Birds of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang | 武急丁宜山, 彭亨 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20241128]

another collection for Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

1. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

2. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN

3. Ferruginous Partridge, 锈红林鹧鸪, 銹紅林鷓鴣, Caloperdix oculeus, アカチャシャコ, SERUK-RIMBA JINGGA

4. Helmeted Hornbill, 盔犀鸟, 盔犀鳥, Rhinoplax vigil, オナガサイチョウ, ENGGANG GADING

5. Whiskered Treeswift, 小须凤头雨燕, 小須鳳頭雨燕, Hemiprocne comata, コシラヒゲカンムリアマツバメ, Layang-Layang Berjambul Kecil

6. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

7. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG

8. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

9. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

10. Lesser Green Leafbird, 小绿叶鹎, 小綠葉鵯, Chloropsis cyanopogon, コノハドリ, BURUNG-DAUN KECIL

11. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR

12. Siberian blue robin, 蓝歌鸲, 藍歌鴝, Luscinia cyane, コルリ, MURAI-KECIL BIRU UTARA

13. Plain Sunbird, 纯色食蜜鸟, 純色食蜜鳥, Anthreptes simplex, オリーブコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP KELABU MELAYU



1. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

– very small parrot, male with a red neck, blue crown. Female overall green


update 202404

– the flower withered but the bird still coming … good view of this cute bird

– 花都开始谢了,可是话还是来。真的很美。

202404, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– as usual this tree still attract few birds, but today too bad just this hanging parrot available. This bird is so small and cute

– 这树几乎吸引蛮多鸟,可是今天就这一只小家伙。可是他很可爱+小。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


2. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN

update 202403

– while we looking for another “hornbill” this bird suddenly make a flying across .. lovely hornbill

– 当我们在找另一只犀鸟时,这鸟突然叫了+飞过。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


3. Ferruginous Partridge, 锈红林鹧鸪, 銹紅林鷓鴣, Caloperdix oculeus, アカチャシャコ, SERUK-RIMBA JINGGA

update 202409

– after long missing this bird at Bukit Tinggi, finally it is back to the common spot. Luckily to have it calling in front of us

– 这鸟几乎不见了,可是最近又出现了。这次很幸运,在我们面前叫不停。




update 202407

– from last first back, it become more brave willing to come open and slow walk. even with the bigger Pheasant arrive it still feed together. Sad it still looking for his mate, making his call bit weird and tired.

– one of the most beautiful partridge for Malaysia.

– 2-3月时,它突然出现可是非常害羞都在后面跑来跑去。可是最近,他勇敢起来。都出来吃,在比他大的孔雀稚在也无恐的。

– 应该时马来西亚最美丽的鹧鸪之一吧。不喂食,应该没什么可能拍到好照片吧。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– another bird that everyone still hope to see while looking for while visiting one of the feeding spot. But it is never easy to meet this bird … finally it is active last few weeks and I managed to see it for 3/4 trips there.

– 当我们到这个“喂食点”, 这鸟之前是多么的吸引鸟人。现在每个人到哪,非常希望在拍到他。。。可惜他是多么的神秘,几乎都没什么人看到它。上几个月,我尽然遇上3次(去了4次)。。当然是拍到。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


4. Helmeted Hornbill, 盔犀鸟, 盔犀鳥, Rhinoplax vigil, オナガサイチョウ, ENGGANG GADING

update 202411

– a big hornbill that cannot mistaken with long tail. Male with red-throat and longer tail, female with white-throat and shorter tail

– another lucky moment, where this bird flying across while we trying to looking for another hornbill. The CANON R1, Pre-capture make this picture where I know it is in the bush and half-press shutter to enable pre-focus .. when the bird fly out .. press the shutter and Bingo.

– 一只尾巴很长的鸟,在天上看到应该不会认错。雄鸟-红喉+长尾巴。雌鸟-白喉+短尾巴

– 又一次用佳能R1 预拍功能对着在哪树。。看不到鸟,可是知道在里面。半按,当鸟飞出来后。。。按下快门。这样就拍下咯

202411, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202407

– few days ago meet up a pair of this rare, big and beautiful honrbill. Today ours lucky day, where we only have 2 Honrbill target after lunch we got it within 30minutes with very good view .. lucky lucky

– 几天前才遇上一对这么大,稀有,漂亮的犀鸟。今天非常幸运,早上吧大鹪鹛拿下。中午其实就2只犀鸟,吃完午饭后。半个小时就幸运的拿下。非常幸运。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



– another amazing encounter for a boring day, it was raining in the morning so we missed ours birding morning… this is on the way to hotel and managed to have this pair bird flying across ours head.

– 又一个非常闷的早上,一大早就下雨。我们早上都没办法拍鸟。就决定去吃咖喱饭,在路上非常幸运拿下好几只好鸟包括这么一只每个人都想看的犀鸟。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202404

– another bird that always see it far, this is far far away and lucky because of far .. accident captured the female also in a frame (actually crop 50% after 800mm focal length)

– lovely sunset, heard the bird call loud not long we managed to saw it stand far up ..

– 夕阳来袭时,突然听到这鸟叫。很快的就看到他们站高高。

– 很多朋友都希望看到这鸟,可是还是可遇不可求。通常还是站远远,这一幕大概1-2公里?

