus sericeus, ズアカサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG EKOR MERAH

– very active bird

– tail obvious rufous


101. Golden-headed Cisticola, 金头扇尾莺, 黃頭扇尾鶯, Cisticola exilis, タイワンセッカ, Cici Merah

Tiny, sandy-colored bird with short tail and dark-streaked back. Breeding adult males have orange-gold crown. Song a thin, high-pitched, drawn-out buzzing. Inhabits grasslands of northern and eastern Australia, where perches prominently. In similar grassland habitats, Tawny Grassbird has much longer tail. Very similar Zitting Cisticola always has a streaked crown and a very different “tick-tick-tick” song but otherwise almost identical. [Ebird]


update 202412

A small bird with a distinctive sequence of calls, often perched high to observe human activity, seemingly curious about us when we arrive at a new location.


202412, Lombok, Indonesia



More pictures from Flickr : Cisticolidae series : Tailorbird, Prinla | 扇尾莺科 | liewwk Nature 

Zitting Cisticola, 棕扇尾鶯

More Youtube video : Cisticolidae series : Tailorbird, Prinla | 扇尾莺科 | liewwk Nature


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