a family normally hope on , colourful and making call
1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA
2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA
3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA
4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK
5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO
6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK
51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ
1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA
– difficult bird to get open, noisy bird
– found this ~700mm from sea level
update 202307
– a very lucky morning with this shy and active bird stay so low and long for everyone good view and picture session
– 非常幸运的一个早上。这么活跃与害羞的鸟,尽然站了这么低这么久让我们看+拍够。

update 202305
– while we walking for general birding after long wait for the partridge. All of sudden this bird calling from far, we toward the direction and this bird just stand ~10feet from us .. what a lucky day after Malayan Whistling-Thrush, Bamboo Woodpecker, Malayan Hawk-Cuckoo, Mountain Scops Owl and many good birds today.
– 等了一个小时的鹧鸪。终于可以普通看鸟。非常幸运,除了这鸟外。也拿下黄嘴角鸮, 棕腹鹰鹃,竹啄木鸟 等好鸟

update 202105
– a location not official close for outsiders. this is the last visit before it was close down. (location near Genting Highland)
– as usual this active, canopy bird, and shy.
– 这个鸟点已关。这次是关前几天拍的。
– 这可是非常活跃,害羞,通常都站很高的鸟。

update 2020 Sept
update 2020 Aug

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA
update 202407
– one of the most common birds from Fraser Hill, lovely, beautiful too
– 福隆港最普通的一种鸟之一,几乎哪都看到。可是还是很美的小鸟。

– one of the most common laughingthrush , found at SUb-montane & Montane level
3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA
– Endemic of Peninsula Malaysia
– common at certain location
UPDATE 202404
– another bird that getting difficult to seen in Bukit Fraser, use to be pretty common but now missing from many previous spots
– 福隆港另一只越来越难见到的鸟。以前蛮多点都可以见到的。可是现在几乎都就几个点。

a simple test CANON RF100-300 F2.8
CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 field test at Rainforest – Malaysia [update 20240411]
update 202311
– still clearing 2023 pictures while waiting for next target birds tour. This bird seem getting not so common nowadays .. hope it will doing good
– 下一个目标鸟团还没开始,还在清理2023的照片。这特有种,越来越少。有点担心

4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK
– common montane in Borneo

Malaysia only found at Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak), found at Montane level .
5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO
a Borneo common endemic
6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK
– very active and noisy bird ..
– newly update it may not belong to the Laughingthrush family
– rare and shy montane Borneo endemic
update 202409
– one of my best moment of 2029, this bird stay close and one of best view of this bird
– 我的2029最好的一刻,这鸟站这个位置真的最好角度看这鸟。

– another main target of the short trip, it is close and fast .. all of us saw the bird .. but sad my buddies didn’t got the picture of it feeding on “fruit” (think my first time saw this bird eat fruit) …
– the bird moving fast and inside dark bush, 2 of the Z9 failed to got the bird in focus 🙁 lucky me with new R5markii , if bring mark 1 may be also dont have this best moment of this rare bird
– 与朋友的几天,主要目标之一。这鸟来的蛮近的。可是有入常态,动很快,在暗的地方动。朋友们Z9都没办法对上焦(在这站了好几秒大家都看到)。幸好佳能R5Mark ii 好好表现还是对上了几张。这鸟非常害羞,稀有。非常不容易拍照,还加上第一次看到它吃果子(通常吃昆虫).

update 202408
– before archive the folder, make another picture one of best moment of 2024. This bird stand here more than 3 minutes … making call.. looking at us ..such a handsome
– 在我删掉7月的图片前,还是分享多一张。2024最美好的一刻。这么英俊的鸟站那3-4分钟。好看啊。

update 202407
– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is not that rare just too active to have good view. But when lucky strike, me and David enjoy few minutes of best moment with this bird .. amazing bird to look at
– 我本身最喜爱马来西亚鸟之一。虽然不是特别稀有,可是就太活跃+通常站很高所以都不容易看的很好。 可是今天,我有朋友DAVID 竟然遇上这么3只在我们面前10-15尺占了蛮久。

update 20240108
– a bird always highly wanted by birder, active, canopy bird… a bird that always heard or brief view rather than good view
– 几乎全部鸟人(摄,观都一样)都非常希望看到,拍到这一只婆罗洲特有种。可是通都是高高在上,黑黑一只。

update 202103
– a very first close encounter with this noisy, beautiful, rare endemic
update 202306
– a very lucky morning which we meet 2 families and one of them come closer and willing to stay still for picture
– a Borneo endemic just too beautiful
– 非常幸运的最后一刻。尽然遇上2群。其中一群里的一只肯下来地点+停久一点。每个人都笑了。

update 2020 Aug

update 2020 April 3
one of the most difficult Borneo Endemic, rare, canopy and shy
51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ
– as other Laughingthrush moving in group, making noise, white-whiskered
update 202312
– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan
– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

More pictures from Flickr : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature
More Youtube video : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature
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