The sunbirds and spiderhunters also belong to Nectariniidae
Here is sharing of Sunbirds and Spiderhunters share here
Nectariniidae series: Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科: 捕蛛鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10 [update 20241231]
1. Black-throated Sunbird, 黑胸太阳鸟, 黑胸太陽鳥, Aethopyga saturata, ムナグロタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP GUNUNG
2. Olive-backed Sunbird, 黄腹花蜜鸟, 黃腹花蜜鳥, Cinnyris jugularis, キバラタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BIASA
3. Brown-throated Sunbird, 褐喉食蜜鸟, 褐喉食蜜鳥, Anthreptes malacensis, チャノドコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MAYANG KELABU
4. Temminck’s sunbird, 特氏太阳鸟, 特氏太陽鳥, Aethopyga temminckii, ミヤマタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MERAH EKOR API
5. Copper-throated Sunbird, 铜喉花蜜鸟, 銅喉花蜜鳥, Leptocoma calcostetha, ノドアカタイヨウチョウ, Kelicap Bakau
6. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird, 紫喉蓝肩花蜜鸟, 紫喉藍肩花蜜鳥, Leptocoma brasiliana, アンハッセルトタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BELACAN BIASA
7. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird, 紫颊太阳鸟, 紫頰太陽鳥, Chalcoparia singalensis, ホオアカコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP PIPI MERAH
8. Plain Sunbird, 纯色食蜜鸟, 純色食蜜鳥, Anthreptes simplex, オリーブコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP KELABU MELAYU
9. Red-throated Sunbird, 棕喉食蜜鸟, 棕喉食蜜鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP PINANG
10. Crimson Sunbird, 黄腰太阳鸟, 黃腰太陽鳥, Aethopyga siparaja, キゴシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MERAH BIASA
101. Black Sunbird, 黑花蜜鸟, 黑花蜜鳥, Leptocoma aspasia, クロタイヨウチョウ
201. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ
202. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ
South Africa
501. Malachite Sunbird, 辉绿花蜜鸟, 孔雀石色花蜜鳥, Nectarinia famosa, ミドリオナガタイヨウチョウ
1. Black-throated Sunbird, 黑胸太阳鸟, 黑胸太陽鳥, Aethopyga saturata, ムナグロタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP GUNUNG
– Sub-montane & montane species
– Male overall Purple-Black, female light brown

2. Olive-backed Sunbird, 黄腹花蜜鸟, 黃腹花蜜鳥, Cinnyris jugularis, キバラタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BIASA
– one of the most common species
– found even near the urban garden

3. Brown-throated Sunbird, 褐喉食蜜鸟, 褐喉食蜜鳥, Anthreptes malacensis, チャノドコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MAYANG KELABU
– another common species across garden, jungle, mangrove etc
– overall yellow-green with light brown throat
update 202209
– a common sunbird, but when look close it is such colorful and beautiful bird.
– from 50d, 80, 7dm1, 7dm2 I never convince APS-C sensor for my wildlife photography. But this R7, something really change my thought. have a look 125% crop
– 非常普通的太阳鸟,可是近距离看多么的漂亮。
– 从以前的佳能半幅相机,我从来不具有任何期望。可是这R7真的很不一样。

update 2017 Jan 27
4. Temminck’s sunbird, 特氏太阳鸟, 特氏太陽鳥, Aethopyga temminckii, ミヤマタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MERAH EKOR API
– Male overall Red-White, female is brown
– sub-montane & montane
– Quite common at Borneo, not that common at Peninsular Malaysia
update 202408
– it is not first time but good chance to record this moment a sunbird feed on small insect. It is keep few times to got the spider on mouth.
– 不是第一次看到太阳鸟吃昆虫。可是这次终于记录到他吃蜘蛛,可是他也不容易试了好几次才捉到。

update 202405
– a pretty common bird found Kinabalu National Park, which cannot be wrong active making continuous noisy call and “red”
– 在神山非常普通的鸟。很少会错,红+吵的小小东西就是它了。

update 202112
– after long lock down finally revisit this place and the bird still same come to say welcome back ..
– last visit was below post 202105
– 已很久没来这点,还好鸟儿都活的一样。上次来,已是5个月前。

update 202105
– another good bird that I didn’t see for long and it will be another lockdown begin today.
– again one pair show but we only keep our eye on male which is red-white-yellow
– 因為疫情,今天又封城。
– 蠻久沒見到這鳥。終於又重遇。
– 公鳥,紅。母鳥,淺棕。

update 2014 Oct 13

update 2014 Oct 8

5. Copper-throated Sunbird, 铜喉花蜜鸟, 銅喉花蜜鳥, Leptocoma calcostetha, ノドアカタイヨウチョウ, Kelicap Bakau
– very colorful bird
– Male black-brown chest, female brown
– Peninsular Malaysia mostly found near Mangrove. Borneo garden, mangrove, etc
update 2014 Oct 30

6. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird, 紫喉蓝肩花蜜鸟, 紫喉藍肩花蜜鳥, Leptocoma brasiliana, アンハッセルトタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BELACAN BIASA
– very colorful sunbird, overall dark black, purple, and red for male. Brown white for female
update 202402
update 202402
– quite hot and humid afternoon, heard the bird call… and very soon saw it stand at top of the tree. lovely and beautiful bird as usual
– 蛮闷热的一个中午。听到鸟叫,很快就找到。站在树顶上,漂亮吧

update 202311
– a very special sunbird of Malaysia, one of the most colorful .. a very good moment see it preening low in-front of us
– 马来西亚很美丽的花蜜鸟。这鸟很多颜色。我们幸运的遇上它站的很低。
– update 2017 Jul 25

7. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird, 紫颊太阳鸟, 紫頰太陽鳥, Chalcoparia singalensis, ホオアカコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP PIPI MERAH
– colorful, male – rufous-orange neck to chest
– female – overall brown
update 202109
– one of the most common and beautiful sunbird of Malaysia. As usual, the male bird with colorful and metallic overall (blue-greenish)
– 马来西亚的太阳鸟都非常漂亮。包括这蛮普通(公园,森林周边,红树林等都可以看到这鸟)

8. Plain Sunbird, 纯色食蜜鸟, 純色食蜜鳥, Anthreptes simplex, オリーブコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP KELABU MELAYU
– like name, mostly plain yellow-greenish
– male with the blue forehead, female no
update 202411
– This is a common bird found in Malaysia’s lowland forests, but it is often overlooked because both the male and female have relatively plain appearances, except for the male’s distinctive blue or dark forehead.
– During our chit-chat session, my buddy suddenly spotted something flying in. He was thrilled to notice it before anyone else—such is the joy of birding: the excitement of discovering it yourself!
– 这是马来西亚低地森林中常见的一种鸟,但经常被忽略,因为雄鸟和雌鸟整体外观都较为普通,只有雄鸟有显眼的蓝色或深色额头。
– 在闲聊时,朋友突然看到有东西飞了进来。他兴奋地第一个发现它——这就是观鸟的乐趣:自己发现的那份喜悦!

9. Red-throated Sunbird, 棕喉食蜜鸟, 棕喉食蜜鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP PINANG
– very similar to Brown-throated Sunbird but obvious show “reddish” cheek and throat
update 202309
– a too close encounter of this un-common sunbird, under the correct lighting. This bird overall look “red” instead “green-brown”
– 最近竟然很近距离的看到这一只不很普通的太阳鸟。在够阳光的情况下,卡已看到它时带“红”而不是绿的。


10. Crimson Sunbird, 黄腰太阳鸟, 黃腰太陽鳥, Aethopyga siparaja, キゴシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP MERAH BIASA
– quite common sunbird
– possible urban garden, jungle edge
– male red overall and dark forehead
– female overall light yellow-green

101. Black Sunbird, 黑花蜜鸟, 黑花蜜鳥, Leptocoma aspasia, クロタイヨウチョウ
A small songbird with a long downcurved bill. Male is blackish with iridescent areas: crown glossed greenish or blue, and shoulders, rump, and tail glossed with blue. Throat iridescent reddish-purple in most of range, but blueish in the north Moluccas and Kai islands. Female is nondescript, with a grayish head, white throat, olive upperparts, and yellowish underparts over much of range. In the south Moluccas and Aru islands, underparts are grayish. Juvenile resembles female, but yellower on throat. Inhabits forest edge, open forest, gardens, and scrub in lowlands and hills. Male can be separated from dark-bellied forms of male Olive-backed Sunbird by glossy, iridescent crown and black back. Females differ from Olive-backed Sunbird by absence of eyebrow, absence of white tail tip, white throat, grayish head, and duller yellow underparts. Females lack eye-ring, unlike larger female Brown-throated Sunbird, and are less uniform underneath than female Elegant Sunbird. [EBird]
update 202311
– a bird with good lighting, it become so colorful instead of “black”
– 在光线好的时候,这鸟不是黑的!

update 202304
– last evening birding, we enjoy the cold weather. surprise so many small birds come to same area in close range. It look like we are birds photography instead of watching.
– we enjoy so much all the small bird such a good view and pictures
– the good evening light make the “black” bird so beautiful.
– 最后一个下午,在高山上。还以为轻松的过,可是非常忙碌因为非常多小的鸟到这个小地方。搞得我们好像拍鸟团,非常近距离观鸟。
– 好的夕阳光线把这“黑”鸟变得非常漂亮。

201. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ
– a very active bird but so colorful.
– 非常活跃与漂亮的鸟。
update 202309
– so fast almost one year pass, this bird very active and we tried multiple locations.
– 这么快,去年我们泰国行已大概一年了。今年我们会到印尼。这鸟非常活跃,找了好几只才拍到。

202. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ
– very lovely, colorful and common sunbird at Northern Thailand area near montane area.
– 很漂亮,颜色丰富,活跃的太阳鸟。
update 202311
– one of the bird attract us to spend some time for better picture but it is really moving fast.
– 吸引我们拍的一只鸟,非常活跃。

501. Malachite Sunbird, 辉绿花蜜鸟, 孔雀石色花蜜鳥, Nectarinia famosa, ミドリオナガタイヨウチョウ
Breeding male is unmistakable: bright green with a long tail. Non-breeding male is duller but usually still shows some iridescent green and an elongated tail. Female is a big, dull sunbird with a long bill. Found in fynbos, moorland, grassland, scrub, and exotic tree plantations. Restricted to high elevations except in South Africa, where it occurs down to sea level. Song consists of “tyep” notes and emphatic rattles. Female similar to female Bronze Sunbird but larger, duller below, and with a fainter eyebrow. [Ebird]
update 202501
During our first few days near Sani Pass, this was one bird that caught our attention every time we saw it. Its bright metallic green plumage and long tail were mesmerizing (we even saw it displaying to attract a female). Among the many sunbirds we encountered, this one truly stood out as exceptionally beautiful.
在靠近Sani Pass的最初几天里,每次看到这只鸟都让我们眼前一亮。它那亮丽的金属绿色羽毛和长长的尾巴令人惊叹(我们甚至看到它在炫耀以吸引雌鸟)。在众多太阳鸟中,这只鸟无疑是最为美丽的一种。

More pictures from Flickr: Nectariniidae series: Sunbird | 太阳鸟科: 食蜜鸟 | liewwk Nature
More videos: Nectariniidae series: Sunbird | 太阳鸟科: 食蜜鸟 | liewwk Nature
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