Birds of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang | 武急丁宜山, 彭亨 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20241128]

another collection for Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

1. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

2. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN

3. Ferruginous Partridge, 锈红林鹧鸪, 銹紅林鷓鴣, Caloperdix oculeus, アカチャシャコ, SERUK-RIMBA JINGGA

4. Helmeted Hornbill, 盔犀鸟, 盔犀鳥, Rhinoplax vigil, オナガサイチョウ, ENGGANG GADING

5. Whiskered Treeswift, 小须凤头雨燕, 小須鳳頭雨燕, Hemiprocne comata, コシラヒゲカンムリアマツバメ, Layang-Layang Berjambul Kecil

6. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

7. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG

8. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

9. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

10. Lesser Green Leafbird, 小绿叶鹎, 小綠葉鵯, Chloropsis cyanopogon, コノハドリ, BURUNG-DAUN KECIL

11. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR

12. Siberian blue robin, 蓝歌鸲, 藍歌鴝, Luscinia cyane, コルリ, MURAI-KECIL BIRU UTARA

13. Plain Sunbird, 纯色食蜜鸟, 純色食蜜鳥, Anthreptes simplex, オリーブコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP KELABU MELAYU



1. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

– very small parrot, male with a red neck, blue crown. Female overall green


update 202404

– the flower withered but the bird still coming … good view of this cute bird

– 花都开始谢了,可是话还是来。真的很美。

202404, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– as usual this tree still attract few birds, but today too bad just this hanging parrot available. This bird is so small and cute

– 这树几乎吸引蛮多鸟,可是今天就这一只小家伙。可是他很可爱+小。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


2. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN

update 202403

– while we looking for another “hornbill” this bird suddenly make a flying across .. lovely hornbill

– 当我们在找另一只犀鸟时,这鸟突然叫了+飞过。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


3. Ferruginous Partridge, 锈红林鹧鸪, 銹紅林鷓鴣, Caloperdix oculeus, アカチャシャコ, SERUK-RIMBA JINGGA

update 202409

– after long missing this bird at Bukit Tinggi, finally it is back to the common spot. Luckily to have it calling in front of us

– 这鸟几乎不见了,可是最近又出现了。这次很幸运,在我们面前叫不停。




update 202407

– from last first back, it become more brave willing to come open and slow walk. even with the bigger Pheasant arrive it still feed together. Sad it still looking for his mate, making his call bit weird and tired.

– one of the most beautiful partridge for Malaysia.

– 2-3月时,它突然出现可是非常害羞都在后面跑来跑去。可是最近,他勇敢起来。都出来吃,在比他大的孔雀稚在也无恐的。

– 应该时马来西亚最美丽的鹧鸪之一吧。不喂食,应该没什么可能拍到好照片吧。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– another bird that everyone still hope to see while looking for while visiting one of the feeding spot. But it is never easy to meet this bird … finally it is active last few weeks and I managed to see it for 3/4 trips there.

– 当我们到这个“喂食点”, 这鸟之前是多么的吸引鸟人。现在每个人到哪,非常希望在拍到他。。。可惜他是多么的神秘,几乎都没什么人看到它。上几个月,我尽然遇上3次(去了4次)。。当然是拍到。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


4. Helmeted Hornbill, 盔犀鸟, 盔犀鳥, Rhinoplax vigil, オナガサイチョウ, ENGGANG GADING

update 202411

– a big hornbill that cannot mistaken with long tail. Male with red-throat and longer tail, female with white-throat and shorter tail

– another lucky moment, where this bird flying across while we trying to looking for another hornbill. The CANON R1, Pre-capture make this picture where I know it is in the bush and half-press shutter to enable pre-focus .. when the bird fly out .. press the shutter and Bingo.

– 一只尾巴很长的鸟,在天上看到应该不会认错。雄鸟-红喉+长尾巴。雌鸟-白喉+短尾巴

– 又一次用佳能R1 预拍功能对着在哪树。。看不到鸟,可是知道在里面。半按,当鸟飞出来后。。。按下快门。这样就拍下咯

202411, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202407

– few days ago meet up a pair of this rare, big and beautiful honrbill. Today ours lucky day, where we only have 2 Honrbill target after lunch we got it within 30minutes with very good view .. lucky lucky

– 几天前才遇上一对这么大,稀有,漂亮的犀鸟。今天非常幸运,早上吧大鹪鹛拿下。中午其实就2只犀鸟,吃完午饭后。半个小时就幸运的拿下。非常幸运。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



– another amazing encounter for a boring day, it was raining in the morning so we missed ours birding morning… this is on the way to hotel and managed to have this pair bird flying across ours head.

– 又一个非常闷的早上,一大早就下雨。我们早上都没办法拍鸟。就决定去吃咖喱饭,在路上非常幸运拿下好几只好鸟包括这么一只每个人都想看的犀鸟。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202404

– another bird that always see it far, this is far far away and lucky because of far .. accident captured the female also in a frame (actually crop 50% after 800mm focal length)

– lovely sunset, heard the bird call loud not long we managed to saw it stand far up ..