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


5. Whiskered Treeswift, 小须凤头雨燕, 小須鳳頭雨燕, Hemiprocne comata, コシラヒゲカンムリアマツバメ, Layang-Layang Berjambul Kecil

update 202407

– arrive Bukit Tinggi noon time which is not much thing we can do, but trying to look for this lovely bird. Stop at first spot and found this bird stay not that high up. But there is a path to climb up to have eye level. Very soon I found it and spoke to small kid (Dev) without any delay he follow me climb up ~20-30m for this picture .. while we going down only he found out we actually climb up quite high 😀 good work boy

– 我们到达鸟点时已中午,其实没什么鸟。可是我们还是希望找些鸟来拍。第一个点就找到这么一只漂亮的鸟。可是它就如平常一样站的不是太高/矮,可是突然我见到一个小步道可以爬上去应该可以拍平视角。我一讲,客人(12岁)立刻跟随我爬上去。上去后就拍下这么一幕,当我们下去时,他就有点害怕(有点高)。小孩还是无惧很多东西。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


6. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

update 202407

– this location use to be one of the easiest place to see this bird, for last few years seem getting slight challenge. Lucky Dev have this real close and long for us

– 这个鸟点原本时拍这鸟的最好的点。可是近这几年,真的很看运气。这次印度小朋友有点运气,拍到很近的照片。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

7. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG

update 202407

– one of the bird I see and photograph most. Years back, we have so many tours just for the Malaysia endemic (Malaya) .. it come to feeding spot over the years and seldom miss

– 这应该是我看/拍最多的鸟之一。以前到现在,都是我们呢观鸟/摄鸟团主打鸟之一。在这个鸟点,鸟通常都会来找吃。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


8. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

update 202407

– one of the most beautiful and easy bird to be found and photograph, make me want to find this bird to show to young photographer, Dev. But this time we failed to found one at Fraser Hill but found this family of 3 birds at Bukit Tinggi.

– 来马来西亚的鸟人几乎都想拍到这么一只漂亮的鸟,不很难。我也希望找给我这次的小小客人(Dev)。可是在福隆港没找到,还好在武急丁宜山找到3只+还蛮乖的。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

9. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

update 202408

– a special tour make us wait for long here, main target got close but dont show .. but many good birds around.. Green Broadbill and this bird show well .. this little fellow never fail to amaze people such a small bird make loud druming sound.

– 特别目标团,让我们在这个点等很久。虽然目标只听没看到。可是还是蛮多其他鸟来。这鸟从来不会让人不惊喜,这么小还啄木很大声。

202408, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

10. Lesser Green Leafbird, 小绿叶鹎, 小綠葉鵯, Chloropsis cyanopogon, コノハドリ, BURUNG-DAUN KECIL

update 202409

– while migrating my data to bigger hardisc, process some pictures … this is one of good looking “green” bird when look it low it is simply beautiful

– 在搬我的照片到另一个储存硬碟。处理一些我喜欢的照片,这一张是我夜蛮喜欢。好几只鸟都下来很低,近距离看。这鸟好漂亮啊。

202402, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


11. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR

update 202410

– a bird that with “longer tail proportion”, or easier refer to the Nostril …

– not a easy bird to have it open, and this bird flew in and stand real close which my lens on 800mm. not really able to zoom out …

– 与其他几种地鹃很相似。可是,尾巴几乎长。。看他的鼻孔。。。可以分辨。

– 通常地鹃不容易拍好,今天有点运气。这鸟突然飞到我们前面,我的镜头是800mm. 来不及换啊。。。拍个大头照吧。

202410, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

12. Siberian blue robin, 蓝歌鸲, 藍歌鴝, Luscinia cyane, コルリ, MURAI-KECIL BIRU UTARA


– a tiny winter migration bird here, male with blue (breeding plumage) body and tail … sometime got confuse with female when non breeding plumage

– so fast, it is back again with beautiful plumage ..

– 马来西亚候鸟,不很稀有。雄鸟身,尾都是蓝的。可是非繁殖羽时,身上可能完全美蓝色。所以有时蛮难分辨雄或雌。

– 这么快又要一年了,它又回来动一个点。

202410, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

13. Plain Sunbird, 纯色食蜜鸟, 純色食蜜鳥, Anthreptes simplex, オリーブコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP KELABU MELAYU

update 202411

This is a common bird found in Malaysia’s lowland forests, but it is often overlooked because both the male and female have relatively plain appearances, except for the male’s distinctive blue or dark forehead.

During our chit-chat session, my buddy suddenly spotted something flying in. He was thrilled to notice it before anyone else—such is the joy of birding: the excitement of discovering it yourself!

– 这是马来西亚低地森林中常见的一种鸟,但经常被忽略,因为雄鸟和雌鸟整体外观都较为普通,只有雄鸟有显眼的蓝色或深色额头。


202411, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia




Mountain Peacock-Pheasant making territory call …

just a sharing Peninsula Malaysia endemic make territory call

previous posts

Let’s Dance | Mountain Peacock-Pheasant | liewwk

Peninsular Malaysia Endemic Birds | 马来西亚半岛 特有种鸟

Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-4 [20240130]

Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk






Peninsular Malaysia Endemic Birds | 马来西亚半岛 特有种鸟

Peninsular Malaysia , we also call West Malaysia which ~2-3 hours flight to Borneo part (Sabah, Sarawak).

