Borneo Bird Photography Outing at Borneo Jungle Girl camp …

Invited by my friend to this Entomology camp which means it is rich with insects from morning butterfly and day insects with night fall moths and night creatures comes dancing with the lights. BORNEO JUNGLE GIRL Camp.

It is locate not that far from Kota Kinabalu , Sabah. But due to it is a forest reserve and the road is little bit tough so permit is require and 4 wheel drive is a must .

We arrive camp at ~12pm , lovely simple local lunch is prepare ready.

Than we begin our 2 evening and 2 morning birding Photography outing .. overall is not bad for evening we hear all 3 sub-montane Barbet any where Mountain Barbet, Bornean Barbet and Gold-Faced Barbet . Helmeted Horbill and Rhinoceros Hornbill also non stop calling but ar far distance …

White-crowned Shama , almost any where can find this special Sabah (Borneo) Endemic

Hill Blue Flycatcher  (male)

Hill Blue Flycatcher  (female)

3. Temminck’s sunbird, 特氏太阳鸟 (male)

Temminck’s sunbird, 特氏太阳鸟 (female)

4. Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎

not that difficult here , can easily found near camp site

5. Bornean banded pitta, 婆罗洲蓝尾八色鸫 (female)

one of main target .. not too bad

6. Barred Eagle Owl, 马来雕鸮

saw one day time but too shy to get picture but one in night

7. Brown Fulvetta, 褐雀鹛

so common here , in the morning almost any where

8. Rufous-fronted Babbler, 红额穗鹛

just another babbler that moving fast pretty common in Borneo

Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature – 16 [update 20240213]

9. Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler, 栗背钩嘴鹛

very active bird as usual, lucky to have it open in the morning .. and trying to share some video soon too

10. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, 栗胸地鹃

lovely Malkoha, as the malkoha behavior.. seldom like to come open.. this one come out for the moth trap …

11. Spotted Fantail, 珠点扇尾鹟

come real close for the moth

12. Verditer Flycatcher, 铜蓝鹟

lovely flycatcher

I am on rush again and too bus to get all files share .. full bird list for the outing can been seen here


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A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

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Rhipiduridae series: Fantail | 扇尾鹟科 | liewwk Nature 3-1 [update 20241216]

Malaysia has 3 species of this active moving bird

1. White-throated Fantail, 白喉扇尾鹟, 白喉扇尾鶲, Rhipidura albicollis, ノドジロオウギビタキ, MURAI-GILA GUNUNG BIASA

2. Malaysian Pied-Fantail, 斑扇尾鹟, 斑扇尾鶲, Rhipidura javanica, ムナオビオウギビタキ, MURAI-GILA BIASA

3. Spotted Fantail, 珠点扇尾鹟, 珠點扇尾鶲, Rhipidura perlata, シロボシオウギビタキ, MURAI-GILA BERBINTIK MELAYU


51. Supertramp Fantail, 阿拉弗拉扇尾鹟, 阿拉弗拉扇尾鹟, Rhipidura semicollaris


1. White-throated Fantail, 白喉扇尾鹟, 白喉扇尾鶲, Rhipidura albicollis, ノドジロオウギビタキ, MURAI-GILA GUNUNG BIASA

– active bird found montane

– normally also go with Bird wave

update 2014 Jun 25

White-throated fantail,白喉扇尾鹟


White-throated fantail,白喉扇尾鹟

2. Malaysian Pied-Fantail, 斑扇尾鹟, 斑扇尾鶲, Rhipidura javanica, ムナオビオウギビタキ, MURAI-GILA BIASA

– common lowland somewhere near water


3. Spotted Fantail, 珠点扇尾鹟, 珠點扇尾鶲, Rhipidura perlata, シロボシオウギビタキ, MURAI-GILA BERBINTIK MELAYU

– most beautiful and special among 3 Malaysia species

– strictly forest species


51. Supertramp Fantail, 阿拉弗拉扇尾鹟, 阿拉弗拉扇尾鹟, Rhipidura semicollaris

– very common in Sumba Island but very beautiful Fantail and as usual very active ..

update 202412

It is a fairly common species found in Bali, Sumba, and Lombok, but this beautiful fantail is truly captivating. We were searching for the Five-colored Munia, but this bird appeared just before we could get a good look at the munia.


202412, Lombok, Indonesia



update 202402

– another bird that we spent quite a lot of time to take photograph of it. Very active and beautiful …

– 在松巴岛一只蛮普通的鸟,可是也很活跃。我们用蛮多时间拍他。

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia

More pictures from Flickr: Rhipiduridae series: Fantail | 扇尾鹟科 | liewwk Nature

1002.1 Pied Fantail


More Videos: Rhipiduridae series: Fantail | 扇尾鹟科 | liewwk Nature



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