– 夕阳来袭时,突然听到这鸟叫。很快的就看到他们站高高。

– 很多朋友都希望看到这鸟,可是还是可遇不可求。通常还是站远远,这一幕大概1-2公里?

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


5. Whiskered Treeswift, 小须凤头雨燕, 小須鳳頭雨燕, Hemiprocne comata, コシラヒゲカンムリアマツバメ, Layang-Layang Berjambul Kecil

update 202407

– arrive Bukit Tinggi noon time which is not much thing we can do, but trying to look for this lovely bird. Stop at first spot and found this bird stay not that high up. But there is a path to climb up to have eye level. Very soon I found it and spoke to small kid (Dev) without any delay he follow me climb up ~20-30m for this picture .. while we going down only he found out we actually climb up quite high 😀 good work boy

– 我们到达鸟点时已中午,其实没什么鸟。可是我们还是希望找些鸟来拍。第一个点就找到这么一只漂亮的鸟。可是它就如平常一样站的不是太高/矮,可是突然我见到一个小步道可以爬上去应该可以拍平视角。我一讲,客人(12岁)立刻跟随我爬上去。上去后就拍下这么一幕,当我们下去时,他就有点害怕(有点高)。小孩还是无惧很多东西。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


6. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

update 202407

– this location use to be one of the easiest place to see this bird, for last few years seem getting slight challenge. Lucky Dev have this real close and long for us

– 这个鸟点原本时拍这鸟的最好的点。可是近这几年,真的很看运气。这次印度小朋友有点运气,拍到很近的照片。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

7. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG

update 202407

– one of the bird I see and photograph most. Years back, we have so many tours just for the Malaysia endemic (Malaya) .. it come to feeding spot over the years and seldom miss

– 这应该是我看/拍最多的鸟之一。以前到现在,都是我们呢观鸟/摄鸟团主打鸟之一。在这个鸟点,鸟通常都会来找吃。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


8. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

update 202407

– one of the most beautiful and easy bird to be found and photograph, make me want to find this bird to show to young photographer, Dev. But this time we failed to found one at Fraser Hill but found this family of 3 birds at Bukit Tinggi.

– 来马来西亚的鸟人几乎都想拍到这么一只漂亮的鸟,不很难。我也希望找给我这次的小小客人(Dev)。可是在福隆港没找到,还好在武急丁宜山找到3只+还蛮乖的。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

9. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

update 202408

– a special tour make us wait for long here, main target got close but dont show .. but many good birds around.. Green Broadbill and this bird show well .. this little fellow never fail to amaze people such a small bird make loud druming sound.

– 特别目标团,让我们在这个点等很久。虽然目标只听没看到。可是还是蛮多其他鸟来。这鸟从来不会让人不惊喜,这么小还啄木很大声。

202408, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

10. Lesser Green Leafbird, 小绿叶鹎, 小綠葉鵯, Chloropsis cyanopogon, コノハドリ, BURUNG-DAUN KECIL

update 202409

– while migrating my data to bigger hardisc, process some pictures … this is one of good looking “green” bird when look it low it is simply beautiful

– 在搬我的照片到另一个储存硬碟。处理一些我喜欢的照片,这一张是我夜蛮喜欢。好几只鸟都下来很低,近距离看。这鸟好漂亮啊。

202402, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


11. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR

update 202410

– a bird that with “longer tail proportion”, or easier refer to the Nostril …

– not a easy bird to have it open, and this bird flew in and stand real close which my lens on 800mm. not really able to zoom out …

– 与其他几种地鹃很相似。可是,尾巴几乎长。。看他的鼻孔。。。可以分辨。

– 通常地鹃不容易拍好,今天有点运气。这鸟突然飞到我们前面,我的镜头是800mm. 来不及换啊。。。拍个大头照吧。

202410, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

12. Siberian blue robin, 蓝歌鸲, 藍歌鴝, Luscinia cyane, コルリ, MURAI-KECIL BIRU UTARA


– a tiny winter migration bird here, male with blue (breeding plumage) body and tail … sometime got confuse with female when non breeding plumage

– so fast, it is back again with beautiful plumage ..

– 马来西亚候鸟,不很稀有。雄鸟身,尾都是蓝的。可是非繁殖羽时,身上可能完全美蓝色。所以有时蛮难分辨雄或雌。

– 这么快又要一年了,它又回来动一个点。

202410, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

13. Plain Sunbird, 纯色食蜜鸟, 純色食蜜鳥, Anthreptes simplex, オリーブコバシタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP KELABU MELAYU

update 202411

This is a common bird found in Malaysia’s lowland forests, but it is often overlooked because both the male and female have relatively plain appearances, except for the male’s distinctive blue or dark forehead.

During our chit-chat session, my buddy suddenly spotted something flying in. He was thrilled to notice it before anyone else—such is the joy of birding: the excitement of discovering it yourself!

– 这是马来西亚低地森林中常见的一种鸟,但经常被忽略,因为雄鸟和雌鸟整体外观都较为普通,只有雄鸟有显眼的蓝色或深色额头。


202411, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia




Panasonic G9 + CANON EF500mm F4 + Viltrox EF-M2II : TEST1

I am Canon user for long, and recently I have my Panasonic setup slowly build up. I like my L lens and my G9 ….

one day, someone told me . I actually can use all my L lens on my M4/3 G9 . Due to busy work schedule, I dont have time to look into it until last week. I finally have time purchase one online and test it last 2 days … I did very quick test more testing would like to do

1. AF accuracy

2. AF performance

3. can both Len and Body Image Stabilizer work together as Panasonic Len ?

if all above work well, than I would prefer to use my G9 on my Canon EF500mm F4 IS2 ….

1. pre-burst mode for G9

2. Dual IS – IBIS and Len IS

3. internal 4k , 30fps 10bit log (and future I can get GH5 for more)

4. 180fps slow motion


so TEST1 – AF performance

I try both 500mm (outdoor), 1635F4IS (indoor)

BOTH give me very fast AF .. and very accurate (no fine tune done on my adapter). the new eye AF work fine with human , but not really work on big bird (buffy Fish Owl) and small bird .

TEST1 (click the picture for actual size view)

– Adjust contrast, Saturation, noise reduction

update 2020 May

Panasonic G9+Canon 500mm F4IS2

ISO500, F3.5, 1/250

Siberian blue robin, 藍歌鴝,Luscinia cyane, 蓝歌鸲,コルリ, Murai Biru Siberia


A. Panasonic G9+Canon 500mm F4IS2
ISO640, F4, 1/125

B. Panasonic G9+Canon 500mm F4IS2
ISO640, F5, 1/160

High Resolution Mode









Muscicapidae series: Robin | 鹟科: 鸲 | liewwk Nature – 3-1 [update 20241011]

trying to share all Malaysia Robin collection

1. White-tailed Robin, 白尾地鸲, 白尾地鴝, Myiomela leucura, コンヒタキ, MURAI-GUNUNG BIASA

2. Siberian blue robin, 蓝歌鸲, 藍歌鴝, Luscinia cyane, コルリ, MURAI-KECIL BIRU UTARA

3. Rufous-headed Robin, 棕頭歌鴝, Larvivora ruficeps, ズアカコマドリ, MURAI-KECIL UBUN MERAH


51. Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ


1. White-tailed Robin, 白尾地鸲, 白尾地鴝, Myiomela leucura, コンヒタキ, MURAI-GUNUNG BIASA

– montane bird which normally near water

– male overall dark blue with a white mark on tail, female overall brown

– 高山鸟通常都在有水的地方。

– 公鸟蓝,母棕。尾巴黑带2条白

update 202106


update 2014 Nov 24

white-tailed robin, 白尾蓝地鸲 (male)


2. Siberian blue robin, 蓝歌鸲, 藍歌鴝, Luscinia cyane, コルリ, MURAI-KECIL BIRU UTARA

– small winter visitor (North). always shaking tail when moving

– male top part overall blue and bottom white, female overall brown

– 非常普通候鸟。共鸟上部蓝,下半部白。母鸟棕


– a tiny winter migration bird here, male with blue (breeding plumage) body and tail … sometime got confuse with female when non breeding plumage

– so fast, it is back again with beautiful plumage ..

– 马来西亚候鸟,不很稀有。雄鸟身,尾都是蓝的。可是非繁殖羽时,身上可能完全美蓝色。所以有时蛮难分辨雄或雌。

– 这么快又要一年了,它又回来动一个点。

202410, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202402

– the bird begin the change, and hope see you again .. lovely tiny bird that normally come to any feeding station

– 看来他是准备回家,开始换羽毛。希望安全回家。这小可爱通常都会来喂食点。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


Siberian blue robin, 藍歌鴝,Luscinia cyane, 蓝歌鸲,コルリ, Murai Biru Siberia



3. Rufous-headed Robin, 棕頭歌鴝, Larvivora ruficeps, ズアカコマドリ, MURAI-KECIL UBUN MERAH

– a rare winter visitor

– 非常心有候鸟。

Rufous-headed Robin, 棕頭歌鴝, Larvivora ruficeps, ズアカコマドリ, MURAI-KECIL UBUN MERAH
51. Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ

typical Robin alike, with fiery orange shoulder and collar, white-browed, pretty common at Daxueshan, saw few birds and tame


update 20231218

– while I am spending time to look for the Pheasant, this bird keep entertain me.. even at ours’ accommodation area, 1 pair seem very tame and flying around

– 在等帝稚的2-3小时,这鸟很乖地陪我。在我们在大雪山住宿点附近也有一对蛮乖的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan





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More Videos : Vireonidae series: Erpornis | 绿鹃科: 凤鹛 | liewwk Nature




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