Its area is 130,590 square kilometres (50,420 sq mi). It shares a land border with Thailand in the north. To the south is the island of Singapore.[1]

in such small country , we have 719 birds found here  … and due to the similar and close to Thailand and other region, we only have 3 endemic birds which we going to share here

(based on IOC checklist 7.3)


1. Malayan Whistling-Thrush, 马来啸鸫,Myophonus robinsoni

very look alike Blue-Whistling-Thrush, and very small population …

Malayan Whistling-Thrush


2. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant,  山孔雀雉, Polyplectron inopinatum

rare and shy pheasant , lucky to have few friendly families . and this is when male displaying to attract the female attention .


Mountain Peacock-Pheasant


3. Malaysian Hill Partridge,砍氏山鹧鸪,Arborophila campbelli

very shy partridge

Malaysian Hill Partridge


there are few previously listed to be endemic too but here we are base on update



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


endemicguides Birds Report – 10-13 March 2017

We had 4 Beijing, China guests for this customize bird photography tour. On the arrival pick up, seem like each of everyone has different target … but all have common interest on raptor and owl … than immediate fine tune the location again to try to cover most the possible owls

We are lucky enough to have most the plan targets picture except a missed on Silver Breasted Broadbill .. missed the good chance while looking for another target 🙁

almost can conclude this is a owl tour where we search for owls almost every night and day time 😀 , guests really enjoy to see and photograph the owls ..


This trip, we follow KL-Kuala Selangor-Fraser Hill-Bukit Tinggi


for start , we tried to search for Buffy-Fish Owl… we got 2 in the day time but too bad they are bit shy and playing hide and seek with us

buffyfishowl fb

very soon , we also found another Owl day roosting . where we got 2 in same tree .. a Brown-Hawk Owl

brownhawkowl fb

with extra effort at night , we were lucky to have another 2 owls ; Barn Owl and Spotted Wood-Owl…

in same day make it 4

BarnOwl fb swoodOwl fb

When we almost end our day, Large-tailed Nightjar stand still for us for a good view

LargeTailed Nightjar



we spend morning inside a mangrove .  lucky to have Crested Goshawk, little late for Crested Serpent-Eagle feeding when we stop our car. We actually saw the male bring the snake to the female .

CserphatEagle 1 fb CserphatEagle fb

we also got various woodpeckers nearby mangrove e.g. Rufous Woodpecker ,Common Flameback+Greater Flameback fighting for same stand

rufous woodpecker fb woodpecekrs fb

after morning walk, we heading Fraser Hill… on the way we got various bird like Whiskered Treeswift, Red-bearded Bee-eater stand close and long for us

RB beeeater fb


immediate arrive Fraser Hill, we actually got Malaysian Hill Partridge family

Malayan Hill Partridge fb


as usual , we tried quick night walk for owl again.. very lucky we got our 5th owl : Brown Wood-Owl in less than 30minutes

brownwoodOwl fb

we end our day with laugh and smile 😀



in the Morning, we had our Red-headed Trogon displaying for us ~1 hour make guests fill up almost card for single beauty

red headed trogon fb

we also had our Fire-tufted Barbet fill up guests another card again

ftuftedbarbet fb


beside the 2 star birds, we also have pygmy Wren-Babbler, lesser short wing, long-tailed sibia , SIlver ear mesia etc .. but we still missing our SIlver Breasted Broadbill.

at Night , we managed to see another Brown-Wood Owl and also a gray nightjar

GrayNightjar fb



we rushing from Fraser Hill to Bukit Tinggi. we able to had Mountain Peacock-Pheasant displaying and Ferruginous Partridge in pair …

FerPartride fb MPP fb


Banded Kingfishers (both male and female), Rufous-Collard Kingfisher,Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle etc seem show customer good view

BlythsHawkEagle fb rCollardKF fb


most the pictures captured using handhled .. and am too busy sharing all .. and birding season here seem getting active .. let’s birding



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography



endemicguides Birds Report – 19 Feb – 6 March 2017

We start 2017 with previous 2 short bird watching tours which with very limited target  . follow by this 14 days tour from Kuala Lumpur-Kuala Selangor-Fraser Hill-Bukit Tinggi-KRAU forest-Taman Negara. Quite a lot of miss due to raining almost every evening especially Bukit Tinggi-KRAU-Taman Negara (think mostly we lost 3-5 days due to rain L)


with 2 Switzerland guests , we have very good start from Kuala Lumpur, got few very special target hit and we got first pitta (hooded pitta) and Frogmouth for guests. A lucky day where rain stop ~830pm and we reach there 845pm and got the buffy fish owl, Blyth’s frogmouth and another very special target (guests just saw it flying hmmmm and they mark it count as this is so special owl) .. 54 species for day 1

Hooded Pitta


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Day 1 : 54 species


Next morning, we heading to Pulau Indah for another target, struggle a bit but we still finally got the Mangrove Pitta after 3-4 hours tried for few locations.

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Following to Kuala Selangor, spend evening walking nearby mangrove … got most the targets hit again and customer favor is Common Flameback woodpecker … how I wish everyday got such easy target 😀  . it was heavy rain after dinner, but we still try our luck and YES. Got the Spotted wood owl just before another heavy rain hit …

A83X4039 fb

Day 2 : 46 species


Morning, we heading to Natural Park. A long walk , got most the target again but missed out Copper-Throat Sunbird L … after lunch slowly travel to Fraser Hill, on the way… what a lucky under a fruiting tree easily hit few target : Yellow-Crowned Barbet, Gold Whiskered Barbet … follow Chestnut-naped Forktail , Dark-Sided Flycatcher , Temminck’s Sunbird, Scaly-Breasted Bulbul etc …. Ohh forgot Rufous-Bellied Swallow and family of Silver-Breasted Broadbill make our day .

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Day 3 : 50 species


For Day 4, very good weather at Fraser Hill … but we missed the Malayan Whistling-Thrush Hill Partridge in the morning !!! But with the half day, we got back some star Birds : Collared Owlet, Malaysian Nightjar, Fire-tufted Barbet, Rufescent Prinia, and very good view of Marbled Wren-Babbler … at night we also got Sunda Slow-Loris .

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Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20240324]


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Day 4 : 34 Species


Day 5, misty+raining ohhhhh … and we got brief view of Malayan Whistling-Thrush in the morning. Than follow by very good view of Large Scimitar Babbler, Bay Woodpecker, Black-Browed Barbet, Black-and-Crimson Oriole, Black Laughingthrush, Malayan Laughingthrush, Brown Wood-Owl and what surprise Barred Eagle-Owl show off here too …

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STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature 16-8 [update 20240319]

Picidae series: Woodpecker | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 25-5 [update 20240228]


Day 5 : 34 Species


Day 6, again !!! MISTY+RAINING … but luck is on our site, with limited hours … We managed to got some main target like Yellow-vented Pigeon, Silver-rumped Needletail, Bamboo Woodpecker, Long-Tailed Broadbill + Blue Nuthatch (under the heavy rain !)  … and very lucky to have pair of Collard Babbler stay long for us for very good view and photo …


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Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-9 [update 20240313]


Day 6 : 33 species


Day 7, we had almost everything we need … but we missing those common bird like mountain Bulbul, little cuckoo dove (joke from customer… it is a must and how can we missed it , lets stay few more days for Mountain Bulbul ) .. no joke we really missed this bulbul for 4 days @Fraser Hill .

Before we heading to Bukit Tinggi, we record Scarlet-Rumped Trogon @890m (think may be little too high but it show up there) and a pair of Banded Kingfisher  …

With the rain and travel

Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature – 16 [update 20240213]


Day 7 : 13 species


Day 8, from Genting Highland to Krau forest. We didn’t get much target meet but Cinamon-rumped Trogon is our favor of the day .

with 2 fruting trees , we managed to see some barbets, bulbuls, etc but to our surprise. We saw local climb up to a tree may be 30-40m height to hunt for birds !!!!!! L

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Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7+1 [update 20240323]


Day 8 : 46 species


Day 9 : full day raining at Bukit Tinggi, guests enjoy red wine 80% of the day

Day 9 : 7 species


Day 10 : we have beautiful Moutain Peacock Pheasant displaying 2 hours for us , before we leave. Got a very good view of Rhinoceros and Helmeted Hornbill follow by heading to Taman Negara with raining full 2nd half day.

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Arrived Taman Negara Dusk, both Great Hornbill and Great Argus welcome us at lobby area



Day 10 : 21 species


Day 11-16 : we spend few days at Taman Negara but 40% of the time raining or cloudy make the whole birding slowing. But within few days of tracking in the mud, pond etc . We cover a lot of Bulbuls, barbet, parrot, hornbill but the 10 star birds over days

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Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature [update 20231006]


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Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature 6-2 [update 20240305]


  1. Garnet Pitta
  2. Crested Partridge
  3. Rail Babbler
  4. Blue Winged pitta
  5. Diard’s Trogon
  6. Crested Jay
  7. Crested Fireback
  8. Reddish Scops Owl
  9. Gould’s Frogmouth
  10. Large Wren-Babbler


Trip total : 272 species



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Let’s Dance | Mountain Peacock-Pheasant | liewwk

recently, we witness how Mountain Peacock-Pheasant displaying to attract female . the bird just simply awesome with the beautiful action … after month of displaying, the female seem more accept the male and the male seem trying to protect the female as much as it can ..


update 20191022

new family 201904

thanks Danny Wong for support on 1 of the closer picture capture to show the beauty of the bird
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and when we have some other action pictures

Mountain Peacock-Pheasant display1 fb


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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Phasianidae series: Pheasant, Junglefowl | 雉科 | liewwk Nature – 8-5 [20241128]

always beautiful pheasant

1. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG

2. Great Argus, 大眼斑雉, 大眼斑雉, Argusianus argus, セイラン, KUANG-RAYA BIASA

3. Crested Fireback, 凤冠火背鹇, 鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita,  コシアカキジ, PEGAR TATERA

4. Bornean Crested Fireback, 凤冠火背鹇, 鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita, コシアカキジ, PEGAR PERUT COKLAT

5. Malayan Peacock-Pheasant, 凤冠孔雀雉, 鳳冠孔雀雉, Polyplectron malacense ,マレーエボシコクジャク,  KUANG-CERMIN MELAYU

6. Red Junglefowl, 原鸡, 原雞, Gallus gallus, セキショクヤケイ, AYAM-HUTAN BIASA

7. Bornean Peacock-Pheasant, 加里曼丹孔雀雉, 婆羅洲孔雀雉, Polyplectron schleiermacheri, ボルネオエボシコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN BORNEO

8. Bulwer’s Pheasant, 鳞背鹇, 鱗背鷴, Lophura bulweri, オジロウチワキジ, PEGAR PIAL PANJANG



51. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau

52. Bronze-tailed Peacock-Pheasant, 铜尾孔雀雉, 銅尾孔雀雉, Polyplectron chalcurum, アオオビコクジャク

53. Salvadori’s Pheasant, 黑尾鹇, 黑尾鷴, Lophura inornata, クロウチワキジ, Sempidan Sumatera


101. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ



151. Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ


1. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG

– endemic to Peninsular Malaysia or some believe Southern Thailand-Peninsular Malaysia

update 202407

– one of the bird I see and photograph most. Years back, we have so many tours just for the Malaysia endemic (Malaya) .. it come to feeding spot over the years and seldom miss

– 这应该是我看/拍最多的鸟之一。以前到现在,都是我们呢观鸟/摄鸟团主打鸟之一。在这个鸟点,鸟通常都会来找吃。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202401

– another quick target, these 2 female show up not long we arrived and allow us to have other birding on last moment. Later come a male trying to impress these 2 female with some action but not scuess

– 最后一只目标鸟,这两只母鸟没让我们等很久。她们到后,来了一只公鸟。有些动作要吸引木鸟。可是不成功

20240129, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202309

– special targets tour, this is one of most easier target overall but it still make us wait for more than 2 hours until it came and displaying while female get close – 这算是目标鸟最容易之一。可是也没很乖,也等了2+小时才出来。可是这次带着母的还表演了一次。“孔雀开屏“。。慢动作哦

update 202302

– not sure what’s happen, this special bird become very shy and worry. After 5th trips there finally 2 male seem quite brave to come out to give us good time.

– 不知道什么原因,这鸟变得很害羞+担心。 去了5趟,都跑来跑去。这次2只雄鸟,出来让我们拍的美美的。

202302, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202212

– had been long didn’t share this special bird picture. But this is special, it is R7 and new CANON RF600mm F4… haha so it don;t  fit into the frame

– 蛮久了,没分享这特别的马来西亚特有种。这张用了佳能最新R7, RF600mm F4. 960mm !!鸟太大了。

202211, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 June 8

Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, Burung Kuang Cermin

update 2020 March 23

Good Morning …one of the Bukit Tinggi Mountain Peacock-Pheasant video record .. before the feeding station setup ..
We Ahli​ @ rotating sit inside the hide try to get better view and picture, video for this endemic .
and since here, it change me or let me know different Bird Photographer & watcher …

it is years back when this bird found first record with chick

update 2013 Sept 11

Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀野雞 family
Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀野雞

2. Great Argus, 大眼斑雉, 大眼斑雉, Argusianus argus, セイラン, KUANG-RAYA BIASA

– big, shy bird

update 202409

– another revisit of the dancing ground, the bird still there calling the mate .. sad no one see interest on him … this time with the CANON RF200-800mm. Trying to walk slight close to have closer shot .. can see some ticks on the face .. and remember my buddy say it is ugly bird ! what a beauty

– 再次去到这“跳舞场“,这家伙还没背选中。还在每天叫。这次带了佳能RF200-800。试试近距离用800mm 拍下近距离。我的朋友讲这家伙不好看。。。。。很美啊

202409, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202408

– we have ours main targets ticked, so we look for any other target … we walk real slow in the morning until the first spot and the bird not there .. continue walking and reach 2nd location … we just walk into the trail for nothing to hope but when we got close it calling loud and when we reach the bird seem shy .. than we decided to walk further … and wait .. not that long they bird sudden appear and displaying for us !!!! wow wow

– a post make us think, why me and my best buddy (i think he think the same now) always got something unexpected. It is boring to know the result while you going for … buddy hope everything is fine for you … I really miss ours time, you make me strong, you make me ignore gossip …

– 我们主要目标都拍到后。就尽量找找其他主要目标,这鸟几乎都是每个人的想看鸟之一。我们慢慢的走,到了第一个步道没听到什么声音。我们继续到另一个步道,也没听到什么。可是我们还是走进去,大概要到他的跳舞点时。突然听到他叫。我们接近时他很怕,跑了!。我们只有走去远点的地方,等了没很久。大概5-10分钟后,他突然就出来跳起舞来(母的在后面)。高兴时了。

– 这令我想起我的最好朋友,我们的初衷就是看+拍野鸟。拍不到没事,要享受。我真的想你了,想我们一起出去吃“白果”的时候。你的每一句,都把我变得坚强。。。最重要的我记得,我们不需要其他人怎么看我们,讲我们。。。。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



– one of the best moment 2024, it is a relax birding day after we had all 3 main targets of the Families DONE. When we arrive the dancing ground, the bird seem shy and walk to a side .. and we decided to move further to monitor the bird and get some pictures. Nothing to expect, all of sudden it start displaying (dancing) … Immediate got the “one of the best moment of 2024” .. (still like a dream

– 可能是2024我最好的一刻。在我们的特别鸟种团都达标3种主要鸟,几乎没什么压力。就来个没压力的观鸟。在我们到达这鸟的“跳舞点”,他怕!!!跑到一边,我们决定站远点。再来怕些照片。可是他突然跳起舞来,这么久来了个2024最美好的一刻。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202407

– the bird back to the same “dancing ground” and it is calling and waiting his mate … 3 trips there still good ..

– 这鸟又从回到上一年的“跳舞场地”,证明这里安全。他也一直叫,等,清理,慢慢的等他的老婆来。前3团都在。




update 202406

– this year seem got back to “Dancing ground” late, but both sites also meet this big bird. it is just too big to be frame into photo….

– again Danum Valley is a best place to see them and photograph them

– 今年好像迟了点到“跳舞点”可是好消息是,2个点都来了。接下来都应该拍到了。沙巴丹浓谷还是最容易看到它的地方。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– a big bird .. real big and shy if not found the “dancing ground” which always heard but not seen. But Danum Valley still one of best place to see it and photograph it .. one of few good view of this bird

– 很大的鸟,这么大还很害羞。几乎不可能看到如果没找到它“跳舞”吸引雌性的地方。丹浓谷是最容易见到这鸟的地方。这是其中一次在他的领域拍的。几乎不怕我们。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202309

– someone say this bird is ugly 🙁 … I really like this bird big and near (for 2023) it is so much easier in Danum Valley … lovely male and still looking for his lady

– 有人讲这鸟很难看,不会吧。可能是场景啦。2023在丹浓谷很容易拍到。很可怜的雄鸟一直在等他的老婆。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– a very lucky to have dancing ground, we monitor this bird clearing the dancing ground, calling with distance follow by slight close but the bird just ignore us. this bird will be at same spot for calling his mate. But we even heard it ~7-8pm after dark 🙁 .. hope it found it’s mate soon.

– photo taken with ~100mm and without hide.

– 非常幸运找到他跳舞的场地,我们在哪,从远到近的静静的看这鸟清理场地,叫的很大声。可是很奇怪,天黑了还在叫。希望他早点找到他的啊爱人。

– 只用了100mm 焦段。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202206

– a full view of this rare and shy bird, shot with 150mm (225mm 35mm equivalent) non crop

– 非常幸运的遇上这害羞与稀有的鸟。这摄于150mm (225mm 全副35mm)没裁

202205, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202205

– another lucky day, where we missed it at first spot and manage to found the 2nd after a 2-3km walking in the forest and with >4 leeches full bite

– 非常幸运的一天,在原本通常出现地方找他没找到。当我们继续跟它的声音,在2-3公里外找到。可是被蚂蝗咬到满身

202205, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 May 5

Great Argus, 大眼斑雉, Argusianus argus, セイラン, Burung Kuang






– very big bird with very long tailed

update 202011

update 2014 May 7

– let’s dance 😀

Great Argus, 大眼斑雉


Great Argus, 大眼斑雉
Great Argus 大眼斑雉

3. Crested Fireback, 凤冠火背鹇, 鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita,  コシアカキジ, PEGAR TATERA

– peninsular Malaysia , Lophura ignita rufa

– travel in group , big size and not very shy to human

update 202405

– 3 male and 5 female having morning walk.. lucky moment for us to see 8 birds in the first morning.

– a big bird that wont be miss out Blue with white tail for male and rufous for female. moving in group

– 3竟然一早遇上 3公5母在路中间。幸运啊。

– 见到的话,不会错的。公鸟-蓝,白尾。母-棕色。

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia



update 2017 Feb 2


crested fireback 凤冠火背鹇


4. Bornean Crested Fireback, 凤冠火背鹇, 鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita, コシアカキジ, PEGAR PERUT COKLAT

(Borneo endemic Subspecies), Lophura ignita ignita/nobilis

– the male Borneo race has rufous tail instead white . L. i. nobilis


– last morning at Danum, walk little slower as waiting more light to go into trail for more species but this bird just come out from bush and walk infront of us and Spread your wings

– 在丹浓谷,最后一个早上。大家都走的慢慢的,主要目标都拿下。就要到森林不到找找什么稀有的。这鸟我们在进来时见到,也拍到。可是这一次就在我们前面的走+展翅。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202307

As customer want different experience than birding . We had very late evening jungle trail walk . This bird just slow walk on the trail while we were there .. but it is too dark and this was captured with ISO16000

– still a big and beautiful bird to be seen and photograph

– 客人,讲要走走看不一样的路。我们在下午决定走走森林步道。这鸟是不怕我们,慢慢走向我们。可是天色已暗,我已要用ISO16000 .可是还是很美的鸟

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 May 12

Crested Fireback,鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita, コシアカキジ, Ayam Pegar

update 2017 Sept 8


5. Malayan Peacock-Pheasant, 凤冠孔雀雉, 鳳冠孔雀雉, Polyplectron malacense ,マレーエボシコクジャク,  KUANG-CERMIN MELAYU

– very shy pheasant

update 202310

– moving my backup media, just working few worth edit pictures and clearing some unwanted pictures.

– this amazing “release” birds gave us amazing view of this shy bird

– 在搬我的储存照片。看到一些不错照片。好像这一只非常害羞的鸟,虽然时“放生”到国家公园。可是还是值得好好看看这害羞的鸟。

201709, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2020 Sept

Malayan Peacock-Pheasant, 凤冠孔雀雉,鳳冠孔雀雉, Polyplectron malacense,マレーエボシコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN MELAYU

update 2020 June 19

update 2017 Sept 25


6. Red Junglefowl, 原鸡, 原雞, Gallus gallus, セキショクヤケイ, AYAM-HUTAN BIASA

– common at the edge of the forest and some village near the forest

– many of this been hybrid with domestic chicken

Update 2014 Feb 8

red Junglefowl , 原雞, Gallus gallus

– found in jungle , shy to see people or car but easier to shoot from car

… let’s fight … red Junglefowl , 原雞 [Gallus gallus]


7. Bornean Peacock-Pheasant, 加里曼丹孔雀雉, 婆羅洲孔雀雉, Polyplectron schleiermacheri, ボルネオエボシコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN BORNEO

update 202404

– a very beautiful and shy Borneo Endemic, without the feeding spot.. my previous view of this bird at Kalimantan just a dark shadow moving around. Now, we finally can have very good view of this lovely bird

– 这是多么漂亮的婆罗洲特有种。其实没喂食点前,在印尼加里曼丹就看到一只鸟在跑。现在,有耐心的在喂食点等。就可以看这鸟拍的美美。





update 202306

– another wonderful wait for this “hide” for this special Borneo Endemic. with right lighting such a beauty

– 又一次到这鸟点,没等很久。这鸟尽然,走猫步。梳毛。让每个人都笑哈哈

update 202305

– a pre-tout visit a feeding spot for this Borneo rare endemic. It is a real beautiful gem of Borneo forest. Look at the back, it is open like a coral such a beautiful . (sorry for bad quality with crop as only 500mm use which require heavy crop)




update 202304

– another visit to the famous BPP site, many of friends waiting long or missed this bird. make us worry and decided to have 2 days try. today after breakfast heading to the “hide” and got in ~8am. surprise we only wait 2.5 hour which is a joke with friend day before we make appointment with the bird at 1030am !!! and it appear 10:32am. stand there and feed for quite long.

– and today a bit weird behavior which keep making calls

– 又到这个美丽的孔雀雉点。我们几个月以来,蛮多朋友都等很久或没看到这鸟。昨天,几位鸟友也等到4pm.鸟才出来一会。我们也很担心,可是今天他尽然在10:32am就出现了。(昨天我们还开玩笑,不怕。我们约了鸟10:30am).太幸运了。

– 今天也蛮特别的,很少会听到它一直叫的。叫了一个早上

202305, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202212

– finally completed another Borneo special task. But not really a good trip as almost everyday raining. Bird activity as expected still low. But this main target show well without long wait and come close.

– what a nature beauty. For me bird is far beautiful than human.

– 2022 最后一次婆罗洲特别鸟团。不是太理想,每天都很大雨。鸟况如预期,还是很不好。可是这主要的鸟还是没让我们失望。没太久来很近。

– 自然的美,与其他的美很不一样。给我选,鸟美大于人美。

202212, Telupid, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202207

– even not a lifer for me, but see it near and stay is a totally different feeling. This bird is so beautiful when lighting hit at the right position of the body.

– 虽然见过这鸟,可是近距离+停留(之前见到的都是在跑的),这鸟真的很漂亮。

202207, Sabah, Malaysia


8. Bulwer’s Pheasant, 鳞背鹇, 鱗背鷴, Lophura bulweri, オジロウチワキジ, PEGAR PIAL PANJANG

– a lovely and beautiful pheasant with beautiful white tail.

– 非常漂亮与害羞的鹇,走动时白色尾巴摇摆。非常漂亮

update 202405

– some good efforts from some good Birders (Photographer – KK Lee) over the years finally managed to create a good “spot” for this bird and some other good bird for Photography… I do not have many trip there but only for extension for some special tour .. but still quite enjoy the birds and environment there.

– a male with “white tail” , blue face, red leg which come for feeding food but it still shy with big movement and sound.

– 经过好几年的经营 KK Lee 把这个鸟点搞得有声有色。这个鸟点可是摄鸟的天堂,虽然我没到很多(几乎都带观鸟团)可是有些“加长版”还是有来这鸟。

– 公鸟,长白尾,蓝脸,红脚。几乎很少错过来这吃吃东西。可是还是害羞。

202404, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202310

– I didnt update any pictures for 2023, even I went to 2 feeding station for multiple times. This bird is amazing and I recommended look at yourself … the color and whole bird is un-real.

– 我尽然没放2023的照片,虽然我去了2个鸟点无数次。这鸟要自己去看,近距离的看。你会觉得,很美+假的一只鸟。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


202210, Sabah, Malaysia


– an adult female walk together with a juvi bird lovely 2 birds

– 幸运的拍到雌成鸟带着亚成鸟

202207, Sabah, Malaysia

– a very rare Borneo endemic and it is recently found outside from Borneo-Indonesia (Balikpapan) after such a long missing period it is recently confirm found 2016

– please to have chance to photograph this rare and beautiful bird

– 非常稀有的婆罗洲特有种。再2016 前,很多人还以为这鸟一在婆罗洲北部绝种。在一群森林研究工作人员拍到照片后终于肯定了,这鸟没在婆罗洲北部(马来西亚)绝种。


202207, Sabah, Malaysia





51. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau

– the male, very colorful, The back neck are metallic green-blue-yellow

– the comb, purple-red with center neon blue.

– the female is overall brown only

– 体长70厘米,体重454- 795克。两性异形,雄鸡羽毛的颜色主要是绿色和黑色,有一个带凹口的羽冠,几乎方形的羽毛。头顶部主要是淡蓝色,在顶峰部分变成紫红色。同时,羽毛的表面紫红色,两则蓝色。雌鸡总体呈棕色的色调,没有羽冠。

update 202105

– moving in a group of few hens and a single rooster.

– 群体活动。1公鸟,多只母鸟。

201402, West Bali National Park, Bali, Indonesia
201402, West Bali National Park, Bali, Indonesia
201402, West Bali National Park, Bali, Indonesia
52. Bronze-tailed Peacock-Pheasant, 铜尾孔雀雉, 銅尾孔雀雉, Polyplectron chalcurum, アオオビコクジャク

as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and look at the body feather pattern, this Peacock-Pheasant simply beautiful

update 202312

– as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and not easy to have a good view in the wild. This pair of Sumatra endemic, will show up at one of the feeding station but this male will chase any bird that come close make us only saw the main target Schneider’s Pitta (2 times before light, 1 time night)

– 雨其他孔雀稚一样, 漂亮,害羞。都不容易看到。在施氏八色鸫“喂食”点,有一双回来。很漂亮可是可惜他们在,都会赶其他鸟。所以我们一个早上都没看到其他鸟来。(他们出现后)

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia


53. Salvadori’s Pheasant, 黑尾鹇, 黑尾鷴, Lophura inornata, クロウチワキジ, Sempidan Sumatera

Chunky pheasant endemic to Sumatra’s highlands and foothills. Male is dark iridescent blue, while the female is warm brown with a dark tail. Both sexes have short tails, bright red patches of bare facial skin, and pale bills with a faint hook. Forages quietly on the forest floor, typically singly, sometimes in pairs. Generally fairly quiet; deep “bwoop” contact calls sometimes given, and males give a wing-whirring display that can be audible at close range. [Ebird]


update 202411

– One of the most striking pheasants, we missed the chance to photograph it last year. This year, however, the female appeared at a feeding spot around noon and lingered for a long time, showing no signs of leaving.

– 这是外形蛮美的雉类之一,去年我们错过了拍摄的机会。今年,雌鸟在中午时分出现在一个觅食点,并停留了很长时间,似乎一点都不想离开。

202411, Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia



101. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

Wild chickenlike bird. Male is burnt orange with dark streaks, cockerel-like glossy black tail, and a prominent red comb marked with yellow on the crown. Gray-brown female has white streaks and prominent barring on its wings. Terrestrial, found in pairs or small groups in forests of lowlands and highlands over much of Sri Lanka. Generally keeps to cover. Only confusion is with domestic chicken; note lack of white at tail base, and yellow marking on comb of males, and bars in wings of females in Sri Lanka Junglefowl. Song a harsh “chyok-cher-chow”. Also stuttering “kik-kik-kik-kik” notes. [Ebird]

– very beautiful and noisy bird and common almost any where too

– 非常漂亮,吵,蛮普通的鸡

update 202312

– a pretty common endemic bird, we didn’t really spend time looking for it just take picture whenever we meet it

– 非常普通的特有种鸟,我们也没特别找。看到就拍。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



151. Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ

Secretive, handsome endemic pheasant of Taiwan’s mountains. Male slaty blue from nape to flanks, with contrasting white upper back, brown mantle, and dark gray wings; female mostly rich brown with pale markings above. Both sexes have red facial skin, more extensive in male. Forages quietly in pairs in the forest understory, occasionally along forest edge on trails or roads. Both sexes give subtle clucking calls and a high-pitched squeaky alarm call. Male has white in tail and back, unlike Mikado Pheasant; female distinguished by richer plumage tones, broader tail, pale bill, reddish legs, and unmarked underparts. [Ebird]

– finish my Taiwan trip last 10days ago and now finish Sumatra, 2023 going to end… a busy year and another busy year coming… what’s everyone plan ?

– I had the same Pheasant 16years +- ago but I remember it was either 30/40d 100400 and misty, dark … so I don’t even remember I had keep the photo or not. But finally this time I got opportunity to see it for longer time, better weather … hope see it again future

– 台湾回来后, 再来了苏门答腊。也结束了。2023很忙,蛮忙的2024 也要到来了。大家都有什么打算?

– 我在16+-年前就拍过这鸟,可是当时相机(30/40D)加上雾+暗。照片有没有留下也是一个问号。今年终于再见到他,拍下不错照片。希望还有机会看这么漂亮的鸟

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


update 202312

– a casual trip to Taiwan, spend some of the time for birding and while going down from DaxueShan (大雪山), stop by ~17 years ago spot and update by local birder the bird can be found there but not very promising due to no feeding allow policy apply. But I am just walk up and down birding at the famous 23.5k got some birds and meet up Kuan-Chieh Hung (Taiwan Bird guide) with guests. After some chit chat session, one of the guesst say .. come come come .. which not really at casual location. 1 male and 3 female relaxing for more than 5 minutes

– female see very beautiful with so much body pattern

– 这次到台湾不是主要为鸟。可是还是利用有的时间,机会看看,拍拍鸟。在大雪山回程时,停在17年前(朋友带过我们到这,他也让我知道。这鸟还在,就不是很活跃因为台湾不允许喂食。所以鸟也不常来了)

在这遇上fb 朋友 (红冠),他可是台湾鸟导。与他在哪谈了一会,突然他的客人。叫我们“过来,过来。。“。过去看到这漂亮的特有种。1雄3雌在哪活动了好几分钟。

– 雌鸟很少很漂亮。这鸟很不一样,母鸟真的很美。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan




More pictures from Flickr: Phasianidae series: Pheasant | 雉科 | liewwk Nature

Malayan Peacock-Pheasant , 凤冠孔雀雉

More videos : Phasianidae series : Pheasant | 雉科 | liewwk Nature